I'm crazy

Chapter 424

Chapter 424
Regarding the improvement of weapons, Yun Dunying and Sun Qing were very interested. After all, if the two sides in the war had similar strength, well-equipped equipment accounted for a large part.

Lin Yuan directly gave the design drawings to the two of them, "Are there any old craftsmen in the city?"

Yun Dunying nodded and said: "Yes, there are many skilled craftsmen in the city, and they should be able to manufacture them."

The two of them held the blueprint given by Lin Yuan and their eyes shined brightly.

With the eyesight of the two of them, it is natural to see that the improved weapon on the blueprint is much better than the one they are using now. If it is really manufactured, the lethality may be more than doubled.

Not long after the new weapon was manufactured, the Rou tribe came to commit another crime.

The Rou people were originally a tribe that wandered and grazed on the grasslands, unlike the Qi country, whose land was fertile and available for farming.

When it comes to winter, life is difficult, especially at this age, with heavy snow for several days, I am afraid that many people will starve to death and freeze to death.

The king of the Rou clan doesn't want to stir up internal strife because of this matter, so what should we do?
Of course, the contradiction has shifted.

Since there is nothing to eat, it would be good to rob the Qi country, anyway, they often rob.

And it was only a few days since the last time the Rou clan came to plunder and kill the people of Wu'an City in Qi State, and then they came again.

Lin Yuan stood on top of the city, the figure of the black dragon pattern was very conspicuous.

Yun Dunying is directing the soldiers to throw stones down and shoot arrows.

Sun Qing said to Lin Yuan: "Your Highness, this place is too dangerous, you should go down, there are generals and low-ranking officers guarding here, absolutely nothing will happen to our Wu'an City."

Maybe it's because they have eaten all the food they robbed last time, or maybe they like this way of "getting something for nothing". This time, there are many people from the Rou tribe.

Lin Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "Who is willing to go out of the city with Bengong to fight?"

The soldiers who heard this were stunned and almost forgot what they were doing.

It's not that they are afraid to go out to fight the Rou people, but every time the Rou people come to Wu'an City to plunder, there are a large number of people and horses. The difference is a little bigger.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, unless necessary, will not go out to meet the enemy.

But after His Highness said so, Yun Dunying was stunned and said: "I would like to go out of the city with Your Highness."

Lin Yuan looked at Yun Dunying and said, "You stay here."

"Sun Qing."

Sun Qing said: "The humble job is here."

Lin Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, "You lead a few teams out from behind the city gate."

As soon as these words came out, the experienced Sun Qing and Yun Dunying instantly understood Lin Yuan's meaning.

This is an outflank, but unless the situation in the front is one-sided, this method is very difficult to use, and it will kill you if you are not careful.

Yun Dunying was a little hesitant. Although His Highness's martial arts skills had been proven that day, war is not a child's play, and there must be no sloppiness. Because of the slightest mistake, the lives of the soldiers will be sacrificed.

Sun Qing didn't think too much about it, he was a straightforward person, since His Highness defeated him, he would listen to His Highness.

The gates are open.

Tayun raised his horse's hooves lightly, he was so excited that he wanted to go out and run around.

Lin Yuan sat on Ta Yun, held the rein with his left hand and moved slightly, and Ta Yun obediently stood still.

Wu Ermeng, the general of the Rou clan, stared at the wide-open city gate, and Lin Yuan, who was on the horse in the front, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his lewd look suddenly appeared.

He shouted loudly: "Is Qi Guo going to surrender? Send such a delicate and weak woman."

The soldiers of the Rou nationality around him echoed loudly: "Dabu, maybe this is to give this woman to you for you to play with."

"Really?" Wuermeng licked his lips and said with a smile, "If this is the case, I might consider letting Qi go for a while."

When Yun Dunying and the soldiers of Qi State heard this, their eyes were tearing apart, and they wanted to tear Wu Ermeng's body into pieces. Linyuan raised his right hand lightly to signal everyone to calm down.

What should I do if the ants are too noisy?
To shut him up, of course.

Lin Yuan stretched her hand back, and a crossbow reached her hand.

Holding the bow and crossbow in his slender and white hands like exquisite jade, he adjusted it casually, and then pointed it at Uermeng, who was still chattering.

Wu Ermeng naturally noticed Lin Yuan's movements, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

As the most valiant warrior of the Rou clan, how could he be afraid of a mere woman.

Wu Ermeng showed disdain, and shouted loudly: "Little beauty, are you sure you want to aim at me? I'm afraid you won't even be able to pull away?"

Wu Ermeng didn't even move from where he stood, and turned his head to talk to the soldiers beside him.

Lin Yuan's thin lips were slightly raised, and her black eyes were as cold and indifferent as the abyss.

