I'm crazy

Chapter 510 Violence

Chapter 510 Violence

After a few days, Luo Housheng called Qi Bai directly.

"Come over here, let's make an appointment to get the divorce certificate."

Luo Housheng's voice on the phone was indifferent and full of impatience.

Qi Bai heard the words and said: "You don't need to come here anymore, just talk on the phone."

Since we are already looking at each other and hating each other, is there still a need to meet?
Luo Housheng was even more impatient, and shouted directly, "I still have something to talk to you face to face, I'm going to get a divorce right away!"

Qi Bai frowned and agreed.

In the end, the two got together again after that night, and returned to the house they had lived in for five years. Everything in it was almost moved, and it looked messy and empty, and the warmth between them was like heaven and earth. difference.

Qi Bai sat down on the sofa and said directly, "What's the matter?"

Luo Housheng took a bottle of orange juice from the refrigerator, took out two cups, washed it, poured the orange juice into it, put it on the tea table in front of Qi Bai, and sat down.

He took a sip first, and then said foolishly: "I have no objection to the divorce, but what about the money?"

Qi Bai's body was straight, elegant and decent, and he asked, "What do you mean?"

Luo Housheng raised his legs, his face was full of dissatisfaction, "Don't be sloppy with me, let me ask you, how much are you going to give me?"

Qi Bai was amused by the shameless words, "Money? You still want money?"

Luo Housheng was very thick-skinned, "Why can't I ask for money? I've been with you for five years, and I have worked hard without credit. Don't you give me some mental damage compensation, youth compensation and so on?"

Qi Bai laughed back angrily, "Luo Housheng, are you still shameless?"

She was really disgusted by Luo Housheng's disgusting and shameless appearance, and said in a cold voice: "Still with me for five years? Mental damage and youth compensation? I think you have a brain problem that needs to be treated. This For five years, you ate mine, drank mine, wore mine, and lived in mine. You never earned a penny, you just asked me for money. If we swapped our genders now, you would give birth to me. I will give you a little money for taking care of housework and serving in-laws, but unfortunately you don’t have it. What else do you do besides spending my money to enjoy, that is, I can’t even get a bite of food when I come home from get off work, a person who only knows how to eat soft food The trash still has the face to ask me for money? Who gave you the courage? Who gave you the face?"


Really hilarious.

Qi Bai could see the disgusting aspects of most men in Luo Housheng, men and women are human beings, shameless, there is no distinction between high and low.

All the same creatures.

Qi Bai was confused by nausea.

Because of the filters of the past five years, and her almost responsive attitude towards Luo Housheng, so we have been together for so long, and there is no chance for Luo Housheng to show his stinky and rotten inside. Sex doesn't make much sense.

Now that his face was torn apart, Luo Housheng no longer pretended in front of her. Qi Bai, who was facing this kind of rubbish for the first time, was really disgusted.

How shameless a person is to say such a thing?

Luo Housheng immediately lowered his raised legs, leaned forward, and said angrily, "You tell me again?"

Qi Bai turned his head to the side and didn't bother to pay attention to him. He directly took out the divorce agreement from the bag beside him and put it on the coffee table, "Will I say it again, will it change the facts?"

Her brown clear eyes stared straight at Luo Housheng, without the gentleness of the past, indifferent and sharp, like a sword piercing Luo Housheng's dirty heart, "Luo Housheng, I'm serious I really want to ask you one more time, don't be perfunctory and deceive yourself, have I ever been sorry to you in the past five years?"

Don't get me wrong, Qi Bai didn't feel any resentment when he said this, he was just curious.

She thinks that she has done the best that a wife can do, but she should not have done it, and she has done her best, so why would Luo Housheng betray her?
Is that what men are like?
Is it that disgusting?

Because of the difference in body structure, and because I like those wild flowers outside, so I want to touch the wild flowers one by one?

Qi Bai didn't understand.

But now, she doesn't need to understand.

Since Luo Housheng likes the smell of wild flowers so much, she will help them, so that no one will come to the door to cry, make trouble and hang himself, saying that she beats mandarin ducks with a club, pesters Luo Housheng and deliberately destroys the relationship between them.

Qi Bai believes that some people can really do it.

