I'm crazy

Chapter 369 The Great Demon King

Chapter 369 The Great Demon King

Lin Yuan didn't know because she said a lot on the barrage.

The bar she went into was a clean bar, and the environment inside was not bad. It could be seen that the bar owner had good taste.

After Lin Yuan entered, he put his hat back down and lowered it, and walked directly to the bar.

On the bullet screen, only Lin Yuan could be seen saying something to the waiter at the bar, but the waiter turned around and walked in with a slight smile.

Danmaku looked confused, not knowing what Lin Yuan was going to do.

Lin Yuan sat on a chair at the front bar counter and observed the people in the bar. Because it was not very late, there were not many people in the bar now, and the guests sat drinking and talking in twos and threes.

It's not like a bar, but more like an elegant teahouse.

The photographer was taking pictures of Lin Yuan, because it was unexpected, so naturally he hadn't greeted the bar, so he couldn't take pictures of others.

But after a while, the owner of the bar came out. He was a man about 40 years old with a refined temperament. He walked up to Lin Yuan with a gentle smile and said, "Is this the customer looking for me?"

Lin Yuan put down the glass he was holding in his hand, and the glass made a crisp sound when it hit the blue marble of the bar counter.

"It's me, I want to do business with the boss."

He Bin looked slightly surprised, then smiled and said: "Okay."

[I still don't know how Linyuan plans to make money? 】

【Is that what I think?I really can't imagine that a vase that doesn't know anything is still...]

【This boss is really good at talking!Totally handsome uncle! 】

[Let's confess the beauty of my great devil king! 】

[When did Linyuan, a cancer in the entertainment industry, have so many fans? 】

【none of your business?It's too much!My big devil has always had fans, okay? 】

This is true, because Lin Yuan can attract a lot of fans just because of his looks, but in the past these fans were easy to climb the wall, but now there are some more loyal fans.

After Lin Yuan talked with He Bin for a while, the photographer won the boss's permission to shoot, but some places and guests were not allowed.

The guests who were drinking and listening to music suddenly dimmed the lights before they could react.

This sudden change caused everyone to turn their attention to the only place where the lights gathered.

I saw a woman wearing a peaked cap who couldn't see her face clearly sitting on a black, blue and purple stage.

Even in such a dim environment, one can feel the mysterious and lazy aura emanating from her, which attracts people to indulge.

The crowd chatted in low voices, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, dear ladies and gentlemen, thanks for coming to my solo concert. Well, because I got lost and some Mr. Thief took my purse, I had to come here for a show, In this regard, I am honored for the guests who heard my concert, this may be the best concert you have heard in your life, so let's start!"

Sitting on the stage, Lin Yuan held the microphone in one hand, and spoke wantonly and freely. The originally clear and ethereal voice was tainted with a touch of beauty in this environment, like the indifferent god who has always been high on the throne of the gods. Things in the world of mortals are really heart-wrenching and confusing.

The barrage in the audience completely erupted, because Lin Yuan's words were extremely arrogant.

【cool!It really hits my spot, I love it! 】

[I'm going, are you so crazy? 】

[She actually thinks that those who heard her concert should be honored, how dare she say that!Have you forgotten that you are a vase?Really shameless. 】

[I... I... Apart from other things, young lady, ah ah ah! !It's A to bursting! 】

[I think so do I, why is Linyuan so cool, so cool, so handsome that my legs are weak!The key point is that she is not masculine in appearance and behavior, but purely feminine...]

A lot of curiosity, disdain and doubt converge on the person who sits under the light as if the only center of the world.

Lin Yuan stood up from the high stool, two straight and long legs wrapped in jeans, holding a microphone in one hand, and the other hand was loosely inserted in his trouser pocket, a powerful momentum swept over him, instantly enveloping In the audience, the voices of the whisperers disappeared. At this moment, the heartbeats of people beating extremely fast could be heard in the entire bar.

The photographer was taken aback, but this time he immediately realized that this was definitely a hot spot, and he took the camera and shot straight at Lin Yuan.

A strange color flashed in He Bin's eyes, and he looked at Lin Yuan on the stage with a slightly serious expression.

With a slight movement of the slender fingers, there is a crisp and bright snap, and the function of the microphone is extended to the audience.

The powerful stage control easily detonated the atmosphere of the audience, and everyone looked excited with anticipation.

There are not many people speaking on the barrage right now, and an unknown number of people behind the screen are staring at Lin Yuan closely.

Yan Fan kept sucking in the beauty of this prosperous age, passers-by were aroused anticipation for some reason, and were not distracted by other things, while black fans were thinking about how black they would be if this performance didn't work out.

With a low smile, there is a sense of sexiness in the clear, contradictory and harmonious combination of voice characteristics that make everyone's ears tremble unconsciously, and I don't know how many people subconsciously touched their ears and rubbed them .

In a cute pink room in city A, a delicate looking girl in a Lolita costume is staring at the computer screen in front of her.

With a snap of his fingers, the band's musical instruments sounded, and after a long ten seconds, the sexy and rotten voice entered everyone's eardrums like piercing the clouds and breaking the moon.


He clearly sang a song that was so astringent, so seductive and so tempting to fall into the abyss of eroticism, but there was no expression on his face, and there was even a look of indifference and arrogance in those black eyes.

This contrast, this...

Just like a god who has fallen into the world of mortals, even though he has lost all his power and saw the glitz and glitz, the indifference in those eyes that belonged to the gods and divinity has not changed since thousands of years, like the purity of Tianshan Snow. Over a penny.

But that's what makes it even more...

Crazy, all crazy!
The photographers are relying on their more than ten years of experience in the industry to not let themselves put down the camera and go crazy with everyone off the field.

Completely detonate!

"Encore! Encore! Encore!"

