I'm crazy

Chapter 439

Chapter 439
"Miss, it's time to drink the medicine."

A maid in an apricot-yellow dress came in with a night-black medicine, and without waiting for Lin Yuan to open her mouth, she put the medicine in front of her, with bright contempt in her eyes.

Lin Yuan just came into this body, saw it with a slight smile and said: "Leave it alone, I'll drink it later."

The maid Mu'er can't let the medicine sit, so she picked up the medicine and handed it to Lin Yuan, saying: "Miss, the medicine will lose its effect when it cools down, for your health's sake, you should drink it quickly."

While talking, he threw the medicine in front of Lin Yuan, it seemed that she had to drink it.

Lin Yuan raised her eyebrows slightly, her body was very weak, and she had no ability to resist for the time being, so she took the bowl of medicine that was ginsenged.

Seeing that Lin Yuan drank the medicine, the servant girl Mu'er smiled in satisfaction, and felt that she had nothing to say to this sick young man who was dying soon, so she went out with an empty bowl, without showing any respect for her master in her movements.

After there was no one in the room, Lin Yuan had the opportunity to sort out the memory of this body and the general situation of the world.

This plane is a world of high martial arts and low demons.

The rivers and lakes are powerful, and they have a relationship with the imperial court.

And because of the prevalence of martial arts, there have been rumors of Shattered Void, and everyone in the world is yearning for it, but in fact, the highest known state of martial arts is Grand Master, and no one has ever reached the state above, so naturally there is no way to know .

Everyone wants to ascend to Taoism and become the desirable "immortal" who has never seen it with his own eyes but only has many legends.

But the fact is that no one has ascended to this plane for hundreds of years, so that, except for those who are extremely crazy about martial arts, not many people in later generations believe in the existence of immortals, even if they yearn for them.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Lin Yuan's current body.

Because this body does not have any talent for martial arts, and her body has been weak since she was a child, so her father has no idea of ​​letting her inherit any family business.

The original soul is called Lu Ling, the only child of Lu Lijin of the Lu family.

Speaking of Lu Lijin, he can be considered a martial arts genius, but in just a few years of martial arts practice, he has skills that others can't catch up with in more than ten years. Such improvements will naturally arouse suspicion. Over time, black and white have poured into the Lu family.

Fortunately, Lu Lijin was a straightforward person and made many trustworthy friends from all walks of life, so the Lu family was almost wiped out under the attack of black and white.

In fact, Lu Lijin didn't have any martial arts secrets, but happened to be taught by an expert after falling off the cliff. Fortunately, Lu Lijin made great progress in martial arts, and in the end, not only did nothing happen, but the Lu family's name became famous all over the world.

And the other half was brought by the original soul Lu Ling.

Lu Ling can't practice martial arts, but her appearance is elegant and exquisite, which can be described as a stunning beauty, a beauty near the water.

Among all the rivers and lakes, stories of beauties are the most indispensable thing. As the number one beauty in the rivers and lakes, Lu Ling does not want to be famous, and her reputation spreads all over the world.

Naturally, Lu Lijin treats his only daughter like a pearl like a treasure. Since his daughter can't support the family business without martial arts, he naturally wants to plan for her.

Lu Li made a lot of choices, and chose Cang Yunzhou, the son of the head of the Wanshan Sect.

Wanshan Sect is one of the most powerful sects in Jianghu, and the head's son Cang Yunzhou is also a rare young talent. Lu Ling is the number one beauty in Jianghu. If the two become partners, it will be a match made in heaven.

If it is, then of course it will fail in the end.

Lu Lijin was accidentally killed after going out once, leaving only a frail woman like Lu Ling in this huge Lu family.

Lu Ling had been hugged and loved by Lu Lijin for the past 16 years, but once something happened suddenly, she didn't have the ability to support the Lu family.

It's not the domineering presidents in the novel who drink, race, go clubbing every day and know everything when the company is about to go bankrupt. There is no logic at all.

The best way she could think of at that time was to ask Wan Shanzong and her fiancé Cang Yunzhou for help.

There is nothing wrong with her thinking, she is a weak woman, there is nothing shameful about it, since she has no way of doing it, there are naturally capable people, she is not someone who knows that she is useless and has no self-knowledge to try hard .

But what she didn't expect was that her fiancé already had someone he liked, and Wanshanzong was related to his father's death.

It was not an accident that Lu Lijin accidentally fell off the cliff back then, but because he wanted to save someone, and this person was Cang Yueyue, the head of the Wanshan sect who had just entered the rivers and lakes in the past and got into trouble and was hunted down by others.

