I'm crazy

Chapter 399 Marriage

Chapter 399 Marriage
Recently, a lively event happened in the capital, that is, the arrival of Princess Nanwu.

As everyone has heard, Princess Nanwu has a beautiful face and is the number one beauty in Nanwu.

The people in the capital were all curious and stood by the side of the street waiting for the arrival of Princess Nanwu, hoping to see how beautiful the most beautiful princess of Nanwu was.

"I think so! She's just a princess from a barbaric land, how can she be so beautiful? There are so many good girls in our Great Xia!"

One of the people said contemptuously, the person standing next to him glanced at him and ignored him, since you said that, then why are you standing here!
People are always duplicity.

Lin Yuan was also standing on the pavilion to join in the fun, as she loves beauties, of course she would not miss this opportunity.

Looking at her lazy figure, the enchanting singer beside her said softly: "Do you still need to see beauties?"

Lin Yuan took a sip of wine and smiled lightly, "Why, why not?"

The song girl glanced at her with anger and anger, "Look at what you said, if I had your appearance, I wouldn't be looking at any beauties. It would be fine if I just look at myself in the mirror every day."

The singer wasn't saying nice words, the appearance of the guest in front of her was unparalleled in the world, and she was shocked when she saw her the first time.

It's a pity that she has also discovered one thing after being with her recently. This guest doesn't seem to be an ordinary person.

Otherwise, she would want to muster up the courage to ask the guest in front of her if she is good at sharpening the mirror, and she would be extremely happy to post it backwards.

Alas, it's a pity that this distinguished guest might not like her.

The singer secretly sighed. At this moment, there was a noise from the crowd. The singer lowered her head and saw the capable soldiers and a carriage approaching slowly.

The singer's curiosity was aroused, and she looked carefully, wanting to see what the princess, known as the number one beauty in Nanwu, looked like.

It's just that the carriage was tightly covered, even if everyone tried their best, they couldn't see a single bit. They sighed in disappointment, thinking that they might not be able to see the face of the princess today, and it was right to think about it. A majestic princess of Nanwu, no matter how you say it, is inherently noble, how can she be easily seen by ordinary people like them.

But unexpectedly, in the next second, the people saw the curtain on the carriage being pulled up.

They hurriedly looked, and just happened to see the face of the princess who was looking outside.

Everyone gasped, it was really beautiful!

Miao Han was very satisfied to see the people in Daxia admiring her appearance.

After all, her face is not bad even in Nanwu, where there are many beauties, let alone Daxia, where many people have never seen exotic places.

This is good, good-looking is the prerequisite for the success of the Raiders.

Food color also.

The ancients said so, this society is a society based on appearance, she has experienced it clearly in modern times.

If she looks ugly, she doesn't think a man has the heart to see her inner beauty through the outside.

After all, such people are rare, and the world is not exempt.

The common people were amazed by the appearance of Princess Nanwu, but the singer's reaction was different.

She was disappointed the moment she saw Princess Nanwu's face.

Seeing that she was no longer as curious as before, Lin Yuan teased and said, "Why, it doesn't meet your expectations?"

The singer said: "Didn't you see it just now?"

Lin Yuan's fingertips were on the railing, her figure was slouching, her whole body exuded a cold aura, she said casually: "I'm drinking, but I don't have the chance to see you."

When the Nanwu princess lifted the curtain just now, Lin Yuan was drinking, so naturally he didn't see her face.

The singer turned her head away, and said with a rare sigh: "The princess's appearance is naturally good, and it's not a misnomer. It's just that seeing a fairy like you, how can ordinary people catch their eyes?"

This is also what the singer sighed.

Sometimes, in one's life, no one knows whether it is good or bad to meet someone who surprises the world.

But the only thing that is certain is that after seeing such a person, there will be no more people in this world to see.

Lin Yuan smiled, "You can talk."

The singer said unhappily, "I'm not joking."

She wasn't flattering and saying good things, she really felt so.

Lin Yuan was about to say something, but suddenly his expression changed slightly, and he turned and left after saying something to the singer.

Diva looked at her figure and thought, who could make the person in front of her look so hurried?

"Master, what's the matter?" Kunlun Mirror didn't understand.

Lin Yuan looked cold, and said in a slightly cold voice: "Master Cheap has an accident."


It took Kunlun Mirror a while to remember that the cheap master the master mentioned was the Xing Shen he recognized in Jianzong back then.

Because Lin Yuan was in the God Realm when she woke up, and her cheap master should have gone to the Immortal Realm, so she never thought about meeting him.