The next moment, Wu Ermeng, who was still talking and laughing wantonly with the soldiers, died in Lin Yuan's hands, under the crossbow.

When the soldiers of the Rou tribe felt cold all over, they saw an arrow stuck in most of their bodies, and shot directly through the right temple from the left temple.

The Rou Clan was in chaos in an instant. Once the leader died, the morale of the army was lost, and they ran to the back one after another.

Lin Yuan held the bow and crossbow in his left hand, raised his right hand and waved forward, and the soldiers of Qi State behind him headed towards the fleeing Rou clan.

During this process, without Lin Yuan saying a word, the Rou Clan was defeated and the situation was over.

She leisurely led Ta Yun towards the direction of Rou Clan's escape, Ta Yun was cheerful as if going on an outing.

Lin Yuan's thin lips moved, and he said lightly, "Not one will be left behind."

The soft voice, but the meaning of indifference and indifference is clearly revealed. No matter how far away from her, all the soldiers of Qi State can hear these four words clearly.

Blood was dripping, and the killing continued.

No one felt that Lin Yuan's orders were ruthless, bloodthirsty and cruel.

The Rou tribe invaded Qi State for hundreds of years and killed many innocent people in Qi State.

Now it's just an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

It's just a blood debt!

The soldiers who saw everything on the city were overjoyed, this is the first time they have won such a big victory!
Wu Ermeng is powerful in battle, and his skills are extraordinary immediately. Usually, as long as he comes, although they are not all the losers, they still cannot gain the upper hand. Now that Her Majesty the Princess made a move and Wu Ermeng died, this feeling is simply indescribable.

They don't think that this is all the function of the bow and crossbow. It's not that no one has used the new crossbow before. If you want to shoot accurately, various factors such as strength and technology are indispensable.

"His Royal Highness! Her Royal Highness!"

"Come on, defend the city well." Yun Dunying cursed with a smile, but was not angry.

Although the final result has not yet come out, but there is no need to worry, unless all the Rou people come now.


According to historical records, in the 40th year of Emperor Qihui of the Qi State, the emperor Mingguang led the army to go out and shot and killed Wuermeng, most of the Rou tribe, in front of Wu'an City. The Rou tribe was defeated.

Since the beginning of the great war, the emperor and goddess Wushuang have fought dozens of battles without a single defeat. The world says that his gods have descended to the world to protect the country's well-being.

The Rou family was defeated and returned to the Qi State, and the Rou family has since perished from the world.


Emperor Qi Hui stood at the gate of the palace, looking into the distance, with a majestic look on his face, but there was no shortage of expectations in his heart.

Wei Jin said with a smile: "Your Highness is still on the way, so don't worry about it."

Emperor Qi Hui coughed and covered himself up: "I'm not in a hurry at all, who said I'm in a hurry."

Wei Jin naturally did not dare to refute his Majesty.

It's just that I also thought in my heart that it's been almost two years, who would have thought that His Highness will be here for two years.

For more than two years, His Highness fought the Rou Clan on the front line, and His Majesty sat in the rear, providing His Highness with everything, disregarding any voices from the court, and giving all his trust.

In the past two years, because of His Majesty's secret arrangements, His Highness's reputation among the people has grown to an unknown extent, and His Majesty doesn't even mind that His Highness's reputation surpasses that of an emperor.

Wei Jin can only say that in His Majesty and His Highness, he has truly seen the father-daughter relationship between the royal family.

No impurities.

Two years passed quickly, and the emperor's daughter Mingguang was unknown to everyone, and now the emperor's mind has not been clearly revealed, but it is probably not difficult for the wise people in the government and the opposition to guess.

Naturally, there will be many people who oppose it, because there has never been such a case in the past thousands of years, but His Majesty suppressed it with thunderous means, which really made His Highness have no worries.

And recently it was the day when His Highness returned to the court, and the news said that His Highness was almost arriving in the Imperial Capital.

At this time, Linyuan had indeed entered the city.

This time she didn't take the carriage again, Lin Yuan rode directly on Tayun and walked slowly, without feeling that she was slowing down the progress of the army at all.

Tayun is so pure black that there is no trace of variegated fur. It seems that this is a good horse that is hard to buy.

The black dark robes embroidered with dragon patterns revealed the identity of the visitor.

At this time, the imperial capital has been surrounded by the common people, the surrounding streets are full of people, and on the attic, there are countless boys and girls who admire and worship His Royal Highness Ming Guang.

As soon as Lin Yuan entered the city, she attracted everyone's attention, and the army behind her with a murderous look captured the hearts of all the people in an instant.

For a while, no one dared to speak.

It wasn't until a orchid lightly fell on Lin Yuan's body that the stagnant atmosphere due to the killing spirit carried by the army was broken.

"Your Highness! I admire you!"

The voice that almost broke his throat attracted Lin Yuan's attention.

