I'm crazy

Chapter 345 Happy

Chapter 345 Happy
With this curiosity, the system made a good investigation, and found a shocking surprise, "Yao Longjing has become possessed."

It started after Yao Longjing came out from the ancestor of the Yao family that day.

Yao Longjing originally planned to let the ancestor of the Yao family vent his anger on him. It is best to bring that Linyuan who made fun of him, torture her and kill her, so that the anger in his heart can be dissipated. go down.

But what he didn't expect was that the ancestor of the Yao family completely rejected him. He didn't understand why, why?
Isn't he the most outstanding child of the Yao family in this generation?Isn't he the ancestor's favorite junior?

Why don't you even want to vent your anger on him?
Apparently Yao Longjing was completely unaware of the seriousness of this matter, he thought it was just a matter of him wanting to kill a cultivator of Condensing Alchemy Mirror, but he obviously forgot that behind the person he wanted to kill was a master of Void Transformation Realm.

Obviously he is also a child who has been taught by the family, why did he become like this after such an incident?

It's as if all rationality and IQ have completely disappeared, and all I want to do is put to death the person I've humiliated.

But Yao Longjing is stupid, the patriarch of the Yao family is not stupid, he was fortunate to be invited by Jianzong hundreds of years ago to participate in Xingshen Jianzun's apprentice acceptance meeting, so he has naturally met his apprentice and knows his apprentice's name , just the title of Sword Master's Disciple is doomed to most people in this world, except for those who can be compared with Xingchen Sword Master, no one else has the guts to take the risk of offending a Sword Master What to do with other people's apprentices.

It's not that you don't want your life. Although cultivators have a long lifespan, and some people may even live for an unknown number of years, as long as they are human beings, they cherish their lives, and cultivators are no exception.

Yao Longjing didn't get any result he wanted from his ancestor, so he thought of other ways, thinking of killing Lin Yuan, now Lin Yuan has become his demon, he clearly knows that if Lin Yuan If he doesn't get rid of it, he won't be able to overcome this inner demon, and he can only reach this level in his life.

When the time comes, it will be the fate of returning to the loess.

This makes Yao Longjing, who has always been the proud son of heaven and is sought after by everyone, how can he accept it? He can't stand other people who are not as good as him in the past. Deepen and regress.

This horrific future warning, horrific future possibility, plunged him into a kind of panic, and he was terrified all day long. The more he thought about it, the more panicked he became, which naturally gave more opportunities for the demons to take advantage of.

The inner demons became deeper and deeper, and Yao Longjing was deeply troubled by the inner demons, and he naturally fell into the way of demons by accident.

This is inconceivable to the system, because the first meeting with Yao Longjing still seems like yesterday, and it still remembers Yao Longjing's proud appearance that day, how could a person fall into the evil way like this?
It didn't know what happened in the ruins, so it couldn't think of the reason why Yao Longjing fell into the devil.

But if someone who knows the truth of the matter seems to be extremely normal.

Think about it, a person who has been going smoothly for hundreds of years without any blows or bullying, a person who was always praised by others in his living environment, and a person who is centered on others, suddenly one day finds that he is simply a fool.

What I originally thought to be under my control turned out to be the complete opposite. I was the clown, the one who was teased and watched, and the one who was trampled underfoot.

This sense of shame may be overcome by a strong and resolute person, but obviously Yao Longjing is not this type of person.

His life was so smooth, even in the cruel world of self-cultivation, he was well protected by his own family. There was no need to fight for the magic weapon, and the training books didn't need to be robbed by others before someone sent them to him.

Now, once encountering setbacks like this, Yao Longjing naturally got into a dead end and couldn't get out.

He didn't think it was his fault, he was not at fault at all, the fault was all on Lin Yuan, the person who dared to tease him.

Bian Qiuxun couldn't believe it when he heard the system's news, but only for a moment, "It's okay, it's okay."

It's just Yao Longjing, his luck is gone, isn't there a big villain boss?
The luck of the villain's big boss is much higher than his. It can completely offset Yao Longjing's luck, can't it?

After all, Bian Qiuxun didn't care about Yao Longjing at all, especially now that she had another target to attack, so Yao Longjing was left behind in her mind.

In Bian Qiuxun's view, she is the heroine in Mary Su's novel, all men love her, and she wanders around so many excellent men, looking for the best one that suits her best, even if she really can't let go of others People, there is nothing wrong with all of them together.

Well, not having a little Yao Longjing whom she despises would naturally cause her no loss.

"If it's gone, it's gone. It's so easy to fall into the devil. It can be seen that Yao Longjing is not very good." Bian Qiuxun advised the system in turn.

Although the system still thinks that Bian Qiuxun is not a reliable host these days, for some reason, it may have been gradually brainwashed by her views, and it suddenly feels that if there is no one, it will be gone, and it is nothing event.

Anyway, isn't there a big villain boss?
One person and one system have reached a perfect combination, and they all think that this is not a big deal, so their next focus will be on attacking the big villain boss.

"So the system, how should I attack it?" Bian Qiuxun asked.

The system flipped through the information, "Since it's called the big villain boss, then no matter what, it's not a good strategy anyway, but I don't know what kind of villain big boss it is."

Is it ruthless and cruel, or is it gentle on the surface and extraordinary in practical means.

"It's turned over, the plot shows that this villain is very indifferent." The system said.

"Indifferent?" Bian Qiuxun scratched his head, "What kind of adjective is this?"

"It means not caring about anything, not caring about anything, not even caring about one's own life and death." The system further explained to Bian Qiuxun.

"Ah!" Bian Qiuxun yelled, and then happily said, "I like this kind."

Isn't it the type of flower of Gaoling?

She is very interested. This kind of man is very challenging. Similarly, he is also very capable of provoking people's desire to conquer. Thinking of the scene after he conquered this big villain boss and made him really fall in love with her, Bian Qiuxun was so excited, she couldn't wait.

"System, let's go quickly." She wanted to meet this villainous boss as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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