I'm crazy

Chapter 501

Chapter 501
Countless blood spilled from the bodies of the two Liches, and the entire Great Desolation was stained with blood in this huge catastrophe.

Every moment, countless Liches and Demons died in this catastrophe that swept across the entire prehistoric world.

Dong Huangtai held the Chaos Clock in one hand, and every time the Chaos Clock rang, it meant the death of the Wu Clan.

Di Jun's eyes were red, and Zhou Tian's star formation became more and more powerful under his unsparing control of demon power, "I want all of you witch clan to be buried with my son!"

The voice with piercing killing intent resounded through the prehistoric land.

The eyes of the Twelve Ancestral Witches were also bloodshot, and Jumang tried to keep himself awake, but under the influence of the evil karma of the lives of many monster races and the influence of the law of heaven, it was impossible to do so.

He also lost his mind, all he could see was dripping blood and countless corpses, and now there was only one thought in his mind, kill!kill!kill!

Kill all the monsters!
At that time, their Wu clan will be number one in the wild, occupying more natural resources and earthly treasures.

Among the Twelve Ancestral Witches, perhaps only Houtu has a little bit of reason, but it is useless under such circumstances.

Just as the so-called conspiracies and tricks are nothing more than jumping clowns under the absolute strength, under the catastrophe that has swept the entire prehistoric world, the power of the individual is so small.

So small that many liches couldn't even react, and died in the influence of the power of the strong.

And 33 days away, Daozu Hongjun in Zixiao Palace deep in the chaos seemed to have dao rhyme running in his eyes at this time. He watched the fight in the Great Desolate Continent from a distance, as if he had done nothing, and he seemed to have done everything.

Lin Yuan handed the little Golden Crow in his palm to Kunlun Mirror who came out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and the black clothes flickered, and that Qingling figure disappeared in place.

With a seemingly careless movement of footsteps, countless distances in time and space were crossed, and Linyuan arrived at the very center of the battlefield in an instant.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches and Emperor Juntai fought like a desperate fight. At a glance, all the liches were entangled together. Maybe a witch clan just killed a monster clan, but it may be captured by another monster clan in the next moment. kill.

A scene like purgatory.

It's almost chilling.

The frosty and snowy figure stood quietly in the nine heavens, and the cold and condensed breath permeated the space faintly. Lin Yuan watched this scene quietly, and had no intention of making a move.

Similarly, not far from her, there was also a black figure watching, it was Demon Ancestor Luohu.

Demonic energy overflowed from his body, and the strands of magical energy were the collection of all the negative things in the world.

Terror, fear, jealousy, greed, darkness...

There are so many different things.

And with the overflow of the devilish energy, invisible to the naked eye, the prehistoric land was covered by faint devilish energy, and the creatures involved in the catastrophe lost their sanity further, leaving only the consciousness of killing.

When Lin Yuan arrived, Luo Hu knew it, he walked to Lin Yuan's side, and the two stood quietly in the sky at the same time.

Luo Hu frowned wildly, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, "Why are you here?"

With a wave of Linyuan's wide sleeves, two chairs magically transformed into the air were placed in the air, and after motioning for Luo Hu to sit down, she propped her chin lazily and said, "Come and have a look."

Lin Yuan said casually, "When will this Lich Tribulation end?"

A flash of red light flashed across the eyes of Demon Ancestor Luohu, and he sat down lazily on the chair following Lin Yuan. Those eyes that seem to gather all the negative emotions in the world looked at the fight below, full of indifference and ruthlessness. Facing Lin Yuan Luo Hu raised his chin, "It should be over when all the Liches and Demons are dead."

The catastrophe of heaven and earth has never been a simple catastrophe. It is a catastrophe belonging to all living beings in the whole world. If one is not careful, it will end in death.

Just like the three thousand demon gods in the chaotic period, the annihilation of chaos is the inevitable result of the development of the world.

The three thousand demon gods either died in the hands of Pangu, or they died in fighting each other.

Luo Hu laughed and said, "The dragon, phoenix, and kylin clans did not end up being wiped out. Now that the two clans of lich and monsters might still survive."

The way of heaven will not kill them all, just like the ten little golden crows, but it is not certain how many can be kept.

Lin Yuan's clear eyebrows and eyes are like frost and snow, and that face that seems to have seized the heavens and the earth has no emotional ups and downs. She leans lazily on the chair and said lightly: "The way of heaven is indeed easy to calculate."

As soon as this sentence came out, Luo Hu who was beside him didn't react, but there was a thunderclap above the nine heavens, as if warning something.

Lin Yuan's eyes didn't move, his wanton appearance didn't pay attention to the warning from Heaven.

Luo Hu laughed when he heard the sudden thunder, "Heavenly Dao can only give a warning."

Like an irritated cat stretching out its paws, but not daring to scratch them.

