I'm crazy

Chapter 327 Happy

Chapter 327 Happy
Why seek immortality?

I only wish to be free.


The Void Mountain Range, as the highest mountain range in Jianzong, has always been covered with snow all the year round, and the vast white snow dances silently between the sky and the earth. In this extremely cold mountain range, because of the extreme temperature, few people are there, even as a cultivator. The same is true.

But today there is a touch of black in this vast white area where there is no other color except white.

Dressed in black, like a dark night, with only a few centimeters left of her long hair, she touched the white and beautiful snowflakes on the ground. The snowflakes flying in the sky seemed to want to fall on the person who came, and she could not let go of her. .

A faint smile appeared on the face that seemed to have taken away all the beauty of the world, Lin Yuan sat down cross-legged in the white snow, his body's spiritual power fluctuated, but it was all restrained in an instant, except for the blackness that remained in the sky and the ground. , without a trace of breath, as if it has merged with the world.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yuan opened her eyes, and pure white snowflakes fell all over her body, and when her spiritual power moved, all those snowflakes fell to the ground.

The moment her spiritual power moved slightly, a peaceful and elegant voice sounded in her ears, "Linyuan, is the retreat going well?"

Lin Yuan looked behind him. He was dressed in blue, with an unusually handsome face, a slender figure, and a gentle smile in his deep eyes. Elder Xingshen, who was famous in the world thousands of years ago and is still famous today.

There are gangsters, like cuts are like consultations, like cuts like grinding.

There are gangsters, who are full of ears, and will be like stars.

There are gangsters, such as gold such as tin, such as Gui as bi.

"Master." Lin Yuan turned around and said with a smile.

The person here is the master of her face.

The small plane that entered this time is the plane of cultivating immortals. Kunlun mirror did not choose the identity of the aborigine in the plane, but directly created a body for her. Her original body was the snow fox in the snow mountain. When he was in his body, he met Elder Xingshen of Jianzong who came to the snow mountain to pick snow lotus for thousands of years. He thought that the furry and cute snow fox cub caught Xingchen's eyes, so he brought her back to Jianzong directly. He also indulged her very much during the time he got along, so he took her as his apprentice as a matter of course.

"You, you, you have been in seclusion for hundreds of years. I, an old man who has found a disciple with great difficulty, is really pitiful!" Xing Chen moved in front of Lin Yuan and tolerated it for thousands of years. Sui Yue's eyes stared at Lin Yuan in front of him with a melodious smile.

With a movement of Lin Yuan's slender and fair hands, two rattan chairs and a stone table appeared in front of his eyes, and on the stone table were two cups of clear tea with a little bit of mist.

"Master has been in retreat for longer than my apprentice, and now he is still joking about his apprentice?" Linyuan Shi Shiran took the lead to sit down on the wicker chair, as if he didn't care about Xing Xing who was still standing next to her. Shen, he didn't have half of the respectful look that the apprentice had when facing the master when the master and apprentice were getting along.

But looking at Xing Chen's face that didn't have the slightest abnormality, it was obvious that these two masters and apprentices who didn't look like masters and apprentices got along like this.

Xing Chen also sat down on the other wicker chair, took a sip of the tea, and asked with a smile: "Snow tea grown in snow mountains?"

Lin Yuan nodded lightly, "That's right, I have never entertained anyone with snow tea except you, my apprentice."

As the tallest and steepest mountain in the Canglan Continent, the snow mountain is also a mountain that human races cannot set foot on except for those who have reached the realm of transforming the void. The things on the mountain are extremely precious, but because of the extremely low temperature and special spiritual barrier, the creatures that can survive in the snow mountain are very rare. At least, except for the snow lotus which is this unique snow tea.

As a snow fox born in the snow mountain, Linyuan can go alone to the snow mountain to pick snow lotus and snow tea, but she is not interested in snow lotus. The snow tea from the strain is obviously extremely precious.

At least after hearing Lin Yuan's words, the smile and gentleness in Xing Chen's eyes deepened a bit, and the graceful curve of the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

"That's right, you still know that you are thinking of being a teacher, so it's not in vain to hurt you." Xing Shen's misty blue clothes slipped through the white snow, and his bony hands set off the emerald green teacup very beautifully.

Lin Yuan chuckled lightly, "Master's words are wrong, when did I miss you?"

Xingshen said sadly: "I think how cute and well-behaved I was when I was a little snow fox. As a teacher, I still miss you at that time."

Lin Yuan raised his forehead, "Then 'you' can continue to think about it in the dream."

The implication is that it is impossible to change back to the appearance of Xuehu.

Xing Chen felt helpless and regretful, as expected, his apprentice had grown up and his wings had hardened, so he didn't listen to his master anymore.

He put down his teacup, looked at his leisurely and carefree disciple who had more charm than Xiaoyao, and said: "Now that you have successfully condensed the alchemy, don't forget to cultivate your state of mind. To cultivate an immortal, you must first cultivate your heart. As a teacher, I reminded you. I also know your qualifications."

Lin Yuan smiled lightly, and his relaxed words were extremely arrogant and leisurely, "Yes, master, don't worry, your apprentice, I will not go crazy."

"You." Xing Chen got up, and the cyan clothes slipped behind his back in the white snow, "You're really naughty."

The intimacy in these words is very strong. Xingchen is not as serious as ordinary masters. His care for his apprentices is hidden under his cold face. He is not a cold person, especially Most of the time when getting along with Linyuan is not like that between master and apprentice, but more like peers or old friends.

After drinking the last sip of tea, with a wave of the black clothes, the illusion has disappeared.

The boundless snowflakes are still flying like thousands of years ago, and the two people who appeared between this world have disappeared.

As the sect of cultivating immortals in the Canglan Continent, Jianzong has an extraordinary status in the Canglan Continent because the strength of Jianxiu is higher than that of the same level.

However, most of the sword cultivators are clear-minded people, and they don't have any ambitions to be number one, so Jianzong has a unique position among the sects of cultivating immortals, and there is no hostile sect.

And Jianzong has been able to stand in the Canglan Continent for tens of thousands of years because there are three Huaxu elders in the sect. In the Canglan Continent where no one has ascended for nearly ten thousand years, Huaxu is the highest state. It can also be seen the background of Jianzong.

And today is the day when Jianzong opens a mountain and accepts disciples once every ten years.

Of course, it's not just this once in ten years. All major sects in the mortal world select people with extraordinary aptitude who are suitable for cultivation to enter the sect, but this is conditional, and the condition is talent.

And this once-in-ten-year apprenticeship meeting does not have any conditions.

As long as you can overcome many obstacles and come to Jianzong, and pass the test of Jianzong smoothly, no matter what aptitude you are, you can be accepted by Jianzong.

But this test is obviously extremely difficult. After all, the road to immortality is not simple. The way of heaven is ruthless and goes against the sky.

 I have an inexplicable hunch about this story, and I will like it very much, hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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