I'm crazy

Chapter 468

Chapter 468
Lin Yuan has no interest in participating in the Eldest Empress' plan.

It doesn't make much sense at first glance.

If she met an emperor who was seriously suspicious and wanted to do something to her, then without saying anything, she would naturally abolish the reigning emperor without saying a word, and go up by herself.

But since he has not encountered that kind of idiot now, Lin Yuan has no interest in making trouble.

So, as a very kind demon god, Lin Yuan handed over the things he found.

In the Chen'an Palace, the always calm Empress had a face full of frost and coldness.

On her desk are the facts and evidence that the First Empress intends to collude with important ministers to rebel.

"I gave birth to a good daughter, but I'm a little stupid."

The queen's tone was steady, and all the anger just now had been restrained.

It seems that it has been too long in this peaceful and prosperous world, which makes some people have thoughts that they shouldn't have.

For many high-ranking people, she knows that the seat under her will eventually fall into the hands of others one day. She knows it well and can tolerate the thoughts of those who covet her, but she will never allow them to show it in actions, because This is a challenge to them.

However, on the third day of the morning court, the queen punished the eldest princess for treason and sent her to guard the imperial tomb. I'm afraid this would be the only way to go in this life.

The princesses who were all planning for that seat were terrified, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to refute one or two pleas.

I was also thinking that the elder sister was really stupid, and was caught by the empress before she even started.

After the matter was over, the empress and Lin Yuan drank tea in the imperial garden.

The queen sighed slightly.

Lin Yuan asked in his ear, "Why is Your Majesty sighing?"

"I just don't understand why some people always covet what they can't and shouldn't have."

Lin Yuan chuckled, his voice was as light as the wind, ethereal and invisible, "Naturally, it's because these people don't know themselves."

Isn't the Great Empress a good example?

Obviously without that ability, even if she got the throne, she couldn't hold back and sit still, but she was blinded by greed, and she thought too highly of herself and overestimated herself.

The queen nodded, "Lin Yuan is right, there are always some people who want to do things that are impossible at first glance."

The eldest princess is her child, although the Tian family is ruthless, but it is her child after all, how could she have no feelings at all.

Although the empress was angry that the eldest empress wanted to rebel against such a thing, she still sighed and mourned a little in her heart.

But talking with Lin Yuan felt better.

For some reason, she always felt that there was nothing in this world that would bother her as a subject.

Whatever difficulties come to her, she will always solve them easily.

Lin Yuan went back to the General's Mansion in a carriage, but was stopped when he passed Xiangsi Lake.

Acacia Lake is a lake in the royal garden, and courtiers will pass by here every day when they go to court.

As for why there is such a lingering name, it is because this lake was specially built by an emperor a hundred years ago for her husband. It is said that this lake has witnessed the love between them.

And this person stopped her here, because Lin Yuan, who always ignores these things automatically, thought of the reason for this person's visit.

The figure is pure and elegant, and the winding and graceful person slowly walks down from the carriage, and there seems to be clouds and snow floating around him, not like a person in the world.

Yu Xichen's heart tightened, and a pair of clear eyes stared at Lin Yuan without blinking.

When Lin Yuan arrived beside him, a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, like a spring breeze bringing warmth, ten miles of flowers blooming.

Yu Xichen tried his best to make his posture graceful, even if he couldn't win General Feng's favor, he still hoped to leave a good impression on her.

At least when it is possible to think of him in the future, I will not feel disgusted because of his intentions.

"Yu Xichen met the general."

Yu Xichen bowed down and bowed.

Lin Yuan nodded indifferently. When she saw this person, she finally knew who the eyes she felt came from.

Yu Xichen looked at Linyuan, with spring water in his eyes, like autumn waves in his eyes, extremely gentle, and he looked happy, as if his lifelong wish had been fulfilled at this moment.

"Can the general walk here with Xichen?"

There are traces of exciting feelings in the greenness, Yu Xichen's gaze is that Lin Yuan can understand even if he doesn't understand love very much.

"En." Lin Yuan said lightly.

She didn't dislike the person in front of her, so she nodded indifferently, her lazy and clear voice was like the shadow of mountains and rivers flowing across the sea.

Instruct the servants to watch outside and not to follow.

Lin Yuan and Yu Xichen walked towards Xiangsi Lake together.

