I'm crazy

Chapter 366 President

Chapter 366 President
"I want to see the prosecutor, do you know who I am? Let me see the prosecutor!"

In a prison, Helian Longao, who had lost his aura of domineering president, was lying on the iron railing and shouting while wearing a prison uniform.

The eyes of the "roommates" around him who heard his wailing were all contemptuous.

"What time is it now? Are you still expecting who can fish him out!" A fierce man with tattoos on his arms said while lying on the wooden board.

The man in front of him, who was obviously the younger brother, stepped forward and echoed: "I'm afraid I still can't see the situation clearly. They are all in KN3 prison. How could there be a chance to get out, even if his father is the president."

Helian Longao couldn't believe it, he was a domineering president, and the leader of the Longao Group was thrown into prison just like that!

He is the president!

He is omnipotent!
Why is this the case now?
He never thought that it was his own fault, that he acted recklessly and disregarded human life.

He just felt that they were all trash, and the people under him were all trash. He had stayed here for a few days and still hadn't rescued him.

There is also the person who usually grovels to him, who has stolen from him year after year without knowing how much money, and now it is of no use at all.

All fucking trash!
He Lianlong thumped the iron door angrily, causing himself pain.

What awaits Helian Longao is a prison that will not disappear until he dies. KN3 has always been in and out, and the prisoners in it are all prisoners who have died hundreds or thousands of times.

A few days ago, nothing happened because of the little aura of the protagonist, but now, Helian Longao could not escape his fate.

The prisoners in the prison have never had any conscience. Although Helian Longao is a man, he is good-looking. For these prisoners who have not seen a woman for many years, this is really a "good thing"!
That night, Helian Longao was surrounded by four or five men and "enjoyed" a bit.

He was covered in bruises all over his body, and his lower body was directly smashed, dripping with blood, and he had already lost half his life.

And such days are yet to come.


Qiao Xun'an stood on the 33rd floor of the building, holding a wine glass in his hand and looking down at the figure of a car that was as big as an ant.

The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good.

"Only by standing on a high ground can you give yourself the right to choose, and you can demand this fairness for yourself."

Qiao Xun'an turned around and didn't look down again. After standing on a high place for a long time, he forgot the feeling of being down-to-earth, thinking that he is a god and omnipotent.

But no one is omnipotent, at least birth, old age, sickness and death are inescapable things that everyone has to experience.

"Fairness is relative. There is no absolute fairness in this world. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this truth. Sometimes, fairness is in the hands of a few people. The law is their sharp weapon to protect themselves, not the 'fairness' to protect the lower classes. .”

Qiao Xun'an said slightly mockingly.

Lin Yuan who was sitting on the sofa said lightly: "It's good that you know."

Survival of the fittest is an eternal truth.

It's the same no matter where it is, it's just obvious whether it's because of the degree of social development and civilization.

The strong have more rights.

It's true whether you want to admit it or not.

And some people are not strong themselves, but they have been sheltered, and they can also enjoy this privilege.

That's why Helian Longao can ignore anyone and anything and ignore the law.

If you want to imprison people, you can imprison them, if you want to kill people, you can kill them, and if you want to bankrupt any company, you can go bankrupt.

It's just because of the power in his hands, otherwise, how could such a scumbag like Helian Longao have any abilities.

"So, being strong will always be beneficial and harmless."

Putting down the tablet in his hand, Lin Yuan looked at Qiao Xun'an and said, "And you are slowly doing this now."

Over the past six years, Qiao Xun'an has led Wuyi to the peak, and no one will erase her contribution.

Qiao Xun'an's mocking expression stretched out because of Lin Yuan's words, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Your compliment is my motivation."

Qiao Xun'an knew that she was not strong enough, because there was an absolute reference in front of her.

her boss.

She often feels that her boss is like a deep sea or an abyss, so deep that she never knows what's underneath, how deep it is, where her limit is, and what else she can't do matter.

Many people say that she brought Wuyi to the current position, saying that without her, Wuyi would not be what Wuyi is today, relying on Wuyi's chairman who does nothing and seems to know nothing may soon It will be defeated without clothes.

But only she knows, no.

She may have done some things, and she still doesn't deny her own role, but if she is the one who brought Wu Yi to her current position, Qiao Xun'an has only one word: nonsense.

