I'm crazy

Chapter 392 Male Support

Chapter 392 Male Support
Xu Gong invested all the money Que Qiuhan gave him in the Tianfeng Group in the stock market designated by the system.

Then he went back to the rental house after a casual stroll, and Que Qiuhan had already cooked the meal when he returned.

Xu Gong sat down at a small dining table, and Que Qiuhan waited for him to put the food in front of him, Xu Gong didn't feel anything wrong.

For him, a woman might still cherish and coax her before she catches her, but after she catches her, it has become his property, and he can do anything else.

Besides, women are born to cook and serve men, so what's wrong with asking Que Qiuhan to cook.

She is not supported by him yet.

Thinking like this, Xu Gong had completely forgotten that he spent Que Qiuhan's hundreds of thousands less than half an hour ago.

But he, a dick like him, probably wouldn't have this kind of awareness. I'm afraid that in his view, people are already his, let alone money. Did he spend Que Qiuhan's money?Obviously it was his money.

"The food is burnt again!" Xu Gong was picky with a dissatisfied expression. This woman can't even cook a meal, so what do you need her for?

Xu Gongqian, who considers himself a successful person, has already put on airs before seeing the money.

Que Qiuhan lowered her head to eat and said nothing, she is in a bad mood now, she doesn't know what's wrong with her, she is extremely flustered, maybe she knows it, but she just doesn't want to admit it.

She didn't bother to refute Xu Gong. Before she came here, all he ate was instant noodles, and he couldn't even afford takeaway.

But in just a few days, cracks appeared before this pair of "love" couples.

love!What an expensive thing.

After a few days of rest, Lin Yuan continued to take over the company. After all, Father Wen was old, and the management was okay for a few days. He was really afraid that he would not be able to hold on after a long time.

Father Wen knew about this idea and scolded with a smile, "Little brat, your father and I are young!"

In the past few days, Linyuan has been busy dealing with an acquisition plan. It is a game company that has released several hit games. It was only because of the company's poor management and capital chain problems that Wen's had a chance.

"President, I put the plan here."

Secretary Qin Shan came in with a stack of documents, trying to keep her movements and voice as light as possible.

Lin Yuan nodded, and she reluctantly left.

The president is getting better and better, if you look at him more, you will be more enthusiastic about your work!

Lin Yuan took the materials, and after working for an hour, he was finally done.

Leaning lazily on the chair, stretching his body, thinking of the male protagonist Long Aotian, he said: "Kunlun, what is Xu Gong doing now?"

"Master, Xu Gonggang invested Que Qiuhan's money from selling wedding dresses into the stock market."

"Stock market?" Lin Yuan remembered, "What is Xu Gong's system?"

"Investment system." Kunlun Mirror replied.

Lin Yuan's slender hands rested on the gracefully curved chin, "Investment system, no wonder a person who doesn't even know what finance is able to make so much money."

Kunlun Mirror echoed, "That's right, the golden finger is too wide open. It's fine for a person with a kind mind and a firm will, but if such a golden finger is placed on a villain like Xu Gong, the consequences will be terrible." big."

Lin Yuan praised, "Not bad."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Kunlun mirror turned around shyly and happily: "Master, the stock that Xu Gong bought belongs to Tianfeng Group."

"Tianfeng?" Lin Yuan remembered, "Is that the game company that the company plans to buy recently?"

"Yes, after Wen Yin acquired this company, Tianfeng's plummeting stock quickly rebounded, which made Xu Gong a lot of money. He also took advantage of this to get together with Wen Yin's secretary, Qin Shan, for Wen's future. It was grasped by Xu Gong and laid a foreshadowing."

Kunlun mirror glanced at the plot and explained to his master.

Lin Yuan thought of Qin Shan, is his secretary's vision so bad?

Compared with Qin Shan who accidentally fell in love with Xu Gong because of eye problems, Lin Yuan tends to be more because of the role of the plot and the aura of the male lead on Xu Gong is too strong.

After all, in the original plot, there are so many women around Xu Gong, and there are many strong women whose status and ability can be compared with gentleness. He doesn't believe that these strong women can fall in love with someone like Xu Gong.

So, do you want to make a move?
Lin Yuan thought about it for a moment and then gave up the idea of ​​making a move. Xu Gong didn't have the ability to let him give up the acquisition plan that so many people in the company worked hard in the early stage and was about to succeed just to make his investment fail.

