I'm crazy

Chapter 410

Chapter 410
The spring breeze in March is just right, and the girls dressed up carefully to participate in this ostensible birthday banquet, which is actually a concubine selection banquet.

Concubine De sat on the top seat, looking at a suitable woman for her son without any trace.

In fact, she had a choice in mind.

The candidate for the concubine is Gong Hanqing, Gong Congtao's daughter-in-law.

Although Gong Congtao's official position is not high in her eyes, it is definitely not too low. Besides, her mother's family is not small. If the concubine married to Sui'er is too powerful, it may have the opposite effect , causing His Majesty's suspicion.

Therefore, Gong Congtao's daughter is the most suitable.

He looks good, and I heard that he is also a person with a delicate mind, so he won't be stupid.

Gong Han's green eyes did not squint, trying to create a good impression on the concubine De.

She fell in love with His Royal Highness the Third Prince when she first met him, and she also expected to marry His Highness, she did not allow herself to make any mistakes.

Concubine De's birthday party was held on a larger scale this time, and when Lin Yuan came, almost everyone was there.

"His Royal Highness is here."

Everyone's expression was fixed, and they all stood up, bowing their heads slightly to show respect.

The eldest princess and the second princess did not get married, but the fourth princess, Ji Meng, arrived just now, so the person who arrived at this time must be the third princess, His Highness Ming Guang, who is favored by His Majesty.

For these dignitaries and noble ladies who have been paying attention to the mind of the superior Qi Huidi, it is very important to find out the changes in the mind of the superior. After all, the most important thing is to know who Emperor Qi Hui likes and who he hates.

It so happened that His Royal Highness Ming was very much loved by Emperor Qi Hui.

Gong Hanqing was very curious about this princess who only knew her name but not her person. When the princess's clear voice made them stand up, she slightly raised her head and glanced at the princess.

He was startled at the moment, it turned out to be the noble lady he met that day.

Gong Hanqing carefully thought about her behavior that day, there was nothing rude about it, but later she asked the guards to check on Her Royal Highness, although nothing was found out, but if Her Highness knew about it, it might cause some trouble.

Gong Hanqing's expression remained unchanged, and he regretted it in the bottom of his heart.

Linyuan also saw Gong Hanqing, but she didn't care. To her, Gong Hanqing was nothing more than the daughter of a minister's family.

After Lin Yuan gave her gift to Concubine De, the banquet officially began.

Apart from Gong Hanqing, the candidate for the main concubine, regarding the two side concubines, the concubine De prefers Yin Feishi, the concubine daughter of the son of the state offering wine to Yin Yang Hua, and Yi Yu, the daughter-in-law of Taichang Shaoqing Yi Guoxie. Half.

The family background of these two people is not obvious, but Yang Hua is in charge of the officials of the Guozijian, the emperor of heaven and earth, and his relatives. Almost every official can have a little relationship with him.

As for Taichang Shaoqing Yi Guoxie, this person's position is not obvious or important, but he is a good leader, has a wide network of contacts, and is quite useful.

Of course, this is Defei's own favorite, and she has not yet approved the two, but Defei believes that they will not refuse, after all, her son is so good.

After a while, the third prince, Ji Sui, arrived. He was wearing a crimson robe, and he looked even more extraordinary, with a smile on his mouth, looking like a spring breeze was blowing on his face.

At least most of the women present were already blushing.

"My son is late, please forgive my mother and concubine."

How could Concubine De blame his son-in-law, she laughed and said, "No problem, the banquet has just begun."

After the third prince Ji Sui sat down, he looked at the woman present and smiled.

The defense of men and women in Qi State is not serious, and the restraint on women is not too high, so everyone is sitting together at this time, and there is no curtain or screen to cover them.

Lin Yuan leisurely ate the delicious food in front of her, but she was mistaken, they were all in the palace, and Concubine De was still a concubine, nothing could surpass her mother's empress, she had eaten everything at the banquet, and she could not Nothing new.

In the middle of the banquet, when the young men and women were having fun, Lin Yuan got up and walked towards the pavilion. She didn't want to go back yet.

So I will stay here with Concubine De first.

She originally wanted to sleep, but unfortunately this kind of pavilion where few people come seems to be a place where various incidents happen frequently.

Lin Yuan looked ahead at the man and woman who were talking because they were blocked by trees and flowers and did not see her.

The woman said very sadly: "Is Your Highness so cruel?"

