I'm crazy

Chapter 331 Happy

Chapter 331 Happy
After drinking the wine, Xing Chen resumed his unfinished chess game, Lin Yuan drank Fuyin silently, and only said at the end, "Heizi is going to lose."

Xing Chen didn't raise his head, "Then you save me?"

Seeing that the sunspot he liked was about to lose, Lin Yuan became a little interested, the spiritual power of his fingertips moved slightly, and he immediately followed Xingshen Baizi to drop.

Xing Shen's usual smiling eyes sank, and it was rare for him to look serious. When playing chess with himself, he could take his time leisurely, but if he played chess with his apprentice, if he relaxed a little, he would definitely lose his armor and lose his armor.

He had to be serious, but he enjoyed the feeling of urgency.

Xingchen played the game seriously, but Linyuan still looked lazy and didn't care at all, but the more relaxed Linyuan was, the greater the pressure on Xingchen.

At the last moment, Hei Zi leisurely fell onto the chessboard, and Bai Zi lost.

Xing Shen smiled lowly, and with a wave of his sleeve, the chessboard disappeared without a trace, "It seems that I am not your opponent yet."

Lin Yuan looked indifferent, and said lightly: "Of course."

Life as a demon god is really too long. I have tried both those I am interested in and those I am not interested in. I have tried Linyuan in this long and vast river of life. I have spent time to understand and study because of boredom.

Just this simple technique of playing chess, she is already the pinnacle of means, Xing Shen is naturally not her opponent.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Lin Yuan closed his eyes and said in a low voice.

Xing Chen got down on the rattan chair again, "The new disciple Jinzong always has to go to practice, you are the best candidate."

Although it is said that after entering the sect of cultivating immortals, it has severed ties with the mundane world, but even a cultivator who has practiced for thousands of years can mess up his cultivation mind, cut off his cultivation base, and even worse because of the greed, anger, and obsession of the mundane world Don't say that these children are no more than teenagers.

Therefore, after the new disciples enter the sect, they will organize an experience suitable for them, so that they can see the difficulties of cultivating immortals, and truly realize that they are no longer those mortals who will turn into loess after a hundred years.

However, even if the difficulty is very small, for the safety of the disciples, there should be senior brothers and sisters leading the team to help in times of crisis, so as not to ruin their lives due to accidents.

As a cultivator at the alchemy stage, Lin Yuan is also the disciple of Xing Shen, a master of Void Transformation, so he is naturally the most suitable.

But Xing Chen felt that his apprentice probably wouldn't be able to answer, after all, this matter was too troublesome for her lazy nature.

Xing Chen was about to say that it's fine if he doesn't agree, so he just rejected the person in charge, so don't worry about it.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan who was about to fall asleep said lightly: "Okay."

Three days later, on the Jianzong Square, it was Mao time, the time for the disciples of Jianzong to swing their swords. In the square, all the disciples of Jianzong held their own swords and swung them one after another without using any spirit. power, and even most people have sealed their own spiritual power.

The five people who were going to participate in this training stood on the edge of the square and looked at this scene, Bai Xi whispered: "Senior brothers and sisters are so amazing!"

The other three all nodded. For disciples like them who have only entered the sect for a few days, no matter who they are, they are better than them.

Only Bian Qiuxun still seemed to be wandering away, she didn't pay attention to this place at all, and asked the system in her mind, "Why hasn't the male lead come yet?"

System: "...The hero will not be with you."

Does this host know his identity?She is a rookie now, in the game, she is a first-level rookie, the kind who can't even get out of Novice Village, and what about the male lead?He is a full-level boss, is it so easy for a rookie like you to meet that boss?
Although this small plane is an illusion of the novel world, it has become a real world after all, and the role of the plot is not that great. Now that Bian Qiuxun has lost the opportunity, it is not so easy to attract the attention of the hero ?

This is not a world of rigid and rigid plots. The world revolves around the plot and cannot be divorced from the plot.

Bian Qiuxun curled her lips, but still didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, the system said that she would definitely meet the male lead this time, so she wasn't in a hurry.

I just don't know how the male lead looks like?
While Bian Qiuxun was still fantasizing in his mind, a shooting star flashed across the sky and arrived in front of several people in the blink of an eye.

Bai Xi looked at Lin Yuan who was standing in front of them and opened her eyes wide, as if she was in a daze and didn't know what to say.

The other three also looked blank.

Lin Yuan glanced casually and said indifferently: "I am the person in charge of your training this time, just call me Senior Sister Lin."

The four bowed obediently and said, "Hello, Senior Sister Lin."

Bian Qiuxun was still immersed in the plot where he met the male lead and fell in love with her at first sight, so he didn't notice Lin Yuan's arrival at all for a while.

It was only after hearing the voices of the other four people that she woke up.

She looked at Lin Yuan, startled.

Immediately there was intense jealousy, why is this woman in front of me so beautiful?
She has eaten well in the past few days, she is no longer yellow and thin, her original delicate foundation is also revealed, she looks very good-looking, Bian Qiuxun is very satisfied when she looks at her face, she never thought about it It's rare for me to have such a good-looking face, and I am a lot more concerned about this task.

But she didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, she saw something more beautiful.

Even if she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that the good-looking person in front of her was already beyond the standards of the human category.

Jealousy flashed across Bian Qiuxun's eyes, without saying a word, he followed Lin Yuan and walked towards the ruins they were about to experience like the other four.

They don't know how to control the sword yet, Jianzong doesn't have flying mounts and tools, so naturally they can only rely on walking.

"Senior Sister Lin, are there only six of us in this experience?" Bai Xi looked at everyone silent, and opened her mouth cautiously. These days getting along with her senior brothers and sisters at Danfeng made her a little more cheerful. A fairy like Senior Sister is still a little cautious, for fear that Senior Sister Lin likes to be quiet.

Fortunately, Senior Sister Lin was not angry. Although her pleasant voice sounded rather cold, she still replied "um".

This time, Bai Xi's chatterbox was completely opened up, she was not afraid of Senior Sister Lin at all, she chattered along the way, even the other three boys were not as reserved as they were at the beginning, and continued with a sentence or two from time to time.

When Bian Qiuxun came back to his senses, the other four people had already chatted with Lin Yuan, and she had no room to interrupt at all.

Bian Qiuxun was furious. These people are not young, they think badly, they isolate themselves, and there is this woman, who looks good, but has such vicious thoughts, how could the hero accept such a person as his apprentice?
(End of this chapter)

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