It was dark at that time, Lu Lijin accidentally fell into the cliff in order to save Cang Yueyue, and after he got out, he made rapid progress like a divine enlightenment.

Lu Lijin didn't know who he was saving, and he didn't see his face clearly, but Cangyue knew it clearly.

After Lu Li entered and exited the cliff, he paid attention to him. Originally, he wanted to repay his life-saving grace, but he noticed the speed of Lu Li's progress in martial arts.

Knowing that he did this after he fell into the cliff, Cangyue thought he had obtained some magical secret book, and came to him to try to get it out.

But there is no such thing, how to get it out?
But Cang Yue thought it was because Lu Lijin didn't want to give it to him, and seeing him getting stronger day by day, his cultivation remained where he was, and his jealousy started from that moment.

At that time, Cang Ye was still young, so he didn't do anything, but kept following Lu Lijin, looking for opportunities to obtain the secret manual of magical skills.

Therefore, Lu Ling made an engagement with his son Cang Yunzhou under his will. Originally, he planned to take it slowly, so he couldn't rush to leave any excuses behind.

But what I didn't expect was that Cang Yue had accidentally lost his temper, and his martial arts regressed, so he had to retreat temporarily to keep others from knowing.

After secretly using all the precious medicinal materials and trying other martial arts cheats to no avail, the raging thoughts that had germinated in the bottom of my heart rushed out.

Cang Yue couldn't wait any longer, and if he waited any longer, he would become a useless person.

Then, after Lu Lijin went out, he secretly killed Lu Lijin.

No one knew that Lu Lijin was responsible for his death.

After all, in the eyes of the world, the Lu family has already married Wanshanzong, and they will be a family in the future, and Lu Lijin only has one daughter, so the Lu family's things will not belong to Wanshanzong in the future.

Once the Lu family died, Cang Yueyue's disgusting face has not yet been revealed. His son Cang Yunzhou fell in love with someone else, and he, the head of the sect, even went to the Lu family to apologize to Lu Ling in person, saying that it was his lack of discipline. Shanzong will protect Lu's family until Lu Ling finds his beloved.

It can be said that in the eyes of outsiders, he has made a gentle and decent posture, stepped on Lu Lijin's corpse and used Lu Ling to earn enough reputation.

Lu Ling, who lived in a simple and simple environment, did not doubt Cang Yueyue, and was very touched. Finally, Cang Yueyao arranged for someone to enter the Lu family, and the name was to temporarily take care of Lu Ling's house for Lu Ling. It diagnosed and wrote a prescription to treat her illness.

Lu Ling naturally didn't know that this medicine was a fatal medicine.

I didn't know everything until the end when I was dying.

"Master, Lu Ling's wish is for you to kill those who killed her father and her." Kunlun Mirror said in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"This wish is not difficult at all." Lin Yuan said lazily while lying on the bed.

However, this body is too weak and has no force, and Lin Yuan has just tried to communicate with the spiritual power of this world, and it is almost non-existent. It seems that this plane is a plane where spiritual power cannot be used, and it can only enter Taoism.

So it's difficult to say, because Lin Yuan doesn't have any force value at all.

It's simple and simple, she likes this kind of desire to do it directly, it saves worry and trouble.

So, if you talk about reasoning with these things that hurt you, and talk about good and evil, you can just raise your sword and destroy them without any problems.

Lin Yuan stood up and put on her shoes. There was only one servant girl beside her, who was Lu Lijin's servant, and Cang Yue arranged for the others.

When Lin Yuan finished putting on his shoes, An Yun came in with something in his arms, "Miss, why did you get out of bed?"

An Yun quickly put down the bun in his arms, and walked to Lin Yuan's side to support her, for fear that something might happen to her frail young lady.

Lin Yuan used her strength to stand firm and said: "I'm fine."

This body was indeed extremely weak, and even the simple task of getting out of bed took a lot of energy.

Naturally, Lu Ling's body was not born as weak as it is now. In fact, it has improved a lot under Lu Lijin's careful conditioning, but then it was directly destroyed by Cang Yueyue's medicine, so it became the dilapidated picture now. look.

An Yun was rambling on and on, telling the young lady to pay attention to her body, but there should be no more mistakes.

An Yun didn't say anything else to Lin Yuan, who was as delicate as a flower in her heart.