And the male protagonist of the incident said with a ruthless face: "I'm sorry to ask Xi, you and I really have no fate."

After speaking, he was afraid of being entangled and left just like that, leaving only the woman looking at his back with tears in her eyes.

The male protagonist is the third prince Ji Sui who appeared at the banquet just now, and Lin Yuan has never seen this female protagonist before.

But thinking about it, it shouldn't be some noble lady with high status, otherwise how could Ji Sui just abandon her like this.

Lin Yuan didn't intend to be contaminated with those things, but it didn't mean she didn't know, on the contrary, she saw clearly the plan of Concubine De and the third prince.

After all, human beings have endless greed, and things that have no meaning in her eyes are probably things that the concubine De and the third prince can't dream of.

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes, and there was another bystander looking at the sad heroine.

The eldest prince Ji Xi looked coldly at Wen Wenxi who was crying for Ji Sui, his expression was ugly, he never thought that the person who was still in love with him a few days ago would be expressing love to his opponent and enemy in the blink of an eye.

It's just a real slap in the face.

He originally thought that he would not be able to marry Wen Wenxi as the main concubine, but he could still promise her the position of side concubine. Who knew it would end like this, Wen Wenxi might have been deliberately sent by Ji Sui to deal with him. .

Lin Yuan watched this scene with great interest, wondering what this bystander, her titular "big brother" would do?

The eldest prince Ji Xi didn't directly rush over to confront Wen Wenxi, it was so stupid, since he knew that Wen Wenxi was the third child, he would not let her have a better life.

After the banquet, Concubine De told Emperor Qi Hui about her favorite concubine after talking with Yang Hua, the son of the state, and Yi Guoxie, the Taichang Shaoqing.

Emperor Qi Hui glanced at the list, but in the end he didn't say anything, and agreed. The third child has good abilities, and he still has a little weight in Emperor Qi Hui's opinion.

Now that it's decided, it's time to prepare for the wedding.

After careful observation and thinking, the queen decided that she should not get involved in these matters. As a queen, as long as she did not make any serious mistakes, no matter who ascended the throne, she should be respected as the queen mother. There was really no need for her to take risks.

One careless move in the struggle for imperial power, and everything is lost.

You will never know who the winner is until the end. After thinking about it, the queen still feels that it is unnecessary. At most, she can add fire to the end.

These days happened to be Chunwei, thousands of students from all over the world gathered in the Imperial Capital, the flow of people was very large, and the inns in the Imperial Capital were already full.

Lin Yuan was walking on the road, watching the students in blue shirts coming and going, and even a large part of them failed the exam after several times.

When Linyuan walked into the inn, it was full of students talking loudly. Most of the speeches made by them were very vague, and there were not many words about real governance. No wonder they couldn't get any good rankings in the exam .

Although her cheap father is a bit arrogant, he can be regarded as an emperor. Of course, he won't like these people who can only talk empty words.

However, this is not to blame for the students. The books they are studying now are all Confucian classics. The Confucian classics are not bad, but if they only study the literature of a family, it will not work.

Ideologically, what should be emphasized is the contention of a hundred schools of thought, not the dominance of one family.

Maybe it can be improved in the future.

Lin Yuan thought of it by the way, but this is also a matter for the future emperor.

At this time, among the students in the hall, there were three people sitting at a table, two of them were eating, and the other was reading with a book.

"Brother Shen, let's eat first, and there is no rush to watch it later." One person persuaded.

Shen Banzheng smiled and put down the book, and carefully put the book in his cuff. He still had a few things he didn't understand. Not a good disappointment.

The other two looked at each other, seeing the disdain in each other's eyes.

This Shen Banzheng is a complete nerd, so stupid that he doesn't understand anything, they can fool him casually.

Such a person still wants to get a ranking in the exam, it's just a dream.

Lin Yuan left after eating, yes, she also opened this inn.

She thought that opening only one restaurant was not in line with her status as a time traveler, so she "resolutely" opened another inn, and occasionally she would stay in her inn after getting tired of the food cooked by the chef in the palace. For a change.

Lin Yuan was walking on the street, thinking about what she was going to do next, when she was almost bumped by someone.

She turned her head and saw that the one who almost bumped into her was the heroine who was talking to the third prince Ji Sui at the Concubine De's banquet.

I don't know what happened, I ran in such a hurry.

Later, Lin Yuan's conjecture was proved, and a major event really happened.

big thing.



