I'm crazy

Chapter 475

Chapter 475 Nine Serenities
The first time Yan Wang saw the person in front of him, a feeling of extreme danger spread all over his body.

He insisted on his self-esteem as the King of Hades, and said to the people in front of him: "May I ask what your name is?"

Lin Yuan's black eyes glanced at the tough-looking Hades indifferently, and his cold voice was like frost and snow falling into water, withered flowers never ending.

"My name is Linyuan."

Chaos Demon God, Lin Yuan.

With a slight movement of the invisible world consciousness, a cheerful atmosphere pervades the entire small plane, and the creatures living in this world feel a sense of joy. For some reason, they just feel joy in their hearts.

But they don't know that it is the world consciousness of this small plane that welcomes the extremely distinguished guests.

Yan Wang and Meng Po at the side naturally felt this feeling. Although it was only for a short moment, as practitioners, their perception was more acute.

Regardless of whether this sudden feeling had anything to do with the person in front of him, Yan Wang took a more serious attitude.

Meng Po said softly: "I don't know if your excellency came from under the underworld?"

Lin Yuan nodded invisibly, and said very cooperatively: "It is true."

Yan Wang and Meng Po looked at each other, it seems that this is the ghost recorded in the ancient books.

Yan Wang and Meng Po's hearts sank immediately, and they didn't know what the character of this ghost named Lin Yuan was, and whether the hostility could be controlled.

Emperor Jiuyou is still in a deep sleep, if this person is difficult to get along with and something happens, then there is probably no one in Jiuyou Difu who can hold him down.

Hearing the words, Yan Wang waved his hand, made a gesture of invitation to Lin Yuan, and led the way ahead: "Your Excellency has not been out of the underworld for nearly a thousand years, so you must not know the hell, I am the king of hell."

Po Meng said at the right time: "I am Po Meng."

Yan Wang led Lin Yuan to the underworld, and the surrounding ghosts stretched out their heads to look at the three of them curiously.

He didn't say anything about Yan Wang's guard against Linyuan.

After all, she won't stay in the underworld for long.

And Di Quan, who was floating beside Lin Yuan, was very curious, his deep black eyes wandered from time to time to look around following the introduction of Hades.

very curious.

After wandering around the underworld for a while, Lin Yuan said calmly, "I won't stay in the underworld for long, and I don't need to know the rest."

Yan Wang froze, does this mean that she is going out of the underworld to go to the world?
That's great?

The mouth he was about to say was watched by the black eyes of the person in front of him, and he didn't dare to speak again.

He still doesn't want to test the patience of this ghost who has lived under the underworld for thousands of years.

Besides, a dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor daoist.

There are also many masters and warlocks in the Yangjian, and if something happens, he can hold on for a while, so he doesn't need to worry about them.

Therefore, Yan Wang nodded tactfully.

Lin Yuan didn't stay in the underworld for long, and left directly.

Although it is not very good to say this, but knowing that such an existence has left the underworld, all the ghosts subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and were very grateful.

Especially because of the coercion and pain of Lin Yuan when he just woke up, the ghosts and evil spirits in the [-]th hell.

Finally, they don't need to worry about it all the time. It's really terrible. It's even more terrifying than the punishment of the [-]th floor of hell. They don't want to experience it again.

As soon as Lin Yuan appeared in Yangjian, he came across the live broadcast.

Seeing the ghosts with ghostly aura all over their bodies staring at them, while the two 20-year-olds were still talking and smiling, Lin Yuan didn't move.

"It seems that there are no ghosts! What a pity, the so-called ten fierce places! It's just a lie."

One of them, a young man with yellow hair in a short green T-shirt, was talking with a smile, and his words were very regretful.

Yu He rested his arm lazily on Ma Quancai, who was holding a live broadcast on his mobile phone, and said disinterestedly: "This place is fake, should we go in? It's so boring!"

Ma Quancai held up the phone and changed the direction so that the phone could take more pictures of the nearby scenes.

The three of them are supernatural anchors of Station P.

Now they are all materialists, and most people don't think there are ghosts in this world, especially young people like them.

Speaking of supernatural anchors, they just take advantage of people's novelty hunting psychology to go to places where there are no people or any supernatural legends, so as to make some money.

Because they are bold, the live broadcast is considered interesting, and there are quite a few people who watch it, so the money they make is not bad, and this strengthens their idea of ​​making money from this.

It is so easy to make money, it is naturally impossible to give up.

Ma Quancai said to the audience: "Everyone, don't listen to this kid's farting, but the legend is too scary. This kid wants to quit."

