I'm crazy

Chapter 203 Duckweed

Chapter 203 Duckweed
Luan Yong threw down the meat and wine in his hands, and stood up with a swish of a knife. His brothers around him also threw away their things, picked up the swords and other weapons placed beside them and stood up, and These people who suddenly appeared confronted each other.

"Who are you?" Luan Yong stared at Lin Yuan who was the leader in white clothes, even though he was distracted by her appearance, he quickly realized it.

To be a gang leader and to gather such a group of people, Luan Yong naturally has some skills.

He knew at a glance that the handsome man in front of him was not simple, and he felt that the visitor was not kind.

Li Wu also stood closely beside Luan Yong. He is the brains of the gang. In other words, he has no fighting ability, and he really doesn't feel safe standing alone.

Lin Yuan ignored Luan Yong's clamor, and said calmly: "Leave my Huaiyang territory immediately, and I will spare your life."

Luan Yong laughed loudly when he heard this: "You Huaiyang land, I never knew that Huaiyang land belonged to a woman."

As he said that, his face changed, and he said harshly: "Now you kneel down and kowtow to your grandfather, I can still consider leaving your whole body."

The short daggers of the dark guards all came out of their sleeves, and their originally silent and indifferent momentum changed instantly, and they came straight towards Luan Yong.

Luan Yong's face turned pale, and he backed away hastily, avoiding this momentum. Li Wu who was behind him was also severely impacted by this momentum, a mouthful of blood gushed out of his throat and was swallowed by him again.

Lin Yuan raised his hand to signal, and the hidden guards became quiet again, "I just like you small sects, you are very good."

The big sects all looked like they were walking on thin ice when they saw her, and it would be boring to see her too much.

On the contrary, it is these small sects who don't know anything, and are a bit "naive" who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!

Often seeing these people can arouse her interest a little bit, which is also their value.

"Kill!" With a light flick of his fingertips, the hidden guards behind him moved forward like shooting stars.

The short dagger is out of the sleeve, and the throat is sealed with blood.

One blow was fatal, and the killing of the dark guards was as beautiful as their masters, without spilling a drop of blood. The whole scene was like a silent pantomime, with the beauty of darkness throughout.

Lin Yuan took a few steps back, glanced lightly, then turned and walked to the tree not far away. Originally, she wanted to exercise her muscles and bones, but after seeing these ants, she didn't have the qualifications or interest to make a move at all.

The autumnal equinox blows, the leaves rustle, the wind in autumn is not gentle, but after Linyuan came over, the wind became softer, swirling, blowing on Linyuan's body, reluctant to leave.

The leader of the dark guard who was making the killing quietly turned his head to glance at his master who was resting under the tree, and winked at the others.

The rest of the hidden guards nodded slightly, and they all speeded up the killing in unison. Dozens of people were killed in less than a moment.

Only Luan Yong was left with something stuffed in his mouth.

Dressed in black, holding a short dagger, the hidden guards without a trace of blood walked towards Luan Yong, like the messengers from the abyss hell came to demand the life of the disobedient.

Luan Yong's legs trembled, but after a while, the smell of urine came out.

The hidden guards frowned, leaving one or two to stay by the master's side, while the others carried Luan Yong and moved away from the place where the master was.

The hidden guard who was carrying Luan Yong threw Luan Yong away in disgust, and the leader of the hidden guard said in a low voice and indifferently: "Okay, master will feel uncomfortable sleeping under the tree, so hurry back after you die."

Luan Yong opened his eyes wide and watched in horror as several hidden guards took out their weapons and walked towards him.


"Master." A deep voice came into his ears, and Lin Yuan, who was half asleep and half awake, opened his black eyes.

Looking closely at this pair of dark guards who seem to have exhausted all the elegance of the world, they suffocated and lowered their heads hastily.

"It's over?" Qingling's voice revealed a trace of tiredness.

The dark guard said respectfully: "Yes."

If it wasn't for Luan Yong who wanted him to experience the feeling that life would be worse than death, it would have been faster.

The master is too lazy to care about those ants, but they can't tolerate those ants offending the master. The dark guards understand that the master is also clear about their behavior, and the master indulges them.

The dark guard thought the same thing, the Chaos Demon God didn't bother to care about these ants, but it didn't mean that she was indifferent to the offense of these ants.

If there were no hidden guards, I'm afraid she would directly wipe out these ants and annihilate them in the world.

But now there are hidden guards to do it for him, Lin Yuan doesn't even need to look at it, just hand it over to the dark guards.

Lin Yuan stood up without any fallen leaves on his body, "Let's go."



The knife gang was wiped out at the junction of Huaiyang and Meizhou. This news shocked the entire sect force that wanted to enter Huaiyang in the south of the Yangtze River.

Of course, the extinction of such a small gang cannot cause such a big shock. The reason for the shock of the forces who waited and watched the changes is the meaning revealed behind it, not the silencing of any knife gang.

The Dao Gang was originally a tool for these powerful forces to throw stones and ask for directions, and no one would care about their lives or deaths.

With this move of Pavilion Master Sansheng, he clearly told everyone that he wants to come to Huaiyang?Can.

As long as you have a life to come in.

Most of the forces who were investigating had given up on this plan. Although they might live a little bit harder in their own place, and although they were still envious of the prosperity of the south of the Yangtze River, they didn't dare to test whether they could enter Huaiyang alive.

It's better to suffer than lose your life.

Besides, my foundation is also in my own territory. If I rashly abandon my base camp and start from scratch, the result will not be much better.

So even if the current situation is chaotic and fighting is about to start, they should stay at their own place obediently and never provoke that demon god.

But there are some people who hold this idea, and some other forces don't think so.

They felt that the so-called Dao Gang was just composed of reckless bandits, if it wasn't for this time, it would be normal for the turtles from some valley whose name they had never even heard of to be silenced by Sansheng so easily.

But they are different, they are big forces, big sects, how could they end up in the same fate as the Dao Gang.

So, with this idea in mind, they flocked to Huaiyang one after another, hoping to get a share of this prosperous place.

But this time, Lin Yuan didn't go with the hidden guards anymore, she found that she couldn't move her muscles at all, and she didn't bother to move, just last time, the dark guards solved everything.

She just wants to sleep, and she feels that sleeping can also exercise her muscles and bones.

The killing of the hidden guards who did not follow the master was even more violent, with less beauty and more violence.

The master didn't come, and the guards went back in a hurry. Although blood was still stained on them, it was obvious that compared to the last time, both the movements and the strength were much stronger.

As a result, killings continued, so the forces that tried to enter Huaiyang were all killed by Sansheng!
No one dared to challenge Sansheng's authority, and no one ever thought of Huaiyang again!
 Can I ask for a monthly pass O_o
  Thank you yangjiujiu little angel, medicine little angel, and just think little angel for their votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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