I'm crazy

Chapter 243 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 243 Change of Dynasty
On the way back to the palace, Xiao Xia looked at Lin Yuan hesitantly, wanting to say something but dared not say it.

"Tell me, what's wrong?"

Xiao Xia held an umbrella for Lin Yuan respectfully, and said softly: "Your Majesty treats His Majesty like this, I'm afraid it's..."

She didn't say the rest of the words, and there were some words that her little maid could not say, and she didn't need to say them.

Lin Yuan was silent.

Lin Yuan said indifferently after Kunning Palace entered the palace and let the rest of the people go down: "You think His Majesty Ben Gong's virtuous and virtuous Shude will let me go? The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackey is cooking. Now he still needs to be gentle with Ben Gong." The Ye family needs his father and brother to work for him, once the war is over, he will not allow the Ye family to survive."

Xiao Xia's face turned pale from the master's words, tremblingly said: "Then you, then..."

Lin Yuan said: "Since this is the case, then of course there is no need to bow down to him. I have already planned it, so don't worry."

Yuan is a smart person, and she also saw that their Ye family is full of flowers and brocade, so she has been hoping to rely on her own efforts to make Emperor Qi Andi dispel his doubts about the Ye family and believe that their Ye family is loyal and daring.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that even if the emperor believed that their Ye family was loyal, he would not let the Ye family continue.

How can an incompetent person feel comfortable when he sees others' achievements overshadowing his own?

So in the end she still failed, and the Ye family was wiped out.

Old and young, women and children, everyone in the Ye family was exterminated because of an unwarranted crime constructed by the emperor's selfishness.

She herself was imprisoned in the cold palace by the abolished queen and died of torture.

That's why Lin Yuan didn't bother to pretend to be with Emperor Qi An.

As the Chaos Demon God, only others bowed down to her, and she never saluted others.

Even if this emperor is not like this, it is impossible to salute him.

Traveling between planes is a kind of fun for her to pass the time when she is bored, and role-playing depends on whether she is happy or not.

It would be meaningless if the cart before the horse.

Lin Yuan continued to sleep.

Nothing happened in the harem today, after all all the concubines are thinking about tomorrow's Hundred Flowers Banquet, and don't want to make any more messes.

The Hundred Flowers Banquet is the grandest banquet in the harem, held in April and May when the flowers are in full bloom.

On this day, no matter how big or small they are, they can attend the banquet, and it may be the only day and opportunity for some low-ranking concubines to see the emperor in a year.

Naturally, all the concubines attached great importance to this banquet.

Early on, I was preparing the clothes to wear, the bun to comb, and the makeup to be put on for this day.

Hope to achieve a blockbuster effect, let the emperor see them.

After Emperor Qi'an returned to Qianqing Palace, Su Li had already found out the news.

"Return to Your Majesty, the empress is all normal."

Emperor Qi An frowned slightly: "Nothing happened."

Su Li bowed down and said respectfully: "It's true that nothing happened. After getting up and seeing all the empresses, the Empress went to the Imperial Garden for a stroll, and then met Your Majesty on the way back to the palace."

Su Li explained it in detail, and even knew exactly what Lin Yuan ate this morning.

Emperor Qi'an was puzzled, and said in a cold tone: "Nothing happened, so why did my queen, who is always virtuous and virtuous and headed by me, become like this?"

Su Li was terrified: "This old slave is guilty, Your Majesty forgives the crime."

Emperor Qi'an waved his hand, "Continue to pay attention, and report to me immediately if there is anything wrong."



At the border, corpses are piled up, and yellow sand is everywhere.

The bright red blood mixed with the dust and sand all over the sky, forming a color that has remained unchanged in this border land for thousands of years.

Ye Li touched the blood on his face, his hands were too heavy to hold the gun, and he seemed to faint in the next second.

He dodged the attack and pulled out the arrow on his leg. The pain made him regain some sanity, and the extremely sharp cloud piercing spear directly pierced the chest of the enemy in front of him.

In fact, his eyes could no longer see clearly everything in front of him, and all his movements were done completely by instinct.

He didn't know how many people he killed and how long he persisted until a sound of hooves came, and he tried to open his eyes wide, and saw the familiar figure and the familiar flag sitting on the horse's back, and finally fell to the ground exhausted.

Ye Jin rode the horse forward quickly, and finally arrived at the ambush site. The situation before him made him red-eyed.

The enemy died a lot, but their Ye family army also suffered a lot of casualties. They ordered the soldiers to cut the grass and roots, and scanned the battlefield, looking for his younger brother Ye Li.

The next moment, he saw his unconscious brother and the knife that was about to pierce his chest!

Ye Jin clenched his hands tightly, galloped away on the horse, took out the bow and arrow at the same time, and drew the bow!

Three arrows with the strength to pierce the sky shot through the body of the enemy who was about to stab the knife into Ye Li's chest.

Ye Jin drove up to Ye Li, picked Ye Li up and put him on the horse, then got on the horse and hugged his younger brother Ye Li, and looked around the battlefield.

The deputy general watched from the side, Ye Jin said indifferently: "Not one will be left."

"Yes." The lieutenant responded.

They Daqi and the Qiang people in the frontier have been fighting for hundreds of years, and the two sides have long been undying enemies. Of course, it is impossible to let them go.

Ye Jin drove the horse and followed a few soldiers to the outside of the camp of the Ye Family Army.

"Hurry up, treat Ye Li quickly." Ye Jin hugged Ye Li down, and hurriedly said to the medical officer waiting at the side.

The medical officer and a few people carried Ye Li to the camp dedicated to treating the wounded, and Ye Jin was waiting outside.

After waiting for a while, Ye Bang strode forward.

"How's it going?"

Ye Bang's expression was stern and solemn, his face covered with the vicissitudes of many years of marching, but Tiger Eyes was still as capable as ever.

Ye Jin shook his head, Ye Bang's eyes flashed with grief, he patted the elder son's shoulder, comforting him silently.

The father and son have been standing outside the tent waiting for the result.

After an unknown amount of time, the tent was finally opened. The two saw the exhausted medical officer walking out, and rushed to meet him.

"Doctor Song, how are my son and younger brother?"

Looking at the two soldiers in front of them who didn't change their faces with the knife resting on their necks, the medical officer smiled and comforted them, "Don't worry, General Ye and Xiaowei Ye, Captain Ye Xiaowei is fine, he just suffered a little skin trauma and passed out from exhaustion. In the past, after two or three hours, you will wake up."

Ye Bang and Ye Jin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and bowed their hands to the medical officer, "Thank you, Medical Officer Song."

Doctor Song said indifferently: "This is our duty. Captain Ye is sleeping. General Ye and Captain Ye can visit with ease."

Doctor Song explained a few things and left.

There are countless injuries on the battlefield, and there is never a time when it is truly safe. As a medical officer, he is very busy.

Ye Bang and Ye Jin went in lightly and looked at Ye Li who was in a coma and was bandaged by the medical officer for a while. After leaving someone to guard him, they turned and left the camp.

The war with the Qiang people is not over yet, and there are still many people waiting for them to do it.

 Thank you little angel of medicine for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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