One person with black hair and black clothes, freehand and romantic, like the handed down paintings left by a peerless painter on silk gauze, smudged with ink and wash, infinitely charming.

A person in green clothes is like a bamboo, gentle as water, and the clearest sweet spring is hidden in those eyes, you can see the bottom at a glance, and if you look carefully, your affection for the people around you is even more obvious.

"The general should already know my purpose of stopping the general, right?" Yu Xichen said softly, the corners of his eyes and brows were full of soft water.

His eyes never left the unparalleled person beside him for a quarter of an hour.

Lin Yuan's eyes were indifferent, and between her flirtatious eyebrows was an abyss of vast universe and stars. She didn't turn sideways, her eyes seemed to be looking at the scenery in the garden all the time, and she said, "Yes."

Yu Xichen was so obvious, she naturally knew it.

Yu Xichen smiled lightly, without any bitterness in the smile, as if the indigo daisy in the distant mountains was filled with real feelings, full of winding beauty, which made people feel happy when they saw it.

"Xichen invited the general here today to satisfy Xichen's own delusions. Xichen is grateful that the general is willing to see Xichen."

He looked at Lin Yuan and said seriously.

Lin Yuan turned around and stared at him, those deep-colored eyes would always give people a sense of suffocation when watching a certain creature quietly.

I want to escape from the abyss that seems to be able to eat people's souls, but I can't help myself and want to fall deeper and deeper into this galaxy, and I can't leave a step.

The person in front of him didn't speak, but there was no need to say a thousand words at this moment. Since he didn't turn around and leave directly after seeing him, it proved that the person in front of him was still willing to listen, and he was willing to hear the love hidden in his heart.

The breeze blows in the garden, bringing a light and soft wind, the sound of water from the waterfall in the distance enters the ears, and the sky is blue. At this time, everything is silent, and the sky and the earth are empty.

It seemed that only he and his sweetheart were left in front of him.

The person in front of you is the person in your heart.

In the silence of everything, Lin Yuan heard that precious and important words.

"Feng Linyuan, I adore you."

The wind stops, the clouds stop, the water stagnates...

It seems that the world is making concessions for this true love, and the time is frozen at this moment, not wanting anything to disturb this heart.

Not a general, no honorific title, only a simple name, and a confession.

It seems that after a long time, the sky and the earth moved again, the wind rose, the clouds passed, and the water flowed.

The person in front of him responded.

Staring at Yu Xichen with indifferent eyes, he could clearly see the undisguised emotion in his eyes.

Lin Yuan clearly felt that he didn't have the slightest fluctuating heart.

In other words, the Demon God itself has no heart, and her body is condensed from the Qi of Primal Chaos.

She knew that she didn't like the person in front of her who was looking at her and waiting for her answer.

The sharp and willful eyebrows and eye corners are indifferent and clear from the beginning to the end, like the cold shadow of the lone moon high above, although it shines on everything, it does not stay moved by everything.

And if there is a green hill from ancient times, the green hill will stand forever, but it will never change at all.

God is everything, and everything has no heart.

The eyebrows and eyes that seemed to be flying snow on a thousand mountains that could not be melted had already explained all the answers.

The affection in Yu Xichen's eyes gradually receded, but the gentle look remained the same as before.

Restraining one's emotions naturally does not want to bring any troubles to one's sweetheart, because it is never wrong to dislike someone, and similarly, there is nothing wrong with liking someone.

But gentleness can't be helped, because the person in front of him is his sweetheart, no matter how restrained he is, the corners of his eyes and brows, every move reveals the tenderness only towards her.

How could the gentleness revealed from the bottom of my heart be restrained?

His attitude changed naturally.

Lin Yuan responded lightly: "Yes."

No one mentioned what happened just now, and there was no need to mention it again.

Yu Xichen said with a smile: "You are very nice! Really!"

Lin Yuan's eyebrows moved slightly, and there was a slight smile in his eyes, "No one has ever said this to me before."

The nature of the devil has shown that she cannot have such things as kindness, sincerity, and compassion.

It was the first time that Shengling told her so bluntly that she was so kind.

It was rare for Lin Yuan to smile, the smile outlined at the corner of his mouth was faint but real.

Yu Xichen turned to face her, and said firmly: "Really, you are very good, really good! You have to believe my eyes, how can the person I like be bad?"

The way he raised his head was full of pride and dignity, he really thought so.

