I'm crazy

Chapter 176 Update

Chapter 176 Update
Cheng Han nodded, he understood what Xia Yuan meant.

In fact, if he was Xia Yuan, he might not be very happy to let a young director who didn't have any works shoot the Supreme God's work on the website.

"Editor Xia, I understand your concerns, but we, Zhaohui, can guarantee that director Ke You's ability is definitely not a problem. In fact, director Ke You has always been a fan of the author of Abyss, and he admires the author of Abyss very much. He wants to make works by the author of Abyss. It's been a long time, when I was admitted to the school four years ago, I have been making preparations silently, please trust him."

Xia Yuan smiled very calmly. After all, they have the upper hand now: "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I certainly believe in the ability of your company and director Ke, but you also know that Abyss is the author of our Fengyue, and "Emperor" is the author of "The Emperor". For the well-known excellent works, it is necessary to be cautious."

Cheng Han nodded, he was easy to talk to, at other times he could press every step of the way, but now, when all the advantages of their company are not taken, and it seems unreasonable, he has to take a step back.

"I understand Editor-in-Chief Xia's concern very well. In this way, we are willing to give up another [-]%. What does Editor-in-Chief Xia think?"

Xia Yuan didn't expect Cheng Han to be so courageous and straightforward, she accepted it as soon as she saw a deal: "I believe in Zhaohui, if this is the case, then I hope Fengyue and Zhaohui can cooperate happily."

Xia Yuan stood up and stretched out his hand, Cheng Han also stretched out his hand to give Xia Yuan a friendly shake, and then said goodbye.

Of course she knew that Zhaohui would never be perfunctory in this project, and they also had their reasons for choosing this director Ke who had no reputation at all.

But they are a literary website that earns profits from the listing, not a charity. Since there are more benefits to be gained, of course they cannot let go.

EDIT: Well done, contracts and all that sort of thing.

As usual, after sitting in front of the computer for more than an hour and typing [-] characters, Lin Yuan chose to turn off the computer very normally.

Abyss: Hmm.

Edit: ^O^
what!Sese held her face and screamed silently, how cute is Abyss!

It's so cute to have a period after a word!

【Master, are you stuck again? 】

This has happened a lot since the master chose the profession of being a writer.

Kunlun Mirror is very used to it.

Lin Yuan's body was leaning against the door, the spring breeze was blowing the autumn water, and there was no expression on the pear blossom's face covered with snow.

Holding a cup of tea in his slender hand, he took a sip before responding to Kunlun Mirror's question: "No, I'm just too lazy to write."

In addition to the reason of Calvin, there is also her wish.

In fact, her wishes are often the main reason.

【Master, your "Emperor" is about to start filming, do you want to participate in the adaptation of the script? 】

Kunlun mirror is very curious. On the one hand, the master's laziness is soaked in the bones, and on the other hand, the master can't let her script be changed by magic.

"should be."

Although she really doesn't want to do it all, but it's still possible to grasp the general direction, that is, the ending of her cheating has to be done.

Lin Yuan frowned slightly, annoying!

In the virtual single star network room of Great Resentment No. [-], the resentments are discussing the rumors that have been faintly spread recently.

"@恨恨爱元远爱姐, is this true?"

"Sister Ai has something to do today, so she may not be in the group."

"What's wrong! Sister Ai is preparing for the exam recently, and she wasn't in the group, did something happen again? Is there another mental retardation in the dark? Let's go, let's kill him!"

Big Resentment No. [-] is a fan group of Abyss Books. Of course, it was formed by the fans themselves, and Lin Yuan has never joined.

The members in this group are fans who have been writing books with Abyss for almost five years now, and big fans who have spent a lot of money for Abyss.

But generally this kind of bigwigs don't speak often, and they may peek at the screen, but they rarely speak.

But when he speaks, he is extremely mighty and domineering!

Like the fan who just spoke above.

"Just finished the exam, what's the matter?"

"Sister Ai, you finally came out!"

"Welcome, dear sister."

"It's what Sister Ai said a few days ago."

"it is true."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Who will explain to me who is confused?"

"Okay, are you drinking water now?"


"The Emperor" is going to be adapted into a film and television drama!"


"Yes, the news will come out in a few days."

"I'll go! Why is it so sudden, this is simply a thunderbolt!"

"Actually, with Da Da's strength, status and popularity, there have been companies that have wanted copyright over the years, but Da Da didn't agree. I don't know why Da Da agreed this time."

"Sisters, brothers, I'm in a very complicated mood right now. On the one hand, I really don't want my white moonlight to be ruined, but on the other hand, I really want to see my white moonlight on the big screen."

"Same as above. I am also very uncomfortable. Although I think rationally that Da Da's works should be accepted by reliable company directors, I still inevitably resist nervously."

"I was thinking, if the adaptation is unreasonable, or even magical, who will blow up that company with me."




Zhaohui didn't make people wait too long, and immediately announced the news on the star network when he was ready. For a while, the news that this was comparable to an interstellar missile exploded in the entire third-star province.

Even now it has been reported that the third star province is rapidly spreading throughout the alliance.

"My white moonlight! Why is it like this all of a sudden?"

"On behalf of the Orcs, I suggest Zhaohui Film and Television, please take it seriously."

"On behalf of the Gugu clan, I suggest Zhaohui Film and Television, please take it seriously."

"On behalf of the Yi Clan, I suggest Zhaohui Film and Television, please take it seriously."


Ke You looked heavy and took a deep breath.

He is confident that he can do a good job, but he is still full of pressure in the face of "Emperor", a masterpiece with a huge layout, exquisite history, and the main and supporting characters are very full and three-dimensional, let alone seeing these comments on Starnet .

As a member of the grudge, he knew that what the grudges said was true.

The grievances were unwilling to blackmail Da Da, and their tone was very polite, but he dared to swear that if he messed up "Emperor", then the price would definitely be beyond his reach, and Zhaohui Film and Television could not afford it either.

"Yes, what are you doing?"

Ke Yu came in with a glass of milk and put it on the table, and gently stroked Ke You's head with his big hand.

Then I saw the comments on the virtual screen in front of Ke You.

"Don't worry, you have to believe that you can do it, and my brother also believes in you, as long as the movie comes out, everyone will know."

Ke Yu comforted his younger brother in a gentle voice, "Come on, don't read these anymore, all you need to do is do what you should do well, and drink this glass of milk first."

Ke You nodded obediently, his little curly brown hair curled up and down with his movements, it was very cute, and Ke Yu stretched out his "magic claws" again.

"Thank you bro, I see."


Ke Yu smiled, and left space for his younger brother to continue working hard.

(End of this chapter)

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