I'm crazy

Chapter 70 The God of Learning

Chapter 70 The God of Learning
"Hurry up! How do you solve this problem?"

"Can you leave me alone? I haven't finished memorizing my history yet! Go ahead and I'll tell you later."

"I'll go, then you do your work first, and I'll take a look."

The monthly exam that was "anticipated" by the students has finally arrived. Classes [-] and [-] of high school have now turned on the massacre mode, the kind that kills one thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred.

Hang Quan no longer cared about the question of whether he was afraid or not. Obviously, getting good grades in the exam and improving a few places were more important to him.

"Lingshen, can I ask you a few questions?"

Hang Quan stood in front of Lin Yuan holding the paper and draft paper, and asked cautiously.

Lin Yuan put the books on the table aside and motioned Hang Quan to put down the papers.

"Which questions do you not know?"

Hang Quan bent over and said, "The last two questions of the multiple-choice question and the second sub-question of the last big question."

As we all know, whether it is mathematical physics or chemistry papers, the difficulty is gradual.

The multiple-choice questions are generally difficult in the last few questions, and the second small question in the big question is also a hurdle for many students.

Lin Yuan glanced at the title, this paper was bought by Hang Quan himself, not issued by the school teacher, as the top [-] in his age, Hang Quan's attitude towards learning can be seen, in front of so many papers, he can still buy it himself, I really have to admire it!
【Master, you can buy it too! 】

"No, what the teacher sent is enough for me."

She doesn't like making papers, why buy so many!Besides, all changes remain the same, and she is a genius who can't use the Sea of ​​Questions tactics.

Kunlun Mirror: [...Master, you are still so narcissistic. 】

Lin Yuan drew an auxiliary line on the geometric figure, and then asked, "Can it be made now?"

Hang Quan: "..."

Linshen, I'm really not a top student like you!
Please, can you tell me a little bit more.

Very straightforward expression.

Lin Yuan turned his pen and explained: "This auxiliary line is already very clear, you do it yourself first, and I will explain it if you can't do it."

What you understand is easier to remember and understand than what others explain.

Hang Quan nodded, stood aside and looked at the problem seriously, thinking about the solution.

After thinking for a while, he came up with an idea, but it was still not very clear, and the final result was still unsolved. Hang Quan told Lin Yuan a little bit about his thoughts.

Lin Yuan said: "The train of thought is correct, but we took a detour halfway, look..."



Hang Quan let out a long breath.

The deskmate heard a voice saying, "What's wrong?"

Hang Quan admired: "Sure enough, Linshen is Linshen! No matter how difficult the question is in my eyes, Linshen can do it at a glance, and after Linshen's explanation, I don't think there will be any problems with this type of question in the future."

Although Linshen's strength is already very clear, every time he feels it again, he is still involuntarily surprised.

The deskmate was writing an English composition, and said, "What's so surprising about this, how did you get the title of Dang Linshen!"

Having said that, Hang Quan remembered those exams in the first year of high school again.

Linshen was transferred in the second half of the first semester of senior high school, and just in time for the final exam. In that exam, Linshen directly beat the previous senior first by more than 100 points, and became a saint with a score infinitely close to the full score. A man of the hour in Zhe High School.

Of course, Linshen has not been called Linshen just because of this test alone. Here comes the important point. In the following various Mathematical Olympiad English composition competitions, Linshen will be the first every time. There is no way to shout loudly.

The status in the hearts of teachers and students in the whole school has risen in a straight line, and since then, the title of Linshen has begun to spread.Up to now, it has been the default title of Sage, including the headmaster.

Under the "can't wait" of everyone, the monthly exam finally started.

The three-day exam made the students of the second grade of senior high school thinner and depressed. They all looked like flowers that had been destroyed, hanging there in one breath!
Although there is the key point of facing the gods, I feel that I have done well in the exam this time, but for the students, the exam is really not something to be happy about.

Even Linyuan is the same, because the exam means that she has to arrive at school on time, the point is that she can't write the answer directly for the big questions, she must write out the steps to solve the problem, otherwise she will not get points.

It's a bit...annoying!

"Cheer me up! The exams are over, you can have fun, everyone looks like they haven't slept for ten days!"

Limbaugh clapped his hands on the podium.

"Old Ban, the exam process is over, but the ending hasn't come out yet!"

"That's right, old class, if the ending hasn't come out, no matter how tragic and tragic the process is, it's not worth mentioning."

"So, old class, have your grades come out yet?"

The students at the bottom were lying on the table weakly.

Lin Bo wondered, "What's the matter? Do you think you hate announcing your grades the most? I hope that the sooner the better, it will let you dream again. Why are you rushing to ask for your grades this time?"