It seems that this friend he made is really extraordinary, Luo Hu thought happily.

As the ancestor of the devil, he is the natural opposite of the Taoist ancestor who is in harmony with the Tao. Of course, he is the same as the Heavenly Dao.

But Tiandao can't do anything to him.

Because Taoism and demons are opposites but also twins, just like yin and yang, just like light and darkness in the world, neither of them can do without one.

If the Dao of Heaven doesn't want to be incomplete, and the world level of this side does not want to drop, then it will never be able to do anything to the Demon Ancestor.

Of course, even if you want to do it, you can't do it.

After all, the strength and cultivation of the Demon Ancestor is beyond the power of heaven.

As soon as Luo Hu's words came out, there was another thunderclap, and the lightning flashed in the sky, but it didn't mean to fall at all.

It looked like Tiandao was a little angry, but he didn't dare to do anything, he was so cowardly.

I can only helplessly warn the two people who spoke ill of it, and give it a little face.

Lin Yuan's words were just casual, but it doesn't mean that she thinks that Tiandao did something wrong.

Generally speaking, the Dao of Heaven is the law of the plane, it is the existence of the most fair and reasonable, and it will not favor any living beings. In its eyes, all the living beings in the world are just "things" living in this world, nothing more.

However, the prehistoric land was first created, and the laws were incomplete, so it was necessary for the Taoist ancestors to fit in with the Tao, so that the calamity of heaven and earth would be born.

This is the way of heaven perfecting the evolution of this world.

At the cost of prehistoric creatures.

Of course, in the eyes of Tiandao, there is nothing wrong with this.

It is not the two clans of Liches, there will be other creatures.

The occurrence of the calamity is inevitable, unless the cultivation level reaches a saint, otherwise no living being can avoid the calamity, and may be swept in by this calamity and lose their lives.

That's why it is said that under the saints, all are ants.

The way of heaven is calculating all living beings, but the two clans of liches still have their own reasons.

Just like the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn, if the two clans of lich and demon were not too arrogant, they would not be targeted by heaven.

This is the prehistoric era, the dark and disorderly era in the legends of later generations.

If you don't have enough arrogance and reckless capital, you have to keep your tail between your legs and keep a low profile, otherwise, if you are not careful, you may be calculated by the way of heaven.

The situation on the battlefield changed. The Twelve Ancestral Witches and Emperor Juntai fought for a long time. After all, they were both strong in the prehistoric world.

But under the chaotic clock of Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation and Donghuang Taiyi crazily urged by Di Jun, many of the Twelve Ancestral Witches who did not cultivate the primordial spirit but only cultivated the body have fallen.

But in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of lives died, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is so cruel.

And those fallen ancestral witches struggled with their last ounce of strength, and pulled Dong Huang Tai together to die together.


Di Jun's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, his golden eyes were all stained red, and blood and tears were falling from his eyes.

After his own child died in front of his eyes, his younger brother, who had accompanied him for countless years when he was born on the sun star, and supported him through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, died in front of him again.

The completely collapsed three-legged Golden Crow screamed sharply, enough to turn into a substantial killing intent gathered around, causing the dark clouds in the sky to change.

Obviously, it should be the three-legged Golden Crow that represents the scorching light, but at this moment it is even crazier, terrifying and darker than the demon ancestor Luohu, the demon among demons.

"You, you, all, all, want, die!"

Di Jun finished the sentence word by word, and the monstrous hatred made the rest of the Zu Wu who had already killed and lost their minds feel a chill all over.

Di Jun mobilized all his monster power, burned his primordial spirit and all his spirits, and exchanged his life for his life, restarting the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation that was destroyed just now under Zu Wu's desperate efforts.

Hetu Luoshu was beside Dijun, and under the already desperate madness, Dijun's aura was raised layer by layer, and finally reached a terrifying level.

Luo Hui looked at Di Jun who was attacking the Wu Clan, the smile on the corner of his mouth was slightly withdrawn, and he sighed: "The Demon Emperor Jun lives up to his name."

This is a born emperor.

It's a pity that he was born in the wild, and it's a pity that he didn't care about his destiny, and he could only end up regretting in the end.

Under Di Jun's premise of sacrificing himself, the remaining twelve ancestor witches also died in Di Jun's hands one by one.

As for Hou Yi who shot the sun, he was crushed to death under the wrath of the Demon Emperor as early as the beginning.

The Twelve Patriarchal Witches all fell, and Di Jun stood in the heavenly court, looking at the tragic battle situation below, his expression was neither sad nor happy, he looked at his hands, felt his rapidly dying body, and laughed loudly: "The way of heaven... ...heavenly!"

Sure enough, in the eyes of Heaven, their monster clan is nothing but something that can be sacrificed at any time, and the destiny has never favored their monster clan.

Otherwise, why would the Yaozu who have already taken charge of the Heavenly Court end up in this fate.

