I'm crazy

Chapter 447

Chapter 447
Ning Hao is not quite right these days, as his master Hang Jiexun naturally found out.

But he didn't care too much, after all, he was just his master, and he didn't need to take care of everything about him.

Linyuan has been here for many days at Hang Jiexun, and it is time to leave.

When Hang Jiexun heard the news that she was leaving, he wanted to grab the ground with his head, "No, I don't agree!"

These days are his rare and happy days in the past few decades.

There is good tea to drink, someone talks about the tea ceremony with him, he doesn't want to leave Linyuan at all.

"Is it uncomfortable where to live?" Hang Jiexun made up his mind to ask the end.

Lin Yuan said lightly: "No."

It would be boring to just stay in one place for a long time, and besides, she had already achieved her purpose here, so she naturally didn't want to stay any longer.

Hang Jiexun cried and said, "Then just wait! Or is that boy Ning Hao not good at serving?"

An Yun on the side wanted to laugh when he heard that, Senior Hang Jiexun, the master, was also very out of tune.

"Don't say any more, I'll be leaving tomorrow."

Lin Yuan didn't intend to let him continue, and explained directly.

Hang Jiexun also stopped talking.

Although he has only been with Lin Yuan for more than a month, he also knows that what this person has decided cannot be stopped by others.

It seems that he is going to become a person again, alas.

Hang Jiexun looked at Lin Yuan, picked up the teacup, poured her the last cup of tea seriously, and said, "Since you are leaving, why not have a final fight with me before you leave, how about it?"

An Yun was very surprised, she didn't know that Miss and Senior Hang Jiexun had actually fought these days.

After a long time, she naturally knew the identity of Senior Hang Jiexun.

He was the well-known orchid gentleman in Jianghu 30 years ago. It is said that he got this title because he likes orchids.

But these days, she didn't find that Senior Hang Jiexun likes orchids. On the contrary, she likes tea very much.

And looking at the old urchin of Hang Jiexun, it doesn't match the title of gentleman at all!
An Yun can only attribute it to the fact that the ability of people in the world to use nicknames is no longer good.

Lin Yuan nodded, "Okay."

Ning Hao, who had been thinking about Yu Jing outside, also heard the news, and Ning Hao, who originally planned to go out to find Yu Jing, hesitated.

The martial arts realm of the master and the senior is extraordinary, watching the battle between the strong of this realm will definitely be of great benefit to his martial arts advancement, and he does not want to let go of this opportunity.

But he had already made an appointment with Yu Jing, after much deliberation, he finally wrote a letter for the carrier pigeon to send out.

And Yu Jing, who was in the small attic, received the letter from the carrier pigeon, and respectfully handed the letter to the person sitting in front of her.

"Palace Master."

Wushang, the Mistress of Wushang Palace, accepted the letter handed over by Yu Jing. As time passed, the calm expression on her face became more dignified, but even more excited.

Hang Jiexun actually wanted to fight Lu Ling!
If this kind of news gets out, I'm afraid the whole Jianghu will be in turmoil.

In this rivers and lakes, the division of martial arts realms is very strict. It is almost impossible to leapfrog to fight. Everyone pursues a different way. Even if it is roughly the same, such as the way of swordsmanship, there are always differences in the details.

Because everyone has different feelings and understandings of Tao, naturally there will not be exactly the same Tao.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult for those who really use Dao to practice martial arts to improve their martial arts realm.

Some people even stay in one state for more than ten years without moving.

And as we all know, watching the battle of the strong can comprehend the Tao, and every move of the top strong on the Tao can make people with lower realms understand something.

There are many people in the Jianghu who have improved their martial arts strength because of watching the battle between the strong.

This makes it impossible for almost every strong person to fight.

If there is such news anywhere, I am afraid that as long as people in the rivers and lakes can be there, they will arrive at any cost.

Wushang saw the huge value hidden behind this news.

"Gan Xing, reveal it without any trace."

As soon as the words were harmless, a man in black knelt down on one knee in front of her, respectfully.

Yu Jing could neither refute nor refute.

Wushang looked at Yu Jing's expression, and said coldly to break all Yu Jing's illusions, "This is just a play, Yu Jing, don't get too involved in the play."

