I'm crazy

Chapter 499

Chapter 499
"There is a hibiscus in Tanggu, which is bathed for ten days. It lives in the water, and there is a big tree. It lives in the lower branches for nine days and the upper branches for one day."

——"Shan Hai Jing Overseas East Jing"

Under the hibiscus tree in Tanggu, ten little golden crows are playing.

"Brother! Fly slower!"

As soon as Xiao Shi was conceived, he was not yet familiar with his third foot, he could not even walk, and several of his older brothers began to fly.

Xiao Ten followed behind very hard, his cute three legs looked very cute.

The eldest brother stopped when he heard his younger brother's voice, and landed on the top of the hibiscus tree, feeling the comfortable temperature of the hibiscus tree, "Xiao Shi, take your time, don't rush."

They all have three legs, and walking is a little more difficult than ordinary monsters. It also took a long time to learn how to use their three legs to make it balance.

Little Eleven walked staggeringly.

The second child walked around the hibiscus tree a few times, and said boredly: "Brother, let's go out for a walk, it's so boring to stay here every day!"

When the other Jinwu heard this, they all turned their eyes and looked at the big brother expectantly.

The eldest brother flapped his wings and said, "No! Father told us to stay here and not go out."

It is the oldest and knows a little more than its younger brothers.

The Yao Clan is now fighting fiercely with the Wu Clan, and they have almost reached the point of endless death. Their father Di Jun, as the Yao Emperor who leads the Yao Clan, is naturally the top priority.

This is also the reason why my father put them in the soup valley.

Tanggu is safe, and their lives are guaranteed. What if they are caught by the Wu clan and threaten their father after going out?
So can't go out.

The eldest brother refused to let him go out, and the other Jinwu would not dare to challenge the authority of the eldest brother even if they wanted to go out to play.

They all fell silent.

And Xiao Ten was still struggling with his third foot.

When Lin Yuan arrived, what he saw was this scene.

A little golden crow shone with golden light tremblingly trying to stand on the ground and walk steadily, but its third foot blocked it from time to time, and accidentally bumped its feet and feet, and fell to the ground.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand and picked up the little Golden Crow.

Take it to hand and look at it carefully, the length is quite cute.

And the other nine Little Golden Crows stared blankly at Lin Yuan's movements, as if they just didn't pay attention, and suddenly such a person appeared in front of them.

And their younger brother is still in that person's hands.

The nine little golden crows became nervous instantly, flapping their wings unconsciously, and fire burst out of their bodies.

Xiao Shi, who was carried by Lin Yuan, also had fire on his body. The attribute of the three-legged Golden Crow is fire. Since birth, fire has been the most familiar and intimate to them.

The temperature on the body of each three-legged golden crow can almost turn mountains, rivers, lakes and seas into scorched earth in one breath.

But it didn't affect Lin Yuan at all.

She even felt warm and comfortable.

Seeing that their natal flames had no effect on the people in front of them, many little Golden Crows panicked, but the eldest brother quietly notified their father Di Jun, mother Xi He and others.

Di Jun in the heavenly court was holding the Hetu Luoshu and trying to calculate the secrets of the heavens, but the secrets were so chaotic that he couldn't see anything clearly.

I don't know which side is favored by the way of heaven.

Di Jun pondered deeply, his handsome face was full of solemnity.

Just when he was about to do the calculation again, his heart ached, and Di Jun's expression changed instantly.

"No, the little Golden Crow is in danger!"

Dijun's figure flashed, and he rushed towards Tanggu immediately. He chose Tanggu to breed the little Golden Crow. Firstly, he thought that Tanggu's high temperature would be suitable for the birth of the little Golden Crow. It is very dangerous for living beings, and it is safer for Little Golden Crow to stay here.

So now, who came to Tanggu?
A cold light flashed in Di Jun's golden eyes.

No matter who it is, if he dares to hurt his child, he will not let him go.

Above Tanggu, Linyuan put down the little Golden Crow he was carrying, and asked curiously, "What race are you?"

In her own world, although the chaos was annihilated and the prehistoric was born, she fell into a deep sleep not long after the prehistoric was born.

Even after waking up, he was not familiar with the creatures in the wilderness. Seriously speaking, Lin Yuan was not familiar with the wilderness on his side at all.

The only people she is familiar with are Taoist Hongjun and Demonic Ancestor Luohu.

This time I came to this prehistoric world, but by chance, I saw many races.

It was the little guys with three legs in front of them.

She also suddenly sensed the existence of these little guys, so she decided to come and find out.

The other little Golden Crows were a little afraid of this person who appeared suddenly.

Although Lin Yuan tried his best to restrain his divine power and aura, for the hot and pure three-legged Golden Crow whose father was born on the Sun Planet, the aura of this man made them feel very dangerous and terrifying.