Di Jun's frantic and terrifying expression just now has completely subsided. He is the emperor of the monster clan, representing the monster clan, and will always be majestic.

Di Jun looked at some of the monsters who were still alive below, smiled lightly, and used up all his remaining cultivation and vitality to integrate into these monsters, providing them with the last shelter.

"Live well."

The majestic voice sounded in the prehistoric land, and then the figure that seemed to never fall disappeared instantly in the eyes of all the creatures in the prehistoric.

Jun, the demon emperor, has since fallen.


The extremely shrill voice seemed to tear apart the world, and the desperate and tragic wails of the remaining monsters made all the prehistoric creatures sigh.

This catastrophe, which covered the entire prehistoric Lich clan and involved many creatures, came to an end with the fall of the demon emperor Jun.

The thick blood that soaked the entire prehistoric land drifted around all living beings, and I am afraid that it will not disperse after several years.

The two clans of Lich and Monster are almost completely wiped out, especially the Witch Clan, who can no longer withstand the slightest blow, and will only be in a more pitiful situation than the Monster Clan.

Because there are at least some big monsters alive in the Yaozu, Nuwa is also a Yaozu, even if she becomes a saint now, she will at least protect the Yaozu a little bit.

The Witch Clan is different.

The twelve ancestor witches all died, and the demon emperor Jun even killed all the great witches at the cost of burning himself, and the witch clan had no blessing behind them.

But all of this has nothing to do with anyone else.

After the catastrophe ended, Lin Yuan stood up and said calmly, "Let's go."

Luo Hu followed behind, not worried at all that he would be sold by Lin Yuan, and just asked casually, "Where are you going?"

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Go to the Zixiao Palace in the depths of the chaos 33 days away to find Hongjun for a drink, anyway, there is nothing else to do next."

"It is."

Luo Hu nodded approvingly. After the Lich Tribulation is over, the prehistoric people will definitely have a long period of cultivation and rest. After seeing such a tragic Lich War, I believe that other races will shudder and act more restrained. It is true There is no excitement to watch.

Luo Hu followed Linyuan to find Daozu Hongjun. As for whether Hongjun would be unhappy seeing him then, that was none of his business.

After all, he came with Linyuan :)
[I saw "Journey to the West" on TV today, and I suddenly had the urge to write, but the urge is an urge, and I, a lazy guy, can't do it.But... as soon as I opened the writer's assistant, I saw the reward from the evil little angel, I...

Suddenly I feel a little guilty, I have written more than 100 million words, and I haven’t added more times, so today I wrote this impulsive short story for everyone to read, thank you all little angels, I love you^ω^ 】

Short Title - "After Wukong Becomes a Buddha"

"Master, Chang'an has arrived, and the task entrusted to me by Master Avalokitesvara has been completed. From now on, I wish Master to spread the boundless Dharma, and I hope Master will cherish it."

Sun Wukong ignored Tang Seng's hesitant expression, and drove to the Huaguo Mountain that he had been thinking about for hundreds of years.

Today, it is no longer the rebellious and self-respecting Monkey King.It understands the warmth and coldness of human feelings, it recognizes the fickleness of the world, it learns to restrain its emotions, and it becomes a "fighting and defeating Buddha" in the eyes of the world and the gods and Buddhas. It has long been unable to remember everything in the past.

But there is still a little vague memory that has always existed in its heart and never dissipated.

It vaguely remembered what happened in Huaguo Mountain. The little monkeys who couldn't even condense their magic power soon after they were born called it one after another: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

After becoming a Buddha, his mana is stronger than before, but he arrived at Huaguo Mountain in a few breaths.

This may be the only good thing!It is somewhat self-deprecating.

Sun Wukong came to an open space in Huaguo Mountain. He looked around, and after hundreds of years, the flowers and plants that were destroyed by the heavenly soldiers and generals had grown up again. The Huaguo Mountains are hidden.

Huaguo Mountain is very quiet, the kind of tranquility that makes people feel palpitations, only itself is left in the world, everything has not changed, and it seems that everything has changed, but what has changed?What has changed?Sun Wukong thought, asking himself silently.

It walked to the entrance of Shuilian Cave. The waterfall was still pouring down, and the rocks were covered with moss.

On the way to escort Tang Seng back to Chang'an, the question that it has been avoiding all the time finally has the answer inevitably. It has never realized so clearly that Huaguo Mountain is still the same Huaguo Mountain, but it is no longer what it used to be. The unscrupulous Monkey King, it should have thought of it from the moment it put on the magic spell, shouldn't it?
It touched its eyes, and the strange thing was that it was so sad, but it didn't shed a tear.

Ha, it really is a heartless monster monkey!Even after becoming a Buddha, it has not learned the so-called "compassionate heart" of those Buddhas, what an "irony"!
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"Who are you?" Sun Wukong looked at the little monkey who jumped down from the tree.

