I'm crazy

Chapter 451

Chapter 451
The October autumn breeze brought coolness, and the cool wind came back to people across a long distance, but everyone present did not feel it at all.

Almost everyone looked at Hang Jiexun with enthusiasm in their hearts.

And Lin Yuan sat on the side, letting Hang Jiexun attract most of the attention, drinking tea calmly.

Feeling the sight that was enough to pierce him, Hang Jiexun curled his lips. These people are really, more exaggerated than the girls he met when he was young.

is it necessary?

Hang Jiexun was too lazy to talk, and said directly: "I know why everyone is here, and I don't want to talk nonsense, just tell you the way to break through the great master."

Following this sentence, everyone looked at Hang Jiexun with more fiery eyes.

Even some of the great masters are not carrying it.

The corner of Hang Jiexun's mouth unfolded a slightly nasty smile, "It's very simple, just find your own way."

Everyone was in an uproar, and someone said loudly: "Senior Hang, can you be more specific?"

This sentence is too general, and they don't understand it.

Hang Jiexun curled his lips in disgust, not understanding this.

In the end, he explained very miserly: "Everyone has their own different understanding of Dao. Everyone has their own Dao. When you find your own Dao, the rest will naturally be solved."

Hang Jiexun will not talk about other things.

It doesn't work even if you talk about it, because this is not something that others can understand once you explain it.

Some of the people below were thoughtful, while others were still puzzled.

Things are so cruel sometimes.

Not all things can be succeeded by hard work alone. Most of the time, the lack of that little bit of talent is the difference from others.

Maybe you are only a little short of that, but it is that little that determines your upper limit.

Lin Yuan was drinking tea very leisurely by the side, and ignored the noise and debate of the people below, and today's matter had nothing to do with her.

It's just that Hang Jiexun insisted on her coming, thinking that she would have nothing to do and come to join in the fun.

Linyuan Shi Shiran put down the teacup in his hand and was about to leave when a person in the crowd came up, a woman in a light green dress, with a good appearance, holding a pipa in her hand.

"Senior Lu, this junior requests a fight."

The woman in green bowed gracefully with an elegant posture.

Lin Yuan, who was about to leave, raised her eyebrows slightly, not quite understanding why an inexplicable fire burned on her who was a bystander.

"It's Lady Duanyin!"

"How did she come out?"

"She wants to challenge Senior Lu?"

After the woman in green came out, the crowd was quiet for a moment, and then whispered softly.

Because there are too many people talking, and the people present are all from the rivers and lakes, their hearing is naturally good.

"Miss Duan Yin?"

Before Linyuan asked, Hang Jiexun introduced her softly: "Jueyin is a well-known music idiot in the world. He loves rhythm and is especially good at pipa. It is very good to learn music by himself."

It is rare to hear words of praise from Hang Jiexun's ears.

So Lin Yuan, who didn't intend to pay attention to it at first, pulled his sleeves lightly, and with a wave of his black clothes, he was already standing on the mountain peak beside him.

People in the rivers and lakes who had been sitting comfortably got up one after another and came to the vicinity of the mountain, intending to watch the battle seriously.

And the great masters who didn't plan to watch at first watched Hang Jiexun pass by, and they all stood up one after another.

Lin Yuan stood on a rock, and the breeze blew through her clothes, making the wide-sleeved black clothes rustle in the wind, and the blue silk hanging straight to the ground curled up in a graceful arc.

Elegant and elegant, clear and dusty.

Proud and natural, calm and deep.

Standing on the rock opposite Linyuan, Jueyin is beautiful in green clothes, but it is not as good as Linyuan's peerless elegance.

This is also a topic that people in the world often discuss secretly in private. Anyone who meets Lin Yuan will feel that such a person is definitely not worthy of anyone.

Jueyin looked at the person opposite with a relaxed posture, took a slight breath, and felt nervous.

But she has no regrets.

In the realm of martial arts, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Her favorite thing in her life is temperament, so she taught herself to attack music, and became obsessed with rhythm and martial arts. Naturally, she hoped that she could pursue the highest realm.

This time, Hang Jiexun broke through the realm of a great master, and almost half of the masters of the rivers and lakes came. In order to seek opportunities, she naturally would not miss it.

And she also understands what Hang Jiexun said, but for her, the rhythm is her way.

She wanted to fight this senior Lu Ling, find out her flaws, and perfect her way.

But in the end it was nervous, Jue Yin sat lightly on the rock, one hand rested on the head of the pipa, and the other beautiful hand rested lightly on the strings.

Jue Yin nodded to Lin Yuan to show respect, and then heard a crisp sound, the sound of the piano with murderous intent swept towards Lin Yuan, completely surrounding Lin Yuan.

Jueyin didn't intend to hold back at all. Facing a top powerhouse like Lin Yuan, no one would have the idea of ​​keeping his strength.

Everyone watched intently, applauding in secret for Jueyin's attack, as expected of Jueyin's lady, she has extraordinary strength.

