I'm crazy

Chapter 477

Chapter 477 Nine Serenities
After dealing with some things in the house that he didn't want to leave, Lin Yuan started to sleep on his own.

And Kunlun mirror and Diquan Yijing and ghost went out to play together.

"You drift slowly."

The Kunlun mirror is directed at the ditches that are passing by quickly.

Di Quan's dark black pupils blinked suspiciously, "I'm not happy."

He is not floating fast at all!
Di Quan's fair little face was full of confusion, looking at Kunlun mirror so innocently, the words that made Kunlun mirror speak could not help but choke in the mirror.

Feeling like an old mother with a child, the Kunlun Mirror flashed this thought, and then shook the mirror coldly, how could it describe itself like that.

It is a great artifact, Master Kunlun Mirror.

On a small road, a girl with ponytails is holding a compass in her hand and walking in the direction pointed by the compass.

Sheng Nuan found herself lost again, this was the fifth time she got lost in such a small place.

"The compass is pointing in the right direction! Why is it still going in the wrong direction?"

She couldn't understand it.

For Lu Chi, letting them go somewhere is embarrassing, naked embarrassment.

"It's a compass, not a compass."

Suddenly, a voice floated out, with obvious ridicule.

Sheng Nuan scratched his face, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, I remember wrong."


The voice came from a small porcelain bottle tied around her waist. It sounded like it was wrapped in a chill, which made people feel a little bit cooler in this hot summer day.

Sheng Nuan shook his hand on the porcelain bottle, and said happily, "Thank you, Quexi."

Que Xi in the porcelain vase rolled his eyes, didn't he just want to help her?

I don't know how long I've been wandering here. Really, ghosts will feel uncomfortable in such a hot weather, okay?

But Xi's impatient voice didn't make Sheng Nuan angry. She was originally a soft-tempered person, so soft that she didn't look like a celestial master who subdues demons and demons.

But when he thought about this girl's character, he was even more dissatisfied. Really, how did he, a majestic ghost king who commands all ghosts, come to this point?
It's just unbelievable.

Sheng Nuan took out the compass in the backpack behind him and asked the compass to point out the direction.

But I hope to be puzzled.

A majestic celestial master, even carrying a schoolbag carried by a primary school student!
Not at all immoral, not at all high-spirited!
Forget it, what age is this, ah!

Even he, a ghost who has been sleeping for hundreds of years, knows that the new century is coming, and the beautiful life of the new era is beckoning to the masses of people and ghosts. This is why more and more ghosts are staying in the world. After all, the Internet is so good The ghost king likes it all.

This is off-topic, so skip it.

Que Xi doesn't understand, even he knows the existence of GPS, why is this idiot Sheng Nuan still using the compass that he only used in the last century?

Wonder ah wonder.

Que Xi looked at Sheng Nuan who was pointing the way with a compass with a strange expression, his red eyes were full of confusion.

But Sheng Nuan didn't give Que Xi an answer either.

Their teacher has always been like this, her guiding tool since she was a child is a compass.

The master said that this is because it is possible to better communicate with the four directions and understand the power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, in an unknown deep mountain, the gray-haired old man in a white Taoist robe looked around, and whispered to the apprentice practicing sword: "Is your junior sister gone?"

Pu Bin nodded.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, "I finally left, old man, I can finally have a full meal today, alas!"

This sigh was mixed with three points of sadness, two points of pity, one point of grief, and five points of madness that was so excited that it could not be heard!

When he brought that girl Qinyan back, he didn't know that girl was so edible!

Their sect is already poor, and their clothes are all mended and mended, and the small ones are worn through the big ones, and the big ones are donated by good people.

I can't get enough to eat, especially after the girl comes, I have to cut down on food and clothing.

He is quite old now, and he can't even eat a full meal. Those who hear it are sad and cry when they see it. Now that girl has gone out to practice, he can finally enjoy a full meal. up.

The old man swayed and walked towards the kitchen.

Pu Bin looked away helplessly, and said that the junior sister can eat, and the most edible in their sect is their master.

The young man shook his head and continued to practice his sword.

Sheng Nuan, who still couldn't find the right direction after going through the compass, felt that he was about to starve to death.

"Qaxi, if only I could control the sword!"

Sheng Nuan rubbed her stomach trying to stop it from ringing, and said bitterly to Que Xi in the porcelain vase.

