I'm crazy

Chapter 383 The Great Demon King

Chapter 383 The Great Demon King

【I used to think I was straight, but the reality told me I was wrong! ! ! 】

[This young lady, I really am! ! !Can! 】

[I want all the information about this woman in one second! 】


The shock caused by the Internet is naturally unknown now, Lin Yuan sat on the stage, watching the performances of the teenagers one after another, his dark eyes unconsciously slowly emptied.

【Hahaha, I swear, Lin Yuan is definitely in a daze! 】

[This state is the same as when I was in class. 】

[Without any professionalism, is she here to be a mentor? 】

[Heizi die in place, I am not an idol star in the first place, okay?Didn't she already show that she was just doing this variety show to earn some living expenses? 】

Although these little fresh meats are not bad, but Lin Yuan said that they are not the type she likes.

What's more, many people only have superficial appearance and no strength of character. From her critical point of view, she really doesn't like them, let alone these programs.

No wonder she started to feel bored and dazed.

When she came back to her senses again, she heard cheers in her ears, calling a person's name.

"Dangerous trees! Dangerous trees! Dangerous trees!"

Lin Yuan came back to his senses and became a little interested, and raised his head to look over.

This program is a personal solo, and now the program of this performance is dancing.

It's a classical dance, how should I put it, from Lin Yuan's point of view, it's just that, but it's much better than the previous ones that she glanced at, no wonder the popularity seems to be quite high.

"My tree tree is excellent!"

"Yes, how can he be so powerful?"

Fans of Wei Shupai below whispered together and praised their idol.

With Linyuan's excellent hearing ability, she also heard fans not far away whispering that they don't know how many points their mentors would give Wei Shupai.

Lin Yuan curled her lips into a smile, should she give the lowest score?

But in the end, she didn't do that. After all, although she likes to watch the excitement, she doesn't want the excitement to happen to her. If she gets the lowest score, she doesn't need to think about it, there will definitely be a lot of black spots on the Internet.

Lin Yuan's score for Wei Shupai was neither high nor low, and there was nothing outstanding. The next appearance of Xing Mufeng aroused the excitement of the audience.

Seems to be another popular one.

The solo that Xing Mufeng prepared was to sing. Lin Yuan closed his eyes and listened casually. His skills and emotions were in place. His black eyes looked at the people standing on the stage, he squinted slightly, and smiled mischievously, as if he had caught something. Fun stuff now.

"Hold on."

The audience below and the audience watching the live broadcast were listening and enjoying themselves, when they were interrupted by a voice.

At first, he was engrossed in this clear and lazy voice for a while, and then he became angry after realizing it.

【Damn it, is this Lin Yuan sick? He doesn't know anything. It's good to be a vase with peace of mind. Why do you want to interrupt his good song? 】

[Sick! 】

【You are the only one who is sick. Since I, the big demon king, naturally has her reasons for speaking up, I just spit if I don’t know anything. Is it because your father gave you so little that you got epilepsy and went crazy? 】

The program team turned off all the sound very well. Xing Mufeng, who was singing, blinked his eyes and stopped obediently. He stood quietly on the stage like a little white rabbit who was bullied by a wolf.

It made Xing Mufeng's fans even more distressed and angry, and Linyuan's Heizi had even more reason to spit shit.

"What's wrong with Teacher Lin, I think Xing Mufeng sings very well!"

Cao Feilu who was sitting beside him was puzzled, he really didn't understand what happened to Linyuan.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask something." Lin Yuan relaxed and leaned on the chair, and the arrogant words made everyone watching the show spit fire.

Some people in the program group were already gesturing, but they were finally rejected by the program group director.

Huang Sheng was calm, and said with a smile: "What do you want to ask?"

The audience who didn't know what Lin Yuan was going to do fell silent.

Lin Yuan greeted all kinds of gazes, unrestrained and unrestrained, still with the extremely arrogant look, those who love love to the extreme, and those who hate hate to the extreme.

She looked at Xing Mufeng who was standing on the stage, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she said with a puzzled voice, "It's a very good song. Do I have the honor to know who sang it?"