The barrage is densely packed with words.

[That's right, I'm afraid Xianyu is scared again?Hahahaha, if you are so timid, you dare to be a supernatural anchor, so hurry up and sell vegetables in the countryside. 】

[Salted fish is so brave, tsk tsk tsk...]

[I think it's better for the anchors to leave as soon as possible, this fierce place is very dangerous! 】

This sentence is red and bold, as long as anyone looking at the screen can see it now.

Immediately, someone jumped out and sprayed the person who said this.

[I said you are sick!Watching the supernatural live broadcast and telling the host to leave quickly?The pursuit of supernatural live broadcast is excitement, if you don’t watch it, get lost! 】

[This is really wrong, we are watching a supernatural live broadcast, isn't the more dangerous the better? 】

[This person is sick, the identification is complete. 】

Ma Quancai didn't want to talk to this audience at first, but seeing the red and bold font, he explained with a smile: "Don't worry, this audience, we are just going to explore, there will be no risk."

Does anyone still believe in ghosts in this world?
What an idiot.

Ma Quancai complained from the bottom of his heart, if there were ghosts, they would have passed through so many so-called fierce places, and they would have died long ago.

At this time, in a house hundreds of miles away, a woman wearing glasses angrily smashed the keyboard, full of anger.

Standing or sitting around her were people wearing warlock clothes, one of them asked, "Sang Tong, what's wrong?"

The woman, that is, Sang Tong glanced at the screen on the computer again, and said with restraint: "Three anchors went to the old house in the suburbs of Beijing. I told them to leave quickly. No one listened to me."

The man who asked the question, Xin Qianyi, was slightly surprised when he heard the words: "Old house in the suburbs of Beijing? You are not small."

"Don't worry about it. There are always some curious people who want to die. We have no choice. We can't control it. We don't listen to what we say. Don't forget that we still have tasks to do."

Xin Qianyi said a few words casually before changing the subject.

Sang Tong restrained his expression when he heard this, and stopped watching the live broadcast.

But Ma Quancai didn't take it seriously at all, and continued to walk forward and introduced this fierce place in harmony with Yu He.

"This old house in the suburbs of Beijing is said to have a history of hundreds of years."

Speaking of this, he smiled, "This should be fake, after all, houses that have been around for hundreds of years have long been turned into scenic spots."

Yu He, who was fighting with him, said bluntly: "You know what a fart! It's because this is a haunted house that no one cares about it! Otherwise, it's been done long ago, and you still need to say?"

Ma Quancai was provoked by Yu He, and he and Yu He fought each other, which is also one of the characteristics of the live broadcast room.

Lin Yuan and Di Quan, who were hidden from the side, glanced at the two people who were talking, then looked away disinterestedly, and looked at the house that was already in sight.

Lin Yuan felt a strong resentment on the house, which has not been resolved after hundreds of years.

It aroused Lin Yuan's interest, and followed the two towards the old house.

When we arrived at the gate of the house, there were two red lanterns hanging on the door. For some reason, there were still candle lights flickering inside.

Against the bright red lanterns, it looks very strange, and there seem to be faint shadows in it.

It made people feel cold, Ma Quancai and Yu He felt that their bodies seemed to have sensed extreme danger, and they tried their best to keep them away.

Yu He swallowed first, mustering up the courage to speak.

But Bie Weiyou among the three who remained silent behind him said to them, "Why don't you go in?"

The voice seemed to be coming from my ears, with a strange chill, but it sounded extremely unreal.

Ma Quancai was startled, turned his head and saw Bie Weiyou who was standing very close to him and almost stuck to him, and scolded very rudely: "Why are you so close! You scared me to death what!"

He covered his chest with one hand and gasped for breath, looking really terrified.

Bie Weiyou said with a smile: "What's so scary, didn't I just see you standing here and not going in to remind me? The audience is waiting impatiently."

【Yes indeed!Why doesn't the anchor come in?Don't be a pigeon again, are you?A coward who only hangs around the door? 】

【Huohuo sends out three rockets! 】

[Anchor, I didn't stay here until now to see the gate, can I get in or not?If I don't go in, I will go to another live broadcast room. 】

Ma Quancai and Yu He looked at the urging words on the bullet screen and the three rockets, and their original intention to leave was firm again.

This is a rocket!The most expensive gift in the studio.

The two looked at each other, Qi Qi strengthened his expression, pushed open the door, which looked gloomy and dark under the candlelight, and walked in.

Bie Weiyou followed the two of them in.