Wu Yi has not experienced devastating blows in these years.

Luxury clothing brands across Europe unite to boycott clothingless.

This kind of thing didn't happen.

And she was powerless at that time, she couldn't solve it, and she didn't know how to get rid of those predicaments.

But the boss did.

She couldn't solve the extremely difficult matter, and the boss solved it easily without even coming to the company in the room.

Over the years, the more I came into contact with the boss, the more I understood how powerful she was.

Qiao Xun'an admires Linyuan, worships Linyuan, and regards Linyuan as his goal in life.

Maybe she may never reach one ten thousandth of the boss, but there is still something to dream about.


"Pro, do you have time?" Don's gentle and peaceful voice reached people's eardrums through the current of the mobile phone.

It was to let those little girl voice controllers yell about the voice that can make people pregnant, but now, as the recipient of this voice that can make people pregnant, Lin Yuan is very calm.

Because her own voice has become no worse than Don's.

Since the matter was resolved, Lin Yuan and Qiao Xun'an had been wandering around country A for a long time, and the company's affairs had fallen behind.

Lin Yuan, the boss who has nothing to do and is light-hearted, can ignore it, but obviously Qiao Xun'an can't.

Qiao Xun'an finally went back after the secretary made hundreds of phone calls.

And Linyuan got bored after a few days of shopping, and followed her back to Country F. When she just woke up, she received a call from Don.

"I have time." The coolness in the voice that just woke up faded a little bit, with a bit of laziness and confusion.

"Lin, haven't you eaten yet?" Don asked slightly worried.

The black eyes were misty because of just waking up, like the mountains in the morning, hazy and clear.


"Well, you sleep for a while, I'll come and find you later." Don couldn't help holding his breath after saying this, waiting for Linyuan's answer.

Even if it is said to be friends, how can it be possible to treat people who really love and like them as friends.

That haunting dream, that involuntary worry and miss, at least never happens to friends.

Don can only do it out of bounds, not out of order, and not to annoy his sweetheart, but it is obviously impossible to really withdraw from her life and let him not listen or ask.

Don was afraid of Lin's refusal. Although Lin's temperament seemed to be very loose and out of tune, he knew his attitude towards feelings. Maybe she would not agree...

"what ever."

The lazy and casual voice came, and the amethyst-colored eyes couldn't help being stained with joy.

Don won't pretend to be affectionate and think that Lin's attitude is loose.

The conversation that day had already said that they were treated as friends, and Lai Yuan would not refuse the normal contacts between friends.

Otherwise, wouldn't the heart-to-heart exchanges between Don and Linyuan that day be boring and boring.

Thinking that there would still be some time before Don came over, Lin Yuan naturally continued to lie down.

Sleep is a major event in life that should not be interrupted by anything.

After returning to sleep, Lin Yuan tidied himself up, that is, took a very simple shower that didn't take more than 10 minutes, and just after getting dressed, Don came.

He still held a lunch box in his hand as always, and then took out the prepared meals.

Lin Yuan had every reason to suspect that Don was using her to test the dishes.

Because he cooks everything, sometimes it's delicious, sometimes it's all kinds of dark dishes, but he still thinks he's doing a good job.

Based on basic politeness, Lin Yuan will take a bite first. If it is a normal meal, then eat it. If it is a new dish developed by Don that has never been seen before and it is not to her liking, then I'm sorry, she still doesn't like it. Hungry.

"Come on, try it out, I have developed a new dish today." Don was full of expectation.

Although he learned to cook because of Lin Cai, he really likes cooking now, and he also likes to develop some new dishes with various ingredients according to his own ideas.

Lin Yuan: "..."

80.00% probably won't taste good.

She is now praying that this dish is the remaining 20.00%, the probability is still high, it should be... possible, right?
Lin Yuan opened the food box, looked at a pile of colorful things inside that he didn't know how to describe, raised his head to look at Don and asked, "...What is this?"

Don still sat across from Lin Yuan with his hands folded on his lap and heard the words: "Take a look, I used a lot of ingredients that I have never tried before, doesn't it look good?"

Lin Yuan nodded with a little difficulty, it is very beautiful, like a colorful poisonous snake in the primeval forest...

She picked up the chopsticks and stretched them out to a piece of green vegetable that looked normal.


