I'm crazy

Chapter 460

Chapter 460
Lin Yuan and Zuo Guangchi walked towards Shu Yi, and the noisy crowd immediately parted ways to let them pass, and the two who were arguing endlessly also stopped.

Zuo Guangchi was in a bad mood, but it wasn't enough for him to lose his temper with the two of them in public.

"what happened?"

Zuo Guangchi asked, but Shu Yi had regained his sanity, so he naturally knew what he had done.

Fighting with others at the banquet of Emperor Chaoyang, disregarding etiquette and manners without a little bit of education, if he is still an unmarried man, I am afraid no woman will fall in love with him in the future.

Shu Yi's face turned pale instantly.

He subconsciously looked at Linyuan, Feng Linyuan helped him solve so many things, she will definitely solve it this time, he will be fine.

Shu Yi thought he could see Feng Linyuan's worried and anxious eyes, but he didn't expect to see only an indifferent expression, those deep eyes were full of indifference.

Shu Yi choked for breath, not knowing what to do.

Some people are like this, only when they are not going well can they see people who are good to them.

At this time, the people around said: "Hui Huangfu, I just said something casually when I was talking with Mr. Shu Yilang here, but for some reason, Mr. Shu Yi Lang made a move towards Mr. Zhong Lang, and I waited to stop him!" No, I waited too long."

Shu Yi looked at the speaker in disbelief, how could they be so shameless!
They were the ones who provoked him first, but now they blamed him all.

Looking at Zuo Guangchi again, he saw that his brows were already frowning.

"Shu Lang-jun, is that so?"

Zuo Guangchi said coldly, if Shu Yi hadn't been concerned that Shu Yi was Feng Linyuan's husband, he would have been even more rude.

Shu Yi hurriedly said: "Husband, they are all the ones who spouted blood, they provoked first."

Zhong Guzhang heard a little wronged and said to Zuo Guangchi: "I don't dare to take Mr. Shu's words, I just asked why Mr. Shu didn't ride with the general today, and didn't say anything else, so Mr. Shu asked I'll do it, I really don't know where I offended Lord Shu."

The people who watched the scene had playful eyes. It may be said that Zhong Guzhang started this matter first, but they are of such status and status, and there are countless language tricks on weekdays. That would be too out of date.

There is really a big problem with Shu Yi's temper and brain!
The women present were all thankful that they didn't fall in love with Shu Yi at the beginning. If they married such a husband who had problems in his mind and couldn't figure it out, the family would definitely be in trouble.

Everyone looked at Lin Yuan who was standing lazily with sympathy in their eyes, and their jealousy and admiration towards her completely dissipated.

Feng Linyuan's luck is so bad, they should be more friendly to her.

In short, this matter is very simple, and it cannot be said to be Zhong Guzhang's fault. Even if everyone knew that what he said was malicious, it sounded like a normal sentence without the slightest doubt on the surface.

On the contrary, Shu Yi was inferior in the eyes of everyone.

This kind of verbal confrontation, those who are smarter can use words to deal with it. Even if they don't know what to say, they can take it over casually. Who would hit someone directly like Shu Yi?
Still on such an important occasion?
I'm afraid it's not out of my mind.

Shu Yi also realized that he was completely speechless now. After all, he was the one who made the first move, and he was the one who made mistakes in the eyes of everyone.

He opened his mouth, looked aggrievedly at Lin Yuan who was standing still as if he was watching a play, and murmured: "My wife..."

As soon as these two characters are outstanding, the only person suddenly remembered that Shu Yi's wife, General Feng, was still there.

Everyone looked at Lin Yuan in unison again, thinking about what she was going to do next.

According to Feng Linyuan's love for Shu Yi, he might come out and apologize for him, right?
What no one expected was that Lin Yuan's indifferent and clear eyes swept across the crowd, and his voice as beautiful as gorgeous silk resounded lightly: "Just do what you want."

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't believe that this was what Feng Linyuan said.

The eyes of some women looked at each other, but there was a bottom line.

People are like this, no matter how precious things are obtained, they will not be cherished as much as before, not to mention that Shu Yi's growth is not very good, and his temper is arrogant and vulgar, I am afraid that he will not like it once the novelty is over.

Shu Yi's expression was even paler, but after the fright, he became angry.

Feng Linyuan, as his wife-lord, actually kept silent when he was being made difficult and questioned, and let others bully him?

Shu Yi, who had never been wronged before, was surprisingly angry.

It's like something that is clearly yours, but after a while you find that it doesn't belong to you anymore.

Shu Yi directly said angrily: "Feng Linyuan, are you still a woman! Do you want me to be misunderstood like this?"

Everyone: "..."

Really brain sick.

Now the only person who can stand up for him and help him is his mistress, and Shu Yi still treats his mistress with this attitude.

Now they understood why General Feng disliked Shu Yi so quickly.

If it were them, they wouldn't like it either.

