I'm crazy

Chapter 350 Happy

Chapter 350 Happy
These words from his apprentice quite hit Xing Chen's self-confidence, he touched his face unconsciously and thought to himself, is he really old?

No way, compared to those who have been closed for thousands of years, he is very young, okay?
Xing Chen secretly sighed, "Well, being a teacher is older than you."

The Kunlun Mirror in the Sea of ​​Consciousness could hardly bear it any longer, "Hahaha, master, hahaha..."

Does he even know what he's talking about?

Jianzong's life is peaceful and unrestrained, and Linyuan's daily life is to drink some wine, practice swordsmanship, and then talk to the cheap master, and by the way, tease the junior disciples or something.

Strange to say, this time in Jianzong's acceptance ceremony, two rebels carrying the system were mixed in.

And this time their goal is to...

"Hello Master Lin." The handsome young man was wearing the blue clothes of Jianzong, which made him look more youthful and green. He was very eye-catching in the crowd. At least on this road, there were many people watching, especially those little girls. .

The crowd was whispering.

"Hey, you see Lian Jin is courting Master Lin again, he doesn't have any self-knowledge!"

"What are you talking about? Lian Jin is so good-looking, good-natured, and so serious about cultivation, why doesn't Master Lin like him?"

The one who spoke was a young female disciple, with jealousy on her face that couldn't be concealed.

The people around her secretly moved away from her when they heard this, probably because they were not mentally ill.

No matter how good-looking Lian Jin is, no matter how good-looking her character is, Master Lin doesn't like her if she doesn't like it.

Although most sword cultivators are straightforward, it does not mean that they are stupid, otherwise Jianzong would not be able to survive today.

Hearing the words in the crowd, the corners of Lian Jin's lips twitched secretly. Although there were not many, at least the disciples of Jianzong did not object to his pursuit of this master. Those who were not optimistic about him, he thought they were jealous of him. courage.

As a senior player who has traveled through countless planes, he takes the protagonist's love as his living condition. After conquering so many planes, there are men and women, and without exception, he is not the protagonist with outstanding looks.

But he really hasn't seen the sword sect in front of him who is so senior that he needs to call his master such a good-looking person.

That face seems to be a masterpiece, not to mention the lazy and willful temperament on her body, which hides arrogance that is not obvious. It is definitely interesting to conquer such a woman.

Lian Jin touched her lips indistinctly, and felt her whole body became excited.

Lin Yuan, who was stopped by him, stood on the steps, looking down at him condescendingly, which made Lian Jin's blood boil even more.

"What's the matter?" Qingling's misty voice brought back Lian Jin's imagination, he unconsciously became cautious when facing such a person with a high degree of difficulty in the strategy, which is also the reason why he was able to travel through so many planes one.

Lian Jin saluted respectfully, and hurriedly said: "I don't know one sword technique, and I would like to ask you to guide me."

Although most people in Jianzong have already seen his intentions, but this is what he deliberately let them see. Of course, you can't be so aggressive when facing the protagonist, which will make people lose their favorability.

Lin Yuan smiled inexplicably, guide?

She was afraid that he would not be able to bear her guidance...

There seemed to be whirlpools in the black and purple eyes. Lian Jin, who was looking at Linyuan from a close distance, unconsciously held his breath. He didn't wake up until he heard the words of the person in front of him. He couldn't help but secretly warned himself that he was here to attack others Yes, you can't let others attack it.

"Get out the sword."

After saying three words casually and lazily, Yuan appeared in her hand, holding the sword loosely with her fingers, and she could tell at a glance that she didn't take this seriously.

The girl who was talking in the crowd just curled her lips again, the jealousy between her brows was very conspicuous, obviously Lian Jin treated her so well, Master Lin was still not satisfied, really, why doesn't Lian Jin like her?

She will not make Lian Jin so difficult.

Lian Jin improved his mind. Although he also had a system, the system did not give him any cheats. Plane strategies almost all depended on his own efforts, not to mention that in such a high-level plane, he had to rely on Practice hard by yourself.

So his cultivation base is not as high as the target he needs to attack in front of him.

With Yuan Yi in his hand, after seeing Lian Jin who was under the steps getting ready, Lin Yuan casually struck towards Lian Jin with a sword aura. Lian Jin originally thought that he was ready, even if he was not as strong as the person in front of him, but At least he can resist for a while, but he didn't expect him to overestimate himself.

Lian Jin took a few steps back in embarrassment, secretly suppressing the surging aura, should he be thankful that the person in front of him didn't like him, but he didn't have any killing intent?

Lin Yuan only sent out a sword qi and didn't make another move, otherwise people would say that she bullied the new disciple.

The black skirt with gilt trim slipped past Lian Jin's eyes, and Lian Jin hurriedly bowed his head, only to hear the person who had already passed him say "Cultivate well" and then disappeared.

Lian Jin held his chest and smiled wryly to himself. It seems that strength is at least an indispensable part of a successful strategy in this plane.

Fortunately, he hasn't made a move yet, and there is still room for change.

However, the strength needs to be improved, and the strategy of increasing the favorability without any traces has to be started. After all, his favorability is still zero now.

The disciples in the crowd who were shocked by Lin Yuan's hand were hit one after another, and they wanted to improve their cultivation, at least those who talked about Lin Yuan and Lian Jin shut up and dared not continue to leave in despair.

Only the girl who spoke just now wanted to go forward to support Lian Jin, but when she was about to do so, Lian Jin had already left from another direction.

The girl stomped her feet angrily, snorted and left unwillingly.

After going back, Lian Jin was thinking about revising the plan. Improving his strength and improving his favorability can be done simultaneously. Don't worry. In this plane of cultivating immortals, maybe he can take his time without using those radical methods.

After Lin Yuan walked out of Jianzong, he rushed directly towards the snow mountain.

The once-in-a-thousand-year snow lotus is about to bloom, and the snow lotus blooms only for a moment. If you miss the time, you can only wait another thousand years, so Linyuan rushed to the snow mountain to get the snow lotus.

It's just that meeting Lian Jin wasted a little time.

"Master, why did these rebels attack you?"

The mirror surface of the Kunlun mirror flickered angrily, it was so angry that the word "strategy" would be used on its noble master one day, these rebels really can't bear it!

Kunlun mirror is very clear about what they want to do. Aren't these so-called strategies just to play with other people's feelings?
I don't know how many people on the plane have been deceived by these rebels with such dirty means to get their feelings and even their lives.

 Thanks to the little angel Gu Nian Sansheng, the little angel who lives up to Shaohua, and the little angel Aesyat for their tickets ⊙▽⊙

(End of this chapter)

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