There was such a slight change in Lin Yuan's expression, it was because the Demon God's pride didn't allow her to spit it out, so she reluctantly swallowed it.

"Master, are you okay?" Kunlun Jing was a little worried. The master was very picky, but he never refused Don's attempt to try dishes.

Although the owner will not eat it again if it is not delicious, but at least the owner tried it.

However, Kunlun Mirror knew that it was not because the owner had any special budding feelings for Don, but because the owner felt that Don's food was cooked to her liking, at least when it was "normal".

Lin Yuan signaled that she was fine, and then took a sip from the water glass on the table, her posture was as chic and coquettish as ever.

But Don already knew the end from the act of fetching water from Linyuan.

The brilliance in the amethyst-colored eyes dimmed a little, and he was a little disappointed: "Is this new product still not delicious?"

Lin Yuan nodded directly and said: "Don, maybe you can just practice according to the recipe..."

Don's imagination is too rich and his creativity and combination are too strong, which is really not very suitable for developing new dishes.

Don rejected Lin's proposal, and said firmly: "No, Lin, this is my current hobby, I believe in myself, and I must stick to it."

Lin Yuan: "...well, there is nothing wrong with sticking to your hobbies."

"What was that green thing I ate just now?"

Lin Yuan was a little curious, what is so unpalatable?
Don smiled, "Oh, it's a cucumber-like melon I saw in the supermarket, and I forgot the name."

"Master, it's bitter melon." Kunlun Mirror answered Lin Yuan after checking.

"Bitter melon? Then why is it so uncomfortable to eat?"

She has also eaten bitter melon, and the taste of bitter melon is not so bad and strange.

"Master, it's because Don bought a lot of weird seasonings and put them in when he made them."

Kunlun Mirror couldn't help laughing.

It also doesn't understand why, but the dishes Don made according to the recipes are all delicious!

Why do you develop it yourself?
After thinking about it, Linyuan's opinion is the same as that of Kunlun Mirror, maybe he has his own ideas and creativity too much.


The atmosphere in the hospital is still the same, new life and death, light and dark, perhaps this is the most suitable place for these words and represent these things.

All living beings are in various states, human feelings are warm and cold, and they are staged every moment in this cold white place.

But Don, who lives in a special ward, doesn't need and can't understand this.

The amethyst-colored eyes were closed, and the once-brilliant blond hair now looked dull and dull.

With some difficulty, he opened his eyes and supported himself.


The children in the family who had always liked him sitting quietly beside him shouted in surprise.

They stood up and walked to Don's side and were about to speak when Claire Carey interrupted them with her hand, "Celine, comb my hair and my clothes, I want to change, I feel, she just coming soon."

The three of them had mixed emotions, and their eyes were already red. They naturally knew who Don was talking about. In fact, there was no one in the Don family who didn't know about Don.

But at the same time, they also had a hunch that this might be the last time.

Celine hid the tears in her eyes, and responded with a smile: "Okay, wait a moment."

There was everything in the ward, including Don's clothes. Celine took out her uncle's favorite tuxedo, which was designed by that person not long ago, and he loved it like a treasure.

While Don was struggling to get dressed, Celine combed his hair.

Although the appearance has passed away, the aristocratic demeanor and gentle gentleman in his bones will never fade away.

Real beauties can stand the polishing of years and time, because their beauty is no longer in appearance.

After Don cleaned himself up, he opened the door from the outside, and Lin Yuan, who hadn't changed much over the years, appeared in the ward.

Don's amethyst-colored eyes looked at Linyuan, and there was an affection that hadn't changed for decades, but now, he didn't need to pretend any more.

"Come on, good afternoon."

It's as natural as saying hello to family members who just went out for a while.

The three had already retreated, and only Lin Yuan and Don were left in the ward, "Good afternoon, Don."

Don smiled slowly, "Lin, if people still have the afterlife and present life written in the book, would you fall in love with me?"

"will not."

Such a straightforward and cruel sentence made Don smile heartily, with a relaxed and joyful expression, "It really is coming!"

The girl he likes, his sweetheart, always treats his feelings so seriously, never cheats, and there is no need for any white lies.

For him, truth is always better than lies, even if the truth is cruel, he still wants it.

"Come on, goodbye."

 This plane ends here, woo~

  Thanks to the evil little angel, Gu Nian the little angel's ticket O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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