Lin Yuan's thin lips curled slightly, without giving Shu Yi a look, he just turned around and left, too lazy to care about this mental retardation.

Seeing Lin Yuan leaving without saying a word, Shu Yi blushed and his chest heaved with anger.

In the end, Zuo Guangchi didn't punish Shu Yi.

After all, today was his daughter's hair-tying ceremony, and he didn't want Shu Yi to occupy everyone's attention.

But what Zuo Guangchi will do after the banquet is over, no one knows. In short, it is impossible to let Shu Yi go so easily.

Lin Yuan turned around and went back to the seats at the banquet, and the rest of the people left one after another seeing the excitement that they hadn't watched.

After everyone left, Zhong Guzhang looked at Shu Yi with a half-smile, the corners of his mouth curled up like he was mocking Shu Yi.

Shu Yi's eyes were red, and he almost wanted to rush up again.

He was left standing alone, and everyone laughed at him and insulted him, which made Shu Yi hate Feng Linyuan to the core.

If she didn't ride with him, stand up for him, solve this matter for him, or help him, how could he be laughed at by so many people?

Shu Yi was filled with hatred that almost broke through his heart.

At this time, someone suddenly approached him without a trace...

After watching the excitement, Ruan Hui and the others continued towards the pavilion where they were sitting just now.

The hair-tying ceremony of Princess Chaoyang has ended just now, and now it is just that everyone uses this banquet to socialize.

"Xichen, guess what we saw?"

Ruan Hui and Yu Xichen grew up together and have a very good relationship. In addition, Yu Xichen is in poor health, Ruan Hui takes good care of him and is naturally close.

In fact, Yu Xichen already knew what happened from the servant, and he was really not in a good mood.

The person he likes, the person he likes but doesn't like her and still treats her like that, how can he not make him feel bad?
Had known so!I knew so...

Yu Xichen couldn't see anything on his face, and said with interest: "What happened?"

Ruan Hui quickly told him what happened just now, and the others added from time to time, just like the opera singer.

Yu Xichen listened to them gently with a smile in his clear eyes, and the way he listened carefully was even more moving like a lotus rain falling, which made the speaker more energetic.

After Ruan Hui talked about this topic, and the rest of the people took the opportunity to say something about Shu Yi without a trace, it was really over.

The others continued drinking tea and chatting and laughing, Yu Xichen stood up and left with the servant unobtrusively.

He quietly approached the banquet, and saw Lin Yuan sitting lazily, she seemed not interested in this banquet, there was a faint sense of boredom between her brows and eyes, and there was nothing in her eyes like the starry sky in the cold night .

Yu Xichen didn't dare to look any further.

For some reason, after seeing her this time, his heartbeat was completely out of control.

In the past, although he understood his own intentions, he knew that it was just a faint longing for good feelings, and he had no fantasy to be with her.

Hearing the news of her marrying a husband, although he was sad, he sincerely wished her happiness and happiness, with only a trace of regret in his heart.

He originally thought that his feelings were like this, not strong, but flat.

But now the beating heart tells him, it doesn't seem to be the case?

He couldn't help himself to go to see her, to observe her carefully.

Thinking of that person not cherishing her and abandoning her heart like a shoe, the dull pain that spread up seized his mind and made him at a loss.

Lin Yuan sensed that line of sight again, this time it was not very strong, but on the contrary, it was like the touch surrounded by gentle water waves.

When she looked over, she still didn't see the owner of that line of sight.

Lin Yuanfu closed his eyes again.

In fact, she can leave now, but she still has one thing to do, and she still needs to wait for a while.

Next to the flowers, a child is happily chasing butterflies, having a great time playing.

And a woman who brought her was talking with a friend not far away, and there was a maid guarding the child all the time.

Seeing the butterfly flapping its colorful wings and flying towards the distance, the girl who hadn't caught the butterfly chased after her with short legs, shouting, "Butterfly! Butterfly!"

Seeing this, the maid hurriedly chased after him.

But at this time, in a room after the banquet, Shu Yi was blushing, looking shyly at the person beside him, and the person beside him was the sixth princess.

The Sixth Emperor's eyebrows were soft, and seemed to contain a touch of affection, which was not obvious but could be felt, at least Shu Yi could clearly feel it.

He was delighted in his heart, his eyebrows were expressing affection, and he looked at the sixth princess hesitantly.

The sixth princess was extremely impatient, but for the sake of the big plan, she still had to wrong herself and Shu Yixu.

"Yi'er, what's going on today?" A soft voice rang in Shu Yi's ear.

Shu Yi felt aggrieved in an instant, looked at the Sixth Imperial Girl seriously, and said, "Your Highness, they framed me, I am not wrong, Your Highness believes me!"

There was a flash of pity in the eyes of the sixth princess, and she hugged Shu Yi into her arms as if she couldn't control it, "Of course this palace believes in you, Yi'er, you have been wronged."

