I'm crazy

Chapter 277

Chapter 277
Everything about Ye Weichong seemed normal, so Cang Feng and Cang Xi couldn't figure out what went wrong for the time being.

They can only hold back for the time being, waiting until the other party shows their feet.

Cang Feng and Cang Xi went back to their room after dinner, but they were awakened by a sound when they slept in the middle of the night.

Cang Feng gets up and puts on his clothes, looking at Cang Xi, he has already tidied himself up, Cang Xi has gradually matured and stabilized a lot now, if it was before, he probably wouldn't get up.

Cang Feng and Cang Xi called out their swords, Cang Feng whispered: "Be careful."

Cangxi nodded, and the two headed towards the place where the voice came from. Halfway there, Cangxi asked, "Do you want to see senior?"

Cang Feng was silent, and then said: "If you dare."

Cangxi: "...Forget it then."

Senior has decided that nothing will happen, so there is no need to worry about senior's safety, but if they wake up senior's rest because of them, then the ones to worry about may almost turn into them.

So the two unanimously crossed the topic.

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Cang Xi questioned Cang Feng while walking.

After all, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with the environment of Ye Mansion, and they didn't notice any evil spirit, and Ye Weichong seemed to be a refined and gentle person.

These days, all kinds of abnormal situations that are not obvious but cannot be ignored have told them that things are not that simple.

Cang Feng shook his head, "I don't know."

He is also confused now.

The two continued to walk forward following the sound.

"Who?" Cang Feng, who was walking quietly suddenly, scolded in a low voice, with a surge of spiritual energy, and the murderous intent had already appeared.

Cangxi's expression tensed, and he looked not far away, there was a shadowy figure standing under the rockery.

I couldn't see his face clearly, but it was extremely suspicious to appear here in the middle of the night. He and his senior brother were drawn out by a sudden voice, and the inexplicable figure not far away was obviously not certain, maybe it was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, Cang Xi clenched his sword tightly.

And Cang Feng stopped the figure, looked at the figure not far away, unexpectedly, the figure in the distance suddenly made a sound, it was still a familiar voice.

"Cangfeng benefactor?"

Cang Feng was stunned, and said with a slightly dignified expression: "Have you realized Master?"

"Amitabha." Su Wu walked over, and now he could see the faces of both sides clearly.

Wu Wu bowed his hands to Cang Feng and Cang Xi, Cang Xi said: "Monk, why are you here, where is that bald donkey?"

When it comes to kindness, Cangxi's eyes can't hide the contempt.

Cang Feng glanced at him warningly, Cang Xi curled his lips and stopped talking, he couldn't provoke the coercion of his senior brother.

Cang Feng smiled apologetically at Wu Wu: "I'm sorry, Master Wu Wu, my junior brother is naughty."

Enlightenment clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, don't worry about the benefactor, I don't know where he went after the poor monk separated from Yaoshan."

"Separate?" Cang Feng asked in surprise, "Master Wu Wu?"

Realization to the end is straightforward, monks do not lie, he said bluntly: "The poor monk has left Ling'an Temple."

Cang Feng understood this clearly, he must have realized that Ling'an Temple's behavior style does not match his personal character, and it is a good thing to leave in time, besides, Wu Wu did not recognize his master at Ling'an Temple, leaving the sect is not a big deal.

Cangxi looked at the original monk of Ling'an Temple who he liked a little bit in surprise and asked, "Monk, where are you now?"

Enlightenment said: "The poor monk is now in the Yinzong."

"Yinzong!" Cang Xi lowered his head in thought, and after a while he said, "That's right, Monk, your eyes are finally clear for a while."

Yinzong is also a place where monks gather. Compared with the reputation of Ling'an Temple, Yinzong is just like its name, and it is incomparably called "Yin".

The sect is extremely low-key, and almost no one in the world has heard its name except for the major sects who are also cultivators.

But Cang Feng and Cang Xi knew that although Yinzong was "hidden", it was actually not simple at all, not to mention that its reputation was much better than that of Ling'an Temple.

No, it should be said that the two cannot be compared at all.

"By the way, Master Wu came here to..."

After recounting the past, Cang Feng remembered the business and asked, Cang Xi also looked at the young monk with a kind face and kind eyes holding a Buddhist bead in his hand.

Turning the beads in the palm of his hand, he realized: "Amitabha, the poor monk has been paying attention to this mansion for the past few days, and he noticed something wrong with it, so he specially checked it tonight."

Cang Feng and Cang Xi looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

The two of them who lived in Yefu didn't notice something was wrong. On the contrary, Shaowu noticed it. Although he said that he had secretly investigated several times, this still couldn't reduce the slightest feeling in their hearts...

But fortunately, a few people still know what they are here tonight, "Then how about the enlightened master walking with us?"

Enlightenment nodded.

As the three of them walked, Cang Feng introduced some of the current situation of him and Cang Xi to Wu Wu, and also told him that they are now living in this mansion.

The three continued to walk forward, and when they walked outside a room, the looming voice was obviously much louder, Cang Feng and the three looked at each other, Cang Feng clenched the sword tightly, spiritual power was flowing on the sharp sword , and the Buddhist beads of enlightenment are faintly emitting golden light.

Cang Feng took a step forward and opened the door in front of him. The situation in front of him made his breathing slightly suffocated, and the expression of composure behind him also changed, and he said "Amitabha" in a low, inaudible voice, Cangxi covered her mouth, for fear that he would cry out by herself.

I saw a huge pool in the center of the room decorated with all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry, but there was not a drop of water in the pool, but it was full of blood.

Yes, Cang Feng and the others are absolutely sure that the pool is full of blood, fresh blood, full of bloody smell.

Because lying on the edge of the pool was a "thing" whose face could no longer be seen clearly.

Its whole body was covered with blood, without a trace of other colors, it was bleeding, the blood slowly flowed from the wound on its body into the pool, Cang Feng could even hear the sound of blood flowing.

The wounds created by special magic tools will not heal at all, and it is also extremely painful.

And the "thing" lying by the pool with so much blood on it obviously lost the strength to cry out in pain, and could only let out a low cry from time to time.

Words do not form sentences, words do not form sounds.

Cang Feng, Cang Xi, and Wu Wu were stunned for a moment and then immediately realized that they strode into the room. At this time, they didn't care about traps or not. Saving people is the key.

The three of Cang Feng walked to the side of the person lying on the ground, seeing the blood all over his body, Cang Feng was at a loss and didn't know what to do.

 There is no trace of my manuscript! ! !I'm going to be miserable...

  Thanks to the little lazy cat and little angel for the ticket *^O^*
(End of this chapter)

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