Luo Housheng's expression was choked with anger. Frankly speaking, apart from not giving birth to a son, Qi Bai really didn't treat him badly.

He gave him whatever money he wanted, without saying a word of nonsense, let alone showing any signs of looking down on him.

But the better she was, the angrier he became.

Maybe it was the inferiority complex and conceited emotions in his heart, the better she was, the more he would bring out his incompetence and waste.

Naturally, the more he looked at Qi Bai, the more he disliked her, and the more he disliked her.

As if it would bring him a little self-esteem.

But so what?

It is the original sin for a woman not to have children!

In ancient times, it would be the end of being suspended. How can you be so presumptuous like now?

Luo Housheng didn't feel that he was wrong at all, nor did he feel any guilt in his heart.

Qi Bai didn't feel sorry for him, "So what? Did you forget that you didn't give birth to me a son?"

Qi Bai was not at all surprised.

She has already deeply realized how shameless Luo Housheng is. How can such a person feel that he is wrong?
I am afraid that all their faults will be "reasonably" pushed to others to prove their innocence.

It's what they do best.

And the child, she always thought it was her own problem, that she couldn't give birth, and she felt sorry for Luo Housheng for this, but then she checked it countless times, no matter which hospital or doctor said her body was fine. problem, very healthy.

So it's pretty obvious who the problem is.

But Luo Housheng has a conceited and low self-esteem, how could he admit that this kind of thing is his own inability, she only mentioned one vaguely, Luo Housheng lost his temper, and then she didn't mention it again.

And now, her thoughtfulness turned out to be Luo Housheng's reason for attacking her?
Ha ha……

Qi Bai smiled, and there seemed to be indifference and indifference in his smile, "No, I just want you to know that you won't get anything, and you shouldn't get it."

She smiled with almost invisible contempt, slightly bent the corner of her mouth, and drew the final conclusion for this sentence, "That's all."

The wind on the coffee table seemed to be blown by a wind from nowhere. The black and white words were very beautiful, but there were five very clear characters printed on them: Divorce Agreement

The manic expression on Luo Housheng's face quickly subsided, and the two looked at each other silently, without any old feelings from the past.

Qi Bai's eyes were indifferent and flat.

And Luo Housheng is probably full of hatred and sternness that he can't wait to kill Qi Bai, and there is also a little bit of silence and cruelty that Qi Bai doesn't understand.

Qi Bai felt something was wrong, his eyelids twitched, he stood up and said: "Sign it, we will be liberated after signing."

After saying this, she felt dizzy for a while, and her standing body fell down weakly, and fell straight on the sofa.

Qi Bai didn't even say the last question.

And Luo Housheng leaned forward on the sofa, with mocking eyes, glanced at the untouched orange juice and smiled, then got up and took the divorce agreement away, put it in the shredder and shredded it clean .

He thought many times before, how to get Qi Bai's money, or let Qi Bai give him money.

But thinking about the money Qi Bai earned and the house, the more he thought about it, the more greedy he became, and the greedy desire grew faster and faster in his heart, until it directly filled his entire heart.

Qi Bai has so much money.

Why can he only ask for a little, how many days can he spend the charity-like money?
Not to mention that he has a child now, and raising a child is not something that does not require money.

He has changed his mind.

He wants all of Qi Bai's money, and all of Qi Bai's money should belong to him.

Then how can we get all of Qi Bai's money openly and aboveboard?
Luo Housheng just thought for a while, and then got the answer.

As long as Qi Bai dies, as her spouse, he will be the first in line to inherit all of Qi Bai's inheritance, because Qi Bai has no father and no mother.

Otherwise, no matter what other methods are used, they will not be able to get all the money justifiably, and it is not as simple as this method.

In a sense, killing people is indeed the simplest thing, as long as it is done properly.

Luo Housheng, who was leaning on the sofa, thought silently.

It was not as difficult as he imagined, and it was extremely smooth.

Luo Housheng put the fainted Qi Bai on the sofa, took out the tools he had prepared to hide in the house, put on his gloves, and planned to do it.

 Don't worry, the next chapter of Linyuan will come out, hehe.

  Thank you little angel Moli for your reward, thank you little angels for your votes ヾ()~
(End of this chapter)

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