[? ? ?What does Linyuan mean? Isn't it sung by Xing Mufeng? 】

[Fuck, shit, shit ヾ(°°ヾ)^? Huh?Is that what I mean?Fuck me! 】

[The melon in my hand fell off unexpectedly, I'm going! 】

【Really? Are you sure?Does Lin Yuan mean what I think?is that true? 】

As soon as Lin Yuan's words came out, the audience immediately became noisy, and all kinds of eyes surrounded her and Xing Mufeng. The eyes of Xing Mufeng's fans probably wished to kill Lin Yuan directly.

Xing Mufeng was very calm, even in this situation he didn't panic.

He bowed deeply and sincerely, and then took the initiative to turn on the microphone.

Only then did the audience realize that the camera just now had never been shooting at Xing Mufeng's microphone.

Xing Mufeng bowed deeply for a while before getting up, his eyes were already red, and he said in a choked voice, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Only then did the audience realize that his voice was so hoarse that it was difficult to even speak.

The audience who didn't know why listened and wanted an explanation, but Xing Mufeng's fans were very distressed.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan surrounded himself with his arms, his black eyes were bottomless black and there was a slight playful smile.

"I'm really sorry, I really have a bad voice, so I released the pre-recorded voice, here I sincerely apologize to everyone..."

After listening to Xing Mufeng's difficult explanation, everyone knew that Xing Mufeng was under too much pressure and lost his voice on the day of the performance.

He didn't want to live up to the fans and everyone's expectations of him, so he went on stage, but he still couldn't make a sound the moment before he went on stage, so he finally played it when he could sing.

Such a tearful sincere apology and the reason why he didn't want everyone to be disappointed in him so that he lost his voice due to too much pressure successfully touched the hearts of many people.

Some fans and emotional people were almost in tears, and they were full of distress for this little boy.

Lin Yuan smiled so faintly that it was almost invisible.

It has to be said that Xing Mufeng's team is very powerful. It seems that the rescue measures after being discovered have been prepared in advance. The reason is that everyone's harsh criticism can't be malicious no matter what, except for those keyboard warriors.

If you can't find it, it's good, of course you can get a high score by virtue of the recorded singing, and if you are unfortunately discovered, then this sincere reason can offset a lot of malice for him, and bring a wave of enthusiasm by the way.

After all, he is just a child who doesn't want everyone to be disappointed with him, who can bear to criticize him?
Lin Yuan didn't have any opinion on this kind of behavior, and he didn't have any emotions.

No disgust or liking, no turmoil.

If you let Kunlun Mirror say this is normal.

The master is the demon god, and the demon is not the existence of the Three Views of the Holy Mother. On the contrary, the demon is arrogant, greedy, ruthless, and full of lies. This is the demon.

Although the master is also a demon, as a demon god, he naturally does not have these emotions, but he is still a demon in essence, not a kind and friendly god.

Naturally, I don't think there is anything wrong with Xing Mufeng's behavior. On the contrary, the master is afraid that he is very interested in the team behind him.

Besides, there are too many dirty things in the entertainment industry, Xing Mufeng is really nothing.

But well...

Lin Yuan's white fingers lazily tapped on the table in front of him, attracting everyone's attention.

"Xing Mufeng." She said lazily, but there seemed to be thunder in her lazily voice, which no one dared to ignore.

Xing Mufeng became nervous unconsciously, he immediately stood up straight, "Here!"

The audience laughed at him.

Xing Mufeng couldn't laugh, he didn't intend to play just now, he was really nervous, his eyes stared blankly at Lin Yuan.

"No matter what the reason is, it's not an excuse for you to lie." Xing Mufeng's face turned pale as soon as he uttered these words, and he didn't open his mouth to refute, Lin Yuan was a little satisfied.

She looked at Xing Mufeng, and said lightly: "This time the results will be invalidated, and the name will automatically be dropped by five places as a punishment. There will be no next time."

Xing Mufeng's eyes lit up, he is a smart boy, why didn't he know that Lin Yuan meant to expose it this time.

Moreover, this punishment is extremely reasonable and appropriate, not light at all, showing no favoritism to him will not dissatisfy the audience and players.

It seems that Linyuan didn't help him with anything, and indeed he helped him with everything, but it was the best way to deal with it.

