I'm crazy

Chapter 386 The Great Demon King

Chapter 386 The Great Demon King

Since the news that "The World" was nominated for the Venice Film Festival, the whole country has almost fallen into a state of excitement.

There are marketing accounts and opponents who took the opportunity to make nonsense that this movie is a masterpiece that has not been produced in a century.

Smart people can see this kind of blatant praise, and the marketing accounts and opponents who spread this kind of news have been criticized by fans and viewers.

As for the domestic news, Lin Yuan and the film crew who had already arrived in Venice naturally didn't know about it, and even if they knew, they probably wouldn't pay too much attention to it.

Being shortlisted for an international film festival already proves the strength of the film, and in this kind of international film festival, most of the Asian films, especially those from country A, are accompanying them. The possibility of winning the award is not very high, but even so, I hope some.

"Be more happy for me, why are you holding your face?" The director stroked his beard and said cheerfully.

Shen Leiqi, one of the leading actors, said nervously: "Director, I'm not pulling my face, I'm nervous!"

She is not well-known in China, although her acting skills are not bad, let alone in such a grand occasion of an international film festival, can she not be nervous?
The director smiled and said: "It's okay, don't be nervous, we have a fair ticket, and we didn't come here to rub the red carpet, so why be nervous!"

He said to Shen Leiqi again: "Look at Linyuan, he is calm and looks like a general, hahaha!"

Shen Leiqi also looked at Lin Yuan with some admiration when she heard the words, and saw that her face that gathered all kinds of faces in the world was expressionless, and her black eyes were also very calm.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the Great Demon King!
Shen Leiqi often plays Weibo, and she is very clear about Lin Yuan being called by fans.

"Come on, cheer up, it's our time!" The director clapped his hands, gathering everyone's attention, and it was time for them to appear on stage.

After the news of "The World" being shortlisted for the awards was confirmed, some fans were already thinking about coming to Venice to watch the show.

The fans of Linyuan discussed it. The rich brothers and sisters naturally don't need to be with everyone, and those who want to come can have part of the board and lodging provided by the support club. There are many big bosses among the fans of the big devil. An impeccable purchase of a cross-border support.

The eyes of the fans looked at the entrance of the red carpet expectantly. They didn't understand those European and American stars. When they didn't see their idols, they stood quietly and attracted the reporters and other stars beside them. The fans looked at it several times, wondering which celebrity fan they didn't know.

When the crew of "Human World" appeared on the stage, the noisy voices on the red carpet were suddenly quiet for a few seconds, not because no one knew who these people were.

Completely crazy because of one person!
After reacting, there were already blinding spotlights and the sound of taking pictures, as well as the "heart-piercing" screams of fans who saw their big devil!
My own big devil is really good-looking! ! !

"Oh! Where did this baby come from? Why have I never seen her before?" The reporter, who had never stopped the flash, said in amazement while taking pictures.

The reporter who knew some news around him also took pictures and gave him science, "It should be the crew from country A. This time, the film owned by country A has been shortlisted!"

"Oh!" The reporter said with a sigh: "I have never seen such a beautiful person, she has that kind of..." He thought for a while before he thought of a word: "Yes, there is that kind of beauty of the ancient oriental nation." Mystery, I seem to see a non-existent god from her!"

The reporter on the side didn't refute either. In fact, he also felt the same way. This Oriental is so perfect. What's more attractive is her temperament, which is mysterious, arrogant and elegant, full of contradictions and bewitching people's eyes. She stays.

Don't think that Europeans and Americans really can't appreciate the beauty of Asians. If they can't, it may be because they are not beautiful enough.

True beauty knows no race, no color, no borders.

And the person in front of him is like this, so many crazy spotlights are proof!
"Ahhh! Your Majesty! Your Majesty the Demon King!"

"Your Majesty, please help me! Please help me!"

"I'm going crazy! How can Your Majesty be so beautiful!!!"

The fans' crazy shouts attracted the crew's attention, the director looked over with a smile and said to Lin Yuan: "Your fans are here."

The expressions of the rest of the people remained unchanged, but without exception, their hearts were somewhat complicated.