It was already night, but Que Xi floated out of the small porcelain vase, and a handsome man with long hair and brocade clothes appeared in front of Sheng Nuan.

It's just that the elegant temperament disappeared instantly as soon as he spoke.

"Don't say that the spiritual power in the world is not as much as before, and it is not enough for you to cultivate to Yujian. Even if the spiritual power is enough, do you think it can be done with your aptitude?"

Que Xi sneered very bluntly.

Sheng Nuan stared at him blankly, but Xi suddenly felt uncomfortable under Sheng Nuan's silly gaze, and subconsciously avoided her gaze.

Then Sheng Nuan said in a soft voice: "But, don't I have you?"

Que Xi seemed to be struck by lightning, not at all elegant and not at all male protagonist, he floated a few meters away in an instant, stretched out his finger and stammered at Sheng Nuan: "I can... I can tell you! I am dignified... The dignified Lord Ghost King, it’s not something you can imagine!"

As soon as this sentence came out, he seemed to have suddenly gained some confidence and became more confident, and he floated in front of Sheng Nuan again, raised his chin slightly, and said in a very arrogant way: "Yes! I am not what you can imagine of!"

Sheng Nuan obediently stood on the spot and covered her belly with one hand, and retorted softly after hearing the words: "But the master said that you are not the king of ghosts."

This sentence instantly poked a hornet's nest.

But Xi immediately exploded like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "Fart! I am the king of ghosts! Is the king of ghosts! Your master is..."

Didn't say those two words.

Sheng Nuan looked at the fried-haired Que Xi, the corners of his mouth curled up, adding fuel to the fire.

But he was so angry that he was about to explode, and was about to have a good argument with Sheng Nuan, but Sheng Nuan's next sentence extinguished all the anger.

Sheng Nuan had a dazzling smile on his baby-fat little face, and his soft voice drifted into Que Xi's ears.

"Qaxi, you're so cute when you're angry!"

Que Xi: "!!!!!!"

Obviously ghosts have no entity, no temperature, let alone a so-called heartbeat, but Xi Xi feels that his heartbeat has missed a few beats at this moment.

The tips of the ears were also hot.

He almost couldn't control his hand to touch it, but fortunately, the last reason stopped him.

But this last sliver of rationality could only keep him from touching his ears, but the subsequent development did not stop him from succeeding.

Que Xi, who was floating in the air, automatically floated a little higher without realizing it, her face turned sideways as if she was shy, and her domineering tone just now softened unconsciously.

But he still insisted and said in a resentful tone: "You...you you...you are the cutest!"

Sheng Nuan is a real girl, how can she describe a man as cute!

He is still such an upright man!
The two quarreled for a while before realizing that the problem had not been resolved.

Que Xi tried hard to calm down her turbulent heartbeat, and said to Sheng Nuan, "What exactly did your master ask you to do?"

Sheng Nuan thought for a while and said: "The master said that I was old enough to let me go down the mountain to practice, and didn't say anything else."

In the bottom of her heart, Que Xi cast aside Sheng Nuan's unreliable teacher for a while, and then said, "Do you have a mobile phone?"

Sheng Nuan shook his head.

But Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

Fortunately, he didn't ask him what his phone was.

Now Xie Xi was also slightly worried.

There is nothing, and Sheng Nuan still can't tell the difference between south, east and north, so what should I do?
Que Xi frowned slightly, and then thought that he could sense the ghost aura around here to see if there were any ghosts, and then point the way.

With the help of several ghosts, Sheng Nuan finally walked, took a train, took a car, rode a horse on the way, and then walked again to the outskirts of City Z.

All these hardships are simply indescribable to outsiders.

"I heard from the ghost the day before yesterday that there is a big house on the outskirts of City Z, and all the people living in it are ghosts, but that's not important."

Floating in the air, Que Xi greeted Sheng Nuan who was walking in the direction of Lin Yuan's current residence, then waved his hand, and continued, "The important thing is that you don't need to spend money to live in this house."

Sheng Nuan's stingy and poor master only stuffed a little money in her schoolbag when Sheng Nuan went down the mountain. They just took a car and spent all of it. Now they don't have any money.

A penny can stump a hero, and it can even stump a ghost king and a celestial master.

But Xi can't help but sigh, no matter what dynasty you are in, money is an important good thing, and you can't live without it.

Even if he is a ghost, the money he conjures can only maintain the appearance for a period of time, not real money.