She held the flower in her right hand, gently held the orchid with her white and translucent fingertips, raised it to her lips and sniffed it slightly, half of her black eyes contained a comfortable and leisurely smile, and her eyelashes like butterfly wings were slightly raised, as if there was a flying bird. Butterfly landed on it, and then looked at the slightly hooked thin lips where the sound came out, with an almost soul-stirring appearance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Your Highness, look at me, look at me, look at me!"

The beauty picks up the flowers and smiles at you.

... The girl who was the first to throw flowers just now was going crazy! ! ! ! !

She clutched her chest, feeling that she couldn't breathe at all, how could she be so seductive!

Your Highness is so beautiful and ecstatic!
She doesn't want to marry her bamboo horse at all, she wants to follow His Highness!She is going to marry His Highness!
Don't let anyone stop her! ! ! ! !
Horseback riding leaning on the inclined bridge, full of red sleeves.

The person with a perfect appearance is riding a horse leisurely and lazily, and everyone in the streets and alleys is fascinated by her. At this moment, everything in the world is to set off and embellish her existence alone.

Flowers were thrown on Lin Yuan one after another, some people couldn't cast them correctly and stomped their feet in annoyance, not only women, but also many men looked at Lin Yuan with admiration.

Don't think that the ancients didn't chase stars. The ancients were much cooler than modern people.

The instinct of people in the world to love beauty is indelible. If it is said that Linyuan's reputation has been known to everyone under the operation of Emperor Qi Hui in the past two years, then at this moment, after seeing Linyuan's unparalleled beauty, it is reached its peak.

There were too many flowers, affecting Yun Dunying, Sun Qing and others behind them.

Several people looked at each other and smiled, lamenting that His Highness's charm is unmatched.

When they were in Wu'an City at the border, all the people in the city liked His Highness to the extreme, as long as they met His Highness on the road, sending flowers and fruits was absolutely indispensable.

Wu'an City is located in a bitterly cold border area, and there are very few flowers and fruits that can grow, so it is naturally extremely precious, but even so, the people in the city are also willing to send it, even fearing that they will be one step too late, and His Highness left.

Although His Highness will only pick up a little bit in the end, it can't dampen their enthusiasm.

Even Rouran, who had just been merged into the land of Qi, should be a blood feud. Of course, he didn't look good when he saw other Qi people, after all, he was an enemy who had fought for hundreds of years.

But when facing His Highness, it was like a different person, and it was definitely not an act of pretending.

Yun Dunying was deeply moved.

As expected of Her Highness the Empress Mingguang.

He knew that being able to do this was definitely not just relying on charm.

Yun Dunying quietly glanced at Lin Yuan in front of him. Although His Highness is indeed very charming, he knows that His Highness's wrists are also absolutely extraordinary.

Facing Huaxiang all the way, Linyuan and others finally arrived in the palace.

The rest got off their horses to meet Emperor Qi Hui one after another, only Lin Yuan rode Tayun directly towards her own palace.

This is her exclusive right as the Empress Mingguang.

Emperor Qi Hui waited for a long time and finally got the news that Lin Yuan had gone to his palace first, and laughed and scolded: "This little bastard, I don't know to come to see her father first."

"I really don't miss me at all, little brat!"

That's what he said, but the meaning of pampering and indulgence in that tone is clear and obvious.

Yun Dunying, who was relatively close to Emperor Qi Hui, heard the emperor's words very clearly, lowered his head carefully, and was also surprised in his heart by the emperor's love for His Highness.

Although this news is not new, and almost everyone in the Qi Kingdom knows about His Majesty's love for His Highness the Empress Mingguang, but they haven't seen it with their own eyes, so naturally they still have some doubts.

Now that I really saw it with my own eyes, apart from being a little surprised, it was the feeling that the dust had settled.

Yun Dunying and other generals will return to the court this time, and Emperor Qi Hui will naturally reward them according to their merits. There are rewards at the celebration banquet, so today Emperor Qi Hui just talked to them a few words and let them go down to have a good rest up.

In the evening, the emperor and his ministers will have fun together.

At this time in Ji Ze's residence, Ji Ze was still calm and did not lose his mind. After all, he had been paying attention to Ming Guang's news and his father's actions for the past two years, and the resentment that he should have dissipated long ago.

It was rare for him to doubt himself, whether he really should continue, whether there is a need to continue.

Seeing that the dust has settled, he knows his father's intentions better than anyone else. Now that Ming Guang has controlled the army again, he has no ability to resist.

Ji Ze's eyes were calm, maybe he really should stop, before it's too late.

No matter how tempting that seat is, it is not as important as himself.

 I feel like I'm in love with my main character(°°)
  Thanks to the evil little angels for the rewards, thank you little angels for your votes

(End of this chapter)

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