I'm crazy

Chapter 470

Chapter 470
The first thing Shu Yi did when he woke up was to look for the child.

"Bring the baby here and let me see."

Although he looked rather embarrassed, there was a smile in Shu Yi's eyes.

The servant carried the child to Shu Yi's side, Shu Yi looked at the little soft ball, and felt that his whole heart was melting, it was so small, but it made him want to hold everything to her In front of her, give her a happy smile.

Shu Yi teased the child contentedly, and then asked his servants to carry the child down.

In Liu Yushao's courtyard, the sixth princess was discussing something with Liu Yushao.

"How about asking someone in this palace to bring the child over and put it under your name?" The Sixth Queen looked at Liu Yushao and asked softly.

Liu Yushao frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "What about Mr. Shu? Is it okay?"

The sixth princess didn't move her expression, she said contemptuously in her eyes: "As Shu Yi, how can I have the qualifications to raise the daughter of this hall, naturally, it is most suitable for you to raise her."

There is no room for discussion on this matter, the sixth princess has already made up her mind, and now she just informed Liu Yushao.

Coincidentally, this is exactly what Liu Yushao wanted.

But he still showed just the right amount of concern on his face and said to the sixth princess: "Shu Yi just gave birth to a child. Thinking about it, it is not suitable to bring the child here now. Why don't His Highness speak again after a month? Then Shu Yi will also be with you." The children have been together for a while, and they will never miss them too much."

The sixth emperor's eyes moved slightly, and she agreed: "You're right, it's not very suitable to come here at this time, so let's do it like this, and let someone hug you in a month."

Liu Yushao nodded with a smile, completely thinking of Shu Yi.

That's what makes him suffer even more, doesn't it?
The General's Mansion and Lin Yuan, who had been paying attention to the Sixth Emperor's Mansion, naturally watched the scene from beginning to end.

Besides her, there were many other people watching.

Presumably it should be because the capital has been too boring recently.

"By the way, how did Liu Yushao's child die?"

Having nothing to do, Lin Yuan thought of this matter and asked, although she knew that there were only a few tricks to do it.

He Ning heard Lin Yuan's question, and explained to Lin Yuan what was going on.

This matter is actually very simple, that is, the boy Shu Yi rescued was a relative of the person who served Liu Yushao.

However, due to some reasons, the two separated for nearly seven or eight years. Naturally, no one knew that the people around Liu Yushao would have a family member, and it was such a coincidence that they were rescued by Shu Yi.

And Shu Yi gave the young man some things, because Shu Yi's words implied that the things were worn by family members, the young man turned around and gave them to the people who served Liu Yushao.

Because that person often waits by Liu Yushao's side, he always has stuffed things around, so it's normal that Liu Yushao's child can't be kept.

The specific thing is like this, very simple and very unexpected.

It's just that I didn't realize it a little bit, and I paid the price of a life.

Lin Yuan said after listening, "Liu Yushao must have found out, right?"

He Ning nodded.

What Shu Yi thought he did was concealed, but in fact, in their eyes, it was like something that was not concealed at all. I am afraid that there are not a few people in the capital who know the truth of the matter.

With Liu Yushao's family background and status, how could it be impossible to find out?

Shu Yi's good days are yet to come.

Did he really think that no one knew about it?

There are no real secrets in this world.

It just depends on whether people want it or not, and whether they are willing to pay a certain price for this secret.

The corners of Lin Yuan's mouth were smiling, and his eyes were deep and deep, "Beings like human beings are always fighting for things that have no meaning or value."

In the final analysis, it is just that one's own greedy desire cannot be restrained.

"Master, the sixth princess has an eldest daughter, should we prepare a gift?"

No matter who the biological father of this child is, it is still the first child of the sixth emperor, and the sixth emperor must not do nothing.

Lin Yuan nodded casually, and said casually: "Just watch and do it."

A month later, it was the third baptism of Feng Lingyu, the eldest daughter of the Sixth Emperor's Palace, and many people came.

After all, even if the sixth princess is not favored by the queen, she is still a queen after all, and the rich and powerful will not be rude in such matters.

Shu Yi was wearing a fancy dress, enjoying the feeling of all the attention.

So what if he doesn't have a high status?
He was the one who gave birth to the first child of the six emperors, and he must be the one who ascended to high positions in the future.