They are still struggling to run their own business in China, and other people's fans have already chased after them on the red carpet abroad, and there are so many people here, the battle is not inferior to those fans of foreign stars!

It really makes people feel a sense of gap.

Lin Yuan naturally also heard the fans' voices, but she is not in the country now, and she can't go directly to say hello, so she turned slightly and waved to her cuties. The spotlight suddenly became even crazier.

It wasn't until the crew had already entered that the fans stopped.

"Hey hey, Your Majesty waved to us, she saw us."

"I blew your Majesty's face off!"

The fans gathered together to discuss happily, and at the same time, they did not forget to lower their voices so as not to disturb others. The quality of their devil fans is first-rate, and they will never embarrass their own big devil.

Assistant Xiao Xia has been staying not far from the fans all the time, and came to the fans after the crew entered.

"You big devil asked me to tell you, go back early after reading it, and pay attention to safety when you are abroad."

The fans naturally knew the assistant of their own big devil, and they were so moved that they almost cried, why is their big devil so good!

The fans nodded obediently and left together after discussing for a while. The award ceremony will take several hours, and they can't go in. It really doesn't make much sense to stay here. After all, the big devil has always said that she doesn't like fans waiting so hard. she.

Xiaoxia and the fans watched the fans enter the hotel obediently before leaving.

The big fan who organized this event held a card in her hand, which was stuffed by Xiao Xia just now, and she checked it, and there was 10,000+ money in it.

"The money is given to you by your great demon king. She hopes that everyone will eat well and drink well. Don't work too hard. It's not much. She trusts everyone very much."

She remembered what Xiao Xia said just now, and her eyes gradually turned red.

Strictly speaking, star chasing is a matter for fans themselves. Based on what reason they like a person, they are willing to spend their time, energy and money and be happy with it in order to get satisfaction.

Maybe she didn't expect to get anything in return. After all, she knows very well that some celebrities don't necessarily like their fans very much. It's just because it's the era of fan economy, and they can't do without fans, so they can't show their fans in front of them.

But after she was really rewarded, she found that she was happier and moved than she imagined. She really did not chase the wrong person, and she found an idol worthy of her sacrifice.

After the big fan told the real loyal fans about this in the fan group, everyone was silent for a few minutes. Perhaps the pictures on the Internet were so moved that the eyes were red.

In the end, the big fans discussed how to use the money given to them by their own big devil, and they unanimously decided to keep part of it, and the other part to do charity in the name of the devil's fans to help those in need.

In China, there are also many people watching the broadcast in front of their computers. This time, the Venice Film Festival was shortlisted for their own films. Seeing that the profitable business would not miss this opportunity, they bought the broadcast rights.

Although it is already past two o'clock in the morning in China, a group of night owls did not go to sleep, and the number of viewers was quite large.

【Ahhh!I don't know if I can win an award, my heart is pounding! 】

[Same worry! 】

[I think the possibility is not high. After all, even if you don’t want to admit it, there is always visible or invisible discrimination in Asian films or films from country A at international film festivals. 】

[Everyone just calm down, it's okay if you don't get an award, don't follow the bullshit words of those disgusting marketing accounts, and scold the crew if you don't get an award! 】

[To be honest, I really gave in to those trolls, this is to win glory for the country!So what if you don't get an award, so many excellent films are competing all over the world, so it's normal not to get an award!Those trolls are right there! 】

[Zha Lang is getting dirtier now, if it weren't for the fact that the idol I like lives in Zha Lang, I would have uninstalled it a long time ago! 】

The audience was nervous, and the crew was also worried and nervous. Even the director, who had always been cheerful and seemed calm and calm, was the same, looking at the stage bawlingly.

I am afraid that Lin Yuan is the only one who is not nervous at all.

Not surprisingly, "The World" should be able to win the award, because she has watched other shortlisted films in her free time, and "The World" is definitely a masterpiece among them, but I don't know if it is a heavyweight award or something else. The previous awards.

Occasionally, when a camera captures this place, Lin Yuan is also abnormally calm, making people feel that she is not here for an awards ceremony, but rather wandering away in some boring scenic spot.

