I'm crazy

Chapter 254 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 254 Change of Dynasty
Tao Fan enjoys the attention of everyone, and feels that this taste is really wonderful.

Those people who usually look down on you and can't wait to gnash their teeth at you salute you respectfully. The jealousy in their eyes can hardly be suppressed, and they have to pretend to be extremely respectful to her, which is really refreshing.

But Tao Fan couldn't enjoy this taste for a long time, because all the high-ranking concubines arrived one by one.

"Rong Zhaoyi has arrived."

The concubine who was the most favored before Tao Fan should also be the concubine who has the most grudge against Tao Fan now, the concubines thought so.

Rong Zhaoyi didn't bother to pay attention to Tao Fan, in fact, just like what the concubines down there thought, Rong Zhaoyi simply hated Tao Fan to the bone now.

She had been favored for several years before she was promoted to the position of Zhaoyi. She thought she was already very good, but she didn't expect such a thing that came out of nowhere to pass her.

And looking at her favor these days, her so-called favor cannot be compared with Tao Fan at all.

How could this prevent her from hating Tao Fan to the bone?

"Concubine Shu is here."

Concubine Shu came in the same way as Rong Zhaoyi, she asked the concubines who were saluting to stand up and sat down in her seat.

There was a gentle smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes. From the corner of her eyes, she glanced at Tao Fan who was extraordinarily ostentatious today, and her eyes turned cold.

She underestimated the enemy.

No, it should be said that they all underestimated the enemy.

They all thought that the sudden appearance of Tao Chongyi was nothing more than a gadget, and the emperor just wanted to try something different suddenly, so although they still paid attention to the movement of Bi Luo Palace, they didn't take Tao Chongyi, who had no family, no appearance and no talent, into consideration. Put it in your eyes.

None of them thought that Tao Fan could pose a threat to them.

But I didn't expect that in just a few months, before she could react, she had already climbed to her head, and now even the ranks had almost caught up with her, would it be possible to give her some more time? She has to salute her.

A stern look flashed in the corner of Concubine Shu's eyes.

Although he took measures immediately after waking up, but for some reason, those effective methods in the past were of no use to Tao Fan.

It was obviously a secret medicine brought back from outside the palace, but it didn't work at all!
This made Concubine Shu have to start to wonder what was going on?What is this strange thing about Tao Fan?
"Concubine Hui is here, Concubine De is here."

The figures of Concubine De and Concubine Hui entered from outside the palace, so far, almost all the concubines are almost here.

Except for the two most honorable two people in this palace.

Concubine De drank some tea, casually glanced at Tao Fan, who was sitting on the seat and couldn't conceal her complacency, lowered her eyes to suppress the sarcasm in her eyes, and said with a soft smile: "I have been in the palace for so many years. This is the first time I have seen Tao Zhaoyi so favored by His Majesty, it can be seen that Tao Zhaoyi is beautiful and intelligent, all the sisters should learn from it."

It's not bad that she doesn't pay much attention to these things in the harem, and besides, as her fourth concubine and Yao'er, there are very few people who will show her face. How could the emperor pamper her any more, he might as well be more sensible, life would not be sad.

Just ignoring it doesn't mean that she will bear it when a concubine bullies her.

This Tao Fan is a man who always pays vengeance, he is narrow-minded, there is nothing she can appreciate, not to mention acting so presumptuously, obviously he doesn't pay attention to these concubines, as a concubine, she is fine to say something.

And Concubine De is worthy of being Concubine De, these few words made all the concubines hate Tao Fan even more, but they didn't show it on the surface, they were still respectful.

Tao Fan is not stupid, she can also hear what Concubine De means, but she just doesn't care too much.

Her biggest enemy now is the queen. After she overthrows the queen, she will naturally deal with these concubines. She will not let anyone who disrespects or despises her go away.

As soon as Concubine De opened her mouth, the other concubines gradually began to speak, and Rong Zhaoyi said bluntly: "I don't know where Tao Zhaoyi came from, but I think I can't learn these things anymore."

Rong Zhaoyi has always been straightforward in this harem. Compared with the "tactful and reserved" words of other concubines, her words are much more straightforward, but this is not small in its lethality.

These words obviously smeared Concubine Mo De's face, and of course, the damage to Tao Zhaoyi was even greater.

The sitting high-ranking concubines laughed, and even some low-ranking concubines could hardly hold back their laughter.

Rong Zhaoyi is saying that Tao Fan's tricks are low, and it is a metaphor that she learned the tricks to seduce people from the low-level prostitutes outside. People who understand this can't laugh.

I also admire Rong Zhaoyi, who dared to offend Tao Zhaoyi who is now in full swing.

If Tao Fan could hold back what Concubine De said just now, then this time Rong Zhaoyi couldn't bear to mock her so blatantly.

Tao Fan pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said with a bland smile: "Rong Zhaoyi is so interested, why don't you go and see for yourself, it's not difficult to learn! I think Rong Zhaoyi can definitely learn better than Bengong. "

Rong Zhaoyi's eyes "swish" looked over, his eyes were full of poisoned knives, Tao Fan did not give in, he was more vicious than Rong Zhaoyi.

Between empresses and concubines, there is very little harmony in the relationship. If it is true harmony, it is also a relationship on the surface, and the interests of the bottom are pulled. How many pairs of real good sisters can you meet in this murderous harem?

This is the case between Rong Zhaoyi and Tao Fan.

Seeing her distraught look, Tao Fan was scornful: "Rong Zhaoyi is so capable, why didn't she get promoted to concubine early? Let Ben Gong introduce Zhaoyi one step?"

This knife sticks well.

What concubines care about most is the emperor's favor, and the opposite of favor is status. Now Tao Fan's taking the position hurts Zhaoyi, making her delicate face slightly blue, and she is very angry.

Seeing the two swearing to not give up, Concubine Hui said this time, "The two younger sisters are serving the emperor, there is really no need to be like this, if His Majesty sees it..."

As soon as these words came out, the two of them looked away in an instant, and smiles appeared on their respective faces. They couldn't see what they were just now. I have to say that Concubine Hui's words caught Tao Fan and Rong's attention. Zhaoyi's weakness.

Because Tao Fan stood in front of Emperor Qi An as a person who was gentle and loving to him, of course he couldn't let Emperor Qi An see her as she is now.

Although Rong Zhaoyi's reasons were different from Tao Fan's, they were not much different.

After the two stopped talking, the space fell silent for a while.

Waiting for the arrival of Emperor Qi'an and the Empress.

Without making everyone wait for a long time, Emperor Qi'an arrived in a short while.

He was wearing a bright yellow imperial costume.

Although the color of Qi's Royal Zun is black and red, Emperor Qi'an personally doesn't like it, thinking that this color doesn't suit his imperial spirit.

 Happy New Year's Day to all the cuties!
  Thank you for the votes of just thinking about little angels ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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