Wushang's meaningful words made Yu Jing feel suffocated, she lowered her head and said, "Yes."

It was originally a feeling that originated from deception, but she was delusional.

So before Hang Jiexun and others found out, the news that he and Linyuan were going to fight had spread throughout the rivers and lakes.

This kind of dialogue resounded in different places at the same time.

"Really? Is the news true?"

"It's absolutely true. How could the news from Bai Xiaosheng be false!"

"This kind of battle between the top powerhouses! You must watch it!"

"Of course, if you miss anything, you can't miss this battle!"

A young man who had been listening to the conversation of the two couldn't help but interrupted and asked, "Brothers, can I ask who this Mr. Lan is?"

One of them laughed loudly and said, "It's normal for you younger generations not to know, this gentleman Lan was a man of the world decades ago."

After finishing speaking, he introduced the identity of Hang Jiexun, the blue gentleman, to the young man in detail.

By the time the news reached the ears of Lin Yuan and Hang Jiexun, it had become a life-and-death enmity between the two.

Hang Jie patted the table with one hand angrily and cursed: "Is that grandson spreading rumors indiscriminately?"

Lin Yuan was drinking tea calmly at the side, and said indifferently, "This is not bad."

She also heard that she and Hang Jiexun fought for the same man.

Rumors are always three people become tigers.

No one ever thinks about the truth of the matter, they just stop what they want to hear, and then after they join in the fun, they are responsible for adding oil and vinegar to pass on the rumors that have become more and more unbearable to the next person.

Lin Yuan looked at the anxious Hang Jiexun, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said, "Aren't they going to watch our decisive battle? Then there must be a price to pay."

Hang Jiexun's young and old temper immediately guessed what Lin Yuan was planning, and said with a big smile, "Yes, yes, yes, how could they watch the decisive battle between the two of us without paying a price?"

So when the people in the arena rushed to the place where the two top powerhouses were dueling, they found out that they still had to pay a "viewing fee" to watch.

"What! Why?"

Immediately someone was dissatisfied.

In this world, there are always people who think that it is right for them to take advantage of others, while others are shameless or sick to protect their own interests.

Of course, there is no shortage of smart people, who immediately handed in enough precious things to go inside and find a good position.

In the Jianghu, nothing has its own martial arts realm, and one's own strength is important.

Those who shouted were immediately pushed aside by others. Although there are many mentally retarded people in this world, it doesn't mean that there are no smart people.

Someone always knows that this is a deal that can't lose money.

And Linyuan and Hang Jiexun sat leisurely on chairs, looking down at those people in the rivers and lakes not far away, drinking tea and talking and laughing, they didn't look like "enemies" who were about to "fight to the death" ".

Immediately paying the "watching fee" and coming in, the people in the world saw the two chatting and laughing happily at first sight, and began to wonder whether Bai Xiaosheng's news was really true?
This doesn't look like an enemy, does it?

How can there be such a happy exchange with the enemy.

No matter how much the people in the world talked about, when the time came, Lin Yuan and Hang Jiexun put down their teacups at the same time.

The field that belonged exclusively to the top experts spread, and the entire mountain was shaken, and thousands of people were suddenly silent.

No one dares to speak, this is the deterrent power of the strong.

And those outside have nothing to do even if they regret it, since they don't want to come in, they should never come in.

Xuanyi and black hair, the ultimate sinking color is so conspicuous in this gentle green hill, anyone who sees Linyuan for the first time will inevitably sink for a long time.

The two stood facing each other, Lin Yuan held the sword loosely in his hand.

That posture, not half of the posture of a master of the rivers and lakes, made outsiders who don't understand the way of swordsman look like a layman without the slightest force, who can't even hold a sword.

But only Hang Jiexun, who was facing her, and the thousands of people present could perceive the unfathomable oppressive force and the darkness that was about to devour the soul in the casual posture of this man who looked like his sword was about to fall to the ground.

On the other hand, Hang Jiexun also held a sword in his hand, and his sword posture was much more serious than that of Lin Yuan.

At this moment, the eyes that were always smiling became more serious.

Others don't know Lin Yuan's strength, and think that he will undoubtedly win this battle, but doesn't he know that he has fought Lin Yuan many times?

