I'm crazy

Chapter 432 Meow Meow Meow

Chapter 432 Meow Meow Meow

The atmosphere between the two was inexplicable, but the "instigator" Lin Yuan was extremely comfortable in Yi Paiyun's arms, without the slightest sense that the two shit-shoveling officers were "jealous" over her as a "disaster".

Xie Hong was taken aback by Yi Paiyun's question just now, but after all his heart was not ordinary, and then he retorted lightly: "Since you can say that, it proves that KK chose me."

That's right, this is his greatest confidence.

Yi Paiyun's words showed that he was the one chosen by his KK, and he believed that he could raise KK well in the future.

Xie Hong stretched out his hand to Yi Paiyun and said, "Give me KK."

Before Yi Paiyun could move, the cat owner in his arms jumped out of his arms and jumped into Xie Hong's arms.

Seeing that Yi Paiyun's arms were empty, he had no choice but to smile dotingly and said: "Little heartless."

Xie Hong's always tense face finally showed a little smile, which looked particularly good-looking on the young and handsome face.

Xie Hong carefully held Lin Yuan in his arms, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how confident and calm he is with Yi Paiyun, Xie Hong has no idea in his heart. He is afraid that KK will end up following others.

At this time, his attitude towards Yi Paiyun finally improved.

Very sincerely said: "Thank you Mr. Yi just now."

Yi Paiyun said: "No need, I was also brought here by KK."

Xie Hong lowered his head to look at Lin Yuan, and rubbed his cheek against the cat's soft body, making Yi Paiyun jealous.

Lin Yuan flicked her tail lazily in Xie Hong's arms, yes, she is the biggest contributor.

When she heard Xie Hong, the class teacher under the tree, say that she wanted to call the parents, she went directly to Yi Paiyun.

Judging by the behavior of the three children, their parents are not very reasonable and good people.

The dean's grandmother is getting old, if something happens after she comes here, it will be bad, so Lin Yuan chooses to find the second shit shoveling officer, after all, as a not so domineering domineering president, Yi Paiyun is more suitable to deal with it thing.

After speaking, Yi Paiyun looked at his watch, "It's already four o'clock, KK should be hungry, I'll take you to dinner."

Now that he has accepted Yi Paiyun's identity, Xie Hong nodded and said, "Okay."

Xie Hong and Yi Paiyun went to eat with a cat.

The three parents had already received 3 yuan from the secretary, and they wanted cash. Fortunately, there was a self-service teller machine in front of the school, so the secretary took the money for them and came back.

When a greedy person sees real gold and silver bills, his eyes are shining, and he regrets it in an instant. If he had known that this person was so straightforward, he should have asked for a little more money.

The flesh on the man's face trembled with excitement holding such a stack of money.

On the way home, I kept putting my hand on the bag on my body to protect the money, for fear of being lost.

In an alley full of rubbish, a few young men with dyed hair and tattooed arms that look unserious are smoking, and the dirty jokes in their mouths from time to time make people feel sick.

The man glanced at a few people, his expression slightly wary, and he regretted that he had gone this way.

This alley is a small alley, there is too much garbage and no one has cleaned it, it has been abandoned for a long time, but today he did not choose the usual path because of the money in his bag, and he ran into someone unexpectedly.

The man felt regretful in his heart, but the expression on his face was still calm. He wanted to pass smoothly, but a voice interrupted his footsteps.


The yellow-haired young man exhaled a puff of cigarette, and with a movement of his eyes, the people around the smoking man stepped forward to block the man skillfully.

The young man looked at the man. Normally, he wouldn't pay attention to this kind of person, because he looked like a poor man. But just now, the man's hand was on the bag on his chest to protect him, and he just happened to see the guard in his eyes. Arrived.

Now the young man who was going to let him go was very curious.

"Bring me the bag."

I don't know what treasure made him protect it so much, but since he saw it, there is absolutely no reason to let it go.

As soon as the words came out, the man's expression changed immediately, and he tightly protected the bag with his hands, dodging to prevent a few people from snatching it.

"What are you going to do, I tell you, robbery is illegal and criminal!" The man shouted loudly while yelling for help.

The young man gave a disdainful smile, and a few people grabbed the bag with a glance, and the man's mouth was blocked at the same time.


A person handed the bag to the young man. The young man opened it and said with a smile, "Hey, money! No wonder it's so precious."

Then he threw the bag to the younger brother again, "Knock me out."

The little brother took the bag, and the other little brother moved his hand, and the man was knocked unconscious on the ground, half dead.