The little golden crows subconsciously wanted to stay away.

So the little Golden Crow didn't answer Lin Yuan's words for a while, and in the end it was the eldest brother who took up the heavy responsibility of being the eldest brother, and walked out under Lin Yuan's sight: "We are the three-legged Golden Crow."

Big brother is very knowledgeable.

People in front of them can tell they can't beat them at a glance.

It has to stall for time and wait for the arrival of its father or Uncle Taiyi.

You can't confront her head-on, let alone provoke her.

"Three-legged Golden Crow?" Lin Yuan repeated softly, "It's a very appropriate name."

Now that her curiosity has been satisfied, Lin Yuan plans to leave. Although the temperature on Tanggu will not affect her in the slightest, she doesn't like it after all.

Lin Yuan turned around and was about to leave, purple light flashed in his black eyes, then he smiled lightly and said: "It seems that I can't leave."

Even after saying these words, she was still leisurely and lazy, and she didn't feel that the other party would bring her any dangerous arrogance.

As soon as Di Jun arrived in Tanggu, he sensed an extremely terrifying and terrifying aura.

It wasn't the fairy god he was familiar with in the prehistoric, and it wasn't the bad smell of the witch clan, nor was it the monster clan.

This aura is very special, like the demonic aura of the Demon Ancestor Luohu he met that time. After careful sensing, there is no difference in a trance.

But no matter what, the chilling coercion is indeed real.

Dijun's heart tightened, Hetu Luoshu was already at hand, and his whole body was full of tension and a sense of crisis as if a powerful enemy was attacking.

If you don't know whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, you must make a perfect plan.

Lin Yuan looked at the person who came, dressed in red-gold clothes, with a handsome and majestic appearance, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

It has the aura of the emperor of the family.

Di Jun looked at Lin Yuan with a calm expression, and said, "I don't know who you are?"

Dijun glanced at the ten little golden crows out of the corner of his eye, and was secretly relieved to find that they were all fine.

It's fine if nothing happens.

Lin Yuan lazily said: "I'm just a passerby."

After saying that, he turned and walked away.

The monster clan and the witch clan have mysterious auras, and the luck of the whole clan is shrouded in the way of heaven. Although Lin Yuan is not sure what the way of heaven is going to do, he can vaguely guess a little bit, and he is too lazy to get himself into trouble.

Di Jun didn't stop him, and he couldn't stop him at all.

He could only let Linyuan come and go.

No matter where you are, no matter what social environment you are in, there is only one rule that will never change, and that is - the strong are respected.

Di Jun looked at Lin Yuan's back with inexplicable eyes. There are many strong people in this prehistoric world, and some of them are indeed living in seclusion. But since he took charge of the Heavenly Court, the luck of the demon clan has risen. As the demon king, he is the direct beneficiary. His cultivation base has improved a lot, but he used the Hetu Luoshu to do the divination just now, but he couldn't figure out the origin of this person at all.

It's as if the Dao of Heaven made a move to disrupt the secrets of heaven.

Di Jun looked at the little Golden Crows and asked, "Is everything okay?"

The little golden crows all shook their heads, "Father, it's fine."

After a while, Xihe and Taiyi also came to Tanggu, and Xihe was playing with the slightly frightened little golden crows.

Dijun and Taiyi were talking about Linyuan together.

Donghuang Taiyi is quite similar to Dijun, but his temperament is different. If Dijun is a majestic demon emperor, then Taiyi is more ostentatious, with strong colors between his eyebrows and eyes.

"Don't worry, brother, I will pay attention to this person."

Di Jun patted Tai Yi on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Of course I'm worried about you."

Fortunately, there is still Taiyi, otherwise he would be even more tired.

Di Jun thought of the vague secret, and his brows were stained with a faint dark color.

I don't know what Tiandao is thinking, every time he predicts the future of the monster race, the secrets of the sky will be unclear, and sometimes, a little blood will come out, which is really not a good sign.

But his monster clan occupies the Heavenly Court, which is much stronger than the witch clan, and there is a large formation of stars in the sky. How do you look at it, those of the witch clan are not the opponents of the monster clan, why is the secret of heaven still blurred?
Linyuan left Tanggu, and continued to walk casually, familiar with this prehistoric that she was familiar with but not familiar with.

After a while, they arrived at the gathering place of the human race.

It is a great merit for Nuwa to create human beings.

Therefore sanctified.

But although the human race was created, the living environment at this time was not very good.

After all, it is now a prehistoric era, where immortals and gods are everywhere, various races stand everywhere, and liches are fighting for hegemony.