Even if he was looked down upon and despised by everyone before, these people will bow their knees in front of him in the future.

Because of the fantasy in Shu Yi's mind, the look on Shu Yi's face was even more arrogant.

The others who watched were disgusted.

In a pavilion not far away, several gentlemen gathered together and looked at Shu Yi with disdain.

"It's the first time I've seen such a shameless person as Shu Yi when I grow up! A lewd thing, it's fine if he betrayed General Feng, but now he's pregnant with the child of the sixth emperor, he doesn't feel ashamed at all, How dare you appear in front of everyone so aboveboard, with a complacent look?"

One of the gentlemen's eyes was full of repulsion and disgust. If he hadn't been insisted on by his family to congratulate him, how could he come to the Sixth Emperor's Mansion to disgust himself.

The sixth princess is a princess, he can't say it, and he can't say it.

But he was extremely disdainful of the sixth princess.

The majestic queen of the imperial concubine, having sex with her courtier's husband, was caught committing adultery under the watchful eyes of the public, it was disgusting to death.

In his heart, the pair of the Sixth Emperor and Shu Yi are the representatives of adulterers!

Pity their Fengyang General Feng, who was disgusted by these two people, and now, he has no idea of ​​marrying a husband.

Thinking of this, he felt a burst of anger in his heart.

He took a sip of water to suppress his anger.

The people around took a look at Shu Yi, who looked smug, some with calm eyes, some with disdain and contempt, and some with extreme disgust.

Some people echoed, "Who made this Shu Yi capable?"

Everyone laughed.

Yes, it is really capable.

Not to mention being married as husbands by people like General Feng before, but to say that they all betrayed General Feng afterwards.

It's a pity that Shu Yi didn't lose that life because of the special nature of the adulterous partner and the status of the Shu family.

But with the Queen's decree, the punishment will not be light.

Who would have thought that he would actually enter the sixth imperial concubine's mansion with such a bad name on his back, and now he has given birth to the eldest daughter of the sixth imperial concubine.

Sometimes things are so ironic.

But there were some gentlemen who knew some inside information and didn't speak up. Naturally, they knew that Shu Yi's complacency would not last long.

Shu Yi dared to attack his side-husband's child, how could Liu Yushao not find out what they all knew?
If they guessed correctly, today would probably be Shu Yi's last day of pride.

From today onwards, he will fall from heaven to hell.

The gentlemen who knew the inside story looked at each other and laughed lightly without saying a word, no one could see the sarcasm in their eyes.

The three baptisms are not small.

Of course it wasn't because of Shu Yi.

No matter how you say it is the child of the sixth emperor, and in the heart of the sixth emperor, this child will belong to Liu Yushao from today. According to Liu Yushao's family status, the three rites should naturally be more solemn.

After a month, the little group of children has grown white and tender.

It looks so cute.

Everyone sat at the table and watched as the sixth imperial daughter hugged the child and put on a cloak with the word "Fu" on her, a gold bracelet and Baijia clothes, and then tapped the child's forehead lightly with clear water, expressing the mother's blessing to the child.

Everyone looked at the series of actions of the sixth emperor, and thought to themselves that it seems that the sixth emperor attaches great importance to Shu Yisheng's child.

The look on Shu Yi's face was even more smug, his child was favored, and he was favored.

After the three baptisms were completed, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the sixth princess looked around and said, "In addition to doing the three baptisms for the daughter of our hall today, I also want to invite you to be witnesses."

Everyone looked puzzled.

The Sixth Princess continued: "Since Feng Lingyu is the eldest daughter of this hall, it is natural that she should be raised by a suitable person..."

Shu Yi's complacency just now disappeared unconsciously, and he looked at the sixth princess with a puzzled expression, and the more he listened, the more fearful and uneasy he felt.

But no matter how much he refused to listen, he heard it.

"From today onwards, Feng Lingyu will be recorded under the name of side husband Liu Yushao, and he will be responsible for his upbringing."

Everyone was also shocked.

They all whispered to each other.

She never thought that the sixth princess would make such a decision.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this decision for everyone to see. After all, Shu Yi's status is really low, and naturally he is not qualified to teach the eldest daughter. This child must be recorded in someone's name.