This person's strength has reached an unknown level, and even he is second to none.

But that's the case, everyone who should be hit must be hit.

Those of us who have heard the Tao never have the word timid.

Chao heard that, Xi can die.

This sentence is by no means just talking.

Some people with low levels of martial arts just feel the aura fighting between the two people, and feel that their whole body has trembled, and the hairs on their bodies stand on end. This is a spontaneous warning of the body when encountering a life-threatening threat.

This feeling made the eyes of the people present look at the two even hotter.

Just the aura before the battle is so terrifying, so the real strength...

Everyone at the scene took a big step forward at the same time. If they were not still a little rational, knowing that they were not strong enough to get too close, they might be seriously injured. Almost everyone wanted to follow the two of them.

Lin Yuan and Hang Jiexun looked at each other and raised their swords together.

The battle between the top powerhouses was so fast that most people's eyes were sour and they still couldn't see many traces clearly.

The sword shadow almost turned into light, piercing everyone's eyes.

Most people's tears flowed down uncontrollably, but no one closed their eyes, and no one wiped them.

Some people may only see this kind of battle between the top powerhouses once in their lifetime, so it is naturally extremely precious. If some of them are missed due to lack of focus or other reasons, everyone will regret it to death.

So even though it was very difficult, everyone was still trying their best to remember, desperately letting the process of this battle be imprinted in their minds.

The sea is fleeting for a moment, and the years are fleeting.

The battle finally ended after someone couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

Those who were still awake looked over and saw Lin Yuan standing quietly in black clothes and black hair. The breeze in the green hills blew her clothes, making a meandering arc.

On the other hand, Hang Jiexun's gray and neat hair was slightly disheveled, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground, and the blade was still trembling faintly from the fierce battle.

It is clear at a glance who wins and who loses.

But no one cheered for the winner, and no one mocked the loser.

All those who have watched this battle understand that no matter who wins or loses, this is a battle worthy of their respect, and everyone is a strong man they must bow their heads to.

Hang Jiexun looked lazily standing, the sword in his hand was still so loosely holding Linyuan who seemed to be falling in the next second, pouted, the old urchin came back again.

"I lost to you again."

Everyone who heard this was stunned, and before they could react to the news, they heard the lazy and clear voice of the unparalleled man who had been silent from the beginning to the end: "You should have gotten used to it a long time ago, haven't you?"

Those who reacted gasped, and then seemed to understand the meaning of Hang Jiexun's words.

It was almost a palpitation in my heart before I thought about the meaning behind what the two of them said.

This means that Hang Jiexun has already been defeated by Lu Ling many times?
And if they thought correctly, Hang Jiexun was one of the most powerful masters in the world.

So doesn't this mean that Lu Ling is also a great master?
Shock, disbelief, horror, surprise, reverence, admiration... all kinds of emotions appeared in the eyes of everyone present.

Lu Ling turned out to be a great master...?
? ? ? ? ?

It was so shocking that the minds of those present did not turn around.

What does it mean for a grand master who is less than 20 years old?
This means unique talent and savvy.

At this time, people who really understand will no longer believe the rumor that Lu Ling relied on some martial arts cheats to improve so quickly.

Martial arts cheats may be very important, especially the realm below the master and strong. With good resources, almost most people in this world can achieve it.

But at the level of a master and beyond, no martial arts cheats will be of much use.

The real Tao is not so easy to achieve.

Those strong men in the rivers and lakes all have their own way and explore their own way.

So those martial arts cheats are now just to deceive those young people who don't know the world.

Such a young grand master...

I'm afraid there will be another gust of wind in the world.

Lin Yuan's movements were so chic that he didn't even look at throwing the sword back, and the sword with a sharp sword intent went straight into the scabbard held by An Yun's arms.

There is no slight deviation in strength.

The person who cleared Shen Yuan had a leisurely and unrestrained look on his face, with a hint of unfathomable evil. That face that gathered the world's spiritual energy was enough to surpass the scorching sun above his head.

The brilliance of the sun and the moon could not take away half of her beauty and beauty.

That is to say:

Light clouds cover the moon, and the wind returns to snow;
Jinghongzhaoying, nothing more than that.

(End of this chapter)

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