Although Nuwa created the human race and became a saint, this is also a restriction. She can no longer interfere with anything about the human race. What happens in the future depends entirely on them.

Compared with the fragile human race, any race in the wilderness is stronger than the human race.

But since ancient times, the human race is worthy of being a race favored by the heavens and the earth. No matter how difficult and terrifying the environment is, they can find a corner, and no matter how terrible and dangerous the situation is, they can still struggle to survive and reproduce.

The strong desire to survive, perseverance and wisdom are indeed unmatched by many other races.

Lin Yuan stood where she was, and someone had noticed her long ago.

But when someone came over, Lin Yuan's figure quietly disappeared in place.

She has no interest in humans.

During these years of traveling between planes, he has a very thorough understanding of creatures like humans.

Lin Yuan's figure disappeared in an instant, and those who had come before knelt down and bowed down.

33. In the Zixiao Palace deep in the chaos outside the sky, Daotong Haotian and Wanjin are taking care of little things as always.

As Daozu's dojo, and only Daozu is the master, they really don't need to do much on weekdays.

"Wanjin, hasn't Daozu retreated today?"

While staring at a fruit tree that was about to mature, Haotian said to Wanjin who was also staring at a treasure that was being refined.

Wanjin is very proficient in one mind and two tasks, "No, Daozu is still using all kinds of natural materials and treasures, I don't know what he is doing."

Speaking of this, she felt distressed.

Daozu's way of using and wasting all kinds of natural materials and treasures casually as if he didn't take them seriously is really uncomfortable, although they are Daozu's own things.

I don't know what Daozu is going to do.

Or refining something, after using so many things and taking so long, it doesn't look like it's successful.

The two were talking, when suddenly a very heavy and cold breath hit, Haotian and Wanjin stood up instantly and looked at the person coming.

Lin Yuan was too lazy to let them communicate.

In her world, she was used to coming here for 33 days, and the Taoist boys knew her, and no one dared to stop her.

Although she changed planes now, she didn't bother to pay attention to it, so she ignored it.

Not to mention it is still in the saint's dojo.

She believed that Hongjun must have sensed her breath.

With a flash of Lin Yuan's figure, he entered Zixiao Palace with great ease, and found Hong Jun who was brewing wine.

Dao Tong, who looked like two children outside the palace, looked at each other, sat down obediently and continued to stare at the things he was in charge of.

"Hongjun, is the wine I want ready?"

Although it was still a day away from the agreed time, no one cared about such trivial matters.

Daozu, who was in green shirt and wide sleeves, looked solemn and serious, and was not surprised at Lin Yuan's sudden appearance.

Hearing this, he nodded, handed Lin Yuan a gourd-shaped jug and said, "Fellow Lin Yuan, I don't know what wine is. This is brewed according to what you said, and I don't know if it suits your wishes."

Before it was opened, Lin Yuan smelled the strong aroma of wine, Lin Yuan took it, opened the cork and took a sip directly, with a wild and wanton posture, full of romantic spirit.

Looking at Lin Yuan's movements, Hongjun felt that his emotions, which had rarely fluctuated since joining the Tao, had a rare inexplicable feeling, as if his heart had become a string, being pulled by unknown things.

Daozu later realized that this emotion should be nervous.

Liquor is like the frost and snow covering everything after the collapse of thousands of mountains, like the endless rivers, lakes and seas flowing back and forth in a breath, more like the chaos of heaven and earth annihilated, and the majesty and boundlessness of the beginning of the prehistoric.

Familiar but not familiar taste.

Lin Yuan's sharp brows moved slightly, and a hint of satisfaction poured out from the corners of his eyes. The smile in his black eyes was light and true, and he said lazily: "The wine made by Hongjun is very extraordinary, I like it very much."

Hongjun, who was waiting for Linyuan's answer, was relieved. It was not in vain. He has never stopped in the past few days. Seriously studying what to do is what the person in front of him likes.

Hongjun also picked up a gourd of wine, Linyuan naturally sat down beside him, and the two drank together.

After Hongjun took a sip, he realized that the taste was so strange. Lin Yuan looked at Hongjun's slightly frowned brows, laughed and joked, "If Hongjun doesn't like drinking, don't force yourself."

As soon as these words came out, Hongjun put the gourd down neatly.

Then watching Lin Yuan drinking leisurely and lazily by himself, the two chatted a few words from time to time.

The end is that sentence, there is no such thing as a friend in the world, and there is no such thing as a happy friend.

It seems that this is the case no matter how many more worlds pass, and the only ones who can talk to her are Dao Zu Hongjun and Demon Zu Luohu.

 There is nothing like a friend in the world, and there is nothing like talking about a friend. ——(Qing) Pu Songling

(End of this chapter)

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