The beginning of the king guards the Great Wall

Chapter 126 The Phantom Thief Girl Sun Shangxiang

Chapter 126 The Phantom Thief Girl Sun Shangxiang

"Brother Jiang Ming, what's going on here?"

Zhuge Liang Shanshan came late, just missed the scene where Jiang Ming crushed the Japanese pirates' skulls. He frowned tightly when he saw the blood all over the ground and dozens of warriors with blood-stained hands on the opposite side.

Jiang Ming looked directly at the Japanese pirates, as if there were flames burning in his eyes, and said loudly: "The Japanese pirates slaughtered my compatriots in mainland China, what do you think, Brother Zhuge, should they be killed?"

Zhuge Liang's pupils twitched suddenly, and it turned out that these warriors were Fusang Japanese pirates.

"It should be killed, 1 should be killed!"

Zhuge Liang gritted his teeth.

Although this is not the Kingdom of Shu, one-third of the land is originally one. Wei, Shu and Wu each compete for supremacy based on their own abilities, and the people of Fusang will never be allowed to clamor here.

"Baga! You lowly mainlanders, how dare you kill the noble Fusang warrior, Nishine!"

A Japanese pirate spoke bird language that Jiang Ming could not understand, and slashed at him with a knife.

Jiang Ming slapped him hard, twisted his mouth, and cursed: "Damn, what are you talking about? Don't you know that the whole world is speaking Chinese?"

Clap, clap, the big mouth twitches in turn.

The Japanese pirates cried bitterly and wailed: "Ya Butterfly, Yay Butterfly..."

Benefiting from studying alone late at night in his previous life, Jiang Ming understood this sentence.

But even more excited.

The pirate leader couldn't stand it anymore, looked at Jiang Ming angrily, and said in broken Chinese: "You, stop working, otherwise, I will let you die."

Jiang Ming looked up at him.

Platinum Warrior, you're an idiot.

He lowered his head and continued to smoke.

"Ah, Baga, Sine!"

The leader of the Japanese pirates couldn't bear it anymore and shot angrily.

The Japanese sword drew a gray light in the air, and the surrounding air became sticky.

While waving his knife, he shouted in Chinese: "Long live the Fusang Empire!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted by his shout.

The Japanese pirates showed cruel and proud smiles on their faces, as if they saw Jiang Ming's revelation being chopped off by their boss.

The residents of the small town looked worried. They knew the strength of the Japanese pirates, and some even closed their eyes because they couldn't bear to look directly at them.

Under the attention of everyone, Jiang Ming showed a look of contempt on his face, and chopped off the head of the pirate leader with one knife.

"Fusang Empire? Where did the monkey come from? Fuck you!"

The pirates were dumbfounded.

At this time, the convoy also arrived.

Jiang Ming raised his knife and said loudly: "The Shu army obeys the order and annihilates the Japanese pirates!"

The coachmen were waiting for this sentence, and immediately drew out the big swords hidden in the cart, and completed the transformation from coachman to elite soldier in the blink of an eye.

The sound of fighting resounded through the sky.

Jiang Ming and Zhuge Liang wiped out several warrior pirates, and the remaining ordinary pirates were no match for the elite soldiers of the Shu Kingdom, and were completely wiped out in less than a quarter of an hour.

"Thank you little hero for eradicating the scourge of Japanese pirates, we are grateful!"

"The little hero saved my daughter, please be sure to come to my house as a guest, the little girl deserves to be a landlord."

"That sentence of killing Wushe is good. If the government of this country also has this kind of awareness, why would the pirates dare to be so presumptuous?"

"That's right, that's right, those officials sitting in the temple are not as courageous as a young man."

The town residents cheered and praised Jiang Ming as a little hero.

There were also discordant voices: "Everyone, be careful what you say, they are from Shu, maybe they are spies who sneaked in."

As soon as this remark came out, countless people immediately cursed: "You fart! Will your spies stand up for the enemy?"

"The little hero just saved the lives of your whole family, but you are lucky to slander him as a spy with a backhand. Your conscience has been eaten by dogs?"

"I, Zhang San, would like to use my life to guarantee the little hero, he is definitely not a bad guy, otherwise I would hit my head on the ground and kill myself!"

"You slander the little hero so much, the old man is ashamed to be with you, you go, don't say you know me."

"Me too, from now on, I want to break up with you."

"Yes, break up the relationship!"

Outraged by the crowd, the man ran away in desperation.

"Enough is enough, Jiang Ming thank you for your kindness."

Jiang Ming pressed his hands dumbfounded.

It's really enough, it has the inside flavor of a cult.

At this time, a clear female voice came from a distance.

A beautiful woman with twin ponytails holding a cannon rolled and appeared in people's field of vision.

"The eldest lady is here, all of you will get out of the way!"

Jiang Ming's eyes lit up immediately, isn't this the purpose of our trip - Sun Shangxiang!
Before I even arrived in Jiang County, I ran into him first.

Jiang Ming greeted him with a smile on his face, but found that Sun Shangxiang looked at him in a wrong way.

When Sun Shangxiang heard about the Japanese pirates, she was so jealous that she couldn't turn a blind eye, so she rushed over without stopping.

I saw a bloody scene in front of me. The ground was covered with the corpses of town residents, and a group of strangers dressed in plain clothes but holding big knives stood in front of me. The man at the head looked very handsome, but his hands were covered with blood.

She raised the cannon, aimed at Jiang Ming, and shouted sharply:
"Are you all Japanese pirates? Give me a shot!"

I lost, you got the wrong person. . .Jiang Ming was about to explain, but he heard the voices from the surrounding residents: "Phantom Thief Girl, you misunderstood, they are not Japanese pirates, they are good people who defeated Japanese pirates."

Phantom Thief Girl?Is this Sun Shangxiang's nickname?Jiang Ming was puzzled.

"So that's the case, sorry for misunderstanding you."

Sun Shangxiang put down the cannon and said generously, "I'm late, thank you for saving the residents here, what's your name?"

"Jiang Ming."

Jiang Ming arched his hands and said, "Dare to ask the heroine Gao's name?"

Sun Shangxiang said: "The name is not important when walking in the rivers and lakes. I often do things that rob the rich and give to the poor. Everyone calls me Phantom Thief Girl."

Understood, the princess of the country traveled the rivers and lakes, in order not to reveal her identity, she played incognito.

It's a pity that others don't know you, but I know you.

Jiang Ming nodded slightly, and said: "The heroine is right, the name is not important, my friends also gave me a nickname, you can call me Genshuo Warrior, or just call me Jiang Genshuo."

Jiang Keun Suk, what kind of friend picked it up, is your friend serious? . .Zhuge Liang's face was full of black lines, and he was full of complaints.

"Gen Shuo Warrior, what a strange name, I'll call you Jiang Ming."

Sun Shangxiang scratched her head, but didn't understand what it meant.

Jiang Ming smiled and nodded: "That's fine."

"Jiang Ming, judging by your attire, you shouldn't be from Wu country, right?"

Sun Shangxiang showed a puzzled look on her delicate face.

Now that the situation in one-third of the land is tense, as the sister of the lord, she has the responsibility to find out the purpose of outsiders coming to Wu.

Jiang Ming looked at her for a while, and said frankly: "To tell you the truth, we are from the Kingdom of Shu, and this trip to the Kingdom of Wu is to propose marriage."

"Propose marriage? Which girl to propose marriage to?"

Sun Shangxiang suddenly became interested and opened his ears to listen.

However, what Jiang Ming said next surprised her.

"Xiang Sun Ce's younger sister, Sun Shangxiang."

(End of this chapter)

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