If they really did this, it would definitely be Wen's, not Xu Gong, who would lose the most.

Another way might be better.

As the saying goes, if the sky wants to kill people, it must first make people crazy.

Not only does he want to buy Tianfeng, but he also wants to make the purchase beautifully so that Xu Gong can make more money.

Linyuan made a decision, and the people below would naturally do things well.

So this acquisition plan came to a perfect end.

After cleaning out all the moths in Tianfeng, Linyuan sent the company's own people to manage Tianfeng.

After all, I still have to research the game and play it by myself, so how can I do it if I don’t put my heart into it.

After the news that Tianfeng was acquired by Wen's came out, the stock that had fallen off a cliff continued to rise to a record high in just half an hour.

Those of the Wen family who know a little about finance don't know that it is a real century-old wealthy family.

Not to mention Wen Yin's current head of the family, Wen Yin, who was very capable at a young age. In the past few years, he has more than doubled the size of a company as big as Wen's.

Everyone's trust in Wen's is very high. When Tianfeng was acquired by Wen's, the shareholders holding Tianfeng's shares were not only not worried, but also very happy.

Sure enough, this is not the rise!
The happiest person is of course Xu Gong. He invested hundreds of thousands, but in just half a month, it has increased many times, and now it has several million.

"I'm going to post it! Hahahaha!" Xu Gong shouted happily on the road, ignoring the crazy eyes of passers-by.

He has now entered the upper class, and others have a condescending sense of superiority. In Xu Gong's eyes, he is different from these poor people who earn thousands of dollars a month. He is a nobleman!
Xu Gong withdrew part of the money in the stock market. Since he is already an upper-class person, how can he continue to live in a rental house? It doesn't fit his status at all.

Xu Gong returned to the rental house with 300 million yuan, and as soon as he entered, he saw Que Qiuhan who was cleaning the house with a disheveled face, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

At first, I thought Que Qiuhan was good-looking and a young lady, but now it seems that she is not worthy of him at all.

Should he dump Que Qiuhan?

As soon as Xu Gong thought about it, he made up his mind instantly. Even if Que Qiuhan is still the young lady of the Que family, he is not good enough for him.

With the investment system in place, even if he is the richest man in the world, it is only a matter of time, and Que Qiuhan is just a young lady of low status.

Not to mention that she is now a yellow-faced woman, she doesn't even have any beauty, let alone be worthy of him.

Thinking of this, Xu Gong sat down at the foot of the bed, and said coldly to Que Qiu who was still working: "Don't do it, I have something to tell you."

Que Qiuhan, who had already gone out to work all day and came back to the house to clean up the house, cook and do housework, did not notice Xu Gong's tone.

She put down the broom, sat down on a chair beside her and said, "What's wrong?"

Xu Gong, who had already decided to get rid of this yellow-faced woman, had lost half of the previous affectionate look on his face, and Que Qiuhan could see clearly the disgust and disgust that Que Qiuhan didn't want to admit.

She lowered her head sadly, not understanding how things had come to this point.

She and Xu Gongming are in love, aren't they?

Is love really so short?
Seeing her cowardly appearance, Xu Gong felt disgusted even more. How could his Xu Gong's future wife be as weak as Que Qiuhan.

But he forgot that it was because of him that Que Qiuhan, the former eldest lady, became what she is now.

Some men are ridiculously hypocritical and disgusting creatures.

Xu Gong said directly: "Let's break up!"

Que Qiuhan raised his head suddenly, not daring to answer: "What did you say?"

Xu Gongyi frowned, "I believe you heard it, since you asked, then I'll repeat it again, break up."

Que Qiuhan's eyes were filled with pure confusion, "Why?"

Why do you want to break up with her all of a sudden?
The disgust on Xu Gong's face when he heard this was already overflowing, and he rushed towards the woman he had talked about in love with in the past with undisguised malice.

"Why? Don't you look at yourself now. It's so dirty, ugly, and ugly. It's a shame to take it out. How can you be worthy of me?"

Que Qiuhan was taken aback when he heard the reason, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he burst out laughing.

Seeing Xu Gong was baffled.

Que Qiuhan's eyes seemed to be filled with a piece of eternal ice, weird and desolate, full of sarcasm.

It's just that the irony is aimed at himself.

How funny!
It was hilariously hilarious.

This is the man she hurt Wen Yin, who cherished and loved her since she was a child, regretted her marriage and wanted to be with her.