Lin Yuan looked at the queen, she was in the queen's palace at this time, and the queen who was sitting opposite said with a gossipy expression on her face: "It is true, Wen Wenxi, the daughter of Wen Yuantian, has the son of the eldest prince Ji Xi. "

What the hell is going on, the queen just found out, because it was quite a big deal.

Just like what Linyuan saw that day, Wen Wenxi was originally from the third prince Ji Sui's side, and fell in love with the third prince so much that he was willing to get close to the eldest prince Ji Xi and be a spy by his side for him.

Of course Ji Sui never had any hope, because Wen Wenxi was not a very smart person in the first place, and he never thought of relying on a woman to do anything.

But what I didn't expect was that Wen Wenxi actually got involved with the eldest prince Ji Xi, which made Ji Xi quite fond of her, so of course Ji Sui had to make good use of her value.

It's a pity that Wen Wenxi likes Ji Sui, and she is willing to make sacrifices from Ji Sui, but this does not include her willingness to be the side concubine of the eldest prince Ji Xi, it is her wish to marry the third prince Ji Sui.

It's a pity that Ji Sui is unwilling, Wen Wenxi is already dirty in his eyes, not to mention that her family background is not worthy of him at all.

It was the scene that Linyuan saw that day, the third prince Ji Sui rejected Wen Wenxi.

Now it's all right, Wen Wenxi's love gave birth to hatred.

She has paid so much for Ji Sui, even her own body, how could she accept that Ji Sui is so heartless.

She immediately tried to find a way to meet Concubine De, saying that she had Ji Sui's heir, although getting in and out of the palace was not that simple, it was not that difficult, Wen Wenxi just tried to find a way to meet Concubine De.

Coincidentally or perhaps not coincidentally, Emperor Qi Hui was in the Concubine De's palace at that time, and now it's all over, Emperor Qi Hui heard it clearly.

My own son made a woman's belly bigger, and he didn't want to take responsibility, and even made a fuss in front of him, an old man, which is simply outrageous.

Emperor Qi Hui's expression turned pale on the spot.

Concubine De also hated Wen Wenxi to death, but it was a pity that this matter had already been brought up in front of Emperor Qi Hui, and she couldn't solve it quietly even if she wanted to.

Emperor Qi Hui called the third prince, Ji Sui, to inquire about this matter. Ji Sui was completely at a loss for this. He looked at Wen Wen, who was kneeling beside him, and said, "Father Huang Mingjian, my son did not have an affair with Miss Wen." .”

Ji Sui is going crazy, what is going on!

When did he get involved with Wen Wenxi?

It's her own business to like him, what's his business?It wasn't he who asked her to go to the eldest prince Ji Xi, he absolutely refused to take the blame and take over the child who was probably Ji Xi's child.

Emperor Qi Hui looked at Wen Wenxi and said coldly, "Wen Wenxi, what is your explanation for this?"

Wen Wenxi was not in a hurry, so she said that she had evidence, which happened to be because she was useful, Ji Sui had indeed talked with her many times and there were some things that could be regarded as evidence, now that the proof was there, Ji Sui then It's hard to say even if you want to justify.

Even if Emperor Qi Hui asked Ji Sui to give Wen Wenxi a title, Ji Sui had no choice but to admit the loss because he was so unwilling that he almost wanted to do it directly.

This news spread outside the palace in just a short time, and at this time, the third prince Ji Sui's side concubine had already been decided.

Think about it, the upright side concubine has not yet entered the door, and a person who is not even considered a concubine already has a child, this is simply ridiculous.

As soon as this incident got out, most people's impression of the third prince, Ji Sui, dropped a lot.

The old minister who praised him a lot on weekdays looked at him with a bad expression.

In their view, it's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, and that's okay.

But if you haven't married the concubine, you have an affair with another woman and let her conceive a child and make trouble in front of His Majesty so that everyone knows it, that's not enough.

This made them seriously doubt the self-control and ability of the third prince Ji Sui.

Concubine De almost broke the veil, "Wen Wenxi this bitch."

Ji Sui was very calm, since the matter has become like this, he also calmed down, "Mother and concubine don't have to worry, my son will take care of it."

At that time, it was because there was no other way, he couldn't tell Emperor Qi Hui that the child in Emperor Qi Hui's belly belonged to Ji Xi, so he had to admit it.

But now there is no need. This matter is difficult to say, and it is easy to deal with it.

It is impossible for him to marry Wen Wenxi, and it is impossible for him to be a concubine, let alone the position of side concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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