I'm crazy

Chapter 258 Change of Dynasty

Chapter 258 Change of Dynasty
In the end, the canonization ceremony stopped.

Emperor Qi'an comforted Tao Fan softly: "My concubine, wait until next time I will choose a good day to hold a canonization ceremony for my concubine."

Tao Fan was deeply buried in Emperor Qi'an's arms, weeping silently, he looked weak and pitiful, and Emperor Qi'an's expression was even more pitiful.

Lin Yuan stood up and said calmly: "Since there is nothing wrong, I will take a step first."

"Congratulations to the Queen Mother."


The uproar outside the palace could not be stopped, and even the frontiers had heard the news.

In fact, the news of the last time also reached the border, and many soldiers heard it, and they felt chilled.

They shed blood and tears at the border, dedicating their lives for the country, but the emperor was busy pampering women, regardless of their life and death, how could he not let the soldiers feel cold?
It was because Ye Bang was afraid that this would shake the king's heart and suppressed it, so that it did not cause greater evil consequences.

"Father, is the news from the capital really true?" Ye Jin opened the tent and strode in, looking like a dragon and a phoenix, extraordinary.

Ye Bang was looking at the marching map. Although the battle with the Qiang people had stopped, it was only temporary. He didn't know when they would fight again. Naturally, he couldn't relax for a moment.

Seeing the figure of the eldest son, Ye Banghu smiled, put away the marching map, and said: "I don't know about it as a father, but many people have heard and seen it with their own ears, so it should be true."

Ye Jin sat down in front of Ye Bang, frowned and said: "If the news is true, then Emperor Qi'an has already aroused public resentment."

Not a single word in these rumors is a good word for Emperor Qi'an, they all say that Emperor Qi'an is fatuous and immoral, and his virtue is unworthy.

Ye Bang frowned, there was a deep gully, he heard the words: "If it is true, then your sister's life in the harem..."

A stern look flashed between Ye Jin's eyebrows, "If something happens to my sister, I must execute Emperor Qi'an immediately."

Ye Bang said with a calm voice, "Speak carefully."

But he didn't say that Ye Jin was wrong, nor did he refute Ye Jin's words.

In the final analysis, members of the Ye family are extremely protective people. If his daughter, the young lady of the Ye family was wronged in the palace, or something happened to her, then Ye Jin might not be needed. Ye Bang would have shot directly, so why would he care about such twists and turns.

Ye Jin was about to say something when he heard footsteps coming from outside the camp. The only one who came here so undisguised was Ye Li, the youngest son of the Ye family.

As soon as Ye Li came in, he saw his father and elder brother looking at him inexplicably, he: "..."

"Father, big brother, what's wrong?" Ye Li asked while touching his head.

"It's okay, what's the matter?" It doesn't need Ye Li, a fool, to know about this matter, although it won't be long.

Ye Li giggled: "It's almost New Year's Eve, I want to ask father and brother if they will go back this year?"

The Ye family guarded the frontier for several lifetimes, and when he came to Ye Bang, he also stayed at the border for decades. Except for going back when necessary, most of the Ye family made their homes in the border.

As a father, Ye Li knew what he was thinking when he pouted his ass, "Why, do you want to go back?"

Ye Li scratched his head in embarrassment, "My son wants to go back, I haven't seen my sister for several years."

The last time I saw her was when his sister got married.

He never agreed with his sister marrying the trash of Emperor Qi'an, but the Ye family is a minister after all, and there is no room for resistance when the imperial edict is issued.

Ye Li knew that their Ye family needed someone to be under the emperor's nose, and someone to stay in the capital, so that they could fight with peace of mind, and the emperor would feel a little more at ease.

So he wanted to go and see what was going on with his sister.

This time the remarks spread faster and more fiercely than last time, and they couldn't stop. After hearing the news, Emperor Qi'an got very angry, but no matter how much he said it was useless.

"These untouchables, I just held a canonization ceremony for my concubine, and they cursed me like this, I really don't know what to do!"

All the things on the desk were swung down by Emperor Qi'an with one sleeve. He stood above, his face was livid with anger, and he pointed at a group of ministers and scolded them.

"I don't care what method you use, I will solve this matter immediately. If it doesn't work, I will not be stingy about using the last method." Emperor Qi'an said sternly.

The minister kneeling underneath looked embarrassed and disappointed with Emperor Qi'an. Didn't the emperor make it clear that he wanted to kill someone with the method last time?

How can this be good?


"Your Majesty, some folks have already rebelled in the name of Lord Qing." Xiao Xia bowed and said to the master who was lying on the wicker chair.

"It should be caused by bandits." Lin Yuan said lazily.

Xiao Xia smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you guessed it right."

There is nothing wrong with guessing.

In the ancient times of imperial power, the emperor was the sky and the master of the world. People who had accepted this kind of thinking would not easily rebel unless life was really difficult.

But now it is obvious that it has not reached that point, so these rebellious people should be bandits or criminals.

Lin Yuan glanced at the little wolf cub who was studying hard not far away, and said softly, "Why don't you solve it earlier?"

She was too lazy to play with them so boringly.

Tao Fan was buried in Emperor Qi'an's arms seeking comfort, "Your Majesty, it's all the fault of the concubine, it's because of the concubine..."

Emperor Qi'an stopped her from continuing, "How can Concubine Ai blame herself? Don't say it's right, it's wrong, it's also my fault, it's my choice of that day, and the thunder was so violent on that day."

Tao Fan shook his head sadly: "It's all the concubine's fault, Your Majesty should punish the concubine."

Tears slowly slipped from the corners of his eyes and into the depths of his clothes.

Emperor Qi'an hugged Tao Fan tightly, patted her head and said: "Okay, then I will punish you, how about punishing you to follow me for the rest of your life?"

Tao Fan was so surprised and moved that he couldn't even speak, he could only hug Emperor Qi'an even tighter, calling "Your Majesty" repeatedly in his mouth.

Emperor Qi'an let out a throaty laugh, hugged Tao Fan horizontally, and walked between the curtains.

For Emperor Qi'an, he never thought it was a big deal.

The rumors of those untouchables are spreading, but what they can do, they can't do anything, and in the end they can only listen to him obediently.

What he didn't know was that a heavy rain was coming.

On the contrary, the audience in the live broadcast room had sharp eyes and noticed something was wrong.

"Why do I feel that the anchor can't complete the task this time!"


"I don't know, maybe it's an intuition that Emperor Qi'an may not be emperor for long, and the position of anchor is still here with Zhaoyi, why do you think it is impossible to complete the task?"

"Don't be afraid upstairs, this anchor is good at making the impossible possible."

"That's right, the last position seemed impossible to complete, but it was also completed in the end!"

"The ability of the anchor is still okay."

"Okay, since you don't believe me, let's watch."

"Watch and watch, who is afraid of whom?"

(End of this chapter)

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