I'm crazy

Chapter 495

Chapter 495

Ye Huanke lingered on the bed like a living dead for more than an hour before accepting the heartbreaking fact resignedly.

It seems that he is destined to be unable to avoid high math during the three years in college.

Tian Yan smiled and said: "Okay, isn't it high math? How can a man say no? You must be fine."

Ye Huanke rolled his eyes, "You know what, for men, they don't even want to see an 'ex' they don't like, let alone contact them."

For him now, Gaoshu is the "predecessor" who can be as far away from him as possible.

But no matter what, the matter is a foregone conclusion. Even if he regrets, he can't change his major anymore. He has to accept it if he accepts it, or accept it if he doesn't accept it.

The original parents died in a car accident a few years ago, so now he is the only one in the family, which saves Ye Huanke the pain of pretending to be a human being.

"I just don't know where the original Ye Huanke went. I hope he can live a good life in another time and space like me."

Ye Huanke said sincerely.

The matter of time travel was not what he wanted, and it had nothing to do with him. He couldn't let the original body come back, so he could only secretly hope that the original body would live well.

After getting acquainted with the original body's situation thoroughly, the first thing to do was money.

Ye Huanke doesn't have much money on him now, so he has to find a way to make money.

He didn't want to contact strangers, so he placed orders on the Internet and in the game.

As an otaku, playing games is a must-have skill. Ye Huanke's games are pretty good. He also bought a live broadcast device to test the waters in the live broadcast. If possible, he plans to do a game live broadcast in the future.

A few days later, the final grades came out.

Ye Huanke's hand holding the phone trembled a little, and he really didn't dare to press the last button.

He felt that it would be better if he needed to prepare the first aid medicine in advance, or prepare the 120 in advance?

He took a deep breath, pressed his rapidly beating heartbeat, and tried to calm himself down a little bit.

Then he closed his eyes, his hands trembled, and he cruelly opened the last button.

The final result is coming out.

Ye Huanke quietly opened one eye, and subconsciously searched for the word Gaoshu.

"Eh?" Ye Huanke shook his body sitting on the chair, quickly opened the closed eye, moved close to the phone and almost stuck it on it, and took a serious look at the two numbers in disbelief. .

"one two three four five six seven!"

Ye Huanke opened his eyes wide and counted again, that's right, it's seven!
He failed!

Ahhhhhhhhhh! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

What is another village!
What is an escape from a desperate situation!

This is!
This is!
Ye Huanke was going crazy with joy.

Fans who watched the live broadcast today found that their anchor was in a good mood.

"Why is the leaf so happy today?"

"What happened?"

"Have you chased after the goddess!"

Fans typed and asked questions on the public screen.

Lin Yuan had nothing to do after eating at home, so he casually opened the live streaming software, intending to watch the food live broadcast, but just as soon as he entered, he saw a big summoning spell sent by a fan.

Lin Yuan clicked in, and saw a slightly familiar face at a glance.

Lin Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and it took a while to remember who it was.

Then she saw the words on the public screen, and thought that today was the time to release the results, so she wanted to see what Ye Huanke would say.

Ye Huanke on the other side of the screen couldn't control his expression and let out a big grin, all of them said shyly, "Master, I didn't fail in high math, hahahahaha!"

"Look at you!"

"I guess the height of the leaves is 60, absolutely no more."

"I'm afraid 60 points is barely enough, maybe the teacher let you go for a while?"

"That's absolutely, who doesn't know that college grades are the result of teachers' hard work."

Ye Huanke was unhappy when he saw this.

Although he knew this was true, he himself was very clear about it, and of course he admitted it, and he was extremely grateful to his professor of high mathematics, but naturally he couldn't lose face like this in front of so many people.

He immediately raised his brows and said, "Who said that I only got 60 points in the exam? I got 78 points in the exam! Do you know?"

"This is my own ability. I did it by myself. It's not the result of the teacher's hard work. You absolutely don't know what price I paid for the high math exam. It hurts to say it, alas!"

Gongping was surprised for a while, and then just didn't believe it.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan's eyes moved slightly as he watched the anchor, and a smile as light as falling snow spread in his eyes, playing with his taste: "It's hard to work so hard for him."