【Sigh, don't tell me, I'm not nervous at all when I see my Great Demon King like this! 】

[He is strong by him, and the breeze blows the hills; he is horizontal by him, and the bright moon shines on the river... This is the feeling Linyuan gave me. Mount Tai does not change his face, and he has the style of a master, hahaha. 】

As the awards were announced one by one, the Best Original Screenplay, Best Original Music Award, and Best Cinematography were not awarded. The people in the crew were expecting and disappointed, and in the end they almost couldn't even keep smiling.

None of these not very important awards, let alone the next heavyweight awards, I am afraid there is no hope.

The director pulled out a smile and tried to comfort everyone, "Don't be discouraged, we still have a chance."

Everyone nodded sadly, but they still couldn't hide their frustration.

And the viewers who watched the broadcast felt uncomfortable for a while. Finally, a film was nominated for an award at the International Film Festival. Isn't it rare that they couldn't even win an award?

Some viewers who didn't want to know what happened next had turned off their computers, not wanting to disappoint themselves.

The director looked at everyone stunned, and was about to say something to comfort him when he heard a burst of deafening applause. Before he could realize what happened, Lin Yuan stood up from his seat and faced the stage. go up.

Director: "...? What happened?"

Everyone who was in a sad and disappointed mood didn't know what happened, but Shen Leiqi said cautiously and unsurely: "Director, it seems that you are awarding the best actress award just now?"

Director: "...I haven't woken up yet! I must have not woken up!"

To be honest, although there was Best Actress in the award that was shortlisted at the beginning, he never thought about the possibility of winning this award.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Lin Yuan's acting skills, on the contrary, Lin Yuan's acting skills are definitely the best actors he has ever seen!

But after all, it is a foreign award, the competitiveness of country A's film is really not great, let alone this kind of single award, especially Lin Yuan is still an actor who has never shown his face abroad.

But now the facts tell him that the best heroine was taken away by Lin Yuan?
The audience watching the broadcast was silent and stunned. After a long time, a pitiful barrage was sent out.

[Who will tell me what happened just now?Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!I'm not blind, am I? !I'm not deaf, am I? !is not it! 】

【Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!Awesome! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】

[I kicked my kettle and exploded it!Fortunately, the water has been left warm for a few days! 】

At the same time, the news that Lin Yuan won the Best Actress in Venice quickly spread throughout the Internet!

The person who turned off the computer just now saw the news and turned on the computer in a hurry, too busy to care about anything!

The other actresses who have always regarded Lin Yuan as a competitor: "...the mood is complicated..."

It's like everyone is meditating with peace of mind, how come you are the only one who suddenly soars up in place?

Needless to say, everyone knows the importance of an international actress. As long as Lin Yuan's acting skills are stable and there are no major incidents in the future, it will not fall easily, and the gap between them and her will not be bridged in a short time.

Facing the different gazes of almost everyone in the venue, Lin Yuan walked slowly, with lotuses growing every step of the way.

After stepping onto the stage to accept the trophy from the honor presenter, she looked at the crowd below and looked up at her, and slowly outlined a faint smile, neither strong nor exaggerated.

The spotlight shone on her, causing her black eyes to gather a dazzling and bright light at this moment.

Surprise all beings.

Only these four words are left.

The camera clearly captured her beauty that could turn all living beings upside down, and even magnified this fleeting beauty on the screen.

No matter what the crowd below was thinking before, but at this moment, they all seemed to feel their own heartbeats stagnating.

While watching the award ceremony, people from all over the world were holding their hearts together, their eyes glazed over.

"My God!"

Without exception, they all sighed silently in their hearts.

I didn't expect that this world really has such a face, and there are really such good-looking people who are not like ordinary people.

Even Heizi, who has been blackmailing Linyuan on the Internet, can never deny that she has a face that can make the world fall in love.

But I don't know why, usually they seem to deliberately ignore the lethality brought by this appearance, but now, under the spotlight, this beauty that is so sharp that it can be breathtaking is fully revealed and shakes the world.

 Thank you little angel Su Mo for the monthly ticket, and thank you for the tickets for the evil little angel, little angel Gu Nian, little angel A Dream, and little angel kneeling on one knee`
(End of this chapter)

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