I'm crazy

Chapter 516 Diary

Chapter 516 Diary
May 10, rain

I couldn't be happier.

Just thinking of her makes me raise my mouth involuntarily every time.

For the first time, I discovered that the emotion of "like" itself is such a beautiful thing.

No need to think about anything, no need to weigh the pros and cons.

I just simply and piously like her, that's all.

September 10, sunny

Today my mother called and said to let me meet a lady.

Of course I don't want to.

But my mother said my father had made an appointment for me.

I really resented my father's disrespect for my behavior.

I seriously expressed my wishes to my mother, and I already have someone I like.

I knew I wouldn't be able to be with her.

This is not a small probability event.

In mathematics, this is an impossible event.

I fell in love with her the first second I saw her, and at the same time I understood this fact.

It is impossible for me to be with her, and therefore I will not be with any woman again.

Because this is not only disrespectful to this lady, but also disrespectful to my own feelings.

My mother is always gentle, she didn't say anything, she just said yes in a gentle voice, let me go see that lady, after all, my father has already made an appointment, and I can't break the appointment easily.

I agreed to come down.

September 10, sunny

I came to the appointed restaurant.

Met the lady.

A very gentle person, well-dressed and generous, and his speech and behavior are very comfortable.

I euphemistically stated why I came here.

The lady laughed and said that she was actually forced to come here by her family.

I can't help feeling a sense of sympathy.

The lady stated that she actually already had a stable partner, but because the other party was also a lady, she hadn't explained it to her family.

This time I came here because my family said that I have already made an appointment, so it is not easy to let me go.

She really has a bright personality.

It's comfortable talking to me.

In the end, I became friends with her.

Isn't it amazing?

But I didn't tell her that I like her because it's just my own thing and I don't want to share it with anyone.

That Peach Blossom Spring is just my Peach Blossom Spring.

September 11, sunny

Today I met this lady's lady, who is also a very good lady.

We had a meal together with a friend of mine.

He seemed to have a crush on this lady, and I finally dispelled his idea tactfully but sharply.

Fortunately, it's just a little bit of goodwill.

After I grew up, I discovered that the relationship between men and women is actually very easy, and at the same time, it is also very fragile.

Feelings can change, shift and fade easily.

The old vows and sweet words will soon turn into a mess with a miserable end.

Perhaps people have the instinct to love the new and dislike the old in their bones.

My mother likes to read novels, and I also read some with my mother when I was young.

I also saw the kind of emotion described in the novel.

I once thought it was impossible.

I ended up breaking my own point of view myself.

September 11, sunny

It is too cold in winter.

I took my mother on vacation abroad.

Put the company's affairs aside for the time being.

After all, there are so many employees here, and the company will never go bankrupt after I take a few days off.

The sun on the beach is very warm, and the clear water makes people relax in an instant.

I thought of her again.

After so many days, there is still no progress.

But I'm not anxious at all.

Maybe it was because I knew it was impossible from the beginning, but I calmed myself down.

I like this kind of liking for her.

December 11, snow

This is the first winter snow this year.

The white snow was swirling one after another, burying the whole world into the white world.

Inexplicably, I feel that she will like snow very much.

I'm a little embarrassed.

Am I overthinking myself.

But this seems to be a very strange intuition, I subconsciously feel that she will like Xue.

Because she also has the coolness of frost and snow on her body.


I went out and built a snowman.

They are almost 30 years old, why am I still so naive?
But the upturned corners of the mouth expressed my joy very differently from my appearance. I was really happy to make a snowman.

It's like suddenly turning into a three-year-old child.

I ordered the snowman's nose made of black pearls, and whispered in my heart, you are so ugly.

Yes, my snowman doesn't look good at all.

Maybe my talent didn't shine in making snowmen, so that my mother laughed when she saw it, and then she built one herself.

I found that my mother seemed to be getting smaller too.

Her mood has also improved a lot during this time.

