I'm crazy

Chapter 497

Chapter 497

It's just a trip to the office, and I have seven or eight more information books and test papers in my hand.

Fortunately, after repeated blows, Ye Huanke's psychological endurance has improved a lot. Looking at the paper materials that were enough to kill him, he sighed deeply and began to plan how he would complete these "" from the teacher. Special love".

In any case, in the remaining two years, it is impossible for him to avoid the course of advanced mathematics, and he must score [-]% in every exam.

Ye Huanke wanted to cry, but unfortunately he couldn't.

Linyuan left the office after Ye Huanke left. She is now studying a mathematical theorem, so she doesn't need to stay in school. University teachers have relatively free time.

This plane itself is a very ordinary modern plane, and there is no such thing as superpowers. Linyuan's life is relatively comfortable.

When I have nothing to do, I study mathematics, an interesting thing, to pass the time and make some contributions to the development of human beings.

Of course, the latter is completely incidental.

In fact, Lin Yuan wanted to study how to use the power of human beings to destroy the earth, but unfortunately this topic could not be passed at all.

Ye Huanke's life at Z University was fairly peaceful. Although the problem of study has always plagued him as a scumbag, he didn't get any golden fingers.

Not to mention the cute girl he likes, he hasn't even seen a single one.

It seems that he is indeed not the male protagonist of Long Aotian's urban harem style, otherwise he would definitely have a lovely girl by his side now.

He is not that greedy hero, he only needs one.

But the girl didn't, only the smelly socks accompanied him for another semester.

In the blink of an eye, the end of the semester is approaching.

As the saying goes, most students can learn the knowledge of one semester in college in one week.

But this kind of situation is still relatively rare in Z University, a top university in Huaguo.

Unless you are a real academic master with sufficient IQ, trying to chew through the content of a semester in a week is just wishful thinking.

Not to mention that it is still a major with a high degree of difficulty.

In class, I stared at the teacher's PPT. I couldn't keep up with the teacher's train of thought without being distracted. I wanted to figure it out by myself.

Two words for you: Hehe.

So every last week, no, it should be said that it is the last month, even the scumbags who don’t want to study on weekdays, must study hard, and try to spend a month to thoroughly study those scholars who have spent their entire lives or more than ten years. obtained theoretical results.


In the dormitory, Tian Yan sighed suddenly while doing the questions, startling Qu Wei who was concentrating on the math questions, "Why are you sighing so well?"

Tian Yan looked at the question, which took him more than an hour without any clues, and stretched his face and said: "If it was before, we would still have the fourth brother who is a university bully. Now the fourth child has thrown himself into the arms of the computer. The love and ability for mathematics has plummeted, and now, even passing it has become difficult. God's will tricks people!"

If this was the beginning, Ye Huanke might have panicked. After all, the gap between him and the original body was still relatively large, and he was afraid that if he accidentally revealed his secrets, he would be arrested for slice research.

But now that a semester has passed, everyone who should be familiar with each other has become familiar, and those who should be calm have also calmed down.

Ye Huanke didn't care at all, and said without frowning: "Much praise, praise."

Qin Wu said from the side: "One semester has passed, and I feel that the fourth son's face has grown a lot. Back then..."

Ye Huanke didn't feel angry at all. After all, no matter who it was, living with three crazy sand sculpture masters for a semester would improve their mental endurance a lot.

Now, he has obviously cultivated to the point where he can collapse on the top of a mountain without changing his face or the wind.

He closed the advanced mathematics book in his hand at once, and grinned at Qin Wu and the three, showing his big white teeth, "So, remember one truth, never put your hope on others."

Isn't he an example?

At first I thought about copying it, but who knew it would be impossible. Fortunately, Professor Lin kindly forgave him, so he didn't let him retake the exam or even retake it.

Although the price to pay later...

Alas, none of that matters.

The important thing is that he didn't fail the exam!
Qin Wu and the others glanced at each other when they heard the words, and then laughed wildly and joked: "Hey, this little girl is quite proud! I don't know who has been worrying about high math for a month so much that he couldn't sleep !"