Ma Quancai and Yu He observed the situation of the house nervously, not noticing that the untouched door had been closed.

The audience in the live broadcast room also watched through the screen.

Ma Quancai took a flashlight when he came, and turned on the flashlight at this time.

The pale light of the flashlight has a very small distance, and it can only see clearly within one meter.

Ma Quancai looked into the distance with the flashlight from time to time, but because the light was not enough, he couldn't see anything clearly, and the darkness could only be illuminated a little, making it look even more terrifying.

In fact, since entering this house, Ma Quancai and Yu He have been worried, unable to relax at all.

Ma Quancai felt his hands and feet were cold. He tensed his nerves and said to Yu He beside him, "Why are you so cold? Are you cold?"

Yu He shook his head, stared at Ma Quancai and said, "I'm not cold, are you cold?"

Ma Quancai's eyes looked around from time to time. Under the extreme tension, he could not control his behavior. He looked back for a while, startled, and exclaimed, "Where is Bie Weiyou?"

Yu He also looked back and said, "Don't worry about... him, let's... hurry in... let's go."

Ma Quancai was about to nod, but his heart hurt like a blow.

His hands and feet were weak, and he was sweating profusely, staring fixedly at the ground illuminated by the flashlight.

Is Yu He's voice like that?

Ma Quancai couldn't help thinking, why the voice he heard just now was so stiff, as if someone was strangled by the neck and stretched out word by word.

Ma Quancai, who was looking at the ground, didn't know, but Yu He, who was next to him, stared at him with unblinking eyes, with saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth from time to time, as if he didn't realize it at all.

In this way, it is clearly not like a person at all.

Ma Quancai was so frightened by what he had made up in his brain that he was about to faint.

No matter how much I don't believe in ghosts after I grow up, I call myself a materialist.

But the theory of ghosts and gods that Hua people have been more or less exposed to since they were young, as well as various beliefs that seem to have no beliefs, all came into play at this time.

In short, no matter how much I tell myself that there are no ghosts in this world, the creepy fear in my heart still cannot be relieved a little bit!
It's a pity that Ma Quancai couldn't even faint due to his strong heart and healthy body.

He didn't want to ask, didn't care and didn't bother.

But human nature is destined to make him unable to ignore it, the more afraid he is, the more he wants to know, the more he wants to try.

Ma Quancai pinched his palm with one hand, his eyes straightened, and he tried hard to keep his voice steady.

"Yu He, didn't you just say that your birthday is today? How about we have a barbecue after we go out?"

"Yu He" said with a slightly stiff voice like the rustling of a rusty machine. He looked at the sweat on Ma Quancai's head, felt the breath of a living person, and felt that he was so hungry that he couldn't control it.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva that was about to flow out, and said quietly: "Okay!"

"This is not why!"

This thought flashed through Ma Quancai's heart.

He told Yu He about this just now, but it was because yesterday was Yu He's birthday, he was angry that he didn't remember his birthday, and said that he would treat him to a barbecue after the live broadcast was over.

He is not Yu He!
It's something I don't know what it is!

This idea was deeply rooted in his heart, and Ma Quancai's chills stood on end when he didn't realize it. He felt as if he was being coveted by something he didn't know, as if he would be swallowed whole by that thing in the next moment. .

Ma Quancai's slow walking steps stopped instantly, his heart convulsed, and he wanted to shout and vent, but his body was already wet with sweat.

He held the flashlight tightly in his hand and the mobile phone he had been holding.

But at this moment, nothing could be seen on the barrage, so that most of the audience had already left.

"Yu He" saw him stop and urged, "Go... ah!"

Hearing the faint voice of that unknown thing, the bottomless darkness around him, and the shadows flashing past from time to time, Ma Quancai's heart's endurance had reached a critical point.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!!!"

He yelled, as if he wanted to yell out the terrible fear in his heart, smashed the mobile phone in his hand on the "person" beside him, turned around and ran away, and his thigh finally recovered its strength.

It's almost at the gate, but the gate that no one has closed is impressively closed at this moment.

Ma Quancai pulled it with his hands, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open the door that was already very decayed and looked fragile.

Ma Quancai's eyes were full of extreme fear, which gradually turned into despair as time passed, and he was trembling all over.

However, he was still desperately trying to open the closed door.

At this time, Ma Quancai heard a voice behind him so stiff that he fell directly to the ground.

"where are you going?"

 By the way, although I dare not write anything scary, I am still afraid of being locked in case, so the little angels who are chasing updates will have to watch this plane in a hurry, and the little angels who don’t like it can look at the next plane.

(End of this chapter)

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