Sound is invisible and exists everywhere, making people unable to escape or avoid it. The sound attack is trained to the extreme, and its lethality is unmatched.

Lin Yuan put her hands behind her back and saw no movement, but the overwhelming melody stopped a meter away from her, and could not make any further progress.

The gap in strength can be seen from this.

Jueyin's hands slid across the strings, and the sonorous and powerful melody was like a drum beating on a snowy battlefield in the North, without a break.

There was a slight cold sweat on Jue Yin's forehead, and only when he faced Yuan directly could he understand that those legends were never exaggerated.

When facing her, it is like facing an unfathomable abyss that is dark and dark without a trace of light, like the vast universe and the endless galaxy, which makes people have no ability and consciousness to resist.

I can only bow my head and proclaim myself a minister.

Jueyin gritted her teeth to resist the idea of ​​admitting defeat that had been clamoring in her mind, and kept fluctuating on the strings.

Compared with the rhythm at the beginning, the rhythm at this time is a bit chaotic, which seems to symbolize the turbulent heart of the master.

Lin Yuan didn't take the initiative to make a move.

The nature of this battle is different from that of Hang Jiexun.

Hang Jiexun was simply looking for a beating on his own skin, and Lin Yuan wanted to help him break through, so naturally he did not attack lightly.

But this time, in Lin Yuan's view, it was the juniors in the rivers and lakes asking for advice. Since she is already standing here, then he will not hesitate to guide her a little bit.

So Lin Yuan has not taken the initiative to attack for the time being, after all, the battle will be over as soon as she makes a move.

Lin Yuan stood still, only Jue Yin's sound attack continued, and everyone was not bored.

Even some people didn't resist for a long time under Jueyin's attack, and had to retreat a lot.

After a quarter of an hour passed, Jue Yin no longer had the ability to continue attacking.

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and Jue Yin stopped.

Lin Yuan's indifferent eyes turned slightly, his bony fingers moved lightly in the air, and the pipa in Jue Yin's hand fell into Lin Yuan's hand uncontrollably.

She looked at Jueyin's slightly puzzled eyes, yawned lazily, and said in a lazy and wild voice, "Look carefully and listen."

Lin Yuan didn't continue to hold the pipa, but let the pipa stand in the air.

Jue Yin's eyes lit up, and he watched intently.

Although everyone was puzzled, they watched carefully.

Under everyone's eyes, the strings on the pipa were obviously played by no one, but they were played instantly.

The rhythm is free and easy.

Like the scorching sun in the desert of Saibei, sweeping over with a domineering and unrivaled attitude, shining on all things; like a lone pine on a cliff, it takes root and stands firm with a firm and indomitable figure; it is not afraid of wind and rain; The horror of devouring all things spread wantonly, and the gods and ghosts were frightened.

The uncontrolled pipa plays the melody that is hard to find in the world by itself.

After waiting for a while, the pipa flew into Jueyin's hands again.

At this time, the strings of the pipa were not moving, and the sound suddenly stopped, but before everyone came back to their senses, they saw Lin Yuan stretching out his crystal-clear fingers. moving.

Obviously there was nothing, but the music suddenly began to resound in everyone's ears.

It is a more domineering, unrestrained, wilder, and darker rhythm than before.

But the strings of the lute did not move.

Under the sunshine, the fingers that look more beautiful are slightly pink, like the beauty of red in the cold winter, which is covered with snow and leaves a touch of red, which is fascinating.

People in the Jianghu have a good saying.

Surprising guests, no one will stay in the world.

In this mortal world, no matter what, there is no such person who can leave such a stunning image.

It seemed like a flash in a thousand years, the melody stopped instantly, the wind gradually picked up, and everyone gradually came back to their senses.

All sounds were silent, and there was no sound.

Not only for the indescribable music just now, but also for the Tao rhyme hidden in that music.

At this time, everyone who recovered their senses finally believed the rumors about Hang Jiexun's breakthrough as a great master.

Hang Jiexun's breakthrough has a close relationship with Linyuan.

Such a strong man, a strong man with Dao rhyme in every move in martial arts, Hang Jiexun and such a person have been discussing Dao for more than a month, even if it is difficult not to break through.

Everyone in the world who wanted to understand looked at Lin Yuan with fiery eyes, but due to her martial arts realm, no one dared to disturb her for the time being.

Lin Yuan looked at Jue Yin with bright eyes and thoughtful thoughts, and said lightly, "The sound of the great sound is rare, but the elephant has no form, understand?"

Temperament is not limited to playing musical instruments. The real temperament is that it can be played without relying on any musical instrument. There is no piano in the hand, but there is a piano in the heart.

Besides, the art of rhythm can sometimes only be understood but not expressed in words.

The most beautiful and pleasant sound is the sound of silence.

Think beyond the limitations to think about the problem, maybe you can discover more possibilities.

Seeing Jueyin thinking, Linyuan didn't explain carefully.

Her willingness to direct is a whim of hers, but that doesn't mean she's going to explain it carefully.