The little monkey looked at it carefully, and there seemed to be light in the monkey's eyes.

"My lord, I am the mountain guard monkey. Hundreds of years ago, after you left Huaguo Mountain, the ancestors died and walked away. Before leaving, two mountain guard monkeys were left behind. They have been passed down from generation to generation, and I am the only one left. gone."

Monkey King muttered to himself, and then repeated: "You are the only one left, you are the only one left..."

Looking at Sun Wukong's blank expression, the little monkey asked, "My lord, what should we do now?"

"Do you want to stay in Huaguoshan in the future?"

"I think. I think, this is where I was born. I don't want to go anywhere else. Your Majesty, do you want to drive me away?"

Sun Wukong looked at the uneasy look of the little monkey, and felt a slight sour feeling in his heart, "Why should I drive you away? I want you to be my follower and do things for me!"

It deliberately put on a domineering look, but thought in its heart that speaking of it now, it is the outsider of Huaguo Mountain.

Seeing the silly appearance of the little monkey, instead of getting angry because of what it said, it seemed extremely happy, and it felt a lingering gloom in its heart.

With a wave of Sun Wukong's spell, Huaguo Mountain changed into a big shape, and it turned back to the original Huaguo Mountain that was full of vitality.

On the highest point of the mountain, the flagpole of "Monkey King" was raised again, swaggering in the wind, as if it was also welcoming its arrival.

The little monkey only felt that Sun Wukong raised his finger, and Huaguo Mountain changed. It couldn't help but excitedly said: "My lord, you are so amazing!"

Sun Wukong touched the monkey's head and said to it: "Practice hard, and you can do it too."

Hearing this sentence, the little monkey clenched his fists: "I want to practice hard, and I want to be as powerful as the king."

"Okay!" This time, I will protect you and not...


"Hey, have you heard? The ancestor of Huaguo Mountain who left hundreds of years ago is back!"

"I heard that, and I confirmed it with the little monkey. It said that its ancestor intended to protect the spirits around Huaguo Mountain. Tell me, should we make a home in Huaguo Mountain?"

"Go, we haven't done anything bad, and we meet the requirements of our ancestors."

"Then let's go."

Such scenes also happened in various places around. I saw foxes, rabbits and other animals and even flowers and plants moving towards Huaguo Mountain little by little.

One day in the sky, one year in the world.

Decades have passed in a blink of an eye, Huaguo Mountain has become noisy and noisy after having ghosts, and it has a bit of what it used to be.

One day, Monkey King was drinking in the Water Curtain Cave when he saw a spirit body falling in front of him.


"Buddha? You don't teach Buddhism in your Lingshan, what's the use of coming to my Huaguo Mountain?" Sun Wukong raised his eyebrows, put down his wine glass, stood up and said to the merciful Xitian Buddha.

The Buddha of the Western Heaven looked at Sun Wukong's dissolute appearance, frowned and said, "Wukong, you should practice Buddhism in Lingshan, not in Huaguoshan, hanging out with a group of spirits."

"Buddha, when did your old man become so idle, and you still care where I, a monkey, stay?"

Seeing Sun Wukong's perfunctory and impatient expression, the Buddha of the Western Heaven said again, "Wukong, since you are a fighting Buddha and represent Lingshan, you can't be so presumptuous."

Sun Wukong smiled, "Buddha, don't play around with me anymore, I know what you are worried about! You will be your Western Heaven Buddha in your Lingshan Mountain, and I will be my Mountain King in my Huaguo Mountain. Erase my title of fighting and defeating Buddha, and I have nothing to do with you Lingshan."

"Wukong... If you insist on doing this, then you will get what you want."

The Buddha of the Western Heaven sighed, as if he couldn't bear it.

Watching the spirit body dissipate, Monkey King sat on the stone couch again, drinking with a wine glass, and sneered coldly.

Lingshan Buddha is really a Buddha with "compassion in his heart". It's hard for him to go to the world for this stubborn monster monkey. Shouldn't he be honored?
If it hadn't been for its never-relaxed practice, its mana would not be much weaker than that of Lingshan Buddha, how would he let it go so easily today?

I'm afraid it will be suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years to punish it for challenging his authority!
What is the difference between the so-called Western Heaven Buddha and the mortals he regards as ants?
It never wanted to be that kind of fighting and defeating Buddha. From the beginning to the end, it just wanted to be a monster monkey in Huaguo Mountain!

"My lord, my lord, Xiao Huahua is about to transform, come and see!"

Listening to the bluffing of the little monkey outside, Sun Wukong felt relaxed for the first time in hundreds of years, and the depression that lingered in his heart disappeared.

The sun is shining brightly, printed on the flag waving in the wind, and complementing Sun Wukong's red cape.

The sky is bright and everything is as it was at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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