This is the true love that she gave up her good life, her hobbies, her social life, everything to dedicate herself, her fingers that never touched the spring water, did everything and wanted to be together.



"Hahahahaha, I really laughed to death, how could it be so funny?"

She laughed so much that tears came out of her eyes, and she was so distressed that she was about to die.

Xu Gong frowned, looking at Que Qiuhan's crazy appearance, he couldn't help but feel disgusted, this woman must be crazy.

"Let me tell you, you are not good enough for me. If you are sensible, get out early, and don't bother me shamelessly."

Xu Gong didn't want to be with Que Qiuhan for a second.

Que Qiuhan wiped away her tears and looked at him. Only now did she realize that this disgusting man had never loved her.

Just treat her as a fool, a way to get money for nothing, from the very beginning, to use and deceive.

What a fool she is!
Hurt the person who really loves her for such a thing.

A strange light flashed in Que Qiuhan's eyes, and it disappeared in a flash, but Xu Gong didn't notice it at all.

"Okay, I promise you."

Seeing Xu Gong's expression relax, she said expectantly and pleadingly: "I promise to break up with you, can you have a meal with me at the end?"

Of course Xu Gong didn't want to, now he felt annoyed when he looked at Que Qiuhan, but Que Qiuhan was so humble and begged so much, the vanity in his heart rose fiercely, it was just a meal, and it was over, he told himself.

"Okay, this is what you said, the last time, don't pester me in the future." Xu Gong warned.

"Don't worry, I won't pester you." Que Qiuhan forced a smile, feeling extremely sad.

Xu Gong smiled with satisfaction.

Que Qiuhan stood up from the chair and entered the kitchen. The pleading and sad expression on his face disappeared without a trace, and a strangely curved smile slowly spread out on his haggard and sallow face, as terrifying as if someone pulled the skin of a dead person a little .

She had already prepared a few difficult dishes before, because today is the day of salary, she bought some ribs, thinking about replenishing Xu Gong's body.

Que Qiuhan cooked two more dishes slowly, as if he was doing handicrafts, before leaving the kitchen with the dishes.

Xu Gong was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, she called him softly: "Come over for dinner."

Xu Gong got up impatiently from the bed, threw the phone aside, and sat down at the dining table.

Que Qiuhan scooped ribs soup all night and put it in front of him, and said with concern: "Don't you like ribs soup the most? I've worked hard these days, so I went to the market to buy some ribs and stew them for you. Drink more."

Xu Gong's impatient expression eased slightly when he heard the words, and he took it and drank it.

Que Qiuhan ate the rice by himself, watching Xu Gong drink the soup she specially made for him with tenderness and love in his eyes.

The stewed soup was pretty good today. Xu Gong wanted to drink some more after drinking a bowl, so he scooped up another bowl for himself. He only took two sips of this bowl before he lost consciousness. His last All he could see was Que Qiuhan's strange and cold eyes.

Que Qiuhan watched Xu Gong let go of the bowl and fell off the chair and fell heavily on the ground with an indifferent expression.

The white porcelain bowl fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the fragrant soup sprinkled Xu Gong all over.

Que Qiuhan calmly finished the last bit of rice, put away the bowls and chopsticks and untouched dishes before walking to Xu Gong's side.

She touched Xu Gong's face with her cold hand, looked at Xu Gong's face carefully, and wondered why she fell in love with Xu Gong in the first place?
He is not good-looking, has no money and no power, and even pretends to love her deeply.

Maybe she was blind.

Que Qiuhan thought indifferently.

She could accept that she was blind, but she wouldn't accept that Xu Gong dumped her like a trash.

Why, it was he who lied to her, he was the one who ruined her, now he wants to dump her so easily, and still looks at her with such disgusting and disgusting eyes, when he needs it, he is affectionate, when he hates it, he abandons her like Spare shoes.

Who gave him the guts to treat her like this?

"It's disgusting..."

Que Qiuhan sighed indifferently, without the slightest emotion in his eyes, those calm eyes did not seem to be looking at a person, but like looking at a dead object.

 No matter one person or two people, girls should treat themselves well.

  The person who loves you the most in this world is always yourself, not others.

  That’s right, I think each chapter speaks in the author’s words, which seems to affect the reader’s reading experience

  So I decided, and I will try not to speak in the writer's words every day, but my heart to thank you little angels is still the same, and I will always be grateful to the little angels who read the original version and voted for me to interact with me.

(End of this chapter)

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