I'm crazy

Chapter 299

Chapter 299

In the past few days, I have been seeing things about the new virus. Because my home is a small place, people don’t have that kind of awareness, but the news has been broadcasting. I will not say anything sensational. I hope my readers, Please remember, we must pay attention to protecting ourselves. We are all ordinary people, and we are all flesh and blood. We do not have the abilities and skills of the protagonist in the novel. Chinese New Year, but there is no need to try not to go to crowded places.

If... If... If you are unfortunately infected, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, and don't hide your illness from medical treatment. Go to the hospital as soon as possible. The possibility of timely recovery is higher. The cost of seeing a doctor for a new type of virus infection is borne by the state. Yes, don't worry about money, just remember.

I wish everyone well!Remember, everything is fine, I am still waiting for you to read my novel!So my little angel and cutie will be fine! ★

Li Zilang hurriedly took out a card and handed it to Lin Yuan, "Today, please trouble the Taoist priest to go."

Lin Yuan took the card unceremoniously, which made Li Zilang more confident that this is a charlatan who didn't know where he came from. Sent out the door.

Lin Yuan with the card got into Ding Zhaoling's car, she didn't say anything, and closed her eyes after getting in the car, Ding Zhaoling didn't dare to ask anything.

After sending the Taoist priest to his aunt's house, he was called out by his friend. He didn't know what happened, but there is absolutely no problem with the Taoist priest, but he has great confidence in Linyuan Ding Zhao negative thought of this, so when he saw Lin Yuan closed his eyes, he didn't speak again, but slowed down the speed of the car again, driving more steadily.

So the car behind can only see the Lamborghini in front driving at the speed of a tortoise. I am so anxious that I don’t dare to hit it if I fucking want to hit it. Walk.

"Stop." Before reaching home, Lin Yuan opened his eyes and said.

Ding Zhaoling obediently stopped the car on the side of the road, and the cars behind all heaved a sigh of relief, fearing that the mentally retarded car would start driving again in a while, they unanimously accelerated their speed and quickly passed this car that could not be provoked and could afford to run Lamborghini.

"Taoist?" Ding Zhao was puzzled.

"I still have something to do, you go back first." Lin Yuan instructed Ding Zhao.

Ding Zhao negative nodded obediently, and drove away.

After getting off the car, Lin Yuan walked towards the biggest supermarket in L City. There was very little food at home. Although she must hire a housekeeper who is very good at cooking, she hasn't acted yet, so she went to the supermarket first. Pack something to eat.

The traffic in the supermarket is usually relatively large, Lin Yuan walked in the supermarket, and the people who walked around were subconsciously driven by some force to keep a distance from Lin Yuan, and did not touch her at all.

Three times, five times, two times, she took all the things she wanted to eat into the shopping cart, followed by a small girl with a round face and a look of envy and hatred, watching Lin Yuan's movements.

The scream in my heart was about to break through my throat.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !
When will she be able to live a life where she just scans the shopping cart for what she wants to buy without looking at the price? ! ! !

The round-faced girl subconsciously followed Lin Yuan's footsteps. Along the way, she watched this lazy and indifferent elder sister put things into the shopping cart, and stopped when the shopping cart was full.

The round-faced girl's strong eyesight can pierce the world. From the beginning of her envy to the end, she has become powerless.

Although she is very envious of this big sister, she knows what kind of person she is. She is lazy, a waste of capital letters, and her ultimate ideal is to sit and wait for death. I am afraid that she will not be able to live such a life until she dies, alas...

Poor her!

Lin Yuan's sharp perception had already sensed the gaze behind her, but this gaze was not malicious, on the contrary, she still thought it was cute, so she didn't care.

After almost all the things to buy were bought, Lin Yuan pushed the cart to the checkout counter. The round-faced girl looked at her shopping cart, and it was filled with the things to buy, so she followed Lin Yuan directly.

This big sister is so tall!
Good looking, tall, good figure, better temperament, a role model of beauty in bones and skin, and most importantly, there is money!
She felt that she was going to die of sourness, it was over, she became a lemon essence...

The round-faced girl's heart was moving violently, but she didn't have any expression on her face. She was a very authentic model who wanted to keep up despite the screaming in her heart, although she didn't have any personality.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel even more...

This emotion is really too strong, and because he is too close, and Lin Yuan thinks the girl is cute, and he let go of his consciousness a little bit, so he perceives the girl's mood swings, which is really cute.

Lin Yuan didn't leave immediately after paying the money, but waited for a while. The card she gave Li Zilang was worth 100 million. I have to say, she was very stingy, but fortunately she didn't earn money from him. Otherwise, giving her such a little money is like sending a beggar's money to see if she will kill him.

The round-faced girl sighed silently after she settled her belongings, alas, she lost another 100 yuan, woo woo woo~ She felt that she was going to die of poverty.

When she brought out her things, she saw Lin Yuan leaning against the wall. It was strange, where did the big sister's things go?

After looking at the beauty several more times, she controlled herself, she couldn't look any longer, and the eldest sister would find out if she continued to look.

It was hard to control herself not to look at this big sister, but she suddenly felt a sense of oppression all over her body. When she raised her head, she saw the big sister who was standing by the wall just now walking in front of her? !


Ahhh!The sound is also nice!

"You... hello." The round-faced girl stared blankly at the handsome man in front of her, her voice lowered several degrees unconsciously.

"Is there... anything?" the round-faced girl asked.

Lin Yuan looked at her red face and smiled lowly, the girl is really the cutest creature in the world.

"There is indeed something, let's go out and talk about it?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Okay." The round-faced woman who usually has a high awareness of safety but now followed out after hearing what the big sister said touched her face. Why did she feel that she had suddenly become stupid?

The two went out of the supermarket and went directly to a tea house and sat down. Lin Yuan directly put the bank card on the table and handed it over. She felt inexplicably funny when she saw this scene, as if she was acting in a TV drama.

The round-faced girl saw this scene: "...?"

How is this going?

She opened her mind and wondered if there was a rich and noble son who fell in love with her, and his family did not agree that he liked her, but because the noble son was too favored at home, he would not ask him, but secretly What is the point of finding a breakthrough in her?

So the next plot is not the kind of "give you 100 million to leave my son"?
Ahhh, she can do it!

She is very good!

Or maybe she is the lost eldest lady of some top wealthy family, who lost her for more than ten years and finally found her, but because the family is in turmoil at this time, it is inconvenient to take her back, so give her the money first Make her life better?
Lin Yuan sensed her emotions again, and a smile flashed across her dark eyes, like a rain of stars sliding across the bright night sky, flashing by, but extremely dazzling and confusing.

Why is this girl in front of me so cute?
Lin Yuan smiled and said: "Don't think too much, there is not much money in this card, I give it to you."

"Ah? Why?" The round-faced girl was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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