I'm crazy

Chapter 297

Chapter 297

Lu Zhou's eyes swept across the Huahe Pavilion in disdain, and he thought in his heart, this time too, what kind of senior, a bullshit powerful senior.

If it is really powerful, why has he never heard of it, and how can he have no reputation at all?

Don't tell him about living in seclusion. These days, there is no real seclusion. He didn't have a little reputation before. It can be seen that Hua Heting, a shameless person who doesn't know where to recruit.

It's fine if you can't solve it by yourself, and you still make excuses, Lu Zhou is extremely disdainful, "Hua Heting, don't talk too much, it will be embarrassing if you can't end it by then."

Lu Zhou comforted Huahe Pavilion with a smile.

Hua Heting, who has always been peaceful, also suppressed his expression this time and said lightly: "Don't worry about Luzhou, you have so much time to practice more spells, after all, our mission almost failed because of you last time. .”

"You!" Lu Zhou's smiling expression changed, he glared at Huahe Pavilion for a while, then turned and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Yu Jie was beside him awkwardly and helplessly stroking his stomach. He, the chief of the bureau, couldn't intervene in this kind of fight between senior seniors with high positions in the bureau, and he didn't dare to intervene, so he could only say a few casual words Just run away.

He is just in charge of the secular world, and of course these seniors have discussed about that aspect, otherwise, wouldn't it be a mess if he, an ordinary person, guides things that ordinary people can't intervene in?
Lu Feng walked to the Huahe Pavilion, and couldn't help but said: "Master, why is Mr. Lu so hostile to you?"

From his point of view, his master is good-natured, powerful, and not easy to get along with. Why does Mr. Lu always think that his master is not pleasing to the eye, and whenever he encounters him, he will fight against him?

Hua Heting patted Lu Feng's shoulder meaningfully and taught: "Disciple, you have to know that there are a lot of bad guys in this world, especially those who are not as good as you and who are jealous of you, they are jealous of your excellence. ?"

Lu Feng nodded in a daze, seeing his master leaving happily and unrestrainedly, he didn't realize that the master was "pointing at Sang and scolding Huai"!
However, does the master mean that Mr. Lu is jealous of him?
But when I think of the excellence of the master, I feel that this is a very normal thing.

One day was fleeting, and on the second day, Lin Yuan just woke up and ate something he made casually when he heard Ding Zhaoling's energetic voice.

"It seems that yesterday's lesson was not profound enough, this kid is in such a good mood." Lin Yuan thought while holding his teacup.

God: It's not like that at all, okay?This kid is originally an optimist, not to mention that he still came to find you, the big devil. Don't you know your own ability to confuse people?
"Huh?" Qingling's low and dangerous voice made Tiandao tremble.

Isn't it okay that it's wrong?Can't afford to provoke!
Only then was Lin Yuan satisfied.

After Ding Zhao came in and waited for a while, the two got in the car and went to his aunt's house.

As soon as Lin Yuan entered the door, he felt a huge resentment, and the source of this resentment...

Mo Ran's pupils glanced at the man standing by the bed, and then looked away indifferently.

Li Zilang only felt a chill all over his body, as if pierced by the ice that had been frozen for thousands of years, the cold was abnormal, his eyes wandered a few times, and he didn't dare to continue looking at this woman.

"Master Dao, you are here. My body is really not up to par, so I can only trouble you to come to my house." The woman lying on the bed was thin and horribly thin, her face was sallow, and she was sallow. The very serious blue and black color shows that I don't know how long I haven't had a good rest.

Lin Yuan said indifferently: "Don't worry about it."

She was standing not far from the bed, Ding Yushuang looked at her husband and said: "Zi Lang, you go out first and I will have a word with the Taoist priest."

The voice was also weak, as if he was about to die in the next second.

Li Zilang's eyes flickered, and he looked at Ding Yushuang with a gentle smile, "Okay, take your time, don't worry! Just tell me if you need anything."

Ding Yu smiled slightly, and nodded slightly.

After Li Zilang went out, only Lin Yuan and Ding Yushuang were left in the room. She smiled wryly and said, "Master Daoist, how long do you think I can live?"

Lin Yuan said calmly: "Why do you say that, your life span is still long."

Indeed, judging by Ding Yushuang's face, he is not a short-lived person.

It's just that someone tampered with her fate.

Ding Yu's expression was bitter, she only felt that everything about her was bitter, lying on the bed for such a long time, she felt that she was rotten, and would turn into dust soon.

"In the past few months, I don't know why I always feel dizzy for no reason. I fainted inexplicably when I was doing things at the beginning. I went to the hospital several times for examination, but nothing was found. I myself I didn't take it seriously, I just thought I was too tired from work." Ding Yushuang slowly told Lin Yuan about her illness, and now she had difficulty even speaking, so she could only speak slowly.

Lin Yuan listened without any emotion, his black eyes were always indifferent.

Ding Yushuang slowed down for a while and continued: "But suddenly my whole body collapsed, I couldn't sleep all night, I couldn't eat anything, and sometimes I would have nightmares after falling asleep for a while, dreams until he was dead."

Speaking of this, Ding Yu's dry and thin body trembled, as if he had seen some terrible scene.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Lin Yuan expectantly and said, "Master Daoist, do you think I can still be saved?"

Ding Yushuang felt that she was hopeless. The torment of these days almost made her lose the instinct to survive, but in the end she didn't want to die, she didn't want to give up everything in this world, and she didn't want to give up her family.

So even though she has been disappointed so many times, she still wants to try, what if she succeeds?

She has tried all kinds of methods, Chinese medicine and western medicine can't help her at all. Fortunately, she still has a family who loves her. Her lover Li Zilang has never given up. She has been actively looking for a doctor for her, but every time it is useless Yes, she feels distressed when she thinks of his dejected look now.

Her elder brother Ding Puzhong had never given up on her, and this time, it was her elder brother who suddenly introduced this person to her. If it was her, she would never have thought of these things at all.

Since I haven't seen it, I don't believe it.

But this was the last solution, and even though she didn't really believe it, she held on to her last hope.

Lin Yuan looked at the traces of madness under Ding Yushuang's eyes that had lost their luster, and said, "Don't worry, you will definitely be saved before you die, but before you save me, I need your answer." one question."

Ding Yushuang's eyes lit up suddenly, as if someone who was about to be dragged into hell got a rope, and would hold on desperately and not let go.

"What's the problem?" Ding Yushuang asked hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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