Shu Yi shook his head in the arms of the sixth imperial daughter, and said with affection in his eyes: "No, as long as His Highness believes in me, Yi'er will not be wronged."

In places Shu Yi couldn't see, the sixth princess's eyes were full of impatience, but her voice was still full of pity and love.

She let go of Shu Yi, looked at his hand on his face and said slowly: "This palace knows that you have been wronged, don't worry, when the success is complete, this palace will seek justice for you."

Shu Yi was so moved that he threw himself into her arms, and said with a choked voice, "It's good that His Highness has me in his heart, and I will help His Highness."

The sixth princess stroked Shu Yi's hair, hugged Shu Yi for a while before letting him go and said, "There is indeed something that needs Yi'er to do now."

Shu Yi nodded, full of trust and admiration for the sixth princess.

The sixth princess smiled with satisfaction, and said: "This hall needs Feng Linyuan's support, and Yi'er needs to help this hall."

Shu Yi nodded quickly and said, "Of course I will help His Highness, but now Feng Linyuan doesn't seem to care about me that much."

Shu Yi's eyes were full of dissatisfaction and resentment when he said these words.

The sixth princess squinted her eyes, and waited for Shu Yi to look a little uneasy before saying, "It's nothing."

She took out a small medicine bottle and handed it to Shu Yi.

Shu Yi was puzzled and said, "What is this?"

The Sixth Princess: "Yu Nu Pill."

Shu Yi was puzzled, and then he couldn't believe it and asked sadly: "Does Your Highness want me to have Feng Linyuan's child?"

The sixth princess quickly hugged Shu Yi into her arms and said softly, "Yi'er is thinking too much, how could this palace allow Yi'er to conceive another woman's child."

Shu Yi, who had been soothed for a while, was embarrassed and said, "Then what does His Highness mean?"

There was a smile on the corner of the sixth emperor's daughter's mouth, she looked at Shu Yi with ambiguous eyes, gently stroked Shu Yi's face with her hand, and said, "Doesn't Yi'er understand?"

Shu Yi blushed instantly, but he didn't resist at all, and buried his head in the arms of the sixth emperor, silently acquiescing.


Lin Yuan opened his eyes, the time should be coming soon.

Just as she was about to continue according to the plan, someone suddenly walked up to Lin Yuan without attracting attention and offered her a cup of tea.

Lin Yuan got up and went to the corner, took out the note under the teacup, glanced at it and destroyed it.

It seemed that she didn't need to do anything else by herself.

Just now, Xiang Luqin, who was chatting with her friends, looked up at the place where her niece was playing, but found no one.

Seeing this, Xiang Luqin frowned, her niece was the baby of her family, she couldn't be more spoiled, even she loved this cute and intelligent child very much.

Although she knew that there should be no danger in the Imperial Lady Chaoyang's mansion, and there was a maid by Jiajia's side, Xiang Luqin was still a little worried.

Seeing her frowning, her friend thought something happened, and asked concerned: "Luqin, what's wrong?"

Xiang Luqin loosened her brows and said with a smile: "I don't know where Jiajia has gone, I'm a little worried."

The friend also knew the Xiang family's doting on Xiang Jiayi, and said: "Then let's accompany you to find it, there is nothing wrong with it."

People around also agree.

Xiang Jiayi politely declined, "How embarrassing."

The friend patted her and said heartily: "What's so embarrassing? I also like Jiajia very much, besides, we are all sitting stiff here."

Xiang Luqin couldn't refuse when she heard the words, so she went with a few people and the servant girl behind them. There were quite a few people.

Walking halfway, they found the jade pendant on Xiang Jiayi's body, so Xiang Luqin and the others, who were going another way, changed their route.

So, so many people came to the place where Shu Yi and the sixth princess were committing adultery.

Hearing the voice from inside, the virgin woman was puzzled at first, and then her face turned red, while the woman who already had a husband frowned.

Who is this who is so bold and dares to make love with others in Chaoyang Imperial Palace?

So many people have heard it, even if they want to pretend that they don't know.

Xiang Luqin immediately made a decision and sent someone to inform Zuo Guangchi's husband and the owner of the mansion, Princess Chaoyang.

As a result, Princess Chaoyang and Zuo Guangchi, who were talking with everyone, changed their expressions slightly, dismissed the people who wanted to come forward for a chat with a few words, and led them away.

And some of the guests glanced at them, thinking that there was some important event and did not disturb the two of them, but some people followed behind the two and wanted to say something more. After all, as the queen's favorite princess, Princess Chaoyang has a bright future, and it is always important to leave more impressions. OK

There were quite a few people who thought this way, so a long line followed the two of them.

They were all guests, so it was not easy to drive away Princess Chaoyang and Zuo Guangchi, and besides, they didn't know what happened, they only knew that it was the daughter of the Xiang family who called them.

And Lin Yuan, who knew what would happen next, was already waiting for these people's arrival in advance.

It's a good show, it's about to start.

Ladies and gentlemen, please look forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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