"Yes, I don't know who puts their hands together and begs grandpa to sue grandma all day long, begging God and worshiping Buddha everywhere!"

"I don't know who bumped into the big wall when he was so anxious that he couldn't solve the problem!"

Ye Huanke's face froze, with an unnatural expression on his face, and he was about to kill the enemy one thousand and hurt eight hundred to fight back when he was forced back by the murderous screams that erupted from the next door.

After the eardrum-shattering screams of "destroying the sky and destroying the earth" passed, Ye Huanke looked at the other three people, and sure enough, they all seemed to be in a trance and suspicious of life.

It was obviously not lightly shaken.

"Is this the national football team entering the World Cup? So excited?"

Qin Wu murmured.

The whites of Tian Yan's eyes rolled out, "No, maybe he won the championship."

Qu Wei: "...you are enough, there is a price to pay for spreading rumors."

One by one was simply dazzled.

Although they said so, the three of them made an action at the same time:
He quickly got up from the chair and got up from the bed, walked quickly to the door, opened the door and ran out.

That rapid speed is completely comparable to that of a cheetah within a few seconds.

Ye Huanke, who was left in place, blinked and asked in a daze, "Do they all believe this?"

Telling himself that this is impossible, Ye Huanke was about to read the book in peace, but suddenly there was another scream that was so sharp that it didn't seem like a boy could utter from the next door.

By the way, it was the voice from the next door to the left just now, and this time it is the voice from the next door to the right.

The corner of Ye Huanke's mouth twitched, his eyes were blurred, and he said in a daze: "It can't be that the national football team has really entered the World Cup, right?"

He immediately threw the book in his hand on the table and ran towards the next door.

When I got to the dormitory next door, I realized that there were quite a lot of people inside. There were more than a dozen people there, almost covering the entire dormitory.

"Luo Gangxi, tell me what happened, you are so excited! Could it be that the national football team really entered the World Cup?"

A boy with a beard shouted.

Ye Huanke is slightly embarrassed, it seems that there are quite a few people who have such thoughts.

Luo Gangxi was the one who screamed first.

He scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "It's not about the national football team."

"What happened then!"

Someone asked quickly, and others also looked at Luo Gangxi in the center of the crowd, urging him.

It should be the first time that Luo Gangxi has received such attention, and his expression is a bit cramped. Ye Huanke, who used to have a bit of social phobia and otaku attributes, understands it very well.

As for now, huh, huh.

Any student who can't do a single question with such a thick stack of papers and materials in his hand, I am afraid that social phobia will heal without treatment.

Luo Gangxi took out his mobile phone and said to everyone, "Don't you all know?"


"What the hell happened!?"

"Hurry up! I'm so curious!"

And Luo Gangxi's roommates also held their mobile phones with smiles that they couldn't look directly at.

Only then did Luo Gangxi say in a voice so light and dreamlike: "Professor Lin has proved Fermat's last theorem..."




"What did you say!!!!"

All the students present looked psychedelic and couldn't believe what they heard.

After all, they are all students of the School of Mathematics, and no one will know what Fermat's last theorem represents.

Even Ye Huanke, who became a monk halfway through, understood the status and importance of Fermat's last theorem in the history of mathematics after learning a little mathematics.

That is one of the top ten mathematical problems in the world!

They all know the name of Professor Lin's genius, especially when they are in class, they can feel the IQ crushing feeling brought by the boss that is enough to suffocate them, but Fermat's last theorem...

That difficult problem that has troubled countless geniuses and mathematicians in the world of mathematics has been solved so simply...?

The students present were in a daze for a moment, and then they all took out their mobile phones and began to ask for evidence.

And during this process, in the dormitory where the students of the School of Mathematics lived, there was an astonishing scream from time to time.

Rewind time to a few days ago.

Lin Yuan's white fingertips were lazily typing on the computer, looking at the content on the screen, it was obvious that he was writing a thesis.

She has been solving a mathematical theorem these days. In fact, according to the time, she should have done it a long time ago, but who made her lazy? Three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, so it has been delayed until now.

When the last decimal point falls, this paper destined to cause a sensation in the world is completed.

