I'm crazy

Chapter 77 The God of Learning

Chapter 77 The God of Learning
The Kunlun mirror was wronged: 【Master...】

Forgot about the mirror.

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "What? You can't drink Fuyin wine, and you didn't suffer from the battle just now."

The Kunlun mirror was wronged, miserable and miserable, and it also knew that it had made trouble for no reason.

But the master treats the dragon so well, it will inevitably feel hesitant, will the master dislike it?Will it be abandoned?

Lin Yuan sighed slightly in his heart, and said, "Come here."

When the Kunlun mirror flew in front of her, he raised his hand and tapped the mirror lightly, "Good boy."

With one word, the Kunlun mirror became quiet.

Master, she will never know what kind of magic power she possesses, Kunlun Mirror thought to herself.

Let people live and die for it!
Willingly surrender to her.

Drink the floating sound at the top of Kunlun, and then lean on the rock and look at the stars and the universe with the Kunlun mirror.

Looking at Lin Yuan, he almost fell asleep. Although he slept in Kunlun Mountain as a demon, nothing happened, and he didn't feel like he was directly transformed into a prototype for convenience when he was in chaos.

It may be that after staying in the human world for a long time, Lin Yuan also fell in love with sleeping on a comfortable bed, so he finally returned to the apartment.

Early the next morning, Lin Yuan woke up early, and for her, she went to the classroom early.

There are two math classes this morning, and their old class is going to another school for inspection, so today these two classes are entrusted to Lin Yuan.

If you want to ask why other teachers are not allowed to come, just kidding, the good resources are placed in your own class!
Linyuan's lectures are better than all of Shengzhe's teachers, so of course he doesn't need to ask others.

And why did Lin Yuan agree? Naturally, Lin Bo agreed that Lin Yuan would not have to do her homework this semester.

It's really a good deal to exchange two classes for half a semester's homework.

As expected of a demon god.

In the classroom, Wu Gao was gathering with his classmates to discuss the "mysterious man" last night.

"Hey, tell me, who is it!"

Wu Gao looked at Yu Cong who was writing and drawing in his notebook trying to solve the case, and said anxiously.

A group of students around shook their heads in distress.

"Have it!"

Yu Cong yelled, and everyone surrounded him, asking hurriedly, "Why, what's the matter?"

"Have any idea? Tell me!"

"Yu Cong, you are really amazing!"

Yu Cong said proudly, "Of course, who am I? I'm a famous sage who knows everything."

At this time, Hang Quan, who didn't know what he had scribbled on the paper for a long time, said: "Oh, stop praising yourself, tell me, what news do you have?"

As soon as Hang Quan said it, the people around him also urged him.

Yu Cong waved his hands, put one hand on his hips, pointed to the notebook on the table with the other, and said, "Look, this is the result of my whole night's research."

Everyone lowered their heads and looked at the various messy ghost symbols on the notebook: "..."

Wu Gao scolded with a smile: "You baby, who can understand it, don't be tricky, tell us yourself!"

Yu Cong stroked his invisible beard, looking like an expert, he shook his head and said, "According to my research on the sky at night, this person must be my student of sage philosophy!"

Everyone: "..."

Wu Gao stretched out his hand and pointed his fingers heavily on his forehead, "I'll fuck you!"

As soon as Hang Quan moved his pen, the tip of the pen scratched a section of the paper. Looking at the paper that was divided into two halves, Hang Quan threw the pen on the table and sighed secretly, well, this paper is officially scrapped.

Here, the "revenge" belonging to the students has just begun.

Yu Cong struggled to avoid the "energy attack" arriving from all directions, panting and explained: "That's all I know, how can you be so angry!"

Everyone: "You are still a villain and sued first!"

Any fool knows that that person is definitely a student of Sage! ! !

Sage's management of students may not be too strict, but it is precisely because there is absolutely no accident in Sage's school, so for the inspection of people from other schools, mosquitoes that are not from the school cannot fly in.

Not to mention that there was going to be a masquerade party last night, and it was even more important to prevent those who are interested in taking advantage of the chaos, so Shengzhe mobilized two-thirds of his power last night.

How could someone from outside come in under such circumstances!
Everyone was almost pissed off.

This guy Yu Cong brags all day long that he is a know-it-all, Bai Xiaosheng, but it's useless at critical moments!
A big drama of you chasing me is about to be staged in the classroom.

At this time, Xia Deng, who was sitting by the door, lowered his voice and said urgently: "Sit down quickly, don't make trouble, Linshen is here!"

"Prominent God is here!"

"Prominent God is here!"

"Hurry up!"

The news of Linshen's arrival was like locusts crossing the border, but it spread to the whole classroom in just a few breaths.

Those who eat, those who turn on the sound effects of their mobile phones and play games, etc. start to move at the speed of light, but in the blink of an eye, the table is cleaned up.

If you ignore their desk positions...

Lin Yuan walked in, and instead of going to sit down and sleep as usual, he walked to the podium and put the paper in his hand on the podium.

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Lin Yuan said slowly: "The old class is asking for advice today, and I will take the two math classes in the morning, and I will be the class teacher for a day by the way."

After hearing this, all the students suddenly... feel bad!
Sure enough, the next moment, Linshen's indifferent and clear voice sounded.

"Although I'm the head teacher for a day, everyone knows that I'm lazy..."

Now Lin Yuan can directly and confidently speak out about her laziness without making any excuses.

Lin Yuan glanced at the crowd huddled into quails below, as ruthlessly as cold wind sweeping fallen leaves.

"So I hope everyone will be more conscious. I have always believed that everyone can do it, and I am full of expectations for everyone."

Talking and laughing, everyone trembled again.

"But it seems that everyone doesn't want to work together to get through this day!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was wronged, and they didn't do anything!Why does Linshen think that they don't want to cooperate well.

This is worse than Dou E!
A light swipe of the fingertips on the lecture table is a faint imprint.

Lin Yuan said: "Why, do you still feel wronged?"

Everyone nodded silently.

"Hang Quan."

Undistinguished voice.

Hang Quan stood up tremblingly.

Before Hang Quan was ready mentally, the death penalty had already been handed down.

"It's been so many minutes since the class, the blackboard hasn't been wiped, the garbage hasn't arrived, and the dust on the desk is flying. Why, is it reasonable?"

Smiling no longer, Lin Yuan looked at the crowd below and said casually.

No trace of anger or reprimand could be heard, but this made everyone, including Hang Quan, tremble, as if their hearts were about to stop.

Hang Quan pursed his lips and wanted to explain, but he couldn't say a word. It was indeed his negligence.

If it was the old class standing on the stage, maybe Hang Quan would apologize and explain, but now it was Linshen standing on the stage, and he was afraid that if he said one more word, Linshen would be even more disappointed in him.

The imprint on the fingertips made Lin Yuan feel uncomfortable, and finally, under the eyes of everyone praying, he said lightly: "Give you 5 minutes, arrange someone to clean it up, I don't want to see this situation again, do you understand?"

Hang Quan nodded anxiously, afraid that Linshen would take back what he had said if he was a second late.

 Thank you for the votes of little angels and little angels who just want to watch Xiaotianwen eat cookies*^_^*
(End of this chapter)

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