The demon god's emotion is not rich, it can even be said to be close to none. If it weren't for the experience of traveling in this time and space, Lin Yuan might not remember any people and things that she doesn't care about.

Back then, the cheap master ascended earlier than her, and because Linyuan was considered her own body in this plane, she didn't have any fetters. The only connection was the cheap master who really recognized back then.

So when something happened to Xing Chen, she would sense it naturally.

In the fairy world, in a secret realm, Xing Chen and a man in white were in a state of disarray, and Xianli couldn't use much power because of the suppression of the secret realm.

And in front of them was a fierce beast that was eyeing them.

Xing Chen held his natal sword, smiled freely at the man in white beside him and said, "Shui Yu, it seems that we are in the middle today."

Saying so, but Xing Chen's expression did not show a trace of panic and fear, as if what was in front of him was not a situation of life or death, but the joy of stargazing with friends.

Shui Yu wiped the blood on the sword with celestial power, and retorted in a low voice, "I was tricked by you."

But there was a smile in that voice, anyone who listened could tell that it was just a joke, without any trace of regret or resentment.

Xing Chen smiled, to have such a close friend, he would be considered worthy in this life.


After all, there is still a trace of regret.

His cold-tempered apprentice has been paying attention to the news from Feisheng Pavilion since his ascension, but for some reason, he hasn't heard from his apprentice for a long time.

Although his apprentice is lazy, his talent is better than him. Even if he has been lazy and hasn't cultivated, his cultivation level is still rising. It is impossible for him to not ascend for so long. He is afraid that something will happen.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that this possibility was probably very small. Before he ascended to the lower realm, his apprentice's cultivation base was already the best in the world, and there was nothing that could threaten her.

But what if?
Things in the world are mysterious and difficult to distinguish and elusive.

Xing Chen had to say that he was afraid.

He was afraid that something would happen to his lazy and proud apprentice, but unfortunately the barrier between the fairy world and the lower world was too strong, even if he wanted to go down and have a look, it would not be that simple.

Unless he can become a god.

But it's obviously more difficult.

Xing Shen then thought of the only immortal artifact that could connect the lower world and the fairy world, the Thousand Silk Knot.

So he and his best friend Shui Yu came to this barren land to get the Thousand Silk Knot.

But he still underestimated the difficulty. It is impossible for the immortals in the fairy world not to want to go down to the world, so why haven't the immortals descended to earth for so many years?

Naturally, this is too difficult, not to mention that the Qiansi Knot is originally a fairy weapon, and the fairy weapon has a spirit, so it is not easy for the fairy to use it, even the beast that guards the Qiansi Knot is not something that an ordinary fairy can deal with. .

The days of Xing Shen's ascension are still short, even if he is the favorite son of heaven, his cultivation level is not enough for him to easily take this thousand silk knot.

He is naturally clear about his abilities, so he invited his close friend Shui Yu when he came here.

Originally, there shouldn't be any problem, that is, his one immortal is not enough to deal with the fierce beast, but naturally he and the two immortals of Shuiyu won't be too difficult.

But maybe it was bad luck this time, or maybe it was God's will, they unexpectedly ran into a not weak beast after entering this barren land.

After beheading this fierce beast, it is difficult to maintain the immortal power, so when facing this fierce beast that guards thousands of knots, the situation becomes particularly dangerous.

Xing Chen didn't feel much about his own death. He had practiced the Tao for an unknown number of years, so he couldn't even see through the matter of life and death.

His only regret, besides his best friend Shui Yu, is that he didn't get to see his lazy apprentice again.

Xing Chen clenched the sword in his hand, maybe there was still a sliver of life, he didn't care, but he didn't want his best friend to just break here.

Xing Shen observed calmly, trying to find out the weak point of the beast, but unfortunately, the beast was already intelligent, especially intelligent, which was why they had such a difficult time.

Fierce Beast and Xing Chen confronted each other, and they kept observing their situation. Seeing that Xing Chen and Shui Yu were in a weakened state, there was a faint light in their green eyes, and they immediately rushed forward.

Xing Shen's expression turned cold, and he exchanged glances with Shui Yu, who had a serious expression, both of them saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

The sword rises, and the immortal power surges.

But this immortal power hit the beast's body like a faint breath, and did not cause any harm.

Xing Chen and Shui Yu's expressions darkened.

Xing Chen even directly closed those vast eyes, and at the same time, the natal sword in his hand emitted a faint silvery white light, and a complicated mark formed in his hand.

He must send Shui Yu out.