Is it because of her?
Because of the love I like, I am happy and joyful, so that my mother, who is always worried about me, is also relaxed.

I'm really really happy.

In the end, I took a photo of the snowman with a camera, locked it in a confidential album with several layers of encryption, and then printed out a photo.

There's something in the box I've treasured since I was a kid.

The immortal flowers I made, the photos and things I developed that have nothing to do with her but are closely related.

Love is such a wonderful thing.

Looking at these obviously insignificant things, my heart is like a spring breeze, and peach blossoms are in full bloom.

I know it's all because of her.

December 12th, Xiaoxue
My stubborn and unlovable father finally gave up his plan to force a marriage.


Of course I know why.

Because he can't control me now.

I don't like business, but it doesn't mean I'm not good at it. On the contrary, I can do well in the field of money capital, but I still don't like it.

I am no longer a child.

He no longer has the capital to control me, nor can he pose any threat to me.

So he had to compromise.

But I also have to raise an heir, and of course I won't have children of my own.

I'm not going to marry anyone, and I don't want to have a child of my own by other means.

Fortunately, the population of my family is not withered, and there are many children in the side branches. I can slowly choose a suitable heir.

December 12, snow

Today is Christmas.

Since that day, I suddenly found myself paying special attention to every festival.

Whether it is a national holiday or not.

It's not like before, except for the statutory holidays for employees, I'm either tending my flowers or reading books to keep fit, or I'm dealing with company affairs.

Christmas is of course not a holiday.

But it doesn't prevent the employees in the company from looking forward to it.

Almost everyone has a red apple in their bag or on the table, beautifully packaged.

Naturally no one put it on my desk.

Although I have a good temper on weekdays, I am still very strict at work, and they dare not let go even if they want to.

I put down the documents in my hand, put on my clothes and went out.

The secretary was a little surprised that I got off work so quickly today.

I simply said that I will leave work early today and let the employees go to rest.

Although the secretary's happiness was well concealed, it was also obvious.

I suddenly remembered that she had a boyfriend who had been dating for a year, and the two were said to have a very good relationship.

I have never asked about the emotional life of employees.

But today, somehow, I suddenly thought of this place.

It was rare for me not to ask the driver to drive, and I took the subway by myself once, because the rush hour was staggered, and there were not many people in the subway.

I came to a park, the park was well greened, and I sat on a chair for just ten minutes, and saw four or five couples walking past my eyes.

Looking at these couples who behave intimately and invisibly reveal their intimacy and sweetness, I don't feel any envy.

I just suddenly figured it out.

Why did I suddenly pay attention to various festivals.

Because I have expectations.

Looking forward to spending the holiday with her.

I slowly watched this scene of lights in the world, with joy and anticipation lurking in my heart.

I got up and stood up.

...I saw her! ! !

September 12, sunny

I didn't go to work.

I can't really control my emotions.

I actually met her again...

I never believed in any gods, but since I met her, I feel like I have faith.

I believe in her.

I have found my only god.


I was so excited that I couldn't calm down for a long time.

I thought I should never meet her again.

The moment I saw her, I froze in place, I was at a loss, my legs seemed to be frozen and I couldn't move an inch.

My expression is still calm.

Because since I was a child, the more nervous I am, the calmer I am.

However, I have lived for nearly 30 years, and apart from her, I have not encountered any stressful things.

I do not know what to do……

I seemed to lose all reflexes in an instant.

She is almost out of my sight.

My heart shuddered, and I immediately stepped up to catch up.

I lost my composure, not like an elegant gentleman, but more irritable and restless like a young boy.

I feel very annoyed.

I stood still in front of her, and I finally got a serious look at her face.

But what I noticed the first time was her temperament.

Qingling is lazy, like a lotus in snow.

Shen Yuan is dark, like a star in the night.

Some people, what you see at first glance is not her face, but her temperament.

Her eyes are very black, almost completely dark black, and there seems to be frost and snow in the eyes that will never melt for a lifetime.