Lin Yuan clicked to send this wealth that was so precious that it could not be described in words.

At the same time, the editorial department of Annals of Mathematics received a manuscript.

The editor who saw this manuscript didn't change his mood for a while. After all, "Annals of Mathematics", as the world's top journal in mathematics, receives a lot of manuscripts every day, not to mention a small number.

Until he saw the name of the author of the manuscript—Lin Yuan.

The editor was taken aback for a moment. There are very few people in the mathematics world who don't know this name.

This is truly a rare genius.

A year ago, when she easily proved the Navel-Stoke equation in a document of less than five pages, she surprised the whole world with a deafening momentum.

Mathematicians all over the world remembered this name with unstoppable force.

Seeing this familiar name now, the editor's heart beat instantly faster. He didn't rush to open the manuscript, but quickly locked the computer and took it to the editor-in-chief's office.

As the world's top mathematics journal, there are naturally many mathematicians who have made achievements in mathematics, such as their editor-in-chief.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was only the ticking of the second hand in the whole office.

A feeling of stagnation and inexplicable depression enveloped this small office.

For some reason, the editor, who was covered in sweat, subconsciously relaxed his breathing.

He just saw that line of letters - Fermat's Last Theorem!
If this is true...

As if a century had passed, the editor-in-chief's heavy and extremely excited voice sounded, "Dennis, the world will once again be a sensation for one person."

Dennis' pupils shrank violently, and he instantly understood the meaning of this sentence.

The name of genius once again resounded throughout the world.

Well deserved, attracting worldwide attention!
A month later, on the stage of the Fields Medal, there were all the famous mathematicians sitting below it, but at this time, the dazzling light seemed to be on one person.

That is the real pride of heaven. Among a group of extremely outstanding people, she will not be covered up by half of her radiance. Perhaps, her existence is originally the brilliance itself.

At this moment, at this moment, everyone is looking in the same direction, which is the center of the stage.

Lin Yuan was dressed in simple and neat black clothes, holding a Fields Medal in his hand, and his posture was as usual, lazy, wild and arrogant.

But no one will be dissatisfied with this arrogance.

The world shines because of her.

And on the campus of Eastern Z University, which is halfway across the world, at this moment, all the students and teachers, whether they are mathematics majors in the School of Mathematics or not, are watching this live broadcast.

This scene changed the world.

Mathematics has never been a simple formula theorem, nor is it something useless in the eyes of some people.

A simple mathematical formula theorem may be the fruit of countless mathematicians who have exhausted their lives.

As far as mathematics is concerned, once formulas and theorems are established, they can be applied to all aspects.

Mathematicians can create history, and Linyuan is undoubtedly the leader at the forefront.

The people in Ye Huanke's dormitory looked at that simple but extremely dazzling person, their eyes sparkled, and their admiration was obvious.

The existence of truth itself is enough for countless people to go to that brilliant covenant one after another.

"Professor is really amazing!"

This may be the heartfelt thoughts of all Z college students who watched the live broadcast.

The auditorium that accommodated thousands of people was empty and silent, no one spoke, not a single teacher or student made a sound.

The gray-haired old professors sitting in the front all stood upright, with notes on the table and pens in their hands, watching, listening, and memorizing with serious expressions.

Pious and solemn.

They may not be able to create history, but they can follow the footsteps of their predecessors step by step to lay a solid foundation and move forward towards the truth.

It is precisely because of these famous or unknown scholars, the inheritors of human civilization, that the little stars belonging to the human race have not been annihilated until now.

Eternal, immortal.

In Linyuan, the center of the world, thousands of stars flashed through the dark eyes, countless torrents of time and space, extinction and new life quietly passed in those indifferent pupils, until the galaxy shattered and time and space reversed , also exists forever.

[To be honest, after thousands of years, the only thing that can truly be immortal is civilization itself.

But Linyuan is always an exception, she is eternal.

Eternal. 】

 I am very grateful to the evil little angel and I don’t know how many times I have rewarded it, so what? (づど)
  Thank you little angels for your votes.

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(End of this chapter)

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