I'm crazy

Chapter 320

Chapter 320
After getting in touch with Huo Meng, Lin Yuan called Mu Chenchong directly, and said straight to the point: "I want to talk to you about a business, are you interested?"

Of course Mu Chenchong was interested. After hearing what Lin Yuan said about the Gong family, Mu Chenchong didn't say anything boring, and said directly: "How sure are you?"

Linyuan said indifferently, "Jiuzhong."

The remaining one is not knowing what kind of natural disaster is similar to the collapse of the plane.

Mu Chenchong could hear the coercion and arrogance contained in Qingling's indifferent voice very clearly. For some reason, Mu Chenchong never liked such arrogant people, but it was an exception for Lin Yuan. Her arrogance It seems that it has always been so natural and justified.

"Okay." Mu Chen smiled heartily, he is not an overly cautious kid, since there is such a good opportunity, then he will take a gamble.

After all, Gong's is such a big piece of fat. If he really succeeds by then, his company will definitely be able to take it to a higher level. It doesn't matter if it fails. At that time, if you want to settle accounts, not to mention that the foundation of their company has been damaged, there is nothing they can do to him.

With just a few words, the fate of a company has been decided.

Now that the words have been spoken, the action can be taken.

So Gong Jinsheng suddenly discovered that the company's business dealings these days are a little more difficult for some reason.

But that wasn't enough to make him feel anything.

As soon as this sudden incident happened, Gong Jinsheng was completely overwhelmed.

This goes back to Gong Jinsheng's family history.

He was one of the first people in the country to get rich. Because he caught up with the good times and dared to think and fight, he made his fortune by virtue of the right time and place.

Gong Jinsheng made his fortune by relying on real estate. Although the Gong family has also entered many emerging industries due to the development of the new era, the company's focus is still on real estate.

At the beginning, he didn't do this either. After all, real estate was just emerging at that time, and there were few people to seize the business, so he was not very daring.

But it’s different now. The real estate industry is becoming saturated, and it’s getting harder and harder to make money. For more profit, he has to shoddy. He is not the only one who does this, nor is his company. It is more serious and serious than him. There are many people who do anything for money, why is his company so unlucky.

"President, things are getting more and more serious now." The secretary looked serious.

Gong Jinsheng coughed a few times in a low voice. The exhaustion of running around these days made his illness worse.

"Didn't someone take the hot search down? Why is it still on it?"

Gong Jinsheng pointed to the news on the mobile phone that "Gong's real estate was shoddy and contained highly toxic substances, which has caused the death of two people" and was very angry.

The secretary wondered: "President, there is no way to withdraw."

This is no longer simply a matter of bad house quality. After all, there have been a lot of such news over the years, and the common people are no longer surprised by it.

But the situation is different now, because people are dead now, and once something involves human life, it will not be easy, especially because it is detected that this kind of house contains highly toxic substances, which undoubtedly harms the people. As long as the people who bought Gong's house were worried about their interests, they all clamored to check out.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, that is, they withdrew the first moment, and came up within an hour the next moment, and they didn't care about it after a few times, because they couldn't get over the heat after all.

And when this incident happened, the company's shares were the most affected, and they were falling all the time.

Gong Jinsheng also asked several partners for help, but at this moment, the partners who used to talk and laugh at Yanyan talked about him one after another, and didn't mention help at all.

Anyone with a wink can see that Gong's father has offended someone. When they don't know the strength behind the person Gong's offended, none of these old foxes can take the initiative to take action, and they are even afraid that they will not be able to avoid it and hurt themselves.

This is the shopping mall. The saying that the shopping mall is like a battlefield is not just a simple statement. Although there is no blood on the surface, the cruelty in it is no less than that of a battlefield where there is blood.

Now that things are raging, these old foxes in the shopping mall will of course avoid them whenever they can. After all, there are no permanent enemies. Of course, in other words, there are no permanent friends either.

After the Gong family can't hold on, this piece of fat will of course be in their pocket.

How could it be possible that Gong Jinsheng didn't know what they were planning, and he would be even more angry if he knew. He would never let their ideas succeed. It was just a small setback for him to develop Gong's father to his current status. Can't get over it.

Gong Jinsheng looked at the secretary and asked, "Is there any news from the inspection department?"

The secretary said in a calm voice: "No, I have declined."

"It's all bullshit. I usually send so much money to them. When I really need them, there will be no one there. Cough, cough, cough!" Gong Jinsheng clutched his chest, and his cough became severe due to mood swings.

The secretary hurriedly handed over the water and said, "President, please pay attention to your health."

Gong Jinsheng waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, "Since the people who are stupid can't use it, then you should contact people from other departments."

The secretary nodded, although he knew in his heart that Mrs. Gong might not be able to overcome this difficulty this time, and none of these people could be contacted, but there was still work to be done, after all, he was still Mrs. Gong's secretary.

After seeing the secretary go out, Gong Jinsheng couldn't control his body and collapsed on the chair. He knew his own body, and the illness was already serious enough.

He was so busy these days, just to pave the way for Yunan to go to recuperate and live for a few more years, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen at a critical moment.

What those old foxes could see, he could also see that someone was indeed going to punish their Gong family, and it meant that they would not stop dying.

Otherwise, how could these things have exploded to such a serious degree, otherwise, how could those people not say a word, or how could his business partners have such an attitude of avoiding them.

So, who is it?

Who the hell wants to punish Gong Shi like this, punish him?
He thinks that he has been cautious in doing things over the years, and has never offended anyone who cannot afford to offend, and he is from a poor background, and he is not from a flourishing family, so anyone in the family who takes advantage of his power to offend anyone should also impossible.

After all, Huo Meng is a witty person, and he just buys things with his card on weekdays.

And the only possibility is his daughter Gong Yunan, Gong Jinsheng frowned, he is unwilling to put such conjectures on his daughter, but who else but her?
(End of this chapter)

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