The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 110 Increased Game Difficulty

Chapter 110 Increased Game Difficulty
The blade lights on both sides collided together, terrifying energy exploded between the two, and the flowing air waves swept all directions.

In an instant, everyone's eyes blurred.

All people and objects within a radius of [-] meters were blown away, and even trees more than ten meters high were uprooted.

The scene of the residual slope is like the end of the world.

After a long time, the hustle and bustle stopped.

Little Liu Chan was surprised to find that within a radius of [-] meters, there was no complete piece of land except under his own feet.

In front of him, there was an illusory ghost using his body to prop up a barrier.

If there is no Zhong Kui, he must die in this terrifying shock wave.

Zhao Yun swung his spear in the air, breaking the energy wave and protecting the ordinary soldiers behind him.

When he raised his head, the whole person was shocked.

I saw Jiang Ming and Xiahou Dun facing each other silently in the ruins, not saying a word, but there seemed to be thousands of words hidden in their chilling eyes.

"Little friend Jiang Ming and Xiahou Dun are even tied, it's unbelievable!"

Zhao Yun couldn't believe it.

He can also do this, but he has been practicing for more than [-] years, and Jiang Ming's age is at most ten years!
At Jiang Ming's age, he has just entered the diamond rank, and he has already been praised as a one-of-a-kind cultivation genius.

So here comes the question, what should Jiang Ming's cultivation talent be called?

Unparalleled genius?No one in a billion?

Zhao Yun was extremely shocked. If he found out that Jiang Ming had only traveled through time for less than a year, he would probably say shit out of his mouth.

"Platinum two ranks, diamond one combat power, who are you, Liu Bei's hidden power?"

Xiahou Dun stared at Jiang Ming with an indescribably heavy look in his eyes.

Warriors with Diamond One are the strongest fighters under the lord of any country in Wei, Shu and Wu. The number of fighters at this level can determine the direction of the battle.

"You can think of it this way, I'm here to maintain peace in one-third of the land, and I will never allow Cao Cao to destroy other people's homes."

Jiang Ming had a righteous face, but what he was thinking in his heart was: I am here for peace, yes, for peace, I will not admit that I am a shit-stirring stick thrown by Wu Zetian.

"What do you know about peace? What I believe Cao Cao to do is the real peace!"

Xiahou Dun sneered, and then gave Jiang Ming a look of hatred.

It's all because of this man who ruined the master's plan!

Now the opponent has three diamond-level fighters, Liu Chan has been snatched away, and he has no chance of snatching it back.

It doesn't make any sense to stay here.

"Zhao Zilong, you are lucky, we will compete next time."

Xiahou Dun's face was cold, and he led the remaining Wei army away.

Looking at Zhao Zilong who was unmoved, Yunying said anxiously: "Hey, he is about to run away, why don't you chase after him!"

Zhao Yun shook his head lightly: "So what if he catches up, we can't kill him."

"What do you mean by that, he is an enemy, why can't he be killed?"

Yunying looked puzzled, and Jiang Ming was also puzzled.

The two looked at Zhao Zilong at the same time, only to hear the latter say indifferently: "He is one of Cao Cao's favorite generals. If we really kill him, we will definitely be attacked by the Wei State. The current Shu State is not qualified to follow him." We need time to replenish our strength for Wei Guo to fight against each other."

Jiang Ming fell silent when he heard this.

What Zhao Zilong said is quite right, the strength of Wei State is enough to compete with the two countries of Shu and Wu, if Cao Cao loses his love, his eyes will turn red, Shu State will not be able to bear his anger.

"If Shu and Wu unite, can they defeat Cao Cao?" Jiang Ming asked.

Zhao Zilong frowned and said, "The Shu-Wu alliance can only protect itself, but it can't achieve victory."

"Huh? Wei Guo is really so powerful?"

Yunying opened her mouth in surprise.

"You don't know, Cao Cao also found two helpers."

Zhao Zilong paused for a moment, and said solemnly: "Dragon organization and blood clan."

Blood clan Jiang Ming knew about it, and even killed some with his own hands.

This thing is simply monstrous, even if an 80-year-old man is transformed into a blood race, his strength can be compared to a golden warrior.

However, the manufacture of blood races requires special pills, so it is difficult to form a large scale in terms of quantity.

And I haven't heard that there are blood clans above diamonds. Generally speaking, it is a bit troublesome, but it can be carried.

As for what the hell is that dragon organization?

Jiang Ming expressed his doubts.

Zhao Yun explained: "The Dragon Organization is the most powerful mercenary organization in the third place. Both Xiahou Dun and I used to be the leaders of the Dragon Organization. Besides the two of us, the Dragon Organization also has another Diamond Warrior. I guess he He also joined the Wei army camp."

Wei Jun has one more diamond fighter, and the task is more difficult, but it is barely acceptable. . .Jiang Ming thought to himself, and heard Zhao Yun continue to say: "There is even worse news. The leader of the blood clan, Xu Fu, has been promoted to Xingyao Warrior. If he appears in the third place in person, we can say that we are defeated."

Fuck, trough, trough! ! !
Here comes another Xingyao warrior!
Jiang Ming was startled.

This shit is not letting people play!

With his current combat strength, there are almost no opponents below Xingyao, even Zhao Zilong and Xia Houdun can fight to a tie.

But facing Xingyao Warrior, he was discouraged.

The difference between Xingyao and Diamond is not just a rank, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

It is no exaggeration to say that a star warrior can sweep all Diamond Ones in one-third of the land.

It is precisely because of the huge gap in this step that there are more than 20 diamond fighters in one-third of the land, while there are only three Xingyao warriors, and without exception, they are the three kings.

The reason why Jiang Ming took this task was because Wu Zetian told him that Liu Bei and Sun Ce were enough to fight against Cao Cao, and he didn't need to face the attack of Xingyao warriors. Now that Xu Fu stepped in, he doubted whether he should run away decisively. Life matters.

"Brother Jiang Ming, you will stay and help us defeat the bad guys, right?"

When Jiang Ming was hesitating, little Liu Chan tugged at the corner of his clothes and looked at him eagerly.

His eyes were full of trust and longing, as if Jiang Ming was the most reliable man in the world.

This. . .Jiang Ming was in a dilemma.

Can I say that I have more energy than energy, Xingyao level battles are really not something I can get involved in.

Even if he stepped in, he couldn't change the situation of the battle, but there were only two more corpses - him and Yunying.

At this moment, a warm force flowed through his body, and his aura suddenly rose.

Jiang Ming, advanced to Platinum [-]!
Clenching his fist in surprise, Jiang Ming felt the surging power of Pangbo in his body.

After being promoted, he is still not an opponent of Xingyao warriors, but facing Xu Fu, a warrior who has just been promoted to Xingyao Wu, he can retreat unscathed if he can't beat him.

And Cao Cao had Liu Bei and Sun Quan to deal with it, that is to say, even if the mission failed, he would not be killed.

Then why hesitate.

He said righteously: "Of course, Brother Jiang Ming is an envoy of peace, and he hates such bullying!"

"Oh, that's great, I knew Brother Jiang Ming was the best!"

Liu Chan cheered loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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