Kunlun Mirror, who was watching the live broadcast with Lin Yuan, couldn't bear to look directly at it and turned to the mirror.

It can be sure that the next days of this person...

Oh boy, pray for yourself.

Although none of the gods and Buddhas in the sky will dare to save you, what if?If the master is in a good mood, he can make your death look better.

Ye Huanke breathed a sigh of relief after the live broadcast was over. I don't know why, it was obviously just a small bragging, but why did he feel so guilty?
I was so guilty that the usual two-hour live broadcast was shortened to one hour.

Ye Huanke was in a very happy mood because he passed the high math. After a perfect and fulfilling holiday, he packed up and went back to school after gaining more than ten pounds and a little belly.

The matter of continuing to learn advanced mathematics after connecting it can't make him feel bad.

Ye Huanke was about to leave after the class meeting in the classroom when he saw the new monitor approaching him.

"Ye Huanke!" The new monitor patted him on the shoulder.

Ye Huanke smiled, "Squad leader, what's wrong?"

The monitor of the new major and new class is good, with a cheerful and helpful personality.

In just a few days, Ye Huanke became familiar with him.

The new monitor gave Ye Huanke a sympathetic look, "Professor Lin is looking for you."

Ye Huanke: "...??!"

"Huh? Why!?" He remembered that after he changed his major, the teacher who taught advanced mathematics also changed!

The new monitor shook his head, he didn't know the reason, but, "You better go quickly, don't make the professor wait."

Seeing Ye Huanke run away in a hurry, the squad leader watched Ye Huanke's back and sighed, "Oh, brother, I wish you good luck."

Although he didn't know why Professor Lin was looking for Ye Huanke, he felt that there was absolutely nothing good going on.

Ye Huanke hurried all the way to Linyuan's office. As a genius hired by University Z, Linyuan naturally had his own office.

Ye Huanke knocked on the door, and only after hearing the Qingling lazy voice in his memory, he gently opened the door and went in.

As soon as he entered the office, he could feel the breath of a icy snowfield, and there was no breath of life in the deserted and lonely snowfield.

But there is a lonely and pure figure there, adding a touch of unparalleled beauty to the snow-covered sky, just like the heavy color in a landscape painting, at a glance, the mountains and rivers are crumbling, and everything is dark.

Ye Huanke was captivated by Lin Yuan almost at the first sight. Some people really amaze everyone no matter how many times they watch it.

Lin Yuan sat lazily on the sofa, with his slender legs folded on the coffee table, his posture was arrogant and lazy, his expression was indifferent, and his deep and deep eyes were slightly closed.

Hearing the sound, the beautiful eyelashes that gathered thousands of stars like butterfly wings trembled slightly. The moment Ye Huanke opened his eyes, he felt as if he saw endless darkness and endless hell.

Ye Huanke stood aside obediently, and said, "Hi, professor."

Lin Yuan's eyes lightly glanced at Ye Huanke, and Ye Huanke's breath was suffocated by the cold and indifferent breath.

Lin Yuan put down his legs that were resting on the coffee table, raised them casually, touched his straight thighs wrapped in pure black trousers with his white fingertips, and said immediately, "You changed your major?"

Ye Huanke immediately said, "Yes, I transferred at the end of last semester."

Ye Huanke had already made up his mind. If the professor asked him why he changed his major, he would say that he accidentally hit his head and his thinking flexibility decreased.

In short, it is impossible for him to use the same argument as dealing with the three in the dormitory when facing the professor.

Hearing the professor's question just now, Ye Huanke instantly understood why the professor called him over.

Yuanbang is good at studying, and mathematics is his favorite. For such an excellent student, as a teacher, I am afraid that he will always pay attention to one or two.

And the top students in the School of Mathematics suddenly changed their majors. As a professor who taught them advanced mathematics, it made sense to call someone over to ask questions.

Ye Huanke thought that he managed things very smoothly.

Although when he first learned that computers also need to learn advanced mathematics, he was so devastated that he almost wanted to jump off a building, but his ability to accept is still very high.

After accepting this fact, Ye Huanke felt that he was lucky.