The hem of the black and dark orchid embroidered clothes was flicked in the air, and Lin Yuan's footsteps moved lightly, and he walked down from the rocks. There was nothing under his feet, but it was like walking on flat ground, with lotus growing at every step, and every step was amazing.

After Linyuan's figure disappeared, everyone returned to their seats, wondering if Hang Jiexun, the saint, could explain to them again, but they didn't expect that Hang Jiexun had already left Linyuan before they knew it. also left.

Everyone had to go back home.

The answer is already known, and no one thinks that Hang Jiexun will lie to them, it is unnecessary.

What was unexpected was that before everyone had set off, the news that Jue Yin had broken through the realm of a grand master and became a grand master spread.

I can't calm down now.

Although everyone now knows that Linyuan's breakthrough is inseparable from Hang Jiexun's, but no one thought that this powerful man with an extraordinary reputation in the Jianghu would be so powerful.

Could it be that anyone who comes into contact with her and receives her guidance will break through?
As soon as this idea comes out, how can the people in the arena who regard strength as their instinct calm down.

Some people are even bewildered, thinking that they can break through as long as they get Lin Yuan's guidance.

If it is not known that Lin Yuan's strength is at least a great master, I am afraid that many people have already made the idea of ​​kidnapping Lin Yuan and imprisoning him.

Sometimes, if you don't have absolute strength, then things that are not evil in the first place will become a reason for being attacked and persecuted.

And some people took the initiative to visit Lin Yuan, hoping to get her guidance.

Generally, when Lin Yuan is in a good mood and she finds people pleasing to the eye, she will give a few words of guidance.

However, there are not many people who make Lin Yuan, the Chaos Demon God, look pleasing to the eye, and with so many people blocking her door and not leaving to disturb her leisure, she is really not in a good mood.

So Lin Yuan took the shot directly, since these people didn't really offend her, it's not easy for her to kill the matter directly, but if the shot is light, they won't back down.

So Lin Yuan played a ruthless hand very normally.

There are not many other things that Moknow can say, but how to torture people without a little injury will never be less, but Lin Yuan has always advocated killing people directly, this method is rarely used, it does not mean that she does not meeting.

Therefore, in just one day, no one dared to gather outside Hang Jiexun's gate for Lin Yuan to guide them.

Those who went back were silent in the face of other people's doubts, and did not utter a single word.

They were afraid that if they thought about it for a while, they would think of the terrible torture that day that they were too painful to live with.

It really makes life worse than death.

However, there is no wound on the body.

Few people who can come to Lancheng are stupid. Naturally, they can see the speed they should grasp from the silent people, and now they are completely clean.

Hang Jiexun looked at Lin Yuan who was lying on the recliner drowsy, and disturbed her without fear of death and said, "Do you have no plans to accept disciples?"

There are many young talents in the Jianghu, or they find an apprentice to inherit the mantle. People in the Jianghu don't want the martial arts they have worked so hard to have no one to inherit, so it is normal to accept apprentices.

Establishing a sect is a great event.

But Hang Jiexun looked at Linyuan, but found that she didn't have such thoughts at all.

Even An Yun, who had been by her side all the time, only taught a thing or two.

Lin Yuan, whose sleep was disturbed, frowned slightly, and his eyes were dark, which made Hang Jiexun feel cold for a while.

Immediately begged for mercy: "I was wrong, you sleep and you sleep."

There is no demeanor of a saint at all.

After being woken up, Lin Yuan had no interest in continuing to sleep, so she sat up, and An Yun immediately handed her a cup of Hanshan Silver Needle.

After taking a sip of tea, the lazy and impatient voice said lightly: "I already have an apprentice."

It's just that those two idiots are not in this plane.

Pei Yichangfeng and Pei Yichangfeng, who were in a state of intoxication, sneezed again, feeling inexplicably sour in their hearts.

Chang Feng was about to speak, but Pei Yi immediately interrupted: "Dispel your thoughts, Master can't miss us."

Changfeng: "..."

[Note: [Source]: "Lao Tzu": "The great sound has no sound, but the elephant has no shape."]

[Note: Some verses in the novel are from the ancients, some are from the ancients, and the rest of the lines that seem plain and messy are written by myself, so I will explain them to everyone. 】

 The evil kid was considerate of me and asked me to go to the festival, and the kid Z secretly threatened me that I couldn't stop updating (╭(╯^╰)╮Hmph! I won't be threatened by you!)
  But today I still update it!

  It’s not because of anything else, just because I think today is Children’s Day, I want to wish all my readers a happy holiday, I’m ashamed that I can’t add updates, of course I can’t stop updates, am I a big baby angel? Hehe (smelly don’t face jpg)

  Thank you very much for the reward from the enchanting children!The monstrous kids can read ten of my books with the money they tipped (I deserve it. jpg), thank you very much for all the kids who supported the genuine version and voted for me!ha yo gummy, hiccup
  In short, children, Happy Children's Day!

(End of this chapter)

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