I'm crazy

Chapter 214 Adorable Baby

Chapter 214 Adorable Baby
Shi Xing thought that this time it would be the same as in the past, after he sternly refused, Tuanzi would not persist.

But he underestimated the persistence of Tuanzi this time. This time, Tuanzi's determination to play has become so determined that he has used various methods.

Even the tears that only swirled in the eyes in the past really flowed down the tender face this time.

Shi Xing panicked immediately, he was at a loss, and wanted to wipe away tears for Tuanzi, but Tuanzi refused to cooperate and turned his back to him.

Shi Xing didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable, and wanted to tell Xiaotuanzi to stop crying immediately, and wanted to say yes to her request, but thinking of her safety, he still gritted his teeth and didn't speak.


In the end he gave in.

"Brother, my daughter loves you!"

Shi Xing hugged the dumpling, and Lin Yuan hugged Shi Xing's neck with his soft and warm hands, and leaned close to his face, and kissed the white face with a slightly sharp curvature with his rosy mouth.

Shi Xing's body froze, his ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, he lightly shook the dumpling in his arms, and said expressionlessly, "Don't make trouble."

If one ignores his reddened ears, then anyone who sees Shi Xing's cold face will think that he doesn't like this dumpling in his arms.

Lin Yuan was still holding a small cloth bag in her hand, so that she could bring things back smoothly after her plan was realized.

"I'll be back after playing for a while." Shi Xing said seriously to the dumpling in his arms.

He knew that the dumpling in his arms was actually very smart, she understood everything they said, and had never perfunctory anything about the dumpling.

This is also the reason why Lin Yuan is satisfied with this golden thigh. After all, she is so serious about her milk dumpling, which is really good.

Lin Yuan obediently nodded to indicate that she knew, she would be obedient.

Only then did Shi Xing take Tuanzi with a little satisfaction and walked towards the mountain not far away.

As soon as they went out of their home, there was a mountain, and it was a mountain with a very beautiful view, full of various trees, not the kind of mountain that was reclaimed for farming.

These days Feng Yan also took them to pick mushrooms and fruits, and Shi Xing's super strong memory has memorized all the routes.

Take the dumpling to the safest road.

When going up the mountain, I put the dumpling down. After all, he is still young, and he can hold the dumpling normally, but it is a bit difficult to go up the mountain.

He secretly thought that he must eat more and exercise well.

The scenery on the mountain is beautiful and beautiful, with all kinds of trees spread out layer by layer. It is midsummer, and thousands of flowers are in full bloom. It is a natural beauty that people can't take their eyes off.

Shi Xing didn't go deep with the dumpling. After walking for a while, he came to a beech tree. Shi Xing took out the water and food in the cloth bag, as well as a small cushion.

They found a smooth stone, put a cushion on it for the dumpling to sit on, and the two began to eat and drink.

Already on the mountain, no matter how unreasonable it is, Lin Yuan started to carry out her plan.

She ate a few mouthfuls, and then the surprised and curious Ruan Nuo Tong rang out: "Brother, what is that?"

Shi Xing followed the line of sight of the dumpling, and saw the roots protruding from the ground not far away. Shi Xing had never seen ginseng before, so naturally he couldn't recognize what it was.

But Lin Yuan pretended to be curious and got off the temporary cushion made of stone, and walked over without waiting for Shi Xing to speak.

Seeing that the dumpling was gone, Shi Xing quickly put down his things and picked up the dumpling, "Brother will take you there."

The two walked to Genxu's side, Lin Yuan lowered his head and was about to stretch out his hand to grab it, Shi Xing quickly stopped the dumpling's movement, he didn't know what it was, so he tried not to touch it, but the dumpling was very excited, she picked it up casually The branch beside him poked it and said, "Brother, it's fun, let's take it back, shall we?"

Naturally, Shi Xing would not reject the dumpling for this kind of thing. Shi Xing found a few relatively sharp stones. He thought that this thing was buried deep and might take a long time to dig, but he didn't expect to dig it out with almost no effort. .

Shi Xing wrapped the cloth bag with his hands and put the dug out things with soil into the bag.

So far, Lin Yuan's goal has been achieved.

The two children stayed on the mountain for a while, and Lin Yuan was about to go back.

So when Feng Yan came back, she saw what Shi Xing had fallen on the ground at a glance.

She didn't see it clearly at first, but when she walked in and saw something, her heart skipped a beat.

"Ninny, what's going on?"

Feng Yan quickly picked up the ginseng and put it on the table.

Lin Yuan raised her head innocently and told Feng Yan that she went up the mountain with Shi Xing today and dug this thing.

Feng Yan didn't have time to be happy for the ginseng when she heard this, and immediately said in a hurry: "Go up the mountain, niece, why did you go up the mountain, is there anything wrong, is there any injury? Let grandma take a look."

After checking that her baby girl was fine, Feng Yan's face was pulled down. It was rare for her to get angry with Shi Xing who was standing by: "How can you take your baby girl up the mountain? What if something happens?"

When she thought that her daughter went up the mountain with Shi Xing, a ten-year-old child, when she didn't know, and might encounter danger, she felt a pain in her heart and was a little out of breath.

Shi Xing stood silently, without any excuse, in fact, he only realized the danger after he brought the dumpling back.

He is only ten years old, and Tuanzi is three years old. Although he has walked the road on the mountain, accidents cannot be completely avoided.

What if he didn't like Tuanzi and hurt Tuanzi?
Shi Xing clenched his fists tightly, and pressed his lips so hard that they turned white, forming a silent arc.

He gradually seemed to realize that he was still too weak to protect Xiaotuanzi.

Lin Yuan hugged Feng Yan obediently, and said softly to her: "Nanny, I asked my brother to take me there, it's none of my business, don't blame my brother, don't blame my brother."

The soft and waxy child's voice acted like a baby, with a hint of tremor in her voice, Feng Yan immediately restrained her emotions, and secretly scolded herself for getting angry in front of her niece, she carried her into the room and coaxed her to sleep .

After coming out, she directly said to Shi Xing in a cold voice, "Nanny will sleep with me tonight."

As soon as these words came out, Shi Xing, who was originally expressionless, immediately raised his head and looked at Feng Yan, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

But Feng Yan ignored him, Shi Xing knew that Nai Nai was angry now, let alone anger Nai Nai, it was only for one night, he told himself, it was only for one night.

Although Feng Yan was angry that Shi Xing had taken her daughter to the mountain and put her daughter in danger, she understood when she calmed down.

Even she couldn't refuse her sweet little girl's request, this kid has done a good job.

On the one hand, she got angry because she was really angry, and on the other hand, she took this opportunity to let Shi Xing realize that he must be more careful with his good daughter, and he is not yet capable of protecting her.

She hoped to take this opportunity to let Shi Xing grow up.

Lin Yuan in the room opened his eyes after Feng Yan went out, "Kunlun, how is it?"

Kunlun Mirror immediately broadcasted in real time: [Master, Feng Yan told Shi Xing that you want to sleep with her tonight, but Shi Xing was very reluctant, but still didn't say anything. As for the ginseng plant, Feng Yan took good care of it. 】

Lin Yuan yawned, the child's body is prone to sleepiness, let alone she climbed a mountain today, "Yeah."

The money matter is settled, and then she will be responsible for eating, drinking and being cute along the way.

 what!Thank you little angel Jiujiu for the monthly pass and recommendation ticket O(∩_∩)O hehe????
(End of this chapter)

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