I'm crazy

Chapter 414

Chapter 414
Lin Yuan, Mu An and the little boy she rescued, Hang Qin, headed towards the border of Jiangnan together.

"Where are we going?"

Hang Qin lay on the carriage and looked at the passing scenery outside, his big eyes widened from time to time following the scenery he hadn't seen before, although he was surprised and shocked, he was very sensible and didn't call out.

Lin Yuan was holding a book and reading it, when he heard that he turned a page and said, "Why, I only know to ask now, are you afraid that I will sell you?"

Hang Qin curled his lips and said firmly, "impossible."

"Oh?" Lin Yuan became interested, put down the book and looked at Hang Qin with a teasing smile: "Why is it impossible?"

She didn't think she was a good person.

Hang Qin turned his head to look at Lin Yuan and said seriously: "Because you look good!"

The small expression was very serious and firm, as if he had confirmed it.

Lin Yuan couldn't stop laughing. Although this small mouth is quite sweet, "Isn't a good-looking person a bad person? What's the reason for this?"

Hang Qin shook his head, "There are bad people in good-looking people, but I met you when I grew up to be so good-looking. Besides, I know you are not a bad person. Even if you are a bad person, you will not sell me .”

Lin Yuan was slightly puzzled by his swear words, "Why?"

Hang Qin widened his round eyes, as if Lin Yuan's question was so boring.

He looked straight into Lin Yuan's black eyes, put his hands on his chin, and sighed like a little adult: "Because you are rich!"

This reason...

Lin Yuan couldn't say "without conscience" that what he said was wrong, because the fact is that she is really rich.

And they are very rich, so much money belongs to their family in this world, which is really a trouble.

After saying this, Lin Yuan didn't tease Hang Qin again.

Instead, he continued to read the book, and Hang Qin breathed a sigh of relief. What he just said was true.

He originally ran out secretly, but after being rescued by Sister Lin, he wanted to follow her.

Of course it was because she was good-looking, and my father said that you can't just look at people's appearance, so he looked at the inside very seriously, although he couldn't see anything.

But he just thinks that sister Lin is a good person.

Although he felt nervous and a little bit afraid from time to time when facing this good person, this did not hinder his evaluation of her as a good person at all.

The atmosphere inside the carriage was very harmonious. Although Mu An was driving the carriage outside the carriage, there was actually not much for him to do.

Because His Highness's Tayun is a good steed for thousands of miles, with high spirituality, he doesn't need to do too much to know how to run, and he knows how to find water to drink, which is really worry-free.

So Mu An usually just sits leisurely outside the carriage.

It was the same today, but after driving for a while, Mu An's aura suddenly became chilling, his hand holding the horse rope tightened, and Ta Yun obediently stopped.


Mu An called Lin Yuan in a low voice.

Lin Yuan turned a page of the book without expressing anything, but Hang Qin said nervously: "Brother Mu, what's wrong?"

Mu An said softly: "It's okay, you stay in the car and don't come out."

Hang Qin's big eyes fluttered, and he looked at Lin Yuan who was reading the book with some fear. Lin Yuan raised his head, his black eyes were expressionless, and even the pupils were still cold, but Hang Qin felt relieved.

But after a while, the carriage was surrounded by dozens of people. From the looks of it, it should be a problem of bandits.

All of them had beards, and their clothes looked tattered. What's more, they didn't know how long they hadn't washed themselves. The smell of their body was very clearly passed into Mu An's nose.

"Boy, just keep this car and all the money if you are sensible, and I can spare your life, Grandpa."

The bandit at the front laughed loudly, his yellow teeth were particularly obvious in the sunlight, looking at Mu An was like looking at a dead person.

Mu An took a cold look at these people. Since he was a primary school student, he knew how to kill people, so he naturally felt that these bandits killed people by seeing blood. What they said just now about leaving him alive was obviously lying.

Before entering the boundary of Suizhou, they heard that there was a group of bandits on Suifeng Mountain. Because the mountain was steep and easy to defend and difficult to attack, the local government sent several people to suppress the bandits, but it was of no use. Later, a road was re-opened. It would be better to bypass Suifeng Mountain.

When His Highness heard this, he decided to go the old way.

Mu An naturally obeyed His Highness's decision unconditionally.

He has been walking in the dark for more than ten years. In his whole life, he has not only removed threats and killed people for the emperor, but also trained them. These dark health guards have always existed to protect the emperor.

