I'm crazy

Chapter 329 Happy

Chapter 329 Happy
And these five people were brought into the door by Jianzong.

The head of the sect Xu Guangdao: "From now on, you are my disciples of the Sword Sect. From now on, the affairs of ordinary people have nothing to do with you. I hope you can concentrate on cultivation and embark on the road of cultivating immortals."

The five children said in unison: "Yes."

After Xu Guang said his opening words, he said, "Everyone, choose your own apprentices."

Jianzong has nine peaks in total, and the nine peak masters are all held by elders of Jianzong, and these nine peak masters are also cultivators of the Yuanying realm.

The Lord of Danfeng took the lead and said: "Since this is the case, then I will not be polite."

The rest of the peak masters did not speak either. The atmosphere of the Jianzong sect was harmonious, and there were not too many power struggles among other sects.

Lord Danfeng looked at the five people below, three men and two women, one man and two women were from poor families, only two boys seemed to be able to dress well.

The master of Danfeng smiled and said: "Which one of you would like to practice alchemy with me?"

Except for Bian Qiuxun, the remaining four children glanced at each other, and one of them, a little girl with a ponytail, said tremblingly, "I...I want to learn alchemy."

After saying this, she raised her head and carefully glanced at the immortal not far away. The amiable smile of the master of Danfeng melted her nervousness a lot, and she subconsciously smiled.

The master of Danfeng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled happily, this little girl fit his eyes, not bad.

Then with a wave of his sleeve, Bai Xi stood beside him from the square.

The eyes of the remaining three people all had envy in their eyes, only Bian Qiuxun dismissed it, but he was only an alchemist, and he only had the cultivation of Yuanying, so what is there to envy?
Could her master be one of the few strong Void Transformers in this world, the male protagonist of this plane, when the time comes, they will not be envious to death?

Bian Qiuxun thought triumphantly, and when she came to her senses, she found that all the other children had already had places to go, and she was the only one left.

Because she didn't speak when the peak masters spoke for a long time, naturally she was not chosen.

And now there is only one peak master left, the peak master of the elixir peak, who manages the peak area where the elixir of Jianzong is planted.

Bian Qiuxun was dumbfounded, "System, what's going on? Didn't you say that the hero will accept me as an apprentice? What's going on? Why doesn't the hero say anything?"

The system couldn't figure it out, it checked it carefully, and it fit!The body that Bian Qiuxun travels through is the heroine in this small plane, and its plot is appropriate, so what's going on?Why didn't the hero speak?
Of course, you can’t say that to Bian Qiuxun, the system said coldly as always: “Don’t worry, this is just a small deviation in the plot, after all, what we read is text, and this is a real world, it’s normal , it doesn’t matter, even if the male lead doesn’t accept you as an apprentice, you can still find a way to get close to the male lead.”

It's just that this is more difficult, the system didn't say that.

Bian Qiuxun was calmed down by the calm words of the system, but she was still a little flustered. She had such great confidence because of the system on the one hand, and she was "familiar" with the plot on the other, but now she suddenly discovered that the plot was so unexpected. Deviating from the original track, naturally I don't know what to do.

"Then what should I do now?" Bian Qiuxun asked.

System: "Now we can only enter the elixir peak first."

There was no way, Bian Qiuxun finally entered the Spiritual Medicine Peak.

Bian Qiuxun walked behind, and the master of Lingyao Peak specially called her disciple Tao Yuan to lead Bian Qiuxun to her residence.

"Brother, how many people are there in our elixir peak?" Although this body is not very good-looking due to long-term malnutrition, the foundation is there, and Bian Qiuxun is young now, so he looks naturally Poor little look.

Tao Yuan softened his expression when facing his petite and thin junior sister, and said, "There are more than a hundred people in our Spirit Medicine Peak, including the master, who are responsible for planting spirit medicines on weekdays. , the usual tasks are very easy."

Tao Yuan carefully introduced to Bian Qiuxun the various matters of the Lingyao Peak, but unfortunately Bian Qiuxun didn't care at all, she wanted to spend time with the male lead, how could she stay in this chaotic place all the time? The elixir of peak life.

That's right, from Bian Qiuxun's point of view, the Lingyao Peak is dilapidated, and even the entire Sword Sect doesn't have the grandeur and luxury of the Xiuxian Sect in her opinion.

But what she didn't know was her ignorance and ignorance.

Immortal cultivators pursue the Tao all their lives, and if they hear the Tao in the morning, they will die in the evening. How can they enjoy the wealth and rights of ordinary people like she thought?
If this is the case, what kind of immortality is still cultivating, why not go to the mundane world to enjoy it early.

The meeting for accepting apprentices ended here, and Xing Shen and Lin Yuan returned to their residence together.

As the master of Huaxu, Xing Chen has a space alone, which is the purple bamboo forest at the highest point of Jianzong. In the past, there was only one hut in the purple bamboo forest. Made a bamboo house.

Moreover, his apprentice's bamboo house is not as simple as his. Although it looks like a simple bamboo house from the outside, the things inside make Xing Chen envious even after looking at it.

It's not that there are many natural resources and treasures, but that her apprentice's bamboo house is not like the residence of a purist, but more like the residence of an emperor, which is extremely luxurious and convenient.

But according to Xingshen's thinking, his apprentice was originally a little snow fox, so there's nothing wrong with that fox enjoying himself, as a master, of course he should be pampered.

"You've been getting more and more tired recently." Xing Chen sighed looking at his apprentice's drowsy appearance.

Lin Yuan's dark eyes glanced at him slowly, and his slow tone seemed like he didn't want to speak at all: "Winter is coming, I want to hibernate."

Xing Chen was dumbfounded by Lin Yuan's words, "Okay, you want to hibernate."

He didn't refute the unreasonable reason that cultivators still hibernate, but just smiled indulgently: "Then I won't disturb your hibernation as a teacher?"

Lin Yuan's sharp eyebrows slanted, as if to say: It's good that you know.

Qingyue's extremely elegant laughter resounded in this quiet and beautiful purple bamboo forest, and the wind picked up the bamboo leaves and made a rustling sound, as if echoing his laughter.

At this moment, time seemed to be frozen together, Xingshen was inexplicably happy, and Jian Xin, who was calm and calm, felt the long-lost joy inexplicably at this moment.

He looked at Lin Yuan. He was an apprentice but not an apprentice. The apprentice was lazily closing his eyes. When he saw him looking over, he glanced at him with displeasure. The eyes in his eyes were very clear, and he might feel that he was inexplicable. Become crazy.

At this moment, he felt that perhaps the most fortunate thing in his life was going to the snow mountain on a whim that year.

The hem of the cyan clothes swayed gently with the breeze, while at the side, the hem of Shen Yuan's black clothes swayed in the wind, outlining a picture that seemed to be still but floating.

(End of this chapter)

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