I'm crazy

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
Although the family lives in this city, Guan Xishu seldom comes back during holidays, winter and summer vacations because of part-time jobs and heavy studies. The old couple must miss their daughter terribly.

No, because of her daughter's return, Guan's mother went to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy a lot of vegetables and specially cooked them for her.

"Hurry up, if it wasn't for you! Your father and I don't usually get this kind of treatment." Guan Fu took a peeled and processed shrimp with his serving chopsticks and put it in Lin Yuan's bowl.

When Guan's mother heard this, she gave Guan's father a sideways glance, and Guan's father laughed and ate very happily.

Part of the reason why the Guan family has such a good family style is due to Guan Fu. He is a good-tempered and sensible person. Even if Guan Mu does something wrong sometimes, he will not speak out, but wait until the couple are alone. It was only when she pointed out to her in a soft voice that for decades, her mother's favor has made her younger and younger.

Lin Yuan also picked up the shrimp that father Guan gave her and ate it. She likes to eat seafood, but she doesn't like to eat the previous processes, it is very troublesome to deal with.

Guan's seafood is similar to shrimp, which can be cleaned before cooking, so it is very convenient to eat. Linyuan's chopsticks have been digging into the shrimp and butterflies.

Guan's mother was of course happy to see that her daughter liked her cooking so much, but she still reminded her on the surface: "Don't just eat shrimp, but also eat more vegetables and other meats. Look at how thin you are."

Speaking of which, she is really dissatisfied. The little girl now doesn't know what's going on, she cries to lose weight every day, and she doesn't look at how thin she is and loses weight.

So every time I go home, Guan's mother will cook a lot of delicious food every meal, and devote herself to raising her daughter to be fatter.

Guan Fu agreed with a smile, "That's right, girl, hurry up and eat more."

Lin Yuan nodded, seeing that there is no reason to ignore the delicious food, although the home-cooked food is not as exquisite as those famous chefs Lin Yuan has eaten, but it has a warm taste that those dishes do not have.

Of course she wouldn't be polite.

The meal was almost finished, Guan's mother hesitated for a while, but she still said directly, her temper is very hot, "Girl, how are you and that Ming Ming?"

Guan Xishu is a good child, and of course she has to explain to her parents when she falls in love. Originally, she wanted to bring Ran Ming back, but it was obvious that Ran Ming couldn't come back with her, so she refused.

Lin Yuan swallowed the last prawn and said, "It's over, don't worry, I don't plan to fall in love anymore."

"It's good to divide, good to divide!" Father Guan, who had been laughing and listening to their mother and daughter, suddenly said at this moment.

Guan Mu glanced at him, laughed and scolded, "You eat yours."

Even though she said so, Guan's mother was indeed relieved. What her daughter didn't know was that she and her father had actually met this man named Ming.

When she first heard the news that her daughter was in love, she and Lao Guan were taken aback. They knew that their daughter was a good boy, but that was why they were even more afraid of being deceived. I just feel that as long as people are good, they don't have any opinions.

But in the end, it was because they were worried about their daughter that they finally decided to go to school to meet this man named Ming.

Because it was for an investigation, of course the old couple did not tell their daughter and went secretly.

After entering, I randomly found a student and chatted with Ran Ming. Unexpectedly, the student praised him very much. The old couple were slightly relieved, and then went to the teacher in the school, and wanted to hear the teacher's opinion. .

"You said Ran Ming..." The teacher pushed back his glasses and smiled happily, "He is a good boy, a good-looking person, and he is good at studying. Although he is a bit cold-tempered, there is absolutely no problem with his character."

The old couple were of course very happy to hear the teacher's praise, and felt that there should be no problem.

No, just about to leave, the teacher suddenly shouted: "Look, that young man is Ran Ming, Ran Ming!"

Guan's father and Guan's mother looked over, a very energetic young man, really good, but maybe he didn't turn his head because he didn't hear the sound.

The old man bid farewell to the teacher and left the school. He didn't plan to see his daughter. At this time, her daughter should be in class and they didn't bother her anymore.

The old couple followed Ran Ming so far out of the school gate.

Then I saw...

Mother Guan felt her heart tremble when she thought of this, it was really terrible, she never thought that such a good-looking boy would do such a thing.

He was killing a cat!

When the two of them saw it, the cat had been tortured to the brink of death by him, with only one breath left.

The cat's body was covered in blood, and its intestines were exposed, but Ran Ming was still beating the cat fiercely with a branch.

Guan's father and Guan's mother were stunned at that time. The old couple had been good people all their lives, and they seldom took advantage of the small advantages in daily life, let alone doing bad things.

The scene they saw now clearly terrified them both.

The smile that Guan Fu had been hanging on his lips disappeared, and he hugged Guan Mu because he was afraid that Guan Mu would make a sound.

There was a happy smile on the corner of Ran Ming's mouth, and he didn't see half of his usual aloof and indifferent feeling, leaving only the disgusting excitement brought about by his cruel behavior.

The old couple kept watching and saw that the white cat finally died in Ran Ming's hands, losing its last trace of breath, so he threw the branch and walked away calmly.

Mother Guan breathed a sigh of relief, "Lao Guan, we didn't misunderstand the person, did we?"

Guan Fu nodded, and the two of them could not say anything else, but they both made up their minds in their hearts that they must not let their daughter be with this kind of beast.

Seeing her daughter's white and tender face, Guan's mother closed her eyes. This incident happened a month ago. They called her daughter several times and wanted her to come back and explain clearly to her. After all, if it was said on the phone, , there is no guarantee that nothing will happen, and what if the daughter listens to them and confronts that beast and gets hurt?
I originally planned to tell my daughter about this matter today, but I didn't expect her daughter to break up with this beast. That's good, they don't have to worry about it every day.

"It's good to break up. Of course, Mom doesn't object to your falling in love. It's just that you are still young and you can't talk about the future. Besides, Mom always thinks that Ming's name is not a good thing. Mom's sixth sense But you've always been accurate, haven't you?" Guan's mother and her daughter confided in each other, fearing that her daughter would do something because of a broken relationship.

Lin Yuan is funny, why do you feel that the old couple don't want to see Ran Ming so much, "Okay, don't worry, I won't fall in love in the future."

"Ah?" Guan's mother was surprised, "Hey, don't get me wrong! I just told you not to talk about it now, and I didn't tell you not to talk about it in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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