Indifferent and ruthless, wanton at will.

Those unfathomable eyes looked at me lazily, as if to say, what's the matter?
Before I could speak, I immediately noticed that she was only wearing a black windbreaker.

I almost immediately wanted to take my clothes off for her, but I couldn't.

I asked her softly, can I go to the restaurant and talk while eating?
She readily agreed.

There was an indifferent indifference between her eyebrows and eyes, and the whole person was lazy and arrogant.

I was even more excited.

Can't control the slightest.

I went to a restaurant with her, one I often go to, and the chef there is good at cooking.

The temperature in the restaurant is suitable, so I took off my down jacket.

She stared at the snow scene outside with her chin propped up and didn't speak. I knew she was too lazy to speak.

Even though it was only the second meeting, I seemed to be very familiar with her already.

I was silent for a while too.

When facing her, my actions are always so panicked, my words are always so pale and clumsy.

I do not know what to say.

I don't have any ability to meet people or have any experience with people other than business partners.

Especially with her.

Maybe my unease was too obvious, she sensed it.

She turned her head and looked at me with those black eyes, and said in a voice like the sounds of nature, what's the matter with you?

I am very depressed.

I don't have those delusions, my only desire is to know her and be a friend who can talk to her.

But at first, I screwed up.

I want to introduce myself to her gracefully and gentlemanly, and become friends with her naturally.

But I didn't do it.

I can't go on like this anymore.

I unfolded my most gentle and sincere appearance, and said to her sincerely but nervously, I want to be friends with her.

Yes, I said it straight.

Forgive me for being so powerless and clumsy.

I speak frankly and earnestly of my sole purpose.

I was restless, straightened my body, and waited for her sentence without daring to blink.

I'm afraid I'll never be this nervous again in my life.

Then, I saw her smile.

The frost and snow melted slightly, and Shen Yuan was the first to die.

That is the beauty that my barren language cannot describe.

I saw her eyebrows raised slightly, and the fingers propping her chin casually tapped on the table a few times, and then said, interesting.

I don't know if she agrees or not.

But I understand that at least she doesn't hate to resist me.

In the short half hour I spent with her for the second time, I seemed to understand.

I shouldn't be able to be her friend.

The kind of best friend.

But I'm not depressed.

Because at the first glance, I knew that she and I were people from two worlds.

If there is really a god in this world, it might be her.

I don't expect to be her best friend.

I wish I could know her, I could talk to her.

Occasionally, you can simply chat and play.

Just like the friendship between gentlemen.

This is the best ending I can think of.

I don't find my thinking humble or anything like that.

I just know it.

I had a restaurant meal with her.

God forbid, the restaurant I eat at has a good chef and she seems to like it.

This is how I discovered one of her hobbies.

She likes good food.

During this interval, I chatted with her casually, and she was always casual and lazy.

I've never been more grateful to my stubborn father than I was at that moment.

When I was young, he forced me to learn a lot. Fortunately, I still like to read books, so that I don’t say I am proficient in her casual topics, but I can pick up a little bit.

I deeply realized that learning is an important and beautiful thing.

I didn't really talk to her much.

Mostly I was talking, I don't know if she listened, but sometimes she would reply lazily.

We ate for about half an hour.

When she finally left, I wanted her contact information.

I was still terrified.

I'm afraid it's just a dream.

I don't know when I became so vulnerable.

Again I regretted not driving so I could drive her home.

But in a blink of an eye, if I drove here, wouldn't it be possible that I wouldn't be able to run into her.

The consequences are too dire.

Finally, I got her contact information carefully and earnestly.

I am so happy.

I'm really happy.

I have never been happier in my life.

 This plane is to use the diary and No.1 to write about an unnamed person's love for Linyuan.

  True liking is actually a very beautiful thing, no matter whether the other party responds or not, whether it is possible for both parties.

  Like itself is very joyful, I want to express such a theme? (Actually, I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know if little angels don't like it.)
(End of this chapter)

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