And Liu Yushao was the only side husband in the Sixth Emperor's Mansion, so naturally there was no other candidate besides him.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the sixth princess would announce the news directly in front of so many people on the day of the third baptism.

This is simply not giving Shu Yi face!

Before, they thought that the Sixth Emperor's daughter should value Shu Yi, but after saying this, everyone understood that she didn't value it at all.

But if the sixth princess cared a little bit about Shu Yi, she wouldn't directly disgrace Shu Yi in front of so many people on the day of her third baptism.

At the very least, it should be done later.

Some of the gentlemen looked at Shu Yi with contemptuous eyes. A lowly bastard is a lowly bastard. Do you think you can fly on a branch and become a phoenix?

Now even his own child is not his own, let's see what else he can show off.

Liu Yushao, who was beside the sixth princess, did not feel happy at all because of the news, but gave Shu Yi a slightly worried look, as if he was afraid of hurting him.

But Shu Yi clearly saw the mocking contempt in Liu Yushao's eyes at this moment.

To ridicule him for doing so much is useless work, even making wedding dresses for others!
Shu Yi immediately lost his mind, stood up suddenly, and shouted in a sharp voice: "I don't agree!"

Hearing this movement and sound, the sixth princess frowned, her face was condensed, and she reprimanded: "You don't have the right to speak here, sit down!"

Liu Yushao also looked over with great concern, and kindly persuaded: "Mr. Shu, don't worry, the child is only recorded under the husband, and you are still the biological father of the child. You can come to see the child whenever you want."

Listening to Liu Yushao's considerate words and gentle look, the expression of the Sixth Princess was slightly relaxed, but it was not the case for Shu Yi.

In his eyes, Liu Yushao is a bitch who wants to set up a chastity archway even after being a bitch!

He has taken all the benefits, and his child has become his, so why tell him that the child is still his?
What to say to make him not worry?
This simply stimulated Shu Yi even more.

Shu Yi's handsome face was distorted by anger, looking extremely hideous.

His eyes were filled with hatred, and he looked at Liu Yushao and cursed loudly: "If I don't agree, I don't agree! Ling Yu is my child, the child I gave birth to after a narrow escape, why should I let an outsider raise her and want to take the child from me?" Take away, you are dreaming! I tell you, it is impossible!"

For Shu Yi, this child is his only hope, the only sustenance that can change his life, and now he is suddenly being snatched away as a straw, Shu Yi has lost his mind.

Seeing the crazy Shu Yi, the Sixth Princess frowned, her face was extremely ugly, Shu Yi was so crazy in front of so many people, it was a shame to her.

Which one of the rich and powerful in the capital did not do this.

As a servant, not even a status as a servant, how could he be qualified to teach children?
Which family didn't write it under the name of the husband after giving birth, and let the husband teach it?

She didn't marry a real husband, so naturally she was taught by her side husband Liu Yushao, what's wrong?

Shu Yi's crazy performance, in the eyes of the sixth emperor, was simply not knowing the so-called lack of manners, and the sixth emperor thought of the news she had seen, which strengthened her determination.

Shu Yi cannot teach children.

If her child is taught by Shu Yi, a stupid and vicious poisonous husband, then I don't know what will happen in the future.

All the guests were watching this joke. Although the expressions on their faces became more serious than the next, they already wanted to have a sunflower seed beside them.

Liu Yushao looked embarrassed and sad, looked at Shu Yi and said softly: "I know you don't want the child to leave you, but I promise that I will teach Ling Yu well. Don't worry, today is Ling Yu's three baptisms. Sit down, okay? This matter can be discussed later."

What Liu Yushao said was extremely beautiful.

Not only did he show his gentleness and dignity, but he took the matter over even though it was clearly not his fault, and let Shu Yi step down, not wanting to make a big mess and lose the face of the Sixth Emperor's House, which can be described as comprehensive.

Even the eyes of the Sixth Princess were satisfied, but in contrast, Shu Yi's eyes became more and more disgusted.

Originally, I thought that Shu Yi had become more gentle since the past few days, and he didn't look so stupid anymore.

She cared about her past friendship and was willing to give him a little pampering. It seemed that she was wrong.

He's still stupid, even more vicious.

The sixth princess has completely given up on Shu Yi now.

(End of this chapter)

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