Of course, with the ability of his majestic ghost king, it is easy to get money, but it is a pity that Sheng Nuan, a little girl, has a very upright outlook and a strong sense of justice, so he is strictly prohibited from using these methods.

Will Lord Ghost King listen to the words of a little girl?joke!

Well, he is a majestic ghost king, and he doesn't care about the little girl's movies.

One person and one ghost walked towards the house.

Finally seeing the door, Sheng Nuan stepped forward to knock on the door, and after knocking three times, the door opened automatically.

After entering the yard, even Sheng Nuan, who was a little dull, sensed something was wrong.

The ghost said that this is a haunted house, but why can't it feel a little ghost?
Or there isn't a single ghost in it.

But this conclusion should not be too likely.

Because the special situation of this place is conducive to the cultivation of ghosts, it is impossible that there is no ghost, right?
Otherwise, the ghosts inside have been so strong that they have restrained all their ghost energy, which would be a bit dangerous.

Que Xi also turned pale, and floated in front of Sheng Nuan.

Lin Yuan only woke up when Sheng Nuanhe was expecting a person and a ghost to stand at the door, it was rare for guests to come, and just after waking up in a good mood, Lin Yuan let them in.

At this moment, seeing the heavy faces of the person and the ghost, Lin Yuan couldn't help laughing lightly, and Qing Ling's lazy voice came into the ears of the two of them.

"come on."

But Xi's expression changed.

Someone was really there, but he didn't feel it at all. It seemed that this ghost's ability was higher than his.

From a certain direction, what I hope is correct, but people on the small plane have limited cultivation and knowledge, so naturally they can't see that Linyuan is not a ghost, but a god.

Sheng Nuan and Xi Fang walked quickly to Lin Yuan.

Sheng Nuan was stunned when he saw Lin Yuan, but Xi Xi, who had lived for hundreds of years and was used to beauties from all dynasties and generations, was stunned in place.

The appearance of the person in front of them is obviously beyond their cognition.

Her complexion is as gorgeous as the scorching sun.

But the whole body is full of nobleness and elegance, like a cold moon and a clear shadow, shining brightly, clear light and star sinking, from ancient times to the present.

Sheng Nuan was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses. After she recovered her senses, the slight look of vigilance on her face disappeared immediately.

I have to say, even if you don't admit it yourself, you have to admit that people are judged by faces, regardless of gender.

Good-looking people are easy to make people let go of their vigilance.

Sheng Nuan stared at Lin Yuan with sparkling eyes and said nothing, the way he looked at this moment was similar to the way Di Quan stared at Lin Yuan that day.

"Hello, sister."

Sheng Nuan raised a soft smile and greeted happily.

But he turned his eyes away wishing not to look directly, did this girl realize at all that the person in front of her was very dangerous, so dangerous that he was not even sure if there was something that he could save her.

Also, why are you staring at people like this!
He admits that the person in front of him looks... well, incomparably, uniquely good-looking, but there is no need to stare at him so obsessively, right?

"Cough! Cough!"

Que Xi coughed a few times, trying to bring Sheng Nuan's sanity back a little bit.

Lin Yuan's motus were smiling, and with a light movement of his fingertips, two chairs appeared, and the voice was as lazy as the plucking of a guqin: "Sit down."

Sheng Nuan sat down obediently and proactively, but Xi also sat down obediently.

Lin Yuan looked at Sheng Nuan leisurely, and then another cup of tea appeared on the wooden table beside Sheng Nuan.

Sheng Nuan took a sip from the teacup without any precautions. It has to be said that beauty can really kill people.

If Lin Yuan had any malicious intentions, Sheng Nuan might turn into a corpse.

But Xi has lost sight of Sheng Nuan's performance.

Give up saving her.

After drinking tea, she finally came back to her senses, looked at Lin Yuan with a bright smile, "Hello sister, my name is Sheng Nuan, I am a celestial master, and this is my contractor——Qi Xi, I am here to practice Yes, but I have no money and no place to live, so I came here."

Come on, people haven't asked anything yet, this girl has already told everything.

But Xi rolled a big white eye, no temperament at all.

Lin Yuan took a sip of tea indifferently, and asked with a smile in his eyes: "Really?"

Sheng Nuan nodded vigorously.

Yes Yes!

She very much hoped that this good-looking elder sister would allow her to live here. One more time to see this unique appearance in heaven and earth would be to earn one more time! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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