If the person here today is a stubborn person, then it will definitely not end easily. He admits that he is not a very good person. If another person severely criticizes him and makes him unable to step down, he will not do anything that is too much. I am afraid that some small means Not less.

He looked at Linyuan, his eyes glowed, he bowed deeply again, and said sincerely with apology: "Yes, thank you mentor, there will be absolutely no next time."

Although the fans felt that Lin Yuan's punishment was a bit harsh, they didn't say anything. After all, it was her family's style that was at fault, and they still admitted that.

And the audience and players were indeed not dissatisfied, thinking that Lin Yuan's punishment was fair.

After all, Xing Mufeng had such reasonable and sincere reasons as the foreshadowing.

This turmoil ended so simply, and it was a happy situation for all.

As for the shock caused on the Internet, it's none of her business.

Lin Yuan yawned lazily, she could lie down at home and sleep after the show was over.

As soon as Xing Mufeng got off the stage, his agent came up to greet him. After the two got into the car, the agent said guiltily: "It's all my fault that I didn't think about it well, and it affected you."

Xing Mufeng's voice is indeed broken, but the reason is not that he loses his voice due to too much pressure.

And this issue is more important, it's not good to miss it, so the team naturally came up with such an idea.


Xing Mufeng didn't care too much, he himself agreed.

As I said before, he is not a good person, and he doesn't think his behavior is too much.

You can't watch too many things in the entertainment circle. He didn't hurt anyone, and it's not considered to be harming the interests of others. In his opinion, this is really nothing, so naturally he doesn't care.

"Do you know Lin Yuan?"

He changed the subject very naturally and calmly and brought up a person.

The manager also said naturally: "I know a little bit, what's the matter, what are you asking her for?"

"It's nothing, I just want to know more, after all, I'm a senior." Xing Mufeng said calmly.

The manager wasn't so easy to fool this time, and she said solemnly with suspicion, "Don't think too much!"

Lin Yuan is a person who is really better known than met, and seen for nothing, as a woman, she was stunned for a long time when she saw Lin Yuan for the first time today, and her heartbeat accelerated for a long time before slowing down, let alone others.

She was really afraid that the little cabbage she had managed to raise would overpower her and fall in love with such a person who didn't seem to exist in the world.

Xing Mufeng was funny, "Where did you go, I just want to know some news about my mentor, isn't it possible that I'm not allowed to chase stars?"

Who said that celebrities can't chase stars, he feels that he has also found the star he wants to chase.

Lin Yuan didn't know anything about Xing Mufeng's side, and naturally she didn't know either, but in just a few words, she gained another die-hard fan, who gradually regarded her as a lifelong fan.

"Idol Cultivation Plan" is almost over, and only the program team is left to pay.

So naturally, a new job is about to start.

Before Lin Yuan could sleep at home for a few more hours, Tong Shijing came to the door with a stack of scripts.

Because the recent popularity is really high, and there are Zhongjieru's movies nearby, most of the scripts that come this time are of high quality.

Currently, there is only Linyuan, an artist and part-time boss under the studio. Even if he wants to make some money from other channels and people, he can't do it. wind.

"Look at these scripts and choose which one you like." Tong Shijing put the script in front of Lin Yuan and said.

If this word spreads to the outside world, you must be jealous of other celebrities.

They have to work hard to get any good script they want, and they may not be able to get it, but Lin Yuan can easily let her choose.

They are all human, so why is there such a big difference?

Lin Yuan slowly flipped through the script, this time the script is much more normal than last time, at least there is no such thing as a domineering president forcing love or a sweet wife running away with the ball.

After picking for a long time, Lin Yuan finally chose a script.

It's a play about criminal minds.

It looks very interesting, Lin Yuan likes to challenge difficult things.

After the selection was made, Tong Shijing went to reply to the crew, while Lin Yuan sat on the fluffy and comfortable carpet, lazily continuing to read the script.

The light from the window shines in through the refraction of the transparent glass, casting light all over the place.

And those lights reflected on Lin Yuan's body, and reflected on a person who couldn't penetrate the slightest light, making her look even more like a demon god in a fairyland.

Demons live in the fairyland, which is even more cunning.

 Thank you little angels, little angels Gu Nian, and little angels vivo for their votes ()
(End of this chapter)

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