I'm crazy

Chapter 338 Happy

Chapter 338 Happy
Bian Qiuxun left Yao Longjing to look for the golden finger that the system found for her. Along the way, she encountered many organ formations. If there was no reminder from the system, Bian Qiuxun might have died in this ruin long ago.

"System, how long is it?" Bian Qiuxun felt that he was going to die of exhaustion.

Da Neng's ruins are not so easy to break into. Even if Bian Qiuxun has a system in her body and reminds her to avoid many dangers, she still suffers a little due to her lack of ability.

The system no longer wants to talk to Bian Qiuxun anymore, it has decided that it will unbind with Bian Qiuxun no matter whether the task is completed or not. Bian Qiuxun is really unreliable and wasting such a good opportunity.

He is an ordinary low-level person, how long can he be happy once he gets the golden finger?What's more, this cheat is still a poisonous cheat, isn't it?

Bian Qiuxun wasn't angry if she didn't get a response from the system. She believed that as a host, she should be more tolerant, and she could still bear the system's occasional "tsundere".

Bian Qiuxun has been walking towards the central area, and it happens that Linyuan is also coming here. It has to be said that Linyuan and these system carriers are very destined.

Lin Yuan held a folding fan in his hand, and shook it recklessly, like a young man riding a horse leaning on a leaning bridge in ancient times, with red sleeves all over the building, if this man is willing to give a smile, I am afraid that all the women in Beijing will be drunk Fallen under her grace.

In these short days, Lin Yuan learned that the owner of this relic was a woman hundreds of years ago. What is very unique is that, from various signs, this woman is also a person who traveled through time.

"It seems that there is still a difference between people."

Lin Yuan looked at the scenery in the ruins and said, although this woman is a time-traveling woman, she has neither been entangled with any emperor, doctor, doctor, immortal, nor staged any extraordinary romance with any celestial demon, but asked with all her heart Cultivating immortals is the pursuit of Taoism.

In the end, he was able to become a fairy at ease.

And this relic can be regarded as her portable space back then, but after she ascended, she put this relic here for those who are destined to come.

But Bian Qiuxun's body is different.

So there is still a difference between people and people, and this difference is sometimes the absolute destiny.

Lin Yuan stopped and walked in the ruins, and didn't go on purpose, but finally reached the core area.

She looked at the pavilion in front of her, which was very elegant. It seemed that the owner of the ruins was also an elegant person.

He raised his feet and walked forward, passing through the winding corridors and the lotus pond green platform, a door appeared in front of Lin Yuan, but this door was opened.

"Master, Bian Qiuxun just went in."

"Really?" Lin Yuan chuckled, "Oh, didn't I suddenly remember that she said that I bullied her? If that's the case, let's go and see what she is going to do, and by the way, verify the reputation she gave."

The footsteps moved lightly without making a sound, and after Linyuan entered, he found that Bian Qiuxun was confronting a hairpin.

"System, are you sure this is the inheritance of the owner of the relic, are you lying to me?" Bian Qiuxun has been staring at this uncharacteristic hairpin for almost a quarter of an hour, but still has nothing to gain.

She has tried roasting with fire, pouring water, and confessing the Lord with blood, but none of them worked.

So much so that Bian Qiuxun now wonders if this is an excuse made by the system to let her practice.

System: "...the system will not go wrong. Please don't doubt the ability of the system. The succession requires the efforts of the host to recognize the master. The system will not be responsible."

In other words, if this inheritance does not recognize you because you are incompetent, what does it matter?

It's enough to find the way for her and the key to recognize the Lord, okay?How else should it be done?For the [-]th time, the system felt that this host was simply a...

Bian Qiuxun curled her lips, unhappy, but the system doesn't know, so she has no choice but to confront this ordinary hairpin first, and what's too much is that the inheritance must be completed in the ruins, even if she Even if you want to take this hairpin out and study it carefully.

Bian Qiuxun sighed, and was about to try again to identify the owner with a drop of blood, but the hairpin suddenly flew up, overtook her and flew behind her.

"Who?" Bian Qiuxun looked behind him, and saw the figure of someone she didn't want to see at all.

"Why are you here?" Bian Qiuxun looked very bad.

Linyuan pinched the hairpin with his index and middle fingers, and smiled lightly, "Why can't I be here?"

Didn't Bian Qiuxun think that she had already stamped her own brand on this unowned relic?If so, that face is really big.

Bian Qiuxun looked at the hairpin pinched by Lin Yuan on his finger, and said anxiously: "This is mine, give it back to me!"

She stretched out her hand towards Lin Yuan's direction, very confident.

Lin Yuan sneered, "Your thing? It's funny, when did this unowned thing in the ruins become your thing? Does it have your name on it?"

Bian Qiuxun exasperatedly said: "If you say it's mine, it's mine. It's fine if you rob my master, and now you're still robbing my hairpin. I've never seen such a cheeky person like you."

This really made Lin Yuan laugh, she didn't know what to say to Bian Qiuxun's remarks and thoughts.

What is her master?
Even if a marriage is concluded, a person still belongs to her, and no one is anyone's property. When did the cheap master recognized by her plane become hers?
Kunlun Mirror said in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Master, the original plot is a master-student relationship between the male and female protagonists, and the body that Bian Qiuxun travels through is the female protagonist in the novel's plot, so..."

"So that stupid mind has this idea, right?" Lin Yuan said casually.

Kunlun Mirror agrees.

Lin Yuan doesn't take it seriously, it's really ridiculous, let's not say that this is the real world, even if it's a real novel, no one stipulates that the hero and heroine must be with each other, what kind of brains does Bian Qiuxun think that she is so cheap? Master belongs to her?

Bian Qiu asked the system, "Can it be dealt with? Or just kill her?"

The Kunlun mirror in Linyuan's sea of ​​knowledge exploded and said, "Master, how dare she disrespect you."

Lin Yuan didn't respond, "Calm down."

There are too many people who disrespect her in the experience of traveling in this small plane. It is impossible for her to care about every creature. She is not so free yet, and these ants are not qualified to provoke her emotions. It will be fine if it is resolved. .

The system in Bian Qiuxun's mind said: "You are not her opponent, and the system will not provide direct help."

When you told her to practice hard, she didn’t practice, but now she still wants to solve her, and if she doesn’t solve it, you will be fine.

Bian Qiuxun took a breath to calm herself down, yes, she didn't need to do it directly, anyway, Yao Longjing would help her.

 I want to ask for a monthly pass ⊙▽⊙

(End of this chapter)

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