For this, Mu An has no dissatisfaction, after all, there is no emperor or they have already died somewhere.

It's just that day after day passed, his life was like this, without any ups and downs, it seemed that he could see the end at a glance.

But on that day, everything changed.

Because of his good martial arts, he was sent by the emperor to protect His Royal Highness Princess Mingguang.

After that, he was extremely grateful that he never stopped getting stronger.

Nothing has been the same since.

He had a name, and it was the first time he felt emotions like joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and it was the first time he had an existence that he wanted to protect.

Protecting the emperor is his duty, his mission.

But for His Highness, it is more important than life as faith.

Mu An didn't speak, the dead don't need to hear his words.

Seeing that Mu An hadn't moved, the younger brother behind the leader laughed loudly and said, "Brother, this kid must be stupid, don't worry about it, he'll kill him right away."

The leader also nodded and said: "Go, just kill the person and take the carriage with you."

Mu An lowered his head, took out his own knife from the side of the carriage with his left hand, his knuckle fingers lightly brushed against the sharp surface of the knife, the blade even trembled slightly, the blood-drinking weapon has not been full these days, so it is naturally thirsty .

These bandits never put Mu An in their eyes, no matter how powerful they are, they are just one person, what can they do.

So watching Mu An draw the knife, he didn't react at all, and even laughed, laughing at Mu An's overreaching.

Hang Qin in the carriage naturally heard the commotion outside, he gently opened the curtain, saw so many people outside, worried: "Sister Lin, there are many people outside, will Brother Mu be okay?"

Lin Yuan's brows and eyes were unwavering, and a faint smile spread on his clear and beautiful face, like a winter plum falling on the first snow.

A lazy and meaningless voice said: "Don't worry."

Naturally, there will be no problems. In fact, Hang Qin may be worried about those who are doomed to die.

As soon as the leading bandit waved his hand, several people rushed up with weapons.

In order not to stain His Highness's eyes with dirty blood, Mu An got off the carriage and walked forward.

Holding the knife in his left hand, the sharp surface of the knife reflects a biting light in the sun, and the blade is white.

Mu An's martial arts has been used to kill people since elementary school.

No fancy, no extra effort, what follows is speed and efficiency.

There was no movement at all, the knife saw blood, and the knife urged their lives. These people didn't even have the energy to say the last half word.

After coming to His Highness's side, Mu An deliberately made his movements more crisp and neat, and even more aesthetically pleasing, so there were only a few bloodstains on the tip of the knife, but he was already dead.

After finishing these people, Mu An walked to the side of the carriage and said in a low voice, "Master, it's ready."

Lin Yuan gave a "hmm" and said casually, "Let's go."

Mu An got into the carriage, and the psychic Ta Yun ran up obediently. Mu An took out the cloth for cleaning the knife and wiped off the blood on the knife.

When passing the corpses of those bandits, the curtain of the carriage was quietly opened.

Curious Hang Qin's eyes widened suddenly, his face was pale and disgusted.

In fact, there is nothing terrible about these corpses, and there are not even obvious wounds on their bodies, but Hang Qin just feels sick.

It was the first time he saw a dead person.

"Sister Lin, are these people dead?" There was still a little fear in Hang Qin's eyes.

Lin Yuan calmly said: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Looking at her indifferent expression, Hang Qin didn't know what to say for a while.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan looked at his expression, and looked at his scared little eyes to know what he was thinking. Lin Yuan, who was in a good mood today, rarely said: "Why, do you think Mu An did something wrong?"

Hang Qin shook his head vigorously, "No, I don't think Brother Mu did anything wrong, I just...just..."

He didn't know what he was doing either.

Linyuan Qingling's voice was devoid of any emotion, cold and unpredictable: "Just what? I will teach you a truth today. It is a good thing to have a kind heart, but it should not be too much. Never show mercy to threats that should be eliminated, otherwise In the end, you will regret it yourself."

After finishing speaking, she continued to read her book, ignoring Hang Qin who lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

Of course she knows that Hang Qin is strictly just a child, but so what?
She has no obligation to protect the mental health of any child, nor does she have that mood.

Things in the world are always mixed with black and white, not everyone is a good person, and it is impossible for people to be pure forever.

Even in the modern legal planes she has been to, murder cases are often seen under the constraints of relatively sound laws, not to mention that this is ancient times, under the rule of imperial power, it can be regarded as an era when human life is not so valuable.

You should understand sooner or later.