Shui Yu naturally also noticed Xing Chen's movements, and his eyes were red almost instantly.

"damn it."

Who let him make his own way!

Once this seal started, outsiders could not interrupt it, even if Shui Yu wished to beat this guy to death, there was nothing he could do to make him stop.

Unless there is a god appearing now.

Seeing that the attack of the ferocious beast was imminent, and Xingchen's seal was at the end, and the formation under his feet had begun to take effect, Shui Yu was almost in despair.

He opened his eyes wide, fixedly staring at Xing Chen, his eyes were red, his expression was on the verge of collapse.

Suddenly, he saw the "light".

black light.

Perhaps black cannot be used to describe light.

But at this moment, Shui Yu felt that he had just seen the light.

Pure and deep to the extreme "light".

Like an abyss, mixed like hell.

Accompanied by this "light", there is also a voice, Qingling lazy, indifferent and willful, like the sound of heaven.

"Master, you are really going back as you live."

There was a bit of anger in Lin Yuan's cold voice, she really didn't expect that the reason why Xing Shen was in danger was because of her.

Xing Chen's eyelashes trembled slightly, then he opened his eyes in disbelief, and saw his apprentice Lin Yuan standing in front of him.

"Lin Yuan?"

Lin Yuan didn't answer, and with a move of her divine power, Xing Shen's seal, which was about to end, was stopped by an irresistible force.

No discomfort.

Then Linyuan injected two divine powers into the bodies of Xingchen and Shuiyu, and the wounds on both of them healed within a short while.

Xing Shen still hadn't figured out the situation, so he felt that he was intact.

Immediately afterwards, with Linyuan's spiritual thought, the three of them left this barren land and arrived at Xingchen's residence in the fairy world.

His indifferent eyes swept over Xingchen, successfully making him stop the thought of speaking.

"Let's take care of ourselves first and then we can talk."

Xing Chen smiled slightly, his deep eyes lit up from the moment he saw Lin Yuan, he nodded obediently after hearing this, in front of his apprentice, he never had the majesty of a master.

He is used to it and enjoys it, but Shui Yu is not used to it.

Anyone who sees his usually aloof friend suddenly showing this well-behaved state will feel that he is dazzled.

When the two went to take care of themselves, Shui Yu sent a voice transmission to Xingchen: "What's going on?"

This sudden, why do you feel so confused!
Suddenly he was rescued by a fairy (?) who seemed to be very powerful, and then he saw that his best friend seemed to have a relationship with this fairy, or an unusual relationship!

Shui Yu felt very curious.

He remembered that Xingchen had an apprentice, and he wanted Qiansijie to visit his apprentice in the lower realm.

He remembered again that if he hadn't hallucinated the sentence he heard just now, the fairy who appeared suddenly seemed to call Xing Chen "Master"?
Xing Chen also sent a voice transmission to Shui Yu: "That's right, this is my apprentice——Lin Yuan."

Although he didn't know what was going on, seeing his apprentice doing well, Xing Chen's heart was half relieved.

After the two immortals took care of themselves, Lin Yuan had already made tea.

With a wave of his black sleeves, two cups of fragrant and mellow tea came in front of Xingchen and Shuiyu.

Shui Yu took the cup of tea, just now he was in a daze and didn't look at it carefully, now he will observe this fairy carefully.

Even more extraordinary.

She was dressed in black clothes, restrained and dignified, and her black hair almost hanging down to the ground was loosely held by a wooden hairpin, which seemed to be falling but not falling, with an ethereal fairy appearance.

Arrogance and indifference are incomparably compatible, contradictory and harmonious, adding to the sense of mystery.

Peerless elegance, peerless.

What a fairy.

Shui Yu doesn't think what's wrong with his adjective. Indeed, he is also a fairy, and he is also a fairy, but there are very few immortals who can be like this fairy in front of him. It is the real immortal described in the ancient books of the mortal world.

The stream is deep in ancient snow, and the stone is broken by cold springs.

The divine appearance is insignificant, and it is eternal.

 The ancient snow is deep in the stream, and the stone is broken and the cold spring flows. —— Li Bai

  Who would have thought that I would search for a full hour just for this one sentence?
  Because of my low level of education, I wanted to find some poems describing gods, but in the end I found none that were suitable or that I liked.

  So I changed it, and found this line of my Taibai that has the feeling that Linyuan itself brings to people.

  The original plan to write a little more has been ruined~>_<~
  The author can't afford to be hurt!Especially for a scumbag author like me who needs to write [-] words for three hours -_-#
(End of this chapter)

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