I'm crazy

Chapter 352 Happy

Chapter 352 Happy
After getting rid of Fang Liangwen who was blocking the way, Lin Yuan went directly to Jianzong.

After Lin Yuan came down from Jianzong, it was a very "coincidence" that he met Lian Jin again.

At that time, Lian Jin was practicing his sword in the square, but the system in his mind reminded him that the target of the attack was coming.

After thinking about it, Lian Jin put away his sword and rushed towards Lin Yuan.

"Master Lin." The young man's handsome appearance looked very good in the morning light, and his demeanor was very calm and generous.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yuan stopped her body, she had a better impression of Lian Jin, there was no reason, but she was a little smarter than those idiots she met before, and Lin Yuan was still a little interested play with him.

Lian Jin leaned over and saluted respectfully, and said in a low voice, "I don't know one sword technique, so I'd like to invite my ancestor."

Lian Jin thought about it carefully. With his low strength now, he is not qualified to enter the eyes of the target of the attack. I am afraid that it is impossible for them to care about him at all.

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the strength, and it is also necessary to brush up the sense of presence from time to time. Even if the target of the strategy cannot be made to like him, at least she cannot be made to forget that he is not.

And what suits his identity, what suits him, is to ask others for sword skills as a disciple of the Sword Sect, and first leave an impression of being diligent and studious in front of the target of the attack.

With the same routine, Lin Yuan certainly knew what Lian Jin was thinking and what his purpose was.

But Lian Jin concealed it very well, at least he didn't show any disrespect on his face, there was no room for others to play tricks and spread rumors.

This does look like a "senior Raider".

"Let's do it." It's rare to say a few more words with Lian Jin. It's true that she has a little interest in Lian Jin, but it doesn't mean that she has the patience to accommodate him.

Lian Jin secretly sighed, sure enough, the target's character is not easy to handle!

He almost tried his best to get a few good encounters, and used the reason of guidance in front of her to brush up his presence several times, but so far, the target of the capture has still such a cold attitude towards him, and he can't say a word.

If Kunlun Mirror knew what Lian Jin was thinking, he would probably persuade him meaningfully: Young man, be content, you should be glad that the master is still in the mood to say something to you, otherwise your end will be miserable, just like It's unknown what kind of Fang Liangwen that fell from the sky has become.

Lian Jin took a deep breath and shot directly. Facing the target's cultivation level, he had to do his best.

It's a pity that he was stopped by the person in front of him, Qing Lingling, before he could make a few moves.

"Enough." From Lian Jin's swordsmanship, it can be seen that he has practiced seriously, and he is much better than many people just by practicing seriously in the plane and first doing himself well.

But this cannot conceal the fact that Lian Jin, the so-called attacker, is playing with other people's feelings wantonly.

After all, a scumbag.

One thing is one thing.

Glancing at Lian Jin lightly, the look in his condescending and arrogant eyes made Lian Jin lower his head slightly, and then he heard the human voice in front of him: "The third pose is a little too fast, the fifth pose is not in the right posture, and the ninth pose is straight. Wrong, let’s practice hard again.”

Lian Jin was taken aback for a moment, originally he thought that the target of the raid would dismiss him with one sentence, but unexpectedly he actually guided him carefully.

Lian Jin came back to his senses and quickly bowed to thank him, "Thank you, Master Lin."

He gave a faint "hmm", and when Lian Jin raised his head, he could no longer see Lin Yuan's figure. He sighed slightly, and for the first time had the consciousness of "a heavy responsibilities and a long way to go".

The target of the attack this time seems to be difficult to deal with, but Lian Jin did not lose confidence. He is extremely confident in his ability. Thinking back when he was in a plane, the target of the attack was his sister. In various senses, although He knew he wasn't, but the body he inhabited was real.

Of course, the target of the attack would not be willing, he was one of the few who played a game of taking the body and attacking the body and mind by force, and even the target who was so stubborn and refused to surrender would succumb, let alone this one now.

He considers himself perfectly fine.


Lin Yuan didn't pay attention to Lian Jin's actions, after all, it was just those dramas, so she regarded it as a free drama.

Back in the purple bamboo forest, the black clothes waved, and all the things for making tea appeared beside him. He took out the box containing the snow lotus from the storage ring, and Lin Yuan sat down on the stone chair.

There is no dignified and solemn posture, the posture is casual and not serious, and the way of cooking tea is also lazy and willful, but the movements that seem to be extremely willful are unique and romantic, showing their charm.

The Kunlun Mirror flew out from the Sea of ​​Consciousness and surrounded Lin Yuan, the mirror looked at its owner adoringly with flashing light, the owner is really amazing!

It feels like the master knows everything, and everything is so powerful.

The lazy movements are so slow, the flowing posture and connotation are elegant but unrestrained, and the mirror of the Kunlun mirror is constantly flashing.

Back in the chaos, even the Chaos Demon Gods were mostly bloodthirsty, and they were not very friendly with each other. When they met, it was a life-and-death situation, but there were still a lot of Demon Gods who expressed their love for Linyuan.

This was what Kunlun Jing heard occasionally when he was not with Lin Yuan.

At that time, the prehistoric era was just beginning, and the prehistoric creatures were ignorant, and only some creatures who had the roots of the creation of the heaven and the earth would occasionally talk about things in the chaotic period together.

The Kunlun mirror is what I heard about Linyuan at some point.

It still remembers the mighty man whose name it has forgotten looked at the east, with longing and admiration in its tone, and said those words it remembered until now.

"Honor Linyuan is indifferent, with a unparalleled complexion, three thousand demon gods admire him, but none of them can win the favor of His Holiness..."

Until now, Kunlun Mirror feels that the words that I don't know when I heard have a real scene.

I don't know when a faint and intoxicating smell spread in the purple bamboo forest, but the Kunlun mirror couldn't smell it, which is a pity.

But Xing Shensheng who had already retreated was woken up by the "noisy" of this tea.

"Cooking tea?" Xing Chen, who was dressed in white, paced over, walking at a moderate pace, but only Xing Chen knew that his pace was much faster than before.

Xing Chen walked to Lin Yuan's side, and was about to pick up a cup to try the taste, but just as he stretched out his hand, he was hit by a folding fan, not lightly.

"What's the matter, why don't you let your master drink some?" Xing Chenyu said with a smile, without the slightest anger, feeling that his apprentice had offended him.

In fact, Xing Chen's temper always improved a lot when facing his only apprentice.

But if outsiders really think that he is such a gentle person, they are wrong. The Void Transformation expert is still the most powerful sword cultivator among cultivators, and the power of a sword can shake the sky.

Not really gentle.

 Thank you little lazy cat little angel and Gu Nian Sansheng little angel for their votes⊙▽⊙
(End of this chapter)

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