These rogue bandits have already taken the lives of many innocent people. If she hadn't come across this incident on a whim, she believed that innocent people would have died in vain.

If you encounter this kind of person today, you will die or I will die.

So don't talk about morality and say that you can send these people to the government.

She is not so free yet, nor does she like to complicate a matter that could have been handled simply.

Never forget the fact that she is a demon.

It is a demon that does not surpass itself in everything.

Even in the human body now, she is still the supreme demon god.

Mu An, who was driving outside the carriage, had no expression on his tough and handsome face, but his eyes, which seemed to have never been illuminated by the sun all year round, seemed to be dyed with a warm light.


After walking for half a day, they finally came to a small town. At this time, they were not far away from Sucheng, which was in the center of Jiangnan.

After entering the town, Mu An found the cleanest inn, Lin Yuan got off the carriage, Ta Yun exhaled from his nose, kicked his four hooves on the ground excitedly, moved his body to get closer Arrived at Lin Yuan's side.

The owner is obsessed with cleanliness, and the horse is naturally very clean. Even Tayun himself likes to play with water, so he loves taking a bath every day, so it is also very clean and has no smell.

Lin Yuan stretched out his slender fingers and patted the horse's head lightly, and Ta Yun neighed happily a few times.

Mu An called Ta Yun to the waiter, and the carriage was naturally packed by someone from the inn.

This is the first time in this small town to see Linyuan's three seemingly distinguished guests. The shopkeeper personally greeted them and said, "Hello, three guests, do you want to stay at the shop?"

Mu An handed him the money and said: "Stay in the hotel, two rooms, get some hot water."

The master will naturally use the best for everything.

Because Mu An wants to protect Linyuan, the hotel is always next to Linyuan.

Otherwise, he could just sleep on the beam.

Of course, Lin Yuan would not "treat" Mu An so harshly. In fact, she ordered Mu An to stay with her in the hotel. Otherwise, with Mu An's character of respecting her, I am afraid that he would not allow himself to live next to Lin Yuan. .

Mu An shares a room with Hang Qin, and Lin Yuan shares a room alone.

After Mu An and Hang Qin entered, Hang Qin cautiously followed Mu An and pulled Mu An's sleeve.

"what happened?"

Mu An's voice is cold and hard, except when facing Lin Yuan, it is the hard texture of metal collision, which has a unique sex appeal.

Hang Qin flinched obviously. If he was in awe of Sister Lin unconsciously and without much awareness, then facing Brother Mu, he really felt the fear he felt.

Because the murderous aura in Mu An's body frightened the sensitive children.

"Brother Mu, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

Hang Qin is a good boy, and also a sensible person with his own independent thinking, although sometimes this thinking may not be very mature.

He was thinking about what Sister Lin said to him all the way, and he found that what Sister Lin said was right, and what Brother Mu did was even more right.

The bandits I met today, if it wasn't for Brother Mu's strong martial arts, they would have been killed.

It was too simple for him to think.

But now he knew he was wrong, Hang Qin stared at Mu An, hoping to get his forgiveness.

Mu An, Mu An is a little stiff, he really has no experience with children, he knows that Hang Qin should have been spoiled since he was a child, but the child is very polite, sensible and well-behaved, otherwise His Highness might not take him with him.

But today's matter, he really didn't take it to heart, after all, what Hang Qin did was good enough in his opinion, at least he didn't scream when he saw him killing people, he didn't scream, he wasn't terrified, and he didn't hate him.

He's just a little out of sorts.

Not bad for a kid who grew up in a comfort zone.

Mu An turned around, looked down at Hang Qin, and comforted him bluntly: "I'm not angry, you've done a good job."

A big smile spread out on Hang Qin's face following Mu An's words.

Lin Yuan couldn't fall asleep even after washing up and eating something. He slept a lot in the car during the day, and he wasn't very sleepy yet, so he wanted to go out and have a look.


She walked out of the room, and before he could knock, the door was already opened.

Mu An, who was always paying attention to Lin Yuan's movements, naturally heard Lin Yuan's footsteps, "Master."

"Come with me for a stroll."

Actually, Lin Yuan only wanted to go alone, but thinking that if she went to Mu An alone, she might die in a hurry, and she might buy something, so it would be more convenient to bring Mu An along. Someone paying is not.


Hang Qin looked at Mu An and Lin Yuan anxiously, he also wanted to go, Lin Yuan thought for a while, and it was really unsafe to leave the child alone in the inn, so he said, "Then let's go."


(End of this chapter)

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