Countless banknotes and flowers were thrown onto the stage, but not a single petal fell on Lin Yuan.

The people below looked extremely excited, and shouted for another song. It was obviously a mini concert in a bar where less than [-] people could attend, but it created the momentum of tens of thousands of people.

The sound spread outside, and everyone who heard it couldn't help wondering what happened in the bar.


The slender and fair index finger rested on the light-colored lips, inexplicably full of taboo.

The people below were silent for a few seconds, but then louder screams erupted immediately.


The lazy voice is low and hoarse.

The crowd quieted down.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, we have a chance to see you again."

He turned around very chicly and waved his hands at the people, then jumped off the stage and entered a room under the cover of the lights.

No matter how reluctant the guests are, they have already disappeared.


[I should still be dreaming!Yes, I'm dreaming, I haven't woken up yet...]

【I am also dreaming...】

【I also……】

[Enough, everyone, is it so unbelievable?Isn't it the fact that the person we have been scolding for being a vase is so strong, isn't it just that he was beaten severely?What dare not admit it? ... Tsk!My face hurts! 】

【I'm crazy, sisters, I'm crazy! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[Okay, this is another crazy one. 】

【why?Why? Why?This is why? 】

[In short, I feel that from today onwards, I will become a fan of this woman!I have long wanted to be a fan! 】

[I hope that one day Linyuan can grab my neckline, lean down slightly, and say to me with a hoarse and sexy voice: "Woman, you have successfully caught my attention."]

【"Woman, you are delusional."】

#Lin Yuan sings well to hear the explosion#
The popularity of this half-day has exceeded everyone's imagination, but in just a few minutes, it has already been squeezed into the trending search, and it is hanging on the tail of the trending search.

I thought this was the limit, but I didn't expect that it was not the limit. After a few minutes, it was an upward trend.

A few more minutes passed, and we climbed directly to the top!

Many people just clicked on the title and started cursing people without even watching the video. They didn't believe that the famous vase in the entertainment industry could sing. How could they sing so well?This marketing is not so marketing!

It wasn't until someone reminded that someone watched the live broadcast and slapped the face. The sound could be directly transmitted to everyone's ears through the live broadcast.

Just this time's hot search alone did not know how much traffic it brought to the program group and how many viewers it attracted.

He Bin looked at the lazy and indifferent person wearing a peaked cap in front of him, his eyes flashed, "My guest, are you interested in coming to my bar?"

He Bin wants to throw an olive branch. Although his bar is clean and the traffic is not too much, the level is definitely not too low.

But although he is not short of money, and he is completely interested in building this bar, but since it is done, he still needs to be more careful.

For the person in front of him who can become the signboard of their bar, if he can invite such a person to their bar, it will definitely be beneficial to him without any harm.

But Lin Yuan refused, "No."

He Bin didn't say any more, it's definitely not a good way to coerce such a person.

"Well, if the guests change their minds, the bar welcomes you at any time."

After expressing her perfect intention, He Bin started to pay her the bill. When they discussed, it was [-]% of the money they earned just now, but He Bin liked the performance just now, so they decided to pay [-]% to [-]%.

Of course, Lin Yuan accepted all of them bluntly.

With the crazy level of those people below, everyone knows that this money is absolutely indispensable.

But no one expected that there would be so many, a full 5000 yuan!
If it's [-] points, Lin Yuan can get [-] yuan!


With this money, Lin Yuan bought himself a plane ticket first, planning to go there comfortably, since he has money, he can't treat himself badly.

Also bought a few things, mostly food.

The barrage is very quiet for half a day now, probably because the brain has been completely dizzy, so the hand that relies on the brain to command loses the ability to move.

After shopping around and buying things, it's almost time to board the plane.

At this time, Lin Yuan suddenly turned his head to the photographer and said, "By the way, have you bought your ticket yet?"

Photographer: "...?"

What the hell is a plane ticket?

Seeing the photographer's bewildered expression, the corners of Lin Yuan's mouth curled up slightly, with a slight curve and a malicious smile.

"I don't have money to buy you a plane ticket. Why, the show crew didn't give you money?"

The photographer shook his head, "No."

The program team never thought that things would develop to this point!
How could it be possible to buy him a plane ticket in such a rainy day, and he didn't bring a wallet when he came out to work.

and so……

"That's why I've worked hard on you, you can find a way for yourself." The vicious smile was not annoying at all, on the contrary, it made this person more lively and lively.

Just look at the rows of screams on the barrage.

[What kind of treasure girl is this!I have reasonable grounds to suspect that the smut is all fake. 】

[Upstairs, this is a big devil, not a girl. 】

[Hahahaha, I feel so sorry for our photographer brother, hahaha, why are you so hard-working! ^O^]

[Not only did I lose my follow-up guests, but I also had to find a way to reach the destination by myself, it really made me laugh. 】

[Linyuan is the one I rarely see who can make the program team feel embarrassed, hahahahahaha~]

[Linyuan's malignant tumor was intentional!With so much money, why don't you buy air tickets for other photographers? 】

[That's right, why is your heart so vicious, why is it so stingy, you don't have any heart at all, why don't such people get out of the entertainment industry quickly? 】

[Which psychiatric hospital is this mentally handicapped who didn't take medicine and ran out? 】

【Are you sick?It was originally earned by others themselves, so how to spend it is their freedom, okay! 】

[The travel of the staff is originally a matter of the program group. Does the guest have to consider the matter of the staff when filming a program and participating in a reality show in the future?What a fucking retard. 】

[I don't want to see you go away!And no one tied you up for you to watch, why don't you get out? 】

[It's really fucking ruining people's good mood. 】

 Thank you little evil angel and little angel Gu Nian for your votes ^O^
(End of this chapter)

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