The person he likes is naturally the best!

Lin Yuan looked at Yu Xichen's proud appearance, smiled in his eyes, and agreed: "What you said is very true, and you are also very good."

When Yu Xichen heard this, his face flushed instantly.

The two continued to walk slowly, without speaking for a while, but they didn't look embarrassed at all.

It's rare for Lin Yuan to walk slowly with someone like this without saying a word, and the curiosity that was in his heart just now is a little bit more at this moment.

The Demon God never wronged himself, since he was curious, he asked.

"Maybe it's offensive, but I want to know when you fell in love with me."

Yu Xichen was slightly surprised, but he didn't feel that this was offensive. After thinking for a while, he looked at the scenery in front of him and said in a relaxed tone:

"It's a little strange to say that although I knew the general before, I only had a faint sense of admiration and admiration, without a heart of love. When Xichen really realized that he admired the general, he met the general on the day of Princess Chaoyang."

After a glimpse, it fell from then on.

The name of Feng Linyuan resounds throughout Fengyang, how many unmarried men don't like her and want to be her husband.

Yu Xichen used to only admire and admire the name of the general, but after hearing the news of her marriage, he also felt a little bit of regret. He didn't understand love at that time, thinking that his feelings were so calm and indifferent.

But he was wrong, his feelings were never calm, and when the real feelings rose from his heart, he almost burned himself.

He also understood what true love and yearning meant.

Thousands of envy, thousands of love sounds.

Lin Yuan was speechless for a while, she was curious whether the person they liked was Yuan Soul or her.

From this point of view, it was undoubtedly her.

But Lin Yuan didn't have the slightest feeling of joy and satisfaction, the demon god had almost no emotions, she didn't have any feelings for the person who expressed her heart to her, and naturally she wouldn't do anything just because she knew that the person they liked was her.

After all, just a little curiosity.

Even if the person they like is the original soul, it doesn't make any difference.

Before I knew it, half an hour had passed.

Yu Xichen stopped in his tracks, took out the embroidered purse and handed it over, looking at Lin Yuan with a soft and clear smile.

"General, accept this purse."

He didn't say that it was the purse that he had spent so much time embroidering, but he just wanted Lin Yuan to accept the purse.

Lin Yuan looked at the purse handed over, turned his wrist slightly, and took it.

Both of them knew that this purse didn't mean anything.

There is nothing entangled, nothing romantic.

It's just one wants to give, one wants, that's all.

Yu Xichen quietly looked at the carriage going away, and when the last shadow was gone, he let out a breath slowly.

It seems that something has disappeared from now on, and it seems that there is something buried deep in the bones that no one, including myself, can peep and search for.

Lin Yuan returned to the General's Mansion, the empress had already dealt with the eldest princess, and some people whom the eldest empress persuaded to rebel were also dealt with by the empress, so there was no need for her to do anything else.

In this way, she can be lazy again.

Lin Yuan called He Ning, and asked if anything had happened in the residence of the Sixth Empress recently.

Speaking of which, she has neglected a lot of them these days, and she didn't even watch the plays well, but there were not so many good plays for her to watch.

There was a smile in He Ning's eyes. She didn't know that her master liked to watch the show so much.

It's not that I like to watch the excitement.

Rather, how should I put it, boring, yes!My master probably has nothing to do and is extremely boring, so he wants to have some fun.

As a qualified butler, the master's hobbies must be known.

So even if it was something that had not been ordered, after the master inquired once, He Ning sent people from the Sixth Emperor's House to keep an eye on him, determined to let his master know the latest first-hand news.

It was rare for the master to think about it today, and He Ning said: "There is something wrong. A few days ago, Liu Yushao, the side-husband of the sixth emperor's daughter, was diagnosed by a female doctor as pregnant."

This happened a few days ago, because the master didn't ask, He Ning naturally wouldn't bother Lin Yuan with such insignificant matters.

Hearing the news, Lin Yuan raised his brow lightly, and said leisurely: "Is it true?"

He Ning nodded, "Indeed."

In the past few days, a lot of gifts have been sent to the sixth emperor's residence.

Lin Yuan's eyes moved, and he said calmly: "This should be a good show."

 It's really hard work, I wrote this chapter for a full three hours, and I won't write emotional scenes in this article in the future, I'm embarrassing myself! ! ! (bald.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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