I'm crazy

Chapter 318

Chapter 318
Lin Yuan, who originally didn't intend to pay attention to these ants, looked slightly cold, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and the figure who was leaning lazily on the elevator wall just now slowly stood up straight.

A powerful, dark and mysterious coercion was slowly released from that delicate figure. Zhuang Jun, who had experienced in the society for more than ten years, felt a chill all over his body. After feeling the source of this coercion, he was taken aback. She wisely stood in the corner of the elevator without making a sound.

Gong Yunan was frightened by the sudden coercion and took a step back. After realizing it, her face immediately changed. She pinched her bag to give herself some courage, "Guan Xishu, what do you want to do? Do you still want to hit me?"

Her frightened expression just now changed, and she looked proud: "Let me tell you, treat me with respect, otherwise your family..."

Gong Yunan believed that she could understand the unfinished words. She looked at Lin Yuan and thought disdainfully, so what if she looks good?He has no power, no influence, and he is not trampled under her feet.

Lin Yuan's expression was indifferent, without any ups and downs. She really didn't intend to pay attention to Gong Yunan at first. After all, after she dealt with the Gong family, her fate as the former "Heaven's Proud Girl" rich second generation would definitely not be much better.

The feeling of going from heaven to hell can definitely drive the unsteady mind crazy.

But I didn't expect that she didn't care about it, but someone wanted to find a sense of presence in front of her.

"It's really courageous." He sighed leisurely in a leisurely and indifferent tone.

"What did you say?" Gong Yunan asked suspiciously.

But before she could hear the answer, the elevator arrived. After the door opened, Lin Yuan and Zhuang Jun walked out. Originally, Gong Yunan wanted to chase them out, but she thought that she had something important to do here, so she stomped her feet angrily. The bag in his hand thumped heavily and made a sound on the elevator.

Zhuang Jun walked behind Lin Yuan, and didn't say anything without eyes.

Gong Yunan, who stayed in the elevator, managed to extinguish a little fire, and the elevator restarted. Unexpectedly, the elevator broke down in the next second and fell straight down.

Gong Yunan's eyes widened in horror, unable to maintain his balance during this high-speed fall, he fell on the elevator and slammed his body heavily against the cold wall of the elevator.

"Ahhh! It hurts so much!" Gong Yunan screamed, and the elevator continued to fall, as if it was about to fall into hell, and it never stopped.


Lin Yuan didn't take care of the elevator. She didn't take action in the end because she knew that the elevator was malfunctioning and was on the verge of being destroyed, and there was no one else in the elevator. Why did she remind Gong Yunan? I won't believe it either.

Since he dared to insult her, he would naturally have to pay the price.

Lin Yuan and Zhuang Jun entered their company together. The lady at the front desk of the company watched the vice president and a very good-looking lady come in.

Zhuang Jun didn't stay anywhere, and went directly into Mu Chenchong's CEO's office with Lin Yuan.

Muchen Chong deliberately turned down all the meetings today. Although he didn't have much confidence in the possibility that Zhuang Jun could invite this computer tycoon, there was still some hope, so he still had to deal with everything well. .

So he has been waiting in the office today.

And Zhuang Jun did live up to expectations, Mu Chenchong was startled when he saw Lin Yuan walking in, but immediately stood up, facing Lin Yuan and stretched out his hand, "Hello."

Linyuan: "Hello."

Mu Chenchong and Lin Yuan sat on the sofa, Zhuang Jun nodded to him, turned around and left, and the next moment the secretary came in and brought tea for the two of them.

Lin Yuan took a sip from the teacup, good tea, she put down the teacup, crossed her slender legs, leaned on the sofa leisurely, as if she was the master here.

"You came to me for my skills?" The words were very straightforward, Lin Yuan's usual style, it's not that she can't talk in a twist and turn, but there is no need, and no one is qualified to make her talk in such a way.

Muchen nodded, "Yes, it is indeed because your technology is very powerful, so I would like to hire you as the technical director of our company. What do you think?"

Mu Chenchong knew at a glance that the girl in front of him was arrogant and wanton, but he didn't care, after all, the strong always have the capital to be willful, right?
Lin Yuan said: "I have no plans to join any company yet, but I can be a technical consultant. If there are any problems that cannot be solved, I will solve them."

Although the expected goal was not achieved, it is very good that such a talent is willing to join as the company's consultant. Muchen Chong has a gentle attitude and is extremely satisfied.

There is no need to discuss issues such as remuneration now.

What he wanted the most has been achieved. In the next few hours, Mu Chenchong chatted with Lin Yuan everywhere. He originally wanted to make the atmosphere less awkward. After all, increasing mutual understanding is a way for better cooperation. help.But what Muchen Chong didn't expect was that the girl in front of him could pick up what he said, with profound and unique insights, some things he didn't understand, but she solved his confusion for him in a few words.

He rarely gave birth to talking about sex and kept talking.

And Lin Yuan also felt that the person in front of him was not bad, and many opinions were reasonable, anyway, there was nothing to do, chatting with him was a waste of time.

Before he knew it, he had been talking for two hours. Of course, it was Mu Chenchong who kept talking most of the time, and Lin Yuan occasionally added a sentence or two when he was confused, so that Mu Chenchong could keep talking.

It wasn't until Mu Chenchong felt that his mouth was dry, picked up his teacup and took a big sip when he saw the time on his watch that he realized that more than two hours had passed, and he reluctantly ended it.

"Look at me, I forgot the time. It's almost time for lunch. Shall we go out for dinner?" After more than two hours of conversation, although Mu Chenchong's attitude was as gentle and polite as ever, the feeling of strangeness was gone. Dissipated a lot.

Lin Yuan refused, "No need, I'll go back first if I move today."

Muchen Chong didn't insist even after hearing it, "Okay, then I'll let Zhuang Jun take you back. If you need any help, don't be polite."

Lin Yuan stood up and said with a smile: "That's not true, I finally found a boss, of course I won't be polite, will I?"

This was the first time Mu Chenchong saw Lin Yuan's smile, like a thousand springs blooming in the world, an indescribable beauty.

Zhuang Jun and Lin Yuan took the elevator again, but as soon as they got to the door of the elevator, they saw maintenance workers doing repairs, "Brother, what's wrong?"

Zhuang Jun went forward and patted a worker on the shoulder and asked. The worker was also very forthright, and immediately told Zhuang Jun what had happened.

"The big boss doesn't know! The elevator broke down today. I heard it was quite serious. Two hours ago, a person trapped in the elevator was carried away by an ambulance. I heard that he was unconscious when he was carried away. There is still blood on his body. Alas, it’s okay if there is no accident with these big things, but if there is an accident, it will kill people!” The worker brother was deeply moved.

Zhuang Jun also sighed: "Fortunately, I saved my life, so you guys should do your work first. It seems that I have to walk up the stairs today. I will be exhausted with so many floors."

The worker brothers were amused by the expression on Zhuang Jun's face, and felt that this big boss was different and quite easy to talk to, so he didn't have much sense of distance and teased: "You big bosses sit in the office every day, and your body will collapse. Climbing the stairs is also good for exercising, hahaha."

(End of this chapter)

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