After all, at least other high math teachers will not require them to score 70 points in order to pass.

There is a huge gap in the sciences of universities, enough to separate a galaxy in the middle.

Ye Huanke comforted himself, after thinking about it, he felt very good, great.

He only needs to rush towards the goal of sixty long live in his future high mathematics.

Lin Yuan knew what Ye Huanke was thinking at a glance, and she gave Ye Huanke a noncommittal "hmm" before saying lightly, "Since you learned advanced mathematics from me before, you must be more used to the previous class. The advanced mathematics class still comes to the original class."

Lin Yuan's words, which fell to the ground as light as a feather, caught Ye Huanke by surprise.

His expression management lost control in an instant, his voice inevitably doubled, and he said in shock: "What?"

Although his current high math class schedule is the same as his previous class schedule, it doesn't mean that he will go to the original class!
If he still had to go to the class under Professor Lin in the end, then why did he change his major?
Is he full and bored and want to torment himself?
Oh my god!
Can we stop playing him like this?

Lin Yuan stopped lazily tapping his fingertips on his legs, and did not move his body leaning on the sofa. He only glanced at Ye Huanke lightly with his black eyes, and his Qingling voice could not tell the meaning: "Yes What opinion?"

Ye Huanke didn't dare to say a word no matter how big his opinion was or how wronged he was.

His mouth opened and closed, and he didn't hold back a word for a few minutes. The words of refutation, protest, uprising, and revolution reached his throat, and he swallowed them with all his might.

He is cowardly.

He dare not.

In the end, he could only say pitifully under the gaze of those dark eyes, "Okay, professor."

Seeing that Ye Huanke didn't have any objections, Lin Yuan lazily looked away, and then continued: "Do you know what score your paper should have been originally?"

Ye Huanke cautiously said tentatively, "Two...twenty?"

He still has self-knowledge about himself. Although he doesn't know any of the questions, it's still his hard work, including throwing dice, the luck of who the little rooster hits, pinch arithmetic, and three shorts and one long to choose one long and other secret methods. made under.

There is also a big question, that is, as long as I can remember all the formulas, I have written all the formulas, and I have written so much that there is no time for the next question.

Ye Huanke felt that with his hard work and seriousness that he didn't have in the college entrance examination papers, he could still get [-] points in the exam, right?

Who knew that as soon as he said these words, he saw a glimmer of light flashing in the black eyes of the professor in front of him, and a faint smile diffused in the pupils filled with frost.

Ye Huanke only heard the sentence that made him feel shattered: "It's 0 points."

Ye Huanke: "!!!"

Ye Huanke swallowed his saliva, trembling and said with great difficulty: "Professor, did I just...just...didn't get that one...one question right?"

Is he that unlucky?
Could it be that his dice-throwing method and blindness method are all useless?
At this moment, Ye Huanke seemed to see his bleak and terrifying future.

Lin Yuan unceremoniously shattered all Ye Huanke's fantasies, "You perfectly avoided all the correct answers."

Ye Huanke was hit hard by these words.

If it's because of a new body that his great luck technique doesn't work, what should he do in the future?All the questions that can't be solved are all wrong, God!Just thinking of this terrible consequence would make Ye Huanke dizzy.

Fortunately, Ye Huanke ate and drank well and gained a lot of meat because of the happy life during the holiday for more than a month, which played a role in this critical moment.

Lin Yuan saw the reaction he wanted to see, Shen Yuan's dark eyes flashed, and a vicious playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and continued: "It seems that your level has dropped a lot, and it happens that I have a lot of study materials in the office. Take it and do it when you go back, do it seriously, and bring it to me for inspection after the semester is over."

Regardless of the meaning in Lin Yuan's eyes, these words still very much show the image of a good teacher who takes great pains for the students.

Ye Huanke: "..."

What more can he say?
What dare he say?
Ye Huanke lowered his head to hide the tears that were about to burst out and the sadness in his heart, and obediently responded, "Okay, Professor."

In the end, Ye Huanke left "ecstatically" with a stack of materials almost as tall as a mineral water bottle.

This is really gratifying, gratifying and congratulatory.

(End of this chapter)

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