An Yun was brought in by Lu Lijin since he was a child. Lu Lijin is generous and righteous, so naturally he would not treat his servants harshly. Lu Ling is also gentle, so An Yun has never experienced any hardship since he entered the Lu family.

Naturally, he was loyal to Lu Ling.

After Lu Lijin died, the Lu family did not leave after such a big change, and stayed by Lu Ling's side to take care of her.

An Yun had a lively personality since she was a child, and she was a little bit smart and keenly aware of all the things that were wrong in the Lu family, but the young lady who was the master didn't say anything, trusting Cang Yue, she couldn't do anything as a girl.

From time to time, he could only find a way to change or quietly pour the medicine for Lu Ling.

This is why Lu Ling can persist for a while.

Lin Yuan supported An Yun's hand and stood still, looked at An Yun and said, "Xiao Yun, let's go."



Taiping Town is a small town, but the folk customs are simple, and the people are very friendly, especially to Lin Yuan, a foreigner they may have never met before.

"Sister Lin is so pretty! She's even prettier than the prettiest Miss Li in town."

A group of little radish heads leaned on the wall and looked at Lin Yuan who was sitting and reading in the yard, sighing quietly in their mouths. Although they were all children under five years old, their aesthetics was clearly shaped very well.

Lin Yuan raised his head and glanced at the wall inadvertently, thinking that a group of radish heads who had been discovered hurriedly lowered their heads to try to hide themselves, and almost fell from the wall.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan smiled and didn't care about them.

The walls in the town were not built high, and there was a thick piece of straw outside the walls, even if they fell down, nothing would happen.

This is why these carrot-headed parents are not worried about them lying on the wall and watching Lin Yuan every day.

As soon as An Yun came back from shopping, he saw a row of radish heads, and he carried them down one by one skillfully, and then distributed a candy to each of them, "Everyone go home to eat, and we are not allowed to lie on the wall again in the future. "

The carrot heads happily took the candies, and politely shouted to Lin Yuan who was sitting in the yard: "Thank you, sister Lin."

Then she turned her head to An Yun and said sweetly, "Thank you, Sister An."

An Yun pinched their round faces that looked like a big white bowl with itchy hands before entering the yard.

"Miss." An Yun put down his things, including a few books and some food.

Lin Yuan lazily turned a page and asked, "How's it going outside?"

It has been almost a year since he managed to get out of the Lu family that day.

Presumably, after Cang Yue couldn't find his "miraculous skill secret book", he would think that she took the secret book away, and the fact is exactly the same. The people of Wanshan sect have not given up looking for her for more than a year, and they don't take it away. She looked out and didn't give up.

When Lin Yuan came out, he only brought An Yun and some money with him.

An Yun is quite smart, this year Yuanyuan has nothing to do and when he detoxifies himself, he teaches her martial arts. Although he is not a first-rate master, at least it is not a problem to deal with a few thieves, An Yun I also practice very seriously.

This world is based on martial arts, and being able to practice martial arts is probably the wish of all people in the world. Seeing that he can really practice martial arts, An Yun was overjoyed, and even more devoted to Lin Yuan.

Not only martial arts, Lin Yuan also taught her some things intentionally or unintentionally, and now the news outside is that she is inquiring.

An Yun prepared everything for Lin Yuan, and then put the book in a place where she could get it easily, and said in a calmer voice: "Miss Hui, those hypocrites of the Wanshan sect haven't given up yet. Looking for you."

She sneered and mocked: "That old bastard Cangyue turned black and white and said that you were dissatisfied with the marriage with Cang Yunzhou, so he left home and fled the marriage. He said that they didn't think carefully. As long as you come back, the marriage will be void, no force you."

"It's really disgusting, but that's still a decent family, it's ridiculous."

During this year, Lin Yuan also told An Yun the truth of the matter. An Yun never doubted why his weak young lady knew these things, nor why her young lady who knew nothing about martial arts knew martial arts.

For her, she only needs to know that a young lady is a young lady, what else is there to do if she knows so much, and she doesn't want to test for fame.

Lin Yuan Qingjue Wushuang's eyebrows and eyes did not fluctuate at all. He already knew what kind of person Cang Yaoyue was, so naturally there were no unexpected developments and changes.

It is impossible for Cang Yue to let her go, after all, the "miracle manual" is in her hands.

Cang Yue didn't want to die, so no matter how hard he tried, he wanted to get the secret book that he regarded as the last straw.

With a flash of coldness in the gloomy eyes, Lin Yuan said lightly: "It's time to put an end to this."

(End of this chapter)

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