Not right!

As the class monitor, Hang Quan explained to Lin Bo on behalf of the whole class.

"Old Ban, have you forgotten the good news you were going to tell us that day?"

The students below responded one after another. They left after announcing the transfer students that day, and the good news that they said they would announce to them disappeared. Got it, so it is indispensable to crusade against the old class.

The students who knew the truth secretly covered their mouths and laughed.

Lin Bo looked dazed, and he remembered it after a while, and said with a smile: "Students, the teacher is getting old, please forgive me!"

Then he suddenly realized: "You say that, and you are acting like this again, it seems that you have known it a long time ago, right?"

"That's right, old class, if you tell us, you don't know that you will have to wait until the year of the monkey!"

"The masquerade is over, and we may not get the news."

Lin Bo laughed and scolded: "Although I admit that I have a bad memory when I'm old, is my memory bad to that extent?"


Qi Qiying and Jia Tucao.

"You little bastards!" Limbaugh didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Okay, since you guys are looking forward to it so much, let's announce the results this time!"

Lin Bo took out the transcripts pressed on the desk and began to read them one by one.

"Linyuan, 740 seven points!"

"Damn it! How did you get this exam!"

It was like adding a drop of water to the frying pan, and the atmosphere instantly boiled up, and the rustling and chattering voices of the professor rang out in the quiet professor just now.

Lin Bo said it three times before he slowly calmed down. Even so, there were still some students whispering to the people around them.

For students, the most important thing is grades, even the rich second generation is no exception. Although they have heard such grades countless times, the surprise and admiration of the students are still the same as before.

They said that this is their respect for Linshen from the bottom of their hearts, and it is not that they have never seen the world.

Limbaugh nodded, tried his best to restrain himself, but still smiled wrinkled all over his face.

"Student Linyuan was only deducted three points for the Chinese composition, and the rest are full marks. Everyone should learn from Linyuan!"

After being happy, I still don’t forget to use it to motivate other students. Lin Bo is really a good teacher in the new era!
The voices sounded one after another, if the gap is not big, there will be jealousy, but if there is a big difference, then there is no room for this kind of jealousy, only admiration and admiration.

"Bai Wennan, 670 points!"

This is the difference between a god of learning and a master of learning!A full difference of more than 70 points, let alone these scumbags!
The matter of reading grades was made by Limbow like going to war to boost morale before the war, and his little heart was completely raised.

Silently muttering, the next one is him, the next one is him!
Why is it not him? He feels that he did well in the exam this time!Why not!

Mingming was dying of anxiety in his heart, but he still had to put on an expression of indifference and indifference on his face. How did everyone come to have a little bit of acting skills, which was forced out when he was a student.

"Shu Pan, 450 points!"

Shu Pan couldn't believe it, how could it be possible, her grades have always been very good, and she has never under [-], what's going on this time?

This is impossible, is the examination paper wrong!
Knowing Shu Pan's previous grades, Lin Bo comforted him, "This time the papers are more difficult, and it's normal for the grades to drop. In fact, the teachers for Sage's papers are all written by the teachers themselves, which are different from what you used to do. , take your time and work hard!"

Sage is an aristocratic school, so the teachers hired are naturally high-level, even the professors. Usually, the papers used by Sage students are all written by Sage’s teacher, except for the materials bought from outside. It is more flexible. , so the first exams of the students who are generally recruited are not ideal.

Oh!Except Linshen.

But Shu Pan didn't listen, and she fell into a heavy blow. Originally, she joined Shengzhe because Shengzhe had good conditions and could give her various subsidies that public schools could not match.

In the past few days, I have seen these students among the sages, their grades are obviously not as good as hers, and they are useless, but relying on their family background, they act recklessly, eat and drink, why not!
God is so unfair!
The life of a real upper-class person has had a great impact on Shu Pan, an ordinary person. In the past few days, she has not studied hard at all, and she is full of jealousy and injustice. How can her grades be good?
But she obviously didn't think or didn't realize that it was her own problem.

The results have been announced, and then, the most exciting part comes.

Lin Bo looked at the green eyes below and wanted to laugh. He coughed a few times, and then said, "This time, our class passed the exam of Yucheng's second and third class!"


I don't know who breathed a sigh of relief, and then pretended to be disdainful: "I knew it, how could we lose if we have Linshen!"

Brother, let's swallow your breath first before we talk!
They were all talking disdain and indifference, but the students in the second and third classes of high school were secretly relieved. If they failed the key points of Linshen painting, they would really be ashamed.

"This time the school entrance exam..."

Before the students were relieved, Lin Bo began to increase his moves again.

 Thank you for just wanting to watch Xiaotianwen and eating cookies, cute tickets *^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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