I'm crazy

Chapter 218 Adorable Baby

Chapter 218 Adorable Baby
"Wow!" Lin Yuan exclaimed, "Grandma, is this our house?"

Feng Yan took out the key to open the door, and smiled at her cute and obedient daughter: "Yes, does grandma's daughter like it?"


This is the truth. The house Feng Yan bought is very good. Although it is not very big, it is not crowded, and the layout and space are reasonable.

With two short legs, Linyuan began to visit her new home with great interest, which will be her home for the next ten years.

No, it will take less than ten years.

The new house has a total of three bedrooms and one living room. Everyone has their own room, as well as a kitchen and bathroom, but there is no study room.

But there can be a small study in the room, which is not a problem at all.

What satisfied Lin Yuan the most was that the environment around the house was very good, full of greenery and good air.

After all, it cost a lot of money.

It seems that when Feng Yan first chose the house, most of them followed her hobbies.

Huh~ The little short legs looked soft and fell asleep on the comfortable bed, but she still likes to sleep with the golden thighs.

It can cultivate brotherhood and is comfortable, so let her room be put aside for the time being!

Happy to decide.

Outside the room, Feng Yan was packing things, Shi Xing was helping, and after cleaning, she had to clean the house.

Feng Yan was fiddling with her little girl's little clothes, and said to Shi Xing, who was making sofa covers beside her, "I found you two elementary schools, one needs accommodation but has strong teachers, and the other is nearby, but the overall strength of the school is poor." There is no other good, I think you..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Xing interrupted him. Shi Xing stared at Feng Yan with his dark eyes, and said seriously, "Grandma, I'm going to the nearest school."

Feng Yan frowned: "I think the other school is good. A good environment has a great influence on people."

Shi Xing didn't speak, and only after Feng Yan finished speaking did he repeat: "Grandma, I will study hard. I have almost learned the knowledge of elementary school, and it's the same in every school..."

He didn't say the unfinished words. If he wanted to go to a school far away, he would only see Tuanzi once a week, which he absolutely couldn't bear.

Besides, the dumpling is still young, as soft as a candy, what should I do if I am bullied?
At least for now, Shi Xing is worried about leaving Tuanzi.

"That's good, Nannan's kindergarten is nearby, and it's good for you to study nearby."

Feng Yan was really thinking about Shi Xing, the teachers in the far away school were really good, and Shi Xing would be fine if he wanted to go.

However, the nearby school is not much different. If Shi Xing wants to stay, then Feng Yan will not stop him.

After all, she has seen Shi Xing taking care of her good daughter these days, even if she is very sour, she has to admit that this brat has done better than her in some areas.

She can rest assured that the brat is with her, after all, she still has to open a shop, and it is inevitable that her good daughter will be negligent.

It took almost a few hours to clean everything up. Feng Yan prepared a sumptuous dinner today for the joy of housewarming. Seeing so many delicacies, Lin Yuan's mood suddenly rose a lot.

The people around her in many planes are very good at cooking, so good that even a picky person like her likes them very much.

This is really something to be happy about.

"Brother, I want to sleep with you!"

After dinner and homework, Shi Xing was about to rest when he saw Nai Tuanzi coming to him in light blue whale pajamas.

Shi Xing couldn't ignore the joy and satisfaction that suddenly rose in his heart.

"Don't you have your own room?" Shi Xing asked as he got out of bed and picked up the dumpling.

Kunlun Mirror: [... Are these golden thighs still sullen? 】

Doesn't the meaning of asking this mean that you want the master to say a few sweet and soft words to act like a baby?

These humans are just too cunning.

Bai Nennen's hands embraced Shi Xing's neck, and Lin Yuan smiled, satisfying Shi Xing's secret wish: "I like to sleep with my brother, my brother smells good!"

Shi Xing patted the small head of the dumpling in his arms lightly, the corners of his thin mouth slightly raised, and the originally sharp outline suddenly softened.

In front of Tuanzi, Shi Xing's cold demeanor could never be maintained, and he warmed up involuntarily.

Shi Xing put the dumpling full of coquettish skills on the bed, covered the quilt, and said softly, "Want to hear a story tonight?"

Under the shroud of night, a soft voice that cannot be concealed rang in the ear, and time seemed to be stopped at this second.

Lin Yuan nodded, "Listen!"

I am used to falling asleep with Shi Xing's voice when I sleep with him.

Lin Yuan nodded without thinking.

The boy's pleasant voice whispered about the little prince in his ear, and Lin Yuan slowly fell asleep.


There are only a few days left before the end of the summer vacation, and Feng Yan's store is almost ready, planning to open when school starts.

So now the three of them have nothing important to do, Shi Xing is sitting on the sofa reading a book, Lin Yuan is lying in Shi Xing's arms watching TV, and Feng Yan on the other side of the sofa is knitting wool and watching TV from time to time.

There is no way, she is still a child now, no matter how much Feng Yan spoils her, she will not buy her a mobile phone, she cannot read novels or play games, and can only watch TV to pass the time.

Fortunately, not all TV shows are so mentally retarded, or else they would be bored to death.

"The people here are a bit powerful! Brother, look!"

Shi Xing followed Tuanzi's fingers and saw a boy about his age playing the piano on TV. He glanced at Tuanzi calmly.

Sure enough, Tuanzi was staring straight at the TV without turning his big round eyes.

Shi Xing pursed his thin lips and said nothing, the book in his hand was pinched into an arc.

It was also from that day that Lin Yuan suddenly discovered that Shi Xing's hobbies had broadened, as if he liked many things, such as piano, calligraphy and other arts.

Not to mention the various sports that are always going on.

It was also after an unknown period of time, when the two chatted, Lin Yuan realized that the reason why Jin Daji was studying all kinds of things so seriously was because of what she said casually that day and the way she was fascinated by watching TV.

For sister-control Shi Xing, it was an unforgivable mistake for her own group to think that other boys were amazing.

This jealousy is big.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but smile wryly, the ghost knows that of course she just said it so casually that she couldn't even say it casually, she didn't even know what was on TV.

Because she was in a daze at the time.

But now Shi Xing obviously doesn't know, he only knows that Tuanzi said that other people are amazing.

This casual sentence undoubtedly hit a string in Shi Xing's heart, and the breath around him instantly cooled down.

Lin Yuan asked curiously, "What's wrong, brother?"

Why did the temperature suddenly drop so much?
The soft and waxy child's voice brought the temperature back to normal, but the string that was poked would not return to calm in a short time.

 Thank you little lazy cat t little angel, I just want to vote for little angel O_o
(End of this chapter)

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