I'm crazy

Chapter 245 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 245 Change of Dynasty
Lin Yuan signaled Xiao Xia to pour tea for her, and then answered Concubine De's question: "I didn't rest well last night."

Concubine De smiled softly, no matter what the women in the harem were thinking, there was always no problem on their faces, "My lady, do you need some nai to refresh yourself."

Concubine De suggested gently, signaling the maid beside her to hand over the nai on her desk to Xiaoxia beside Linyuan.

Xiao Xia glanced at the empress's expression, and reached out to take it.

After a while, maybe the emperor hadn’t come yet, and the concubines, who hadn’t eaten anything in the morning, couldn’t stand it any longer. They all gave up the sculpt beside the flowers, turned around and returned to their desks, and began to eat in an elegant manner. , by the way... slapstick.

"The empress's makeup today is really good-looking, and the concubines are less than one ten-thousandth of that of the empress." Xianfei, one of the four concubines, said, and started with the habitual commercial praise of the empress in the palace.

Lin Yuan supported his face with his right hand, and leaned on the chair, his lazy and casual movements added a bit of color to his exuberant face.

The beautifully dressed concubines felt ashamed when they saw the queen. There was really nothing to do with this natural appearance.

But although they are jealous of the queen's appearance, they also sympathize with the queen secretly. What kind of queen is a queen who is not favored by her majesty?
It's just an empty shelf.

Some smart concubines have already thought that the Queen's position may have to be changed after the Ye family is taken care of by His Majesty.

Lin Yuan was lazy and didn't speak, Concubine Xian didn't feel embarrassed, the women in the harem had seen a lot of things, how could they be so thin-skinned.

But Concubine Shu said again: "I don't know which sister Your Majesty will give hairpins this year?"

Hairpins are a custom of the Hundred Flowers Banquet. Flowers are put on the hairpins, and the concubines choose to wear them. The emperor will give hairpins to his favorite concubines himself, that is, put the hairpins on their heads.

This is also something that women in the harem are fighting for.

After all, whoever is qualified to let the emperor personally give her a hairpin represents her status and her favor.

When Concubine Shu opened her mouth, Rong Zhaoyi naturally wouldn't let her go. She cast a glance at Concubine Shu and said, "I don't know who the hairpin will be for, but it may not be my sister's turn to get the hairpin."

The smile on the corner of Concubine Shu's mouth cooled down, she took a sip of tea and said, "I don't need to bother my sister, my sister should think about whether His Majesty will give her a hairpin this year."

"His Majesty is here!"

When the announcement sounded, all the concubines put down their food for food and teacups for tea drinkers, and then quickly and gracefully arranged their sleeves and hair buns. After making sure that their makeup was not messed up, they all got up and walked towards this direction Emperor Qi'an who came saluted, showing his best smile.

Only Lin Yuan didn't move, she propped her chin with her hands, closed her eyes and meditated, and opened her eyes when Emperor Qi'an came to her side.

"Get up, my concubine."

Emperor Qi'an signaled all his concubines to get up, he didn't bother to look up at the face his concubines had carefully prepared for him, and glanced up from the corner of his eyes.

Seeing the queen who was still asleep with her eyes closed, Emperor Qi'an's eyes flashed with anger. Did his queen not take him seriously as the emperor?

Suspicious Emperor Qi An immediately wondered if the Ye family had any preparations. Is this planning to rebel?
Relating the Queen's sudden change of temperament yesterday, Emperor Qi'an was sure that the Ye family must be preparing for a big move and plotting a rebellion. After Ye Lin was confident, he returned to being so confident and felt that he could not touch her.

The more Emperor Qi'an thought about it, the more anxious he became, he just felt that there was no guarantee for his own safety, maybe how many people from the Ye family who wanted his life were hiding in the palace now.

But after all, he has been the emperor for many years, no matter how impatient he is, he can still put on a face.

Since the Ye family had already planned to tear themselves apart and rebel, then he didn't need to show Ye Lin any more face and pretend to be gentle.

Emperor Qi'an took the hairpin brought by the court lady, took out a lily-shaped hairpin and put it on for Rong Zhaoyi first, and Concubine Shu's face turned pale.

Then Emperor Qi'an took a crabapple flower hairpin for a Xiuyi to wear.

It perfectly demonstrated how to completely ignore the queen.

Seeing the emperor's out-of-sight and out-of-mind attitude towards the empress, some of the concubines showed tacit smiles.

It seems that they have a good idea, His Majesty has long been unable to tolerate the Ye family.

The queen's position is not guaranteed.

Faced with Emperor Qi'an's behavior of not giving her any face in front of the concubines, Lin Yuan did not express anything.

She has always been too lazy to bother with mental retardation unless it made her unable to bear it anymore.

She also noticed the eyes of some concubines, but the most conspicuous one was the position of the time-traveling woman.

The Plane Rebellion who had been secretly looking at her had a handsome appearance, and his eyes were staring at her with naked jealousy and the desire to replace her.

There was also that screen that seemed to be glowing in her eyes, with messy characters flashing quickly, which made her eyes hurt.

Probably they are all swiping barrage or something.

Indeed, just as Lin Yuan thought, the barrage was discussing Tao Fan's next plans.

[I think Miss Tao Fan should be dancing, the first dance is still in the previous plane. 】

[It's dancing again, can we have something new? 】

[Why do all the heroines who time-travel or who don't time-travel in all film and television dramas have to dance? 】

[Upstairs, do you think this is a live broadcast of fantasy female strong?What else is there to do without dancing to attract the emperor's attention?Research and development of glass, ancient gunpowder?I'm afraid it's not mentally retarded! 】

The barrage started to quarrel again, Lin Yuan looked away, it seems that no matter what plane or species, the hostility on the Internet is always so high, if you talk about arguing, you will be arguing.

At this moment, Tao Fan finally took action, she stood up and saluted Emperor Qi'an and Lin Yuan.

"Your Majesty, empress, it's time for this feast of flowers, and my concubines would like to sing and dance for fun. I hope that your majesty will allow you to do so."

While saying this, Tao Fan raised his head and looked at Emperor Qi'an above, blushing slightly, this emperor is much prettier than the one from the previous plane.

Emperor Qi'an was irritated when he heard a female voice he had never heard before. Normally, he would not be stingy with satisfying the little wishes of his women, but now he just thought of the Ye family's conspiracy, at least I'm not interested.

Just wanted to see which concubine was short-sighted, but just as Emperor Qi An raised his head and looked over, he saw a slim beauty.

The charming and charming demeanor, the delicate but elegant appearance, makes men want to feel pity when they see it.

Emperor Qi'an was no exception.

The words that were meant to be reprimanded were swallowed in his throat, Emperor Qi An smiled at Tao Fan below, with a gentle tone: "It's rare that my concubine has such intentions, so I will be disrespectful."

Lin Yuan sipped his tea as if no one was there, these rebels had so many things, just like now, this rebel should have used a skill that can make people's eyes shine.

 Thank you little lazy cat t little angel and Jiexi little angel for their votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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