The 3 yuan that hadn't been warmed fell into the hands of others, and I was injured. It can be said that bullying is always bullying.

Yi Paiyun and Xie Hong, who were eating, naturally didn't know about it.

Xie Hong took a look at the restaurant that Yi Paiyun brought them to, it was high-end and grand, very luxurious and restrained, and the price of a meal was not cheap.

Xie Hong didn't feel inferior in his heart, but when he saw Yi Paiyun taking care of KK's meals skillfully, he was unavoidably anxious. He also wanted to grow up and make money quickly, but there was no rush.

"By the way, you are about to enter junior high school now, which junior high school do you plan to take?"

Yi Paiyun cut up a small plate of beef and put it in front of Linyuan, and said to Xie Hong.

"Go to No. [-] Middle School." Xie Hong gently wiped the cat hair that was stained with the food with a napkin.

Yi Paiyun thought for a while, "The third middle school is not the best, why go to the third middle school?"

Xie Hong replied: "Because the conditions of the third middle school are loose."

His grades in the past six years have been very good, and several junior high schools have approached their head teachers, hoping that he would come to their schools. Because the teachers in the third middle school are not the best, the conditions given are the most favorable.

Needless to say, the annual scholarship and subsidy, the most important thing is that No. [-] Middle School is willing to provide him with a separate dormitory, and even more agrees to let him raise KK in the dormitory school.

Of course, the condition is academic performance and various competition results.

This is not a big deal for Xie Hong.

After hearing this, Yi Paiyun didn't say anything. For him and Xie Hong, KK is the bond between them. Without this cat master, they would not know each other.

"Well, I'll ask my assistant to tidy up the dormitory for you."

Since Xie Hong is going to live in the dormitory with KK, the dormitory environment must be the best.

Xie Hong nodded his thanks, with Yi Paiyun's help, KK can live more comfortably, after all he also knows how picky KK is.

"However, the food in the school cafeteria is not good. It's better for KK to eat at my place in the future." Immediately afterwards, Yi Paiyun said.

Xie Hong didn't object. After seeing Yi Paiyun's own money status, he naturally knew what to do to KK.

He didn't intend to let KK eat the meals in the cafeteria.

The two reached an agreement on how to raise Linyuan in the future, and had a somewhat pleasant time.

The incident about Xie Hong's fight did not cause any disturbance in the school, at most there were children talking about it.

After all, the homeroom teacher had already stated that Xie Hong was not wrong. Although he didn't say why, since Xie Hong was right, the one who was wrong was naturally the one who was beaten by Xie Hong.

Originally, they wanted to take advantage of the fact that Xie Hong was an orphan to ridicule his children, but when they heard the news that Xie Hong had beaten him so badly that they were sent to the hospital, they didn't dare to speak out.

Nothing happened in the rest of the time after the parent meeting. Xie Hong went through a few months smoothly, and then got into the third middle school with the No.1 grade in the junior high school.

When tidying up the dormitory, Yi Paiyun specially asked his assistant to go.

Because only Xie Hong lives in the entire dormitory, the space is not too small, so the assistant put a lot of Linyuan's things.

Like a cat climbing frame or something.

The assistant also took out a mobile phone and two tablet computers and handed them to Xie Hongdao: "The president asked me to pass it on. He said that the black tablet is for His Majesty KK, and the rest of the mobile phone and tablet are for you to use. The mobile phone The number inside is the private number of the president, and the president can call him if there is anything that cannot be resolved.”

Xie Hong took it over very calmly, and after the assistant finished everything and left, he hugged Lin Yuan, smiled and said in a low voice: "I really owe KK's blessing."

"Meow." As long as you know it, you must do a good job as a shit shoveler in the future.

The black cat nestled in Xie Hong's arms let out a noble and glamorous cry, the black pupil glanced at it in a good mood and closed its eyes in Xie Hong's arms.

Xie Hong's life in junior high school officially began.

In fact, it is no different from the past, especially after living on campus, there are only three points and one line, classrooms, dormitories and canteens.

But Xie Hong's cafeteria doesn't have much to eat, and he is actually not short of money now.

After all, he had a lot of money after he entered the third middle school, and every time Linyuan went to Yi Paiyun's place, he would bring delicious food to Xie Hong from time to time when he came back.

Xie Hong was not very picky about his food, he drank milk every day, and the young man's thin body was stretched out quickly.

His appearance has gradually grown, and his deep and three-dimensional facial features have a strong sense of presence. After fighting with those people that day in the sixth grade, he rarely asked Yi Paiyun for help to find a private Sanda coach for him.

Only when he is strong can he protect KK and himself.

The young man like a green pine is sitting upright on the seat, the bright sunlight sneaks in from the narrow gap by the window, and the faint light intertwines and reflects on the more handsome face of the young man. If you glance at it by chance, you don't know who it is. time.

It's just that in the eyes of his classmates and teachers, the hand of the extremely outstanding boy under the table was grabbed by two cat's paws like a pillow.

Lin Yuan slept very comfortably. Does the young man smell any mess? There is only a faint scent of lavender and the warmth of the sun.

The slender fingers are warm and cool, they are very comfortable to use as pillows in this summer, and Lin Yuan doesn't want to wake up when he sleeps on Xie Hong's lap.

She wanted to follow Xie Honglai to class today on a whim, so she sneaked into Xie Hong's schoolbag.

And the moment the boy saw her, she was also very satisfied with the pleasant surprise and doting smile.

The corner of Xie Hong's mouth was smiling, as if the ice and snow had melted slightly, making it even more beautiful, and the girls who were watching him carefully blushed and turned their heads quickly.

All the teachers on the stage saw it, helpless and funny.

They weren't too angry, they were not children, everyone liked good-looking people, and they often discussed which girl in the school was good-looking at that time.

There is really no need for parents and teachers to worry too much about the ignorant, clear and beautiful emotions of adolescents, as long as they are properly guided and treated.

If it is like dealing with some heinous crime, I am afraid that it will be self-defeating, and it will also hurt the child.

Xie Hong's efficiency in this class was not very good. Although in the eyes of the teachers and classmates, he still listened carefully to the class, Xie Hong knew that he didn't put his mind on the class at all.

Fortunately, the knowledge in junior high school is not difficult for him, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't listen.

The soft and warm kitten sleeps obediently on his lap, with its little head resting on his hand, curled up into a ball, grabbing his hand into his stomach, and covering his hand with the heat of his breath .

The whiskers on the face touched his hand with the trembling of the sleeping cat, and the tail of the little cat who didn't know what kind of dream it was had swept him with a flick of its tail, bringing slight itchiness and numbness, Xie Hong only I feel that my whole heart has softened, and there is no desire to learn.

If he hadn't forced himself to hold back, I'm afraid his face would be full of smiles at this time.

Xie Hong really didn't expect his KK to sneak into his schoolbag and be carried to the classroom by him.

Fortunately, he doesn't have the habit of throwing his schoolbag away, and the movement of placing the schoolbag is relatively light, otherwise KK would be thrown by him.

Xie Hong looked under the table from time to time, and the teacher naturally noticed it while standing on the podium.

Xie Hong studies very well and is the treasure of the teacher in class three. The teacher is not angry, but just thinking about it is not enough. Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don’t make progress, you will fall back. The teacher still hopes that Xie Hong will not relax.

and so……

"Xie Hong, come up and write this question."

That's right, this class is a math class.

Xie Hong, who was called out suddenly, just touched Lin Yuan's soft and cute belly under the table, and then overturned.


What should he say at this time, stomach hurts?Stomach pain?leg pain?Or do you feel pain all over your body?

But with the teachers and classmates paying attention to him, if he said so, the teachers and classmates would definitely worry that they would come to see him, and KK couldn't hide it.

Xie Hong is really "difficult to ride a tiger".

Facing the teacher's expectant gaze, Xie Hong could only speak with difficulty: "Teacher, today is not very convenient."

The mathematics teacher is a 50-year-old old teacher. He is amiable, not angry, but rather curious. Then, this very energetic teacher came down from the podium and walked to Xie Hong's side.


Now it's impossible not to see it.

Surprise flashed across the math teacher's face, and then he smiled and said, "What happened to you after the teacher returned, so there is a little guy pestering you!"


Most of the students were looking at Xie Hong, and they all looked over curiously when they heard the math teacher's ominous words.

Xie Hong sat alone at the back with no one at the same table, so no one discovered the mystery under his table.

But now the students looked over, the students in the front seat and the students next to them were surprised and shouted, "Cat!"

Lin Yuan, who was sleeping comfortably, opened those black pupils and subconsciously called softly, "Meow?"

At the same time, he stretched his little body, just woke up and forgot that she was in the classroom, so he jumped up from Xie Hong's lap and onto Xie Hong's shoulder.

So, I was caught off guard when I heard that soft meow like a coquettish cat, and then I saw everyone in Linyuan: "..."

Almost all the students said "Fuck" in their hearts at the same time, Xie Hong's cat is so beautiful!
 At that time, I wanted to take the cat to school, but unfortunately I couldn't.

(End of this chapter)

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