I'm crazy

Chapter 228 Adorable Baby

Chapter 228 Adorable Baby
The competition won the first prize, and Shi Xing achieved the first result among so many children in the country, which naturally made the teachers and leaders of the school very happy.

After all, this is also their school's grades, a proof of their excellent education.

Not to mention that it will be much more convenient to apply for various funds in the future, but it will not make the school leaders happy.

So it is reflected in Shi Xing that the various regulations in the school are much more relaxed for him.


The time in primary school and junior high school is very good, the most carefree days.

But that's not the case for Shi Xing.

The slender fingers slid across the black and white keys, like a butterfly, fluttering about its body, dancing in a charming and charming manner, which is extremely moving.

There was no expression on the young man's clean face, his sharp outline was like a dagger about to be unsheathed, it was sharp and striking, and his clear eyebrows seemed to be covered with frost that had been frozen for thousands of years, reflecting a mysterious light.

The piano keys moved slightly at his fingertips, tacitly coordinating with the master's movements, appearing extremely well-behaved.

Merged into beautiful and moving notes.

Ye Qi was gently rubbing other musical instruments not far away, and thanks to Shi Xing, the business of her piano shop has improved a lot. Some people who want to buy musical instruments but don't know how to choose are hearing this wonderful message After the music, I will come to her shop to have a look.

There are also some little girls who are not interested in drinking. Ye Qi glanced at the young man who was getting more and more attractive, and sighed silently. If she was ten years younger with this appearance, she would probably take the initiative to chase after her!

However, after realizing the young man's indifferent and desperate temperament, as well as the paranoid and hostile spirit that was concealed, it's not surprising that the little girls only dared to look at it.

"Why, are you going back?" The sound of the piano gradually stopped, looking at the young man carrying a schoolbag, Ye Qi asked in confusion.

Shi Xing nodded, and said lightly: "I probably won't come again in the future, thank you for your help in the past few years."

Ye Qi was surprised: "Why?"

"I'm going to high school soon." Shi Xing explained casually.

The high school is far away from home, so he probably won't come here to practice piano again in the future.

But he doesn’t live in the house, he has grades, he can apply to go home for evening self-study, and the tuanzi also went to elementary school, so he can pick up the tuanzi after school and go home with the tuanzi.

The most important thing is that he has almost practiced.

Maybe a different instrument.

Ye Qi was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Well, I thought something happened. Although I'm a bit reluctant, I still wish you good grades in the exam. If you want to come back in the future, you are always welcome."

Shi Xing said lightly: "Okay."

The slender figure of the young man disappeared into the piano shop.

Ye Qi suppressed the sense of loss in her heart, time is really the most powerful existence!

A few years ago, he was a child, and a few years later, the boy has grown into a teenager.

Still an attractive young man.

Ye Qi smiled, she didn't know which girl would finally impress this young man with clear eyes and cold heart.

Shi Xing was carrying a schoolbag on his back. He was not a delicate and fair-looking person, but a sharp and attractive person.

Temperament has become more fierce in the transformation of the past two years, like a sharp knife that has been drawn out of its sheath, showing its sharpness.

But now he is slowly restraining himself, he doesn't feel dangerous just by looking at it, and becomes more restrained.

Especially in front of specific people, just standing on the side can make people feel full of security.

In the classroom, it was almost 3 minutes before get out of class ended, all the children couldn't sit still, and the whispering voices gathered into a noisy noise because of too many people.

The teacher on the podium looked at the students who were already in a hurry, smiled helplessly, and glanced at his watch. Well, the principal will not bother him if the get out of class is over 3 minutes early.

"Students, remember to finish your homework when you go back!" After leaving a sentence, the teacher smiled and announced that get out of class was over.

The children who seemed to be sitting on needles under their buttocks were already cheering for joy, and wanted to run with their schoolbags. At this time, they only heard a sweet girl's unique voice: "All shoot well, don't crowd."

In an instant, the children who were too skinny became obedient, and lined up obediently according to the formation.

Lin Yuan stretched, picked up his schoolbag and prepared to go out, Shi Xing should be waiting for him outside the school.

He promised to take her to eat delicious food, Lin Yuan was looking forward to it.

Golden thighs are worthy of being golden thighs. Once again, I admire my vision. Every time I find something that suits her appetite, she likes to eat it very much.

"elder brother."

The eight-year-old Tuanzi is still a Tuanzi in both Feng Yan's and Shi Xing's eyes.

It's just that the body has grown a bit, and the three-headed body has become a four-headed body. There is still baby fat on the white and tender face, which is extremely cute. Those black and white eyes gradually become deep and mysterious with age, but Don't feel weird.

As time goes by, Linyuan's position in Shi Xing's heart has not diminished by half, but has become more important, more important than life and faith.

In other words, the dumpling is everything to him.

Shi Xing hugged the dumpling that threw himself into his arms, and picked her up easily. He has never stopped exercising in the past few years, and even learned various martial arts such as Sanda, boxing, and taekwondo. It is naturally extremely easy to hug his dumpling .

The other groups around looked at Lin Yuan enviously.

They also want a brother like Xiao Yuanyuan!

I will not snatch their snacks and pocket money, and I will not let them take the blame in front of my parents for doing something wrong.

The most important thing is not to bully them.

Xiao Yuanyuan's elder brother is really nice, and they like it very much, but they still like Xiao Yuanyuan the most, and they won't compete with Xiao Yuanyuan for his elder brother.

"Brother, where are you going to take me to eat delicious food?"

Lin Yuan nestled in Shi Xing's arms, and found a comfortable position very skillfully. As long as Shi Xing was around, she seldom walked by herself.

On the one hand, she is lazy, and she knows it. Although Shi Xing doesn't say it, he likes to hug her in his heart. On the other hand, she is still young, and she can only hug her in the past few years. A little older would naturally not allow Shi Xing to hug him again.

Shi Xing took the schoolbag from Tuanzi's back, the sharp outline was soft, the frost between the brows melted instantly, and he said softly: "You will know when you arrive."

Lin Yuan smiled: "I know, brother wants to surprise me, right?"

"Yes." A deep and magnetic voice rang in his ears.

Lin Yuan is in a very good mood, under the love of Feng Yan and Shi Xing for the past few years, Lin Yuan can be said to have lived incomparably comfortably.

In addition, she almost grew up with Shi Xing, Shi Xing actually understands his temperament very well, and she has not concealed her indifference, the devil is ruthless, and the truth is right.

But Shi Xing didn't change at all, and even loved her more and more, almost praising her as a younger sister to the sky.

Don't let the demon god Linyuan's mood be in a happy state all the time, so good that he even forgets to play something that